- published: 18 Jun 2009
- views: 21299
w-inds. is a Japanese pop boy band that is managed by Vision Factory and has been signed to the Pony Canyon label since 2000. The group consists of the three individuals Ryohei Chiba, Keita Tachibana, and Ryuichi Ogata. They made their formal debut in 2001 and, to date, have released 30 singles. In addition to their popularity in Japan, they have a relatively large fan base around other Asian countries (such as Taiwan and Hong Kong) and regularly make television appearances there.
Tachibana is the lead singer of the group, and initially Chiba and Ogata were to join as back-up dancers. However, throughout their career, Chiba and Ogata both gained larger roles in their music by providing back-up vocals and occasionally rapping. In 2002 together with Flame and Folder5 they compiled a short studio album titled Earth Harmony.
Ryohei Chiba began attending a dance school in Sapporo, where he met Ryuichi Ogata, who attended at the request of his older sister. Chiba performed dances live with his friends and also made a television appearance in 1998 with his mother at a variety show, where he won the attention of all the female judges as the cutest.
喜歡w-inds.的粉絲們~ 我以前做的pv.. 現在放上來給你們看~ 希望你們會喜歡!!! + + + + + + + + + + ~理佐(risa) 自製~
https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLxVIyY32aqf1HCy5Ry1q7qsxPeIUA2bgg 1. -Prologue- 2. Lil' Crazy 3. Party Down 4. Color me 5. -Message- 6. 夏空の恋の詩 7. 四季 8. ageha 9. -Dance Bridge- 10. song 4 U 11. -MC- 12. 夢の場所へ 13. Pieces 14. マバタキの夢 15. -MC- 16. タイムマシーン 17. -Band Bridge- 18. キレイだ 19. 変わりゆく空 20. Gift 21. SUPER LOVER~I need you tonight~ (Enc1) 22. Feel The Fate (Enc2) 23. Fire Flower (Enc3) 24. try your emotion (Enc4) 25. 十六夜の月 (Double Enc)
01. Feel The Fate 02. try your emotion 03. SUPER LOVER ~I need you tonight~ 04. ブギウギ66 05. NEW PARADISE 06. 四季 07. 変わりゆく空 08. Beautiful Life 09. Love is message 10. Paradox 11. Because of you 12. 十六夜の月 13. 約束のカケラ 14. Pieces 15. ハナムケ 16. You & I 17. アメあと 18. TRIAL 19. A Little Bit 20. 夢の場所へ 21. キレイだ 22. Another Days 23. 夢で逢えるのに ~Sometimes I Cry~ 24. FLY HIGH 25. Addicted to love 26. CAN'T GET BACK 27. LOVE IS THE GREATEST THING 28. In Love With The Music 29. IT'S IN THE STARS 30. Rain Is Fallin' 31. New World 32. Let's get it on EN1. Long Road EN2. FANTASY EN3. Forever Memories EN4. Boom Word Up
01.T2P 02.Let's get it on 03.FLY HIGH 04.Put your hands up!!! 05.MAKE IT ROCK 06.Some More 07.Addicted to love 08.You & I 09.黄昏One Way 10.New World 11.Re:vision 12.Superstar 13.I vs. I 14.Zirconia~ジルコニア~ 15.Listen to the Rain 16.More than words 17.SAY YES EN.1.Touch The Sky EN.2.Noise EN.3.To My Fans
w-inds.「New World」「SAY YES」 from DVD/Blu-ray「w-inds. 15th Anniversary LIVE TOUR 2016 "Forever Memories"」 -------------------- DVD / Blu-ray 「w-inds. 15th Anniversary LIVE TOUR 2016 "Forever Memories"」 2016.12.28 Release デビュー15周年記念全国ツアー国内最終公演、9/22@東京国際フォーラム ホールAでのライブの模様を収録! ◎初回限定盤<DVD[2枚組]+書籍>数量限定生産 ┣本編+特典映像「FUNTIME ~ "Starring actress" is You !!~」+スペシャルブック(72P) ┗PCBP-53159/¥6,800(税込) ◎通常盤 DVD[2枚組] / 通常盤 Blu-ray[1枚組] ┣本編+特典映像「Behind The Scene of w-inds. 15th Anniversary LIVE TOUR 2016 “Forever Memories”」 ┗[DVD]PCBP-53160/¥5,300(税込) / [Blu-ray]PCXP-5045/¥6,400(税込) 【本編収録内容】※全形態共通 「w-inds. 15th Anniversary LIVE TOUR 2016 "Forever Memories"」 01. try your emotion 02. Endless Moment 03. will be there ~恋心~ 04. NEW PARADISE 05. 変わりゆく空 06. Make you mine 07. No matter where you are 08. FUNTIME...
01. Do Your Actions 02. Make you mine 03. Good time 04. move your body 05. Find Myself 06. ジレンマ 07. whose is that girl? 08. Say so long 09. 夢で逢えるのに ~Sometimes I Cry~ 10. Sexy Girl 11. K.O. 12. so what? 13. Crazy for you 14. YES or NO 15. killin' me 16. You Are… 17. Dream You Back 18. Together Now 19. Feeling U 20. STEREO EN 01. Moon Clock EN 02. will be there ~恋心 EN 03. Show me your style
w-inds. live tour 2014 timeless
01. Feel The Fate 02. try your emotion 03. SUPER LOVER ~I need you tonight~ 04. ブギウギ66 05. NEW PARADISE 06. 四季 07. 変わりゆく空 08. Beautiful Life 09. Love is message 10. Paradox 11. Because of you 12. 十六夜の月 13. 約束のカケラ 14. Pieces 15. ハナムケ 16. You & I 17. アメあと 18. TRIAL 19. A Little Bit 20. 夢の場所へ 21. キレイだ 22. Another Days 23. 夢で逢えるのに ~Sometimes I Cry~ 24. FLY HIGH 25. Addicted to love 26. CAN'T GET BACK 27. LOVE IS THE GREATEST THING 28. In Love With The Music 29. IT'S IN THE STARS 30. Rain Is Fallin' 31. New World 32. Let's get it on EN1. Long Road EN2. FANTASY EN3. Forever Memories EN4. Boom Word Up
►訂閱youtube頻道 - https://goo.gl/l9PnAu ►G2A官方網站推廣 - https://www.g2a.com/r/winds123 ►Twitch 實況台 - http://www.twitch.tv/wtf_winds123 ►Facebook 粉絲頁 - https://www.facebook.com/winds87 ►S7 Winds打野天賦符文 http://ppt.cc/Htmw9 (2016/12/02更新) 喜歡的話~~~歡迎幫我按個訂閱或讚唷!!!謝謝大家~~~ 有問題也可以在下面發問喔~~~
NH Airtime was live at Amsterdam Airport Schiphol to capture two and a half hours of landings with gusts up to 35 knots. Runway in use: 27 (Buitenveldertbaan)
►訂閱youtube頻道 - https://goo.gl/l9PnAu ►G2A官方網站推廣 - https://www.g2a.com/r/winds123 ►Twitch 實況台 - http://www.twitch.tv/wtf_winds123 ►Facebook 粉絲頁 - https://www.facebook.com/winds87 ►S7 Winds打野天賦符文 http://ppt.cc/Htmw9 (2016/12/02更新) 喜歡的話~~~歡迎幫我按個訂閱或讚唷!!!謝謝大家~~~ 有問題也可以在下面發問喔~~~
►訂閱youtube頻道 - https://goo.gl/l9PnAu ►G2A官方網站推廣 - https://www.g2a.com/r/winds123 ►Twitch 實況台 - http://www.twitch.tv/wtf_winds123 ►Facebook 粉絲頁 - https://www.facebook.com/winds87 ►S7 Winds打野天賦符文 http://ppt.cc/Htmw9 (2016/12/02更新) 喜歡的話~~~歡迎幫我按個訂閱或讚唷!!!謝謝大家~~~ 有問題也可以在下面發問喔~~~
NOTE: There will be special gift for our audience. Please keep tracking "the making of" 註:請留意下回花絮,將有特別禮品給我們的觀眾! Official Facebook: www.facebook.com/InDepthHK Interview Part 1: http://youtu.be/MNn8SVZtHPk Making of... : http://youtu.be/UKecPOwaOb8 Cr: Make you mine (fr 10th album "Timeless") [Forward Music Hong Kong /PONY CANYON INC.]
There will be special gift for our audience. Please refer to our Facebook. 請留意我們Facebook專頁,將有特別禮品給我們的觀眾! Official Facebook: www.facebook.com/InDepthHK Interview Part 1: http://youtu.be/MNn8SVZtHPk Interview Part 2: http://youtu.be/9xvr9VDtYZc 註:為保障翻譯員私隱,畫面經過處理。 Remarks: To protect the privacy of the interpreter, the video has been processed. Cr: Do Your Action (fr 10th album "Timeless") [Forward Music Hong Kong /PONY CANYON INC.]; Good time (fr 10th album "Timeless") [Forward Music Hong Kong /PONY CANYON INC.]; Make you mine (fr 10th album "Timeless") [Forward Music Hong Kong /PONY CANYON INC.]
During an interview with George R.R. Martin and Colony co-creator Ryan Condal, the A Song of Ice and Fire author dropped some big details about his forthcoming novel. Watch the full interview here! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Kb6z-rnDGGY ---------------------------------- Follow IGN for more! ---------------------------------- IGN OFFICIAL APP: http://www.ign.com/mobile FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/ign TWITTER: https://twitter.com/ign INSTAGRAM: https://instagram.com/igndotcom/?hl=en WEBSITE: http://www.ign.com/ GOOGLE+: https://plus.google.com/+IGN
6月11日にニューシングル『夢で逢えるのに ~Sometimes I Cry~』をリリース。さらに7月9日には10枚目のアルバム『Timeless』の発売も決定し、7月19日からは全国ツアーを開催するw-inds.から応援メッセージをいただきました!! わきあいあいとしたインタビューはぜひ誌面をチェックしてね!! 月刊デ☆ビュー公式サイト:http://deview.co.jp/ 公式ツイッター:https://twitter.com/Deview_staff 編集部ブログ:http://blog.oricon.co.jp/de-view2008/
LOM Model Mischief Madnness interviews Winds of Plague vocalist Johnny Plague on their first headline tour since their triumphant return from their hiatus http://www.theladiesofmetal.com http://www.facebook.com/ladiesofmetal https://soundcloud.com/mischiefmadness https://facebook.com/mischiefmadnessmodel
Metal Mark Interview with Winds of Plague on May 6th,2008 at The Masquerade. Winds of Plague- http://www.myspace.com/windsofplague Interview by Metal Mark- http://www.myspace.com/metalmark84 Filmed By Ryan Weason- http://www.myspace.com/insecure_delusions
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I love Ryohei.