Something is likely preventing AddToAny's JavaScript from loading. We recommend searching the web for your specific issue and troubleshooting the issue first.
To troubleshoot, try another web browser, device, and/or Internet connection to see what is preventing you from loading AddToAny. The most common cause for this issue is having a browser add-on enabled that blocks ads and sometimes major social buttons such as AddToAny's. If the cause is an add-on, we recommend contacting the add-on's author about whitelisting AddToAny.
If you are experiencing an issue on your site only, try temporarily switching to a default theme (where applicable) and temporarily disabling all other components & plugins on your site. Site-specific issues commonly stem from another website component causing a conflict. Sometimes site-specific issues are caused by invalid website HTML code, so it's a good idea to validate your pages and resolve validation issues. Feel free to contact us with details about your issue — we'll try to help. Point us to your website, and let us know if you're using the general AddToAny code or one of AddToAny's plugins (such as AddToAny's WordPress plugin, Drupal module, or Blogger widget, etc.).