IWW picket against White and Case and outsourcing company Mitie against sacking of union official latest in actions against harassment of organisers

IWW Picket of White and Chase Source @LondonIWW

The London branch of the Industrial Workers of the World today staged a picket of the offices of law firm White and Case LLP against the sacking of Yolanda, a shop… Continue reading

Avoiding Police Facilitation – promoting state unsanctioned protests

PLOs Source: Netpol

Police forces are big fans of peaceful protests. That is, protests that are led by organisers who do what they’re told, who stick to a pre agreed route and work with police liaison officers to identify those… Continue reading

In or Out the ruling class will win and Fortress Europe will remain. Unless we dismantle it.

Internal EU border. By BlueMars at the English language Wikipedia, CC BY-SA 3.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=3255909

People in Britain will be given a mockery of choice in the upcoming European elections. If the Leave campaign wins, they will be faced with a… Continue reading

New Freedom Freesheet out now!

The latest freedom freesheet is out now and will be distributed around the country in the next week. Look out for it at your nearest radical social centre or bookshop or get in touch if you want some for any… Continue reading

The case against voting

“…while liberty of thought is written in the charter, slavery of thought, under the name of majority rule, is decreed by the charter.” – P. J. Proudhon

It should come as no surprise that the trend in rallying to the… Continue reading

So tell me again how the bus service is going to be run: a review of Inventing the Future

By Roger of Radical Think Tank, and Radical Assembly Education group

Some time back in the analogue days of the 1980s I was sitting in a room with three other nerdy, design-obsessive anarchists, working out the founding principles of the… Continue reading

The story of Glasgow’s Tent Town and the battle against homelessness and the City Council

Photo from Glasgow Anarchist Collective facebook page

This is the story of Tent Town, a camp of protest against the problem of homelessness in Glasgow and the people neglected by Glasgow City Council.

Tent Town had two purposes from the… Continue reading

The direction of radical movements – on Nuit Debout and the potential for radical change

By Olivier Ortelpa – https://www.flickr.com/photos/copivolta/26308885541/, CC BY 2.0

Within radical politics, there are many opportunities for political action. There are, from all corners, suggestions on how to get involved, what to do, and where to go. These outlooks tend to… Continue reading

SisterSupporter – protecting women from harassment and defending reproductive rights

photo from feminist fightback website

By Lindsay of SisterSupporter and West London Radical Assembly

SisterSupporter is a new pro-choice campaign group which formed in October 2015 to tackle the issue of religious campaigners standing outside of the Marie Stopes clinic… Continue reading

The struggle against climate change can only happen in reality

The internet. Source wikimedia

With an ecological crisis currently at hand, there is no time to waste to fight for a health inhabitable planet. Climate scientists are warning governments that the tipping point may have past and the climate could… Continue reading