Wendy Bacon


Journalist, Academic, Activist. Contrib. Ed. New Matilda; Prof Fellow ACIJ

Csatlakozott 2009. január

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  1. The Turnbull Govt too obsessed demonising asylum seekers that corruption inside their own immigration dept runs rife

  2. Greens call for inquiry as Immigration corruption festers via

  3. Blog post Photojournalist. Agree it's 'beyond disappointing" that won't stand by community

  4. It's tough for when AUS dominant media constantly unfairly attacks/spreads misinfo-except for - wonder why?

  5. Inner Westies! won't get elected on his own! Wanna to see the NSW Greens in House of Reps? sign-on

  6. Turnbull Coalition to "clawback" $2 billion from public welfare recipients. Corporate welfare recipients to get $50bn tax cuts

  7. That was the most absurd, irresponsible thing I've heard Turnbull say. Of course he as PM is responsible.

  8. Morrison releasing Coalition Costings Targeting welfare FFS!! Going for disadvantaged & vulnerable, again

  9. Meet 7 Indigenous legends who are fighting to 'close the gap'

  10. We could have 3 RCs for the price of a plebiscite

  11. . Labor has come out with a few policies this election, looks good against aimless Libs; but given Australia's needs, piss-weak

  12. . didn't talk at rally at . Now I hear he may not show for TheFeed tonight. Not a good look for community

  13. Coalition’s company tax cuts: more than 40% of benefit flows overseas, report finds

  14. the question was asked by the whistleblower. I'm so glad he is still out there fighting for the cause.

  15. Viciously so. Because Windsor has dared to mock Murdoch. That must be punished .

  16. meanwhile asylum seekers are mentally and physically abused for short term xenophobic and racist reasons.

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