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- Duration: 4:16
- Published: 23 Aug 2007
- Uploaded: 27 Mar 2011
- Author: rokolo12
Aelita's hair is pink. She wears two main outfits throughout the series. Her daytime outfit in the first season is a maroon skirt, yellow shirt and pink jacket. She wears a dark pink jumper dress over a light pink hooded long sleeved shirt and dark pink knee boots as a trademark outfit for the both seasons. But the non-trademark outfit, her outfit consists of a dark purple dress that comes to her knees and light pink Quarter length leggings underneath. Her boots are a deep red. Her night clothes consist of white socks (sometimes barefoot) and an over sized pink t-shirt with a red letter "A" on the front.
For the first three seasons, Aelita's Lyoko attire consists of a pink mini skirt and a matching top that go over trousers and a long shirt that are both off-white, and matching shoes. She also has elf-like ears, with a small dangle earring in the left one. Her eyes are green. In the fourth season, Aelita receives a new pink form-fitting suit on Lyoko, which has a pair of retractable energy wings that enable Aelita to fly.
Her main interest is music, specifically audio mixing. Her childhood memories show that Franz Hopper taught her to play the piano at an early age. In the fourth season, she wins a contest to star in one of the Subdigitals' concerts. She, like Jeremy, is also a capable programmer and an excellent student. Aelita has four appearances on Lyoko. In season 1, she was a Lyoko being and wasn't allowed to be devirtualized and doesn't have any powers except for her "synthetization." In season 2, Aelita is a human being, but doesn't have any weapons. In seasons 3 and 4, Aelita can conjure pink orbs from her hands called "Energy Fields," and can be devirtualized out of the scanners without Code Earth after her human memory is regained.
Aelita's main power on Lyoko is her "synthetization," which allows her to alter small portions of Lyoko's terrain at will. She can use the same power to create clones of herself, though they have limited functionality, acting in a pre-determined manner. As mentioned earlier, Aelita also possesses the power to deactivate the towers on Lyoko, the main component in stopping Xana's attacks in the real world. In the third season, Aelita is able to defend herself by generating pink orbs called "Energy Fields," which can destroy any monster on contact, regardless of where they hit, excluding the Megatanks. Two energy fields can also be touched together to form a makeshift shield. Additionally, Aelita can charge her "Energy Fields" into a much larger ball of energy, which can do more damage than a normal Energy Field attack. Over time she also developes pink wings, which she uses for transportation; she can use them at her own will. For the first two seasons, she could not be devirtualized normally as the others could, requiring a special program to bring her to Earth, but after that is able to leave in the same manner as the others.
Jeremy has blonde hair. On Earth in the first three seasons, he wears a blue turtleneck, brown pants and blue-gray shoes. He also has glasses, because he is nearsighted. In Season 4, his outfit is a dark red long-sleeve shirt, brown pants with light blue stripes going down the side of the legs, and dark blue shoes. His pajamas are dark blue.
Something of a workaholic, Jeremy invests the majority of his time into finding ways of stopping Xana, having spent the entirety of season one trying to materialize Aelita onto the real world, and spent all of season two trying to make an anti-virus after Xana infected her. In season three, he spends most of his time trying to find a way to virtualize the group into the Internet directly, until Xana possessed the newly-inducted William and destroyed Lyoko. At the end of the season, Jeremy receives a message from Franz Hopper, and manages to recreate Lyoko using the code sent to him. In season 4, he spends the majority of his time locating Replikas, deciphering data from the Internet, and trying to free William from Xana. From Season 2 onwards, one of his major overall goals is to free Aelita's father, Franz.
He has a multiterminal computer of his own in his room, by which he develops programs, tests them prior to use within the factory's supercomputer, and, during the first season, communicates with Aelita within the supercomputer. He uses a screen saver that closely resembles the "falling green letters" theme used in The Matrix series of movies, supposedly a homage. He has a poster with a b&w; photo of Einstein.
Often, his determination to fight against Xana will take priority and he will leave his friends in the interests of working more. They rarely respond positively to this; however, he usually finds a way to make things up by the end of the episode.
Jeremy was the one who discovered Lyoko, as well as Aelita, and over the first season he became very attracted to her. He is very attracted to Aelita's intellect, curiosity, and bravery, and although Jeremy can be shy at times, he has sought a romantic relationship with her, and it has been seen that Aelita feels the same way in many episodes. In the episode "Frontier" Jeremy gets in an argument with Aelita, and later tries to go to Lyoko to apologize. He was, however, trapped in between Lyoko and the real world due to an error in the scanning process. At the end of another episode Jeremy, Ulrich, and Odd came from Lyoko, where Ulrich jokes about how fast he was defeated by a Megatank. After that he said he would never go into Lyoko again. Jeremy's Lyoko form is never been seen in the series though. Odd describes it, tactfully, as "ridiculous." On Lyoko, everything on his screen uses symbolism. Aelita is a Yellow Arrow, Yumi, Odd and Ulrich are all Green Arrows, and XANA'S monsters are a Red Circle.
Technically, Jeremy has visited Lyoko a total of three times, including those mentioned above. Once, Xana had created a sort of fake earth within Lyoko, trapping Odd, Ulrich, and Yumi. Jeremy went to this fake projection of earth and stopped Xana with Aelita's help, but he was devirtualized immediately afterwards and never actually went to Lyoko itself. This was also the first time Xana was seen and heard as himself.
Odd has long hair spiked to a peak, with a splotch of purple in the center (except for in the prequel episode, Xana Awakens, in which he wore his hair down until after the first time he had been to Lyoko, calling it 'Lyoko style.'). The first of Odd's two outfits in the series consists of a long-sleeve shirt and bellbottom pants, and platform shoes. His hair is styled into a large point in the same fashion as his hair on Lyoko. He also has a purple diamond on the front of his hair (which is naturally that color, as seen in both "Unchartered Territory" and "Revelation"). In the fourth season, his outfit consists of a purple hooded sweatshirt with a pink shirt underneath, purple bellbottoms, and dark red-orange shoes. His night clothes are red and yellow, not purple, and probably due to the fact he did not buy them (orange boxers/boxer briefs and a red shirt).
Odd considers himself to be something of a ladies' man, having managed to date almost every (similarly aged) girl at the school in the two years he's been attending it, sometimes two at a time. A recurring theme in the series is Odd attempting to impress one girl or another, if he is not already dating them. He even tends to flirt with Aelita throughout the series, and even kisses her in "Replika". He has shown a close attachment to a girl named Sam that doesn't attend his school, but these feelings might have changed as she withheld information from Ulrich about a Xana attack.
Another recurring theme, though less prevalent, are jokes about Odd's size in comparison to his eating habits. Despite eating two or three portions at every meal, Odd never gains weight or height, being the shortest member of the group, which is somewhat disguised by his platform shoes and hairstyle. The school nurse attributes this to Odd's high metabolism. His feet also smell.
Odd has a pet dog named Kiwi, which he keeps in his room regardless of the school's policy. Despite the rule against dogs, most of the students know about it. Odd also shares a room with Ulrich. The others have their own rooms or live at home. This occasionally results in arguments between the two on roommate-related issues. In "Distant Memory", it is revealed that Odd has five sisters.
On Lyoko, he is dressed as a self-described "giant purple cat." The outfit is almost identical to the one he wears in the real world color-wise, but has no sleeves and is generally closer-fitting. To complete the "giant cat" motif, Odd only has four fingers (three digits and a thumb), complete with claws, and a tail. His forehead and cheeks also have purple markings on them. In the fourth season, he receives a new outfit almost identical to the previous one, except being a slimmer full-body suit, with slightly altered highlights, and with cat ears in addition to his human ones. His vehicle is the Overboard, a similarly-themed, two-tone, purple and pink hoverboard. His cat themed suit creates a bit of irony, seeing as he is presumed to be more of a dog person. On the front of his Lyoko suits (both of them) there is a picture of Kiwi.
Odd's gloves are equipped with arrow launchers, which are his main weapon. Odd prefers to attack from long-range, using his accuracy to destroy monsters out of harm's way, but will often fight close-quarters in order to get a shot in. In the first season, he can only fire 10 arrows in one setting, but eventually gains the ability to fire as many as 10,000 with a reloading program created by Jeremy. Odd's powers vary between seasons. In the first season, Odd has the ability to see into the future, though not at will and only for short periods. The ability (as explained in the third season episode "Triple Trouble") was lost in the second season when Jeremy improved their abilities and described it "useless" despite the fact that it's saved them many times. In exchange, Odd gets an arm-mounted energy shield which appears when he summons it. His claws also allow him to climb up objects with ease. In the third season episode "Triple Trouble", Odd temporarily gained the power to teleport, but the program bugged up, causing him to duplicate himself both where he was when he teleported and where he teleported to. This led to particle disintegration after an extended period of time, thus forcing Jeremy to remove the power. Odd also knows the name of every new Monster XANA creates.
Yumi's hair is half-long black, headed back and sides. In the first three seasons, she wears a black turtleneck, darker black jeans, and gray-black sneaker boots. Her hair is usually left hanging down. In the fourth season, her outfit is slightly lighter but still mainly black, consisting of a long-sleeved shirt with an extra large neck hole. Her pants cut off halfway between her ankles and knees.Her shoes are pinkish redish sneakers.
In terms of character development, the two major themes revolving around Yumi and her relationship with Ulrich Stern and her parents' unstable marriage, the former of which is the central focus. Yumi's relationship with Ulrich remains platonic, though they almost kiss in "Routine" and decide to keep it a secret. Yumi decides to outwardly declare their relationship to be just friendship at the start of the third season, though the episode "Cold Sweat" and the series finale "Echoes" implies the two eventually explore their romantic relationship again.
The second season introduces Yumi's younger brother, Hiroki. He constantly teases Yumi about Ulrich. Most of the time, Yumi acts as if she can't stand Hiroki, but episodes such as "Lost at Sea" show that Yumi does care for him.
Yumi's outfit is modeled after those worn by geisha. Her outfit consists of a short-sleeved/hemmed kimono over red tights, black thigh-length boots, red eye liner, red blush on her cheeks, a white-painted face and neck, and some red on her lips to complete the look. She also has a yellow sash tied to her back. Her hair is bunched up into a small bun with three bangs left hanging. In the fourth season, Yumi gets a new, ninja-like outfit. It consists of form-fitting, pink and purple body suit with flowered shoulder pads, but retains the yellow sash from the previous one. Her hair is worn down instead of in a bun. The geisha makeup is less prevalent with the new outfit, though it's more apparent with her 2D model. However, she has two strange pill shaped objects above her eyebrows. These are used to start her telekinesis. Yumi uses the Overwing, a hovering scooter, for travel on Lyoko. She usually shares this vehicle with Aelita.
Yumi's main weapons on Lyoko are her dual metal fans or Tessen (Samurai metal fan) that function like boomerangs when thrown. In flight, they turn into fast-moving, saw-like discuses, and also serve as shields to block enemy laser fire. Her fans now appear and disappear at her will (as long as they are in her hands). In the first season she only has one large fan, but in season 2 onward she has two slightly smaller ones. She also has telekinetic powers, though they are difficult to use and exhaust her quickly.
Ulrich has brown hair. In the first three seasons, he wears a light green shirt with a vest over it and cargo pants, all varying shades of green, and white shoes. In the fourth season, his vest is replaced by a black shirt and army jacket, his white shoes are replaced with black shoes, and his cargo pants are replaced with blue jeans. His night clothes are green boxers/boxer-briefs with a white sleeveless shirt. For the 1st and 2nd season he is 13-years-old and in 8th grade. In the 3rd and 4th he is 14 and in 9th grade
Ulrich doesn't say much about his personal life and is evasive when someone asks him about himself or his family. His parents, his father in particular, are very hard to please and have high expectations for their son. He also has trouble expressing his feelings, mainly where Yumi Ishiyama is concerned. A common theme in the series is Ulrich only admitting to something after a brush with death or an otherwise dire scenario. In addition to his troubles with Yumi, Ulrich has to deal with Sissi's affections. Due to her being the daughter of the principal, he is often forced into humoring her in order to get something from her father.
Ulrich sees William Dunbar as his rival in their race for the affection of Yumi and can get often very jealous at him.
Ulrich's Lyoko attire is modeled after a samurai, minus armor, and he carries a sword. An Oni is drawn on his back and the clothing is largely colored yellow and black. He gets a new outfit in the fourth season, which trades his more loose-fitting clothes for a tighter yellow and brown body suit (similar to William's). A device on his back is traded for his sword sheath, which, in addition to carrying two swords, hides the blades when they're not in use. For travel, he uses a one-wheeled motorcycle called the Overbike, which is also capable of flight.
Ulrich's two swords allow him to cut through monsters with ease or deflect enemy laser fire. His speed on Lyoko is enhanced, such that he can deflect even rapid laser fire with relative ease and run faster than most monsters. An additional boost to his speed can be gained through a super-speed running ability (called Supersprint), which can be use to easily traverse long distances, and even cross the surface of water. He can create two clones of himself to aid in battle (called Triplicate), each of which can take one hit before being destroyed. He can bring these clones back together into him (called Fusion). He can also summon his clones to make a triangle around his enemy, (called Triangulate) then attack it when least expected. Both he and Yumi are practitioners of Pencak Silat.
William serves as a foil for Ulrich, both in his attraction to Yumi and outspoken personality. While Ulrich has trouble sharing his feelings with Yumi, William isn't afraid to assert himself. He spends most of Season 2 and 3 trying to get closer to Yumi, which puts him at odds with Ulrich. He is the secondary antagonist in season 2, 3 and 4.
Eventually William learns of Lyoko and Xana, and tries to join the group several times, only to be rejected. William joins the Lyoko warriors near the end of the third season, but is quickly possessed by Xana after he is attacked by the Scyphozoa. Xana then uses William to destroy Lyoko. With Lyoko destroyed and Jeremy cut off from him, William's mind and body is left at the mercy of Xana, who forcibly possesses him to be his servant, giving him a new black Xana-themed suit and powers. From this point until his final freedom, William is helplessly kept under Xana's control, battling the Lyoko warriors. Xana uses William to command his monsters in battles to even the odds. He even uses a unique Manta, which is colored black instead of the standard blue, as a vehicle for William on Lyoko. He is freed from Xana in "Down to Earth", but the group is wary to trust him again. He has no memory of anything that happened during his possession. Xana again possesses him in "Fight to the Finish", and he is once again freed once Xana is destroyed.In his short appearance in "Final Round", William's Lyoko attire consists of a white and blue form-fitting bodysuit with a red belt. After he is taken over by Xana, his outfit changes to a similar, all-black outfit with red outlines and the eye of Xana on his forehead and chest, as opposed to his eyes. He also gains a spiked gauntlet on his left arm capable of blocking attacks.
William's primary weapon on Lyoko is a large white sword, (sometimes called a Zweihänder) strongly resembling and influenced by Cloud Strife's sword from Final Fantasy VII Or Zabuza's sword from "Naruto", or Zangetsu from Bleach... He also carries it in an over the shoulder fashion like Cloud. His Xana-themed version has black vines creeping up the blade and the eye of Xana near the hilt on either side. Like Ulrich's sword, it can absorb and deflect lasers as well as attacks from the Lyoko warriors. Under Xana's control, William's strikes have such force that the sword damages the terrain. Disc-shaped blasts of energy can also be fired from the sword, another Xana-given ability, by charging and swinging it (something like Getsuga Tenshou). He is shown in Distant Memory to be able to use Aelita's energy fields to charge up his sword after he blocks it.
As Xana's servant, William's primary ability is smoke manipulation, reflecting Xana's use of smoke-like ghosts in the real world. His weapon forms from smoke and is reduced to such when not in use, which allows him to call the weapon back if they are separated. William can also reduce himself to smoke, allowing him to move at high speeds, and can quickly transform back upon reaching his destination. Finally, he can create smoke in his hands and fire it at his opponents to restrain them, after which he can use the smoke to achieve a limited form of telekinesis on his target. Other powers include hovering and long-range vision.
While possessed, William doesn't devirtualize when dealt enough damage. Instead, he is reduced to glowing red smoke which dissipates into the ground. Additionally, while William usually needs only one successful hit to devirtualize the Lyoko warriors, it takes either several hits or one fairly powerful attack (being cut in half or stabbed in the chest, for example) to do the same to him. It takes two of Aelita's energy fields to devirtualize William.
In all seasons, X.A.N.A. is an eye made up of a roundabout in the center besieged by two circles. Four tabs occupy the contour of the outermost circle: a longer than others at the top and three other shorter bottom equidistant from each other. The center is a bit wider.
X.A.N.A.'s main power is possession through an energy-based, ethereal "ghost," capable of possessing virtually any object and likewise modifying it to almost any necessary end. When a human is "Xanafied" ("Xanatifié" in French) or possessed by X.A.N.A., their eyes often have the Eye of X.A.N.A. symbol (found on all of Xana's monsters) instead of pupils. In "Marabounta" and "Hot Shower," X.A.N.A. was seen caring he needs Aelita for her memory. The ghosts themselves can also manifest themselves as people without the need for a host as a "polymorphic clone". Among the common abilities imparted by the ghosts are electricity-manipulation, technopathy, phasing through solid matter, enhanced strength and speed, and the less common ability to self-replicate. Every time when X.A.N.A. launches his attack, his red eyes shown mostly are on many computer screens.
Franz has gray hair, beard and moustache. He wears glasses and a white lab coat over a long-sleeved sweater in all seasons.
In "Contact", Franz possesses Sissi to try to contact Jeremy. When she is possessed, at first, she seems to be speaking gibberish, but upon further investigation, it is revealed that she is saying backwards, "I can help you. I want to enter into contact with you now, I'm Franz Hopper. I can help you."
Franz is variously depicted in Lyoko with sphere-shaped constructs. In "Aelita", he is depicted as numerous white spheres, while his appearance in "Distant Memory" is that of a larger purple sphere. Franz Hopper, like Xana, can reach out to the real world through the use of the towers, but not nearly as effectively as Xana can. He helps the warriors at various points in the series, even helping them to recreate Lyoko after its destruction in "Final Round". In "Wrong Exposure", his true name is revealed to be Waldo Schaeffer (the name printed on the folder in the closing credits), while "Franz" is actually his middle name and "Hopper" is his wife Anthea's maiden name. In "Fight to the Finish", he sacrifices himself to give the multi-agent system enough power to completely wipe out Xana. The act creates a sense of irony, considering that the majority of the series was spent trying to rematerialize him.
In the first three seasons, Sissi wears a yellow hairband on her head which pulls her long raven hair back. She is dressed in a pink t-sleeved shirt with a yellow heart on it and a dark pink mini skirt over red/purple trousers with pink shoes. In the fourth season, she does not have the hairband (replaced by two hair clips) and has a pink t-shirt with light blue jeans and red shoes.
In one episode it was shown to demonstrate rage. The real William, possessed by Xana, returned to the real world and attacked Milly and Tamiya (who had found the factory and were inside the control room at the time) because they got in the way of Xana's plan. During this time the clone protected them using abilities equal to possessed William (super speed and strength etc.), performing well against the original until evil William hacked into Jeremy's console and deactivated his program, causing it to disappear.
The first time Jeremy made a clone was in the episode "Double Take" and the clone was of himself to fill in at school so he could work longer. He succeeded activating a tower for the first time. It worked for a while, but evil William attacked the tower in attempt to take control of the clone, and the Lyoko warriors, in new suits and weapons that Jeremy had been working on, were sent to stop him. They managed to defend the tower and stop William. Aside from that and having to explain everything to it, the clone of William after that worked just fine. Jeremy later put up a defense program to prevent Xana from further attempts at taking control of the clone.
The only other recorded time Xana took control of the clone of William was in the episode "Wreck Room." Jeremy had written a program to free the real William, but it malfunctioned and bugged up the defense program on the tower maintaining the William clone in the real world. At this point Xana had evil William go and corrupt the tower so it (Xana) could take control of the clone. The possessed William did succeed, with a resultant attack on the team in the real world. In the end the team managed to fix the tower and thus the clone. They returned to the past to keep Lyoko and the clone of William a secret.
In the episode "Down to Earth" the team had finally saved real William from Xana returning him to the real world, where William’s parents had shown up for a visit, which wasn't going well. William's parents had become suspicious of the clone due to its strange behavior and abnormally happy disposition, which were opposite of their experience with him. When the team and William got to the clone and William's parents, his dad had just declared that he (the clone) wasn't his real son as he was too happy and totally obedient. The real William was kicked out of one school because he put stickers all over the Principal's car. The team distracted William's parents and Principal Delmas, and while they weren't looking Jeremy deactivated the clone causing it to disappear. At which point the real William quickly took its place, and acted like himself, getting his parents to calm down and clearing everything up (without anyone knowing about the clone). Jim was the only person who saw the clone disappear, and of course didn't understand what had happened.
William Clone is listed as a supporting character because he is only a copy of a main character, and he is only in the show until the team rescue the real William.
In addition to his jobs at Kadic, Jim has apparently served under a wide variety of occupations, such as an army soldier and an actor. However, any attempt to get him to elaborate on his past occupations is usually met with his trademark catchphrase answer of "I'd rather not talk about it." He has a nephew named Chris, who is the drummer for the Subdigitals. He also has an interest in Suzanne Hertz as well, with a few episodes hinting at possible feelings between the two teachers.
Jim is also the only person, aside from William Dunbar and Sissi Delmas, to have known the secret of Lyoko and the gang. In one episode, He accidentally gets Jeremy injured during a chase scene. The principle found them and fired Jim. Jeremy and the crew took pity on Jim and told him everything, even allowing him to live in the factory for a short time. He proved to be very valuable when XANA materializes his monsters into the real world, where Jim met them with a nail gun and managed to protect the Kadic students in the real world while the rest of the gang went to Lyoko to deactivate the tower. Afterwards Jeremy did a return to the past which took everyone back to before he was fired and erasing his knowledge of Lyoko.
Jim's hair is quite short, brunette, and pulled back somewhat by a sweatband around his forehead. In the first three seasons, Jim wears a white short-sleeved t-shirt, concealed under a dark red tracksuit jacket which covers all his upper body and his belly, along with dark gray jogging pants and brown sneaker. Other than his overweight stomach, Jim's arms are muscular.
Milly has red hair, separated at the rear in two low pigtails. In Seasons 1-3, she wears a small pink jacket and a dark red skirt. She also wears black tights and little black boots. In Season 4, she wears a light blue t-shirt with a red scarf and dark pink shorts.
Tamiya has black hair tied back in cornrows. Tamiya wears a long-sleeved yellow shirt with khaki pants and a small necklace in the first three seasons, and in the fourth season, she wears a blue shirt and olive green khaki pants. Her hair is also in pigtails, similar to Milly.
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