
The number of Brazilians incarcerated for drug offences has increased dramatically in recent years

Source: Wikimedia

A Brazilian minister has called for an intensification of the War on Drugs, arguing that harsher punishments will reduce drug use. Earlier this week, Osmar Terra - who...

Source: Wikimedia

Cannabis is illegal in Denmark, and a conviction for trafficking may result in a lengthy prison sentence, yet people have been openly flouting the law for decades in an...

Source: Wikimedia

A medical examiner has confirmed that musician Prince died of an overdose on fentanyl, a powerful opioid. This high-profile case illustrates why governments must embrace...
The UK Department of Health has updated its Public Health Outcomes Framework (PHOF) to include a new sub-indicator on the number of deaths from drug misuse. The...

Source: Wikimedia

Online drug vendors are anonymously delivering their products through the US Postal Service, and the constitutional right to privacy is preventing law enforcement from...

Mike Penning MP, Minister of State for Justice - Source: Wikimedia

As the UK’s heavily-derided ‘legal highs’ ban takes effect, prisoners found in possession of these substances will face the prospect of an increased...
Preparation of Ayahuasca

Source: Wikimedia

The glamorisation of ayahuasca in Western media and the rise in tourism in Latin America has led to the commercialisation of the substance, and the undermining of its...
As the United States sees regulated medical marijuana models emerge across the country, a glaring paradox has arisen – many states require applicants for producer...
Experiencing a rise in coca cultivation, the Colombian government has resumed the use of a potentially carcinogenic herbicide in its efforts to tackle the source of the...

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Release: Drugs, The Law & Human RightsDrug ReporterTransform Drug Policy FoundationHarm Reduction International
International Drug Policy ConsortiumYouthRISE for reducing drug related harmYODA - Youth Organisations for Drug Action

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