Mal Bicho (Guatemala)
De 1978 a 1982 especialmente con los gobiernos militares de Fernando Romeo Lucas Garcia y ...
published: 05 Feb 2008
author: PaysDesVolcans
Mal Bicho (Guatemala)
Mal Bicho (Guatemala)
De 1978 a 1982 especialmente con los gobiernos militares de Fernando Romeo Lucas Garcia y Efrain Rios Montt se realizaron programas de matanza selectiva (en ...- published: 05 Feb 2008
- views: 48275
- author: PaysDesVolcans
Los que sobrevivan, no olviden-versión corta
Edna Albertina del Tránsito Asunción y Carlos Alberto Figueroa Castro, se conocieron en la...
published: 31 Oct 2011
author: ACOSDEC
Los que sobrevivan, no olviden-versión corta
Los que sobrevivan, no olviden-versión corta
Edna Albertina del Tránsito Asunción y Carlos Alberto Figueroa Castro, se conocieron en la Facultad de Humanidades de la Universidad de San Carlos de Guatema...- published: 31 Oct 2011
- views: 930
- author: ACOSDEC
Oliverio Castañeda de León era un joven de 23 años, proveniente de una familia capitalina ...
published: 15 Oct 2013
Oliverio Castañeda de León era un joven de 23 años, proveniente de una familia capitalina de clase media. Brillante estudiante de Economía, se destacó en la directiva de la Asociación de Estudiantes Universitarios (AEU), de la Universidad de San Carlos de Guatemala cuando, en el período 77-78, ocupó el cargo de secretario de finanzas. Su trayectoria en el movimiento estudiantil universitario registró un rápido ascenso, dados su carisma y capacidad de liderazgo. En mayo de 1978 fue elegido secretario general de la AEU, respaldado por el grupo estudiantil Frente, que aglutinaba a asociaciones estudiantiles de diferentes facultades y escuelas de la Universidad de San Carlos Frente era uno de los principales conglomerados estudiantiles en la Universidad de San Carlos, en el que participaban miembros de la Juventud Patriótica del Trabajo (JPT). Un 20 de octubre, de 1978, Oliverio Castañeda De León, líder estudiantil guatemalteco, fue asesinado en pleno centro de la Ciudad de Guatemala, durante el régimen del General Fernando Romeo Lucas García.- published: 15 Oct 2013
- views: 169
Ensueños blindados (Golpe de Estado de 1982)
El golpe de Estado de 1982, encabezado por Ríos Montt y una junta militar, tuvo por objeti...
published: 17 Jul 2011
author: laverdadlibre
Ensueños blindados (Golpe de Estado de 1982)
Ensueños blindados (Golpe de Estado de 1982)
El golpe de Estado de 1982, encabezado por Ríos Montt y una junta militar, tuvo por objetivo desconocer al gobierno de Romeo Lucas García. Los principales mo...- published: 17 Jul 2011
- views: 57727
- author: laverdadlibre
Tras la pista del genocidio 3/3
Viajamos a Guatemala en la primavera de 2001, pero ya llevaba un tiempo dándole vueltas al...
published: 25 Sep 2011
author: jamacor4
Tras la pista del genocidio 3/3
Tras la pista del genocidio 3/3
Viajamos a Guatemala en la primavera de 2001, pero ya llevaba un tiempo dándole vueltas al reportaje. Quería denunciar una de las más grandes injusticias que...- published: 25 Sep 2011
- views: 1058
- author: jamacor4
La Isla (Ríos Montt y Golpe de Estado de 1982)
"Durante la presidencia de Ríos Montt (1982-1983) son asesinadas cerca de 70000 personas"....
published: 29 Jul 2011
author: laverdadlibre
La Isla (Ríos Montt y Golpe de Estado de 1982)
La Isla (Ríos Montt y Golpe de Estado de 1982)
"Durante la presidencia de Ríos Montt (1982-1983) son asesinadas cerca de 70000 personas". El golpe de Estado de 1982, encabezado por Ríos Montt y una junta...- published: 29 Jul 2011
- views: 8127
- author: laverdadlibre
Estefania Flavia Ailen Frega, Estefi Frega, Te amo
Estefania Flavia Ailen Frega, Estefi Frega, Te amo para toda la vida y te voy a amar por s...
published: 18 Jul 2009
author: lucasgarromm
Estefania Flavia Ailen Frega, Estefi Frega, Te amo
Estefania Flavia Ailen Frega, Estefi Frega, Te amo
Estefania Flavia Ailen Frega, Estefi Frega, Te amo para toda la vida y te voy a amar por siempre. TE AMO.- published: 18 Jul 2009
- views: 200
- author: lucasgarromm
Guatemala La Tierra Arrasada(José Gayà-2004)(EtnilumidadHD-2011)
En Guatemala, luego de la intervención estadounidense para derrocar al gobierno democrátic...
published: 07 May 2011
author: etnilumidadinternaci
Guatemala La Tierra Arrasada(José Gayà-2004)(EtnilumidadHD-2011)
Guatemala La Tierra Arrasada(José Gayà-2004)(EtnilumidadHD-2011)
En Guatemala, luego de la intervención estadounidense para derrocar al gobierno democrático de Jacobo Arbenz Guzmán, el avance de 10 años de gobierno revoluc...- published: 07 May 2011
- views: 8141
- author: etnilumidadinternaci
Guatemala Documentary
On July 4, 1944, dictator Jorge Ubico Castañeda was forced to resign his office in respons...
published: 19 Jun 2012
Guatemala Documentary
Guatemala Documentary
On July 4, 1944, dictator Jorge Ubico Castañeda was forced to resign his office in response to a wave of protests and a general strike. His replacement, General Juan Federico Ponce Vaides, was later also forced out of office on October 20, 1944 by a coup d'état led by Major Francisco Javier Arana and Captain Jacobo Arbenz Guzmán. About 100 people were killed in the coup. The country was led by a military junta made up of Arana, Arbenz, and Jorge Toriello Garrido. The Junta called Guatemala's first free election, which was won with a majority of 85% by the prominent writer and teacher Juan José Arévalo Bermejo, who had lived in exile in Argentina for 14 years. Arévalo was the first democratically elected president of Guatemala to fully complete the term for which he was elected. His "Christian Socialist" policies, inspired by the U.S. New Deal, were criticized by landowners and the upper class as "communist." This period was also the beginning of the Cold War between the U.S. and the USSR, which was to have a considerable influence on Guatemalan history. From the 1950s through the 1990s, the U.S. government directly supported Guatemala's army with training, weapons, and money. In 1954, Arévalo's freely elected Guatemalan successor, Arbenz, was overthrown in a coup orchestrated by the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) in the 1954 Guatemalan coup d'état. He considered himself a socialist. After his land reform, the CIA intervened because it feared that a socialist government would become a Soviet beachhead in the Western Hemisphere. Colonel Carlos Castillo Armas was installed as president in 1954 and ruled until he was assassinated by a member of his personal guard in 1957. Substantial evidence points to the role of the American United Fruit Company (which changed its name in 1970 to Chiquita Brands International Inc) as instrumental in this coup, as the land reforms of Jacobo Arbenz were threatening the company's interests in Guatemala and it had several direct ties to the White House and the CIA. (See United Fruit Company -- History in Central America). In the election that followed, General Miguel Ydígoras Fuentes assumed power. He is most celebrated for challenging the Mexican president to a gentleman's duel on the bridge on the south border to end a feud on the subject of illegal fishing by Mexican boats on Guatemala's Pacific coast, two of which were sunk by the Guatemalan Air Force. Ydigoras authorized the training of 5,000 anti-Castro Cubans in Guatemala. He also provided airstrips in the region of Petén for what later became the failed Bay of Pigs Invasion in 1961. Ydigoras' government was ousted in 1963 when the Guatemalan Air Force attacked several military bases. The coup was led by his Defense Minister, Colonel Enrique Peralta Azurdia. In 1966, Julio César Méndez Montenegro was elected president of Guatemala under the banner "Democratic Opening". Mendez Montenegro was the candidate of the Revolutionary Party, a center-left party which had its origins in the post-Ubico era. It was during this time that rightist paramilitary organizations, such as the "White Hand" (Mano Blanca), and the Anticommunist Secret Army, (Ejército Secreto Anticomunista), were formed. Those organizations were the forerunners of the infamous "Death Squads". Military advisers from the United States Army Special Forces (Green Berets) were sent to Guatemala to train troops and help transform its army into a modern counter-insurgency force, which eventually made it the most sophisticated in Central America. In 1970, Colonel Carlos Manuel Arana Osorio was elected president. A new guerrilla movement entered the country from Mexico, into the Western Highlands in 1972. In the disputed election of 1974, General Kjell Laugerud García defeated General Efraín Ríos Montt, a candidate of the Christian Democratic Party, who claimed that he had been cheated out of a victory through fraud. On February 4, 1976, a major earthquake destroyed several cities and caused more than 25,000 deaths. In 1978, in a fraudulent election, General Romeo Lucas García assumed power. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Guatemala- published: 19 Jun 2012
- views: 28142
Una pequeña muestra de lo que se vivió en la Calzada Romeo Lucas García. Habilidosos pilot...
published: 07 Oct 2013
Una pequeña muestra de lo que se vivió en la Calzada Romeo Lucas García. Habilidosos pilotos de unos 40 vehículos aceleraron sus motores y midieron su fuerza. La actividad la denominaron "Cuarto de Milla" y fue en beneficio de la clínica para pacientes de epilepsia de Cobán.- published: 07 Oct 2013
- views: 113
Los que sobrevivan, no olviden-versión extendida
Edna Albertina del Tránsito Asunción, nació en Momostenango, Totonicapán, Guatemala, el 15...
published: 31 Oct 2011
author: ACOSDEC
Los que sobrevivan, no olviden-versión extendida
Los que sobrevivan, no olviden-versión extendida
Edna Albertina del Tránsito Asunción, nació en Momostenango, Totonicapán, Guatemala, el 15 de agosto de 1924. Carlos Alberto Figueroa Castro, nació en San An...- published: 31 Oct 2011
- views: 771
- author: ACOSDEC
Ensueños blindados (Corrupción, Rios Montt y moralismo)
Durante la dictadura de Romeo Lucas García (1978-1982), muchos generales y militares se ap...
published: 29 Jun 2011
author: laverdadlibre
Ensueños blindados (Corrupción, Rios Montt y moralismo)
Ensueños blindados (Corrupción, Rios Montt y moralismo)
Durante la dictadura de Romeo Lucas García (1978-1982), muchos generales y militares se apropiaron de tierras en la llamad Franja Transversal del Norte, por ...- published: 29 Jun 2011
- views: 33058
- author: laverdadlibre
Heirs of Vladimir Lenin: History of Guatemala
http://thefilmarchive.org/ The Guatemalan Civil War (1960--96) involved the government, ri...
published: 28 Nov 2011
author: The Film Archive
Heirs of Vladimir Lenin: History of Guatemala
Heirs of Vladimir Lenin: History of Guatemala
http://thefilmarchive.org/ The Guatemalan Civil War (1960--96) involved the government, right-wing paramilitary organizations, and left-wing insurgents. A va...- published: 28 Nov 2011
- views: 67927
- author: The Film Archive
GUATEMALA... Solo le pido a Dios - Leon Gieco (Sub. français)
Entre 1960 y 1996, Guatemala sufrió de una larga guerra civil, la cual dejó un profundo im...
published: 11 Mar 2008
author: PaysDesVolcans
GUATEMALA... Solo le pido a Dios - Leon Gieco (Sub. français)
GUATEMALA... Solo le pido a Dios - Leon Gieco (Sub. français)
Entre 1960 y 1996, Guatemala sufrió de una larga guerra civil, la cual dejó un profundo impacto. En ella ocurrió el llamado Genocidio Guatemalteco y la epoca...- published: 11 Mar 2008
- views: 12685
- author: PaysDesVolcans
Youtube results:
An Intellect (Feature Film)- MUWCI IB Film HL 2012
Before you watch the whole film, I strongly recommend you to watch my trailer if haven't d...
published: 25 Apr 2012
author: EAGT402
An Intellect (Feature Film)- MUWCI IB Film HL 2012
An Intellect (Feature Film)- MUWCI IB Film HL 2012
Before you watch the whole film, I strongly recommend you to watch my trailer if haven't done it. Here's the link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gig9VQYzvdw...- published: 25 Apr 2012
- views: 147
- author: EAGT402
7 stairs Francesco Pessina and Romeo Lucas
Francesco Pessina and Romeo Lucas ollie,180 and kickflip over 7 stairs in Losone....
published: 09 Apr 2013
author: Canale di TheFrancesk8
7 stairs Francesco Pessina and Romeo Lucas
7 stairs Francesco Pessina and Romeo Lucas
Francesco Pessina and Romeo Lucas ollie,180 and kickflip over 7 stairs in Losone.- published: 09 Apr 2013
- views: 26
- author: Canale di TheFrancesk8
Romeo Lucas and Francesco Pessina shaka sign video trailer
via Umberto I,35 cannobio (vb)...
published: 30 Mar 2013
Romeo Lucas and Francesco Pessina shaka sign video trailer
Romeo Lucas and Francesco Pessina shaka sign video trailer
via Umberto I,35 cannobio (vb)- published: 30 Mar 2013
- views: 45