Universal Jurisdiction and the Americanization of International Law? A Flawed Argument

Edit Huffington Post 02 Jun 2016
In 1648 the Treaty of Westphalia put and end to the 'Thirty Years' War and to the long-lasting religious confrontation between Catholics and Protestants in Europe ... Following this trend, since the end of the Second World War the focus of international law has--although timidly--changed from sovereign States to individuals....

Islamic terrorist proves Thomas Paine correct

Edit The Examiner 24 May 2016
Thomas Paine is one of America's most overlooked and forgotten Founders ... One observation Paine made is, "Belief in a cruel god makes a cruel man." ... A quick look at the Hebrew Bible/Old Testament and the current Israeli occupation of Palestinian lands makes the truth to Paine's observation evident, as does looking at the Christian New Testament and reflecting on the Christian crusades, the Inquisition, the Thirty Years War, etc ... 1 ... 2 ... 3 ... 4....

America’s Continuing Misadventures in the Middle East

Edit Information Clearing House 12 May 2016
Wars of religion ... Second.  Work with partners in the region to push for a bargain like that which ended the Thirty Years War in Europe in 1648.  The Treaty of Westphalia established an interfaith modus vivendi – cvivs regio eivs religio – a principle of live and let live for diverse beliefs and religious practices within Christendom....

The Collapsing State System and the Western Stake in the Middle East

Edit Topix 02 May 2016
The Westphalian System is a doctrine in international law that has been the generally accepted norm for the world order in the past couple of centuries. The basis of this doctrine is the Peace of Westphalia that put an end to the Thirty Years' War in Europe in 1648 ... ....

Cover story: The child of war ─ the story of IS

Edit Dawn 01 May 2016
Cockburn describes the Syrian civil war as “a Middle-East version of the Thirty YearsWar in Germany four hundred years ago.” With all sides overstating their own strength and imagining that temporary success on the battlefield will pave the way to victory, the outcome probably rests with the US, Russia, Saudi Arabia and Iran, he says — all of whom have different regional interests and objectives....

Press Releases: Remarks at the Vietnam War Summit and Conversation With Ken Burns (US Department of State)

Edit Public Technologies 28 Apr 2016
In 1971, when I testified against the war in Vietnam before the Senate, I spoke of the determination of veterans to undertake one last mission so that in 30 ... And if you think back historically on the Thirty Years' War, and other things, we shouldn't claim any primacy in our ability to avoid that kind of memory - Northern Ireland and other places....

Turkey blackmails Europe with its own instability

Edit Asia Times 25 Apr 2016
Turkey desperately requires loans from Western Europe in order to support the consumer-lending bubble that has propped up its economy and Erdogan’s government during the past several years ... The only viable long-term solution to the confessional and ethnic conflicts which have made the Levant look like Europe during the Thirty Years War is devolution....

The Age of Genius: A.C. Grayling on when thinking left behind the medieval times

Edit Sydney Morning Herald 22 Apr 2016
... greatest works and so much more – took place during one of the most war-ravaged centuries in history. Especially the Thirty Years War (1618-1648) in which one third of what we might loosely call the German population perished ... But it does get off to a slow start, the first 100 pages being devoted to a detailed account of the Thirty Years War....

International conference on the legend of Wallenstein (Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg)

Edit Public Technologies 21 Apr 2016
One of the most fascinating figures of the Thirty Years' War is the focus of a conference that will be held in Nuremberg from 6 to 9 April 2017 ... This will be contrasted with depictions of Wallenstein and the Thirty Years' War in museums ... The results will be presented in 2018, which marks the 400th anniversary of the start of the Thirty Years' War, at the Wallensteinfestspiele in Altdorf....

Why We Should Let Iran Fight Islamic State

Edit Newsweek 20 Apr 2016
Though the coverage of ISIS has been focused on Syria and Iraq, the group’s penetration of Egypt was its most resounding achievement last year ... The Catholic-Protestant conflict (that ended in the Thirty Years War) began with the Protestant Reformation in the 1520s and lasted until the Peace of Westphalia in 1648 ... The Thirty Years War and the century of sectarian war that preceded it ended in exhaustion and sparks of Enlightenment....

The First Draft of History: Dispatches From the Frontline of War

Edit CounterPunch 19 Apr 2016
War reporting is easy to do but very difficult to do really well ... The first newspapers were published during the Dutch Wars with Spain, the Thirty Years War and the English Civil War at the beginning of the 17th century ... In the first years of the Lebanese Civil War after 1975, the different militias used to hand journalists formal letters telling their checkpoints to allow free passage....

The first draft of history: How war reporters get it wrong, and what they can ...

Edit The Independent 17 Apr 2016
War reporting is easy to do but very difficult to do really well ... The first newspapers were published during the Dutch Wars with Spain, the Thirty Years War and the English Civil War at the beginning of the 17th century ... and interesting events such as wars, natural calamities and crime....

On the Block

Edit Topix 16 Apr 2016
A gold 10-ducat coin of Duke Albrecht von Wallenstein highlights Sincona, Ag's May 18 to 20 auction of a collection of coins showing the military leader. After Duke Albrecht von Wallenstein engaged in the Battle of LA1 4tzen in 1632 and 1633 during the Thirty Years' War, he gave gifts to his supporters and chastised his detractors ... ....