- published: 21 Jan 2008
- views: 6486126
Russell Dominic Peters (born September 29, 1970) is a Canadian comedian and actor. He began performing in Toronto in 1989 and won a Gemini Award in 2008.
Peters was born in Toronto, Ontario to Eric and Maureen Peters. When he was four, the family moved to nearby Brampton. His older brother Clayton now serves as Peters' manager. Peters is Catholic and of Anglo-Indian descent. His late father was born in Bombay, India and worked as a federal meat inspector; Peters regularly features stories about him in his comedy work.
Peters attended Chinguacousy Secondary School for grades 9–10, and North Peel Secondary School in Bramalea for grades 11–12. In school, he was regularly bullied because of his ethnicity. He eventually learned boxing, which helped him resist the bullying.
Peters also became a hip hop "junkie" in his youth. By the 1990s, he was a well-connected DJ in the Toronto scene.
Peters began performing in Toronto in 1989. He has since gone on to perform in several countries worldwide.
Russell Peters - Chinese, Indians, Jamaicans, Italians
Russell peters Airplanes
"Beat Your Kids" | Russell Peters - Outsourced
"Embarrassing Parents" | Russell Peters - Outsourced
Russell Peters : Why I don't do any Arab jokes ?? ^.^
"Arab Men" | Russell Peters - Notorious
[HD] Russell Peters' talk show in San Francisco (with subtitles 双语字幕) Part 1
GATO PETERS (Compilado de 90 Min.)
Family Guy - Peter's Intern
russell peters nyc live
White people, you need to beat your kids! Here's a clip from my 2006 special, "Outsourced." Get the full special on iTunes! Click here: http://apple.co/2f8oWWX Subscribe to my YouTube: http://bit.ly/SubscribeRussellPeters Check out my upcoming tour dates!: http://bit.ly/RussellPetersTour Like or follow me on: Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/RussellPeters Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/TheRealRussellP Instagram: http://www.instagram.com/RussellPeters Watch More Videos! "Comedy Now" Accents: https://youtu.be/z4KhEj0ai5E African Names: https://youtu.be/U4okFm62gxk Be A Man!: https://youtu.be/ITwPzduUmCw Gay Indians: https://youtu.be/aBQjiFMle0k Jamaicans: https://youtu.be/E42gaKV1LxI "Outsourced" Two Types of Asian: https://youtu.be/z4x897gkgns Terrorists vs Indians: https://youtu.b...
Immigrant parents are the best at embarrassing their kids! Here's a clip from my 2006 special, "Outsourced." Get the full special on iTunes! Click here: http://apple.co/2f8oWWX Subscribe to my YouTube: http://bit.ly/SubscribeRussellPeters Check out my upcoming tour dates!: http://bit.ly/RussellPetersTour Like or follow me on: Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/RussellPeters Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/TheRealRussellP Instagram: http://www.instagram.com/RussellPeters Watch More Videos! "Comedy Now" Accents: https://youtu.be/z4KhEj0ai5E African Names: https://youtu.be/U4okFm62gxk Be A Man!: https://youtu.be/ITwPzduUmCw Gay Indians: https://youtu.be/aBQjiFMle0k Jamaicans: https://youtu.be/E42gaKV1LxI "Outsourced" Two Types of Asian: https://youtu.be/z4x897gkgns Terrorists vs Indians...
If you don't know something, just say "I don't know!" Here's a clip from my 2013 special, "Notorious." Watch the full special on Netflix! Subscribe to my YouTube: http://bit.ly/SubscribeRussellPeters Check out my upcoming tour dates!: http://bit.ly/RussellPetersTour Like or follow me on: Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/RussellPeters Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/TheRealRussellP Instagram: http://www.instagram.com/RussellPeters Watch More Videos! "Comedy Now" Accents: https://youtu.be/z4KhEj0ai5E African Names: https://youtu.be/U4okFm62gxk Be A Man!: https://youtu.be/ITwPzduUmCw Gay Indians: https://youtu.be/aBQjiFMle0k Jamaicans: https://youtu.be/E42gaKV1LxI "Outsourced" Two Types of Asian: https://youtu.be/z4x897gkgns Terrorists vs Indians: https://youtu.be/uTXemscTJWM Cultural...
1. If the video cracked you up, please buy the DVD to support him. It's really worth to collection!!! 2, If break any copyright, please contact with me. No offence, just want to share happiness with others. 如触犯版权, 请与我联系.
Russell Peters on "Larry King Now" - Full Episode Available in the U.S. on Ora.TV SUBSCRIBE to Larry King's YouTube Channel:http://bit.ly/131HuYM He's the #3 highest-earning comic in the world. Russell Peters gets real about why he hasn't conquered the American market, and how he gets away with making fun of virtually everyone. Plus, the real story behind 'Somebody Gonna Get Hurt Real Bad.' FACEBOOK: http://www.facebook.com/OraTV &http;://www.facebook.com/LarryKing TWITTER: http://twitter.com/OraTV Use #LarryKingNow to make comments & ask us questions on Twitter! Watch the Full Interview Here: http://www.ora.tv/larrykingnow
Canadian stand-up comic, Russell Peters on The Late Late Show with Craig Ferguson [ 1/30/09 ]
Our exclusive interview with the Canadian comedy icon - in town to film his latest comedy special for Netflix “Almost Famous” @ Massey Hall.
Russell sits down on The Todd Shapiro Radio Show for a in depth and hilarious interview. Todd Shapiro on Twitter @ iamToddyTickles Jay Brody on Twitter @TheJayBrody Anna Cyzon on Twitter @AnnaCyzon Roddy Colmer on Twitter @ RoddyColmer Geoff Willingham (Guitar) on Facebook @ Geoff.Willingham.5 Samuel Lehner (Videographer) @ www.SamProductions.ca Listen weekdays from 4pm-6pm on SiriusXM Canada Laughs Ch.168! www.TheToddShapiroShow.com 1-844-887-7469 DOWNLOAD THE PODCAST! https://itunes.apple.com/ca/podcast/the-todd-shapiro-show/id833625507?mt=2 LIKE OUR FACEBOOK PAGE! https://www.facebook.com/IamToddyTickles FOLLOW US ON TWITTER AND INSTAGRAM! www.Twitter.com/@ToddShapiroShow www.Instagram.com/ToddShapiroShow SUBSCRIBE ON YOUTUBE! https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCI1RHDoVjDdDMVcNW1rT...
Comedian Russell Peters is back in the red chair talking about fatherhood and career. Subscribe: http://bit.ly/CBCSubscribe Watch Full Episodes of George Stroumboulopoulos: http://bit.ly/FullEpisodesCBC About George Stroumboulopoulos Tonight: In-depth conversations with influential and fascinating people. Stay Connected: Visit George Stroumboulopoulos: http://bit.ly/CBCStrombo Twitter: http://bit.ly/CBCStromboTwitter Facebook: http://bit.ly/CBCStromboFB About CBC: Welcome to the official YouTube channel for CBC, Canada’s public broadcaster. CBC is dedicated to creating content with original voices that inspire and entertain. Watch sneak peeks and trailers, behind the scenes footage, original web series, digital-exclusives and more. Connect with CBC Online: Twitter: http://bit.ly/CBC...
Flashback video of comedian Russell Peters interviewing Aamir Khan in 2001!
India Questions: Stand-up comedian Russell Peters on making fun of Indians in front of Indian audiences. Is 'somebody gonna get hurt real bad?' Watch full show: http://www.ndtv.com/video/player/india-questions/india-questions-russell-peters-aired-november-2008/281301
Russell Peters Best Interview Ever !!! New 2016
Comedian Russell Peters is in the studio to talk to Big Boy! Russell discusses comedy beef, people recording his shows, the Ashley Madison hack, and more! --------- SUBSCRIBE: http://ow.ly/qlu31 OTHER VIDEOS : http://tinyurl.com/la6v9cb SOCIAL MEDIA LINKS: Twitter-- http://ow.ly/qlu6b Facebook-- http://ow.ly/qlu7g Instagram-- http://ow.ly/qlu7W Big Boy TV is expanding the Neighborhood to give viewers YouTube-exclusive content: vlogs, pranks, celebrity interviews, phone taps, and more.
Ich möcht' so gern der Zettel sein an deinem großen Zeh,dann wär' ich auch in schwerster Stunde ganz in deiner Nähe.Ich liebe dich so sehr, ich will für immer bei dir sein,drum packt mich doch am besten mit in deinen Sarg hinein!
Jehoo - ich liebe dich so arg, ich möcht in deinen Sarg mit rein,Jehoo - ich liebe dich so sehr, ich will für immer bei dir sein,bei dir sein.
Ich hänge sehr am Leben und ich hänge sehr an dir,bloß wie's aussieht, lebst du nicht mehr lang, der Tod steht vor der Tür.Daß ich nur alte Damen lieben kann, scheint jetzt fatal,denn so alte Damen, (uahaha) die sterben nun einmal.