6PR Perth Tonight

8pm - 12am 

Join Chris Ilsley for Perth's only live and local radio show after dark.
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Andre Rieu's praise for Perth

11:23 PM   He's known for bringing the beauty of classical music to a mainstream audience and soon Andre Rieu will bring his world-class orchestra back to our shores - and he couldn't be happier.

Recent Articles

Looking out for our fireys

WA's firefighters work in challenging conditions... mentally and physically.

Firefighting can be a physically demanding job, but the mental toll can be just as challenging.

Swimming... in Antarctica?

An Adelie penguin in Antarctica.

Think it's cold here in Perth at the moment? Spare a thought for the Aussies working in Antarctica!

Postal vote warning

The application form included with election materials.

Do you need to do a postal vote? Pay extra attention to the self-addressed envelope that comes with the application form.

100 Years: Remembering Pozieres

Stephen Ellery Hi Res killed Pozieres August 9, 1916.

Stephen Ellery Good.jpg

This year marks 100 years since the Battle of Pozieres, not that many Australians would know it.

Staying healthy after 30... and beyond

The book will be released next month.

Dr Frank Lipman joined 6PR's Chris Ilsley live from New York to share a few tips from his new book, which has just launched in Australia.

Reminiscing with music icon Dave Warner

Warner still delights the crowds with his music.

Perth's music scene has changed a lot since Dave Warner's Suburban Boy first hit the airwaves.

Birnie survivor seeks parole reform

Kate Moir escaped from serial killers David and Catherine Birnie.

At just 17, Kate Moir survived an abduction by serial killers Catherine and David Bernie. Now 30 years later, she's fighting to have parole laws reformed so Catherine Birnie can never be released.

Pelvic mesh no 'quick fix'

Some women fitted with pelvic mesh are suffering complications.

For the past decade, a pelvic mesh piece has been an option for Australian women living with internal prolapse. Now, many of them are suffering complications.

Passport woes ruin fundraiser

Passport looking a little worse for wear? Traveller beware...

Gerry Coleman and his son Ben were bound for Bali to complete a climb of Mount Agung for charity last month, but only one of them made it to the popular holiday island.

Mum: Oshin "totally traumatised"

Angela Kiszko with her son Oshin.

Candice Barnes   The mother of a six-year-old Perth boy forced to undergo chemotherapy against his parents wishes says she "felt like vomiting" when the treatment options were first presented to her.


Perth Tonight Regulars

Heard something on Perth Tonight and want to learn more? Here's how you can get in touch with our regular guests:

Book: There's A Magpie In My Soup

Are your kids or grandkids looking for something new to read? This week, 6PR's Chris Ilsley spoke to Australian author Sean Farrar about his fun new children's book.

Perth Tonight Spotlight: Johnny Young

Teen TV star, talented musician, radio DJ and Logie Hall of Fame inductee - the accolades keep coming for Johnny Young, so why not put him in the Perth Tonight spotlight?

Book: An Unending War

Australians in battle face more than a human enemy when on the front lines.

Book: Stripes in the Forest

This week's featured book explores the life of the last known wild thylacine, better known as the Tasmanian tiger or Tasmanian wolf.

Chef Matt's beef stew

Memories of chilly winter days and mum's tasty braised meats inspired chef Matt Leahy of Ultimo Catering to share a special recipe of his own.

Weekly Book: War Child

War Child is a riveting true story about life as an illegitimate child in Nazi Germany... with a twist.

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Brad Hardy and Karl Langdon

6PR Sports Today

6pm - 8pm 
