
The Expropriated Bank of Gràcia: One More Step Forward in the Strategy of Tension – Argelaga

A report from Barcelona (published May 24, 2016) on the eviction of squatters from an expropriated former bank that was being used as a libertarian social center, the role of the City Government led by the former indignado, now Mayor, Ada Colau, in the affair, the resistance mounted by the social center’s supporters, and the political implications of the fact that Colau’s party, Barcelona en Comú (“Barcelona in Common”), despite her reassurances to the contrary, has now become a responsible party to repression and is providing a fig-leaf for a slowly intensifying “strategy of tension” that heralds further authoritarian developments for Spain.

Russian anarcho-syndicalists commemorate the Spanish revolution

A group of activists of the Russian section of the International Workers' Association (IWA-AIT) worked together to organize an exhibit and the presentation of scientific papers to mark the 80th year since the Spanish Revolution. The venue was the Centre of Social and Political History (GPIB, a branch of the State Public Historical Library) in Moscow.

Democratic autonomy in North Kurdistan: An interview with the Democratic Society Congress

This Democratic autonomy is a movement which aims to establish a network of grassroots assemblies in Bakur (the Kurmanji Kurdish word for the area of Kurdistan within the borders of Turkey). Corporate Watch carried out interviews with several of the organisations involved in the process of democratic autonomy in June and July 2015.

Democratic Confederalism in Kurdistan

This article examines the theory and practice of democratic confederalism in Bakur and Rojava, and goes on to discuss how we can engage in solidarity, while maintaining an honest and critical perspective.

Proletariat is rising: 1.2 million in the streets against El Khomri Law in France

1.2 million people (workers and students) in the streets against the proposed El Khomri Law.

Dover: far-right anti-refugee protest - as it happened

Far-right anti-refugee protest in Dover

Anti-fascists blocked streets to delay a far-right anti-refugee march in Dover which only took place because the police cleared its route.

The loser left departs its ivory tower: Sanders, Corbyn and principled pragmatism for the Anglophone communist movement

Corbyn/Sanders is proud to announce that we will be taking part in the formation of the new transatlantic initiative to fight the rise of the far right in the UK and US.

Workers strike at Tata Motors, Sanand, Gujarat, in India

Permanent workers of the Tata Motors plant in Sanand, Gujarat have struck work since 22nd February. This article looks at the strike in light of similar-dissimilar happenings in industrial production in India.

What sort of uprising do we need in Iraqi Kurdistan?

Zaher Baher discuss Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG) in Iraqi Kurdistan, its corruption, and the resistance of Iraqi Kurds to their political leaders.

Far-right to attempt surprise Liverpool return

National Action and NWI cowering in Liverpool Lime Street's lost luggage

Neo-Nazis and Infidels are set to link up with Polish football hooligans as far-right groups try to return to the city of Liverpool tomorrow.