- published: 20 Apr 2016
- views: 5896
Short-term memory (or "primary" or "active memory") is the capacity for holding a small amount of information in mind in an active, readily available state for a short period of time. The duration of short-term memory (when rehearsal or active maintenance is prevented) is believed to be in the order of seconds. A commonly cited capacity is The Magical Number Seven, Plus or Minus Two (which is frequently referred to as Miller's Law.) In contrast, long-term memory can hold an indefinite amount of information.
Short-term memory should be distinguished from working memory, which refers to structures and processes used for temporarily storing and manipulating information (see details below).
The idea of the division of memory into short-term and long-term dates back to the 19th century. A classical model of memory developed in the 1960s assumed that all memories pass from a short-term to a long-term store after a small period of time. This model is referred to as the "modal model" and has been most famously detailed by Shiffrin. The exact mechanisms by which this transfer takes place, whether all or only some memories are retained permanently, and indeed the existence of a genuine distinction between the two stores, remain controversial topics among experts.
A term is a period of duration, time or occurrence, in relation to an event. To differentiate an interval or duration, common phrases are used to distinguish the observance of length are near-term or short-term, medium-term or mid-term and long-term.
It is also used as part of a calendar year, especially one of the three parts of an academic term and working year in the United Kingdom: Michaelmas term, Hilary term / Lent term or Trinity term / Easter term, the equivalent to the American semester. In America there is a midterm election held in the middle of the four-year presidential term, there are also academic midterm exams.
In economics, it is the period required for economic agents to reallocate resources, and generally reestablish equilibrium. The actual length of this period, usually numbered in years or decades, varies widely depending on circumstantial context. During the long term, all factors are variable.
In finance or financial operations of borrowing and investing, what is considered long-term is usually above 3 years, with medium-term usually between 1 and 3 years and short-term usually under 1 year. It is also used in some countries to indicate a fixed term investment such as a term deposit.
"The Man" is a slang phrase that may refer to the government or to some other authority in a position of power. In addition to this derogatory connotation, it may also serve as a term of respect and praise.
The phrase "the Man is keeping me down" is commonly used to describe oppression. The phrase "stick it to the Man" encourages resistance to authority, and essentially means "fight back" or "resist", either passively, openly or via sabotage.
As a phrase meaning "the boss" it dates from at least 1918.
In the Southern U.S. states, the phrase came to be applied to any man or any group in a position of authority, or to authority in the abstract. From about the 1950s the phrase was also an underworld code word for police, the warden of a prison or other law enforcement or penal authorities.
The use of this term was expanded to counterculture groups and their battles against authority, such as the Yippies, which, according to a May 19, 1969 article in U.S. News and World Report, had the "avowed aim ... to destroy 'The Man', their term for the present system of government". The term eventually found its way into humorous usage, such as in a December 1979 motorcycle ad from the magazine Easyriders which featured the tagline, "California residents: Add 6% sales tax for The Man."
Short Term Memory Loss - What It Is, What Causes It, and How To Prevent It
Clive Wearing - The man with no short-term memory
Do You Have Short Term Memory Loss : Quick Memory Test
Information processing model: Sensory, working, and long term memory
How does your memory work? | Head Squeeze
Short-Term Memory - Motivational Video
How my short term memory loss affects my daily life.
Mr. Short Term Memory - Saturday Night Live
Finding Dory Movie CLIP - Short Term Memory Loss (2016) - Ellen DeGeneres, Ed O'Neill Movie HD
Dory's Memory Loss Explained
Adam Hussein
September 1st 1983,
A Newport wreck-head lost his f*ckin short term memory,
He couldnt remember sh! t,
Who the f*ck he was or what to do with a clit,
Like a bastard kid he might have left it somewhere,
Smoking loads of bud cause he just dont care,
Are you my Dad? My Mum or my Brother?
Cause its in one ear and out the f*ckin other,
Like being blasé, not too concise,
Doctors said my brain was like a Muller rice,
Some mind control means telekinesis,
F*ckin strong draw leaves your mind in pieces,
To be a dopeman boy then you must qualify,
Had something to do but instead I got high,
Pardon? Sorry? What? I think I forgot,
My short term memorys f*ckin gone to pot!
My short term memory, it wont come back to me
My short term memory, it wont come back to me
Lookin at Adam's face no expression or emotion,
Even if a naked girl was showing him devotion,
You can tell him stuff be it truth or lie,
Cause the only thing he won't forget is how to get high,
Stop there, take a second, understand,
Smoking the weed is integral to the Band
- of Brothers, but you knew that before,
Ask them two plus two and they just saw draw.
Adam Hussein
Boom! Boom! Boom! Shake the room!
Don't know what are the words, but i can hum the f*cking tune,
What? Where? Who? Why? Whats going on?
Forgot what Im saying, f*ck me that sh! ts strong,
Doctors say it affects your mind and your follicles,
That might be true but I think he's talking bollicles
I thought i was at home but I'm in town.
Im Adam Hussein and I need a lie down clarts
My short term memory, it wont come back to me
My short term memory, it wont come back to me
P. Xain
In your head, zombie, zombie,
I got this problem with my memory,
Its no joke, Im not playing,
I cant remember what we were saying,
Psychotropic drugs inside of my brain,
They made me forget the whatsernames,
I got this problem, its called short term,
I got the memory of ejaculating sperm.
Adam Hussein
What was I saying? Nah... It's gone,
Short term memory, minds gone wrong,
Should I give up weed? Maybe I oughta?
F*ck that spa, tick me up another quarter,
Yeah it's true, my mind is like a sieve,
I smoke weed everyday, thats how I live,
But Im sure the weed isn't to blame,
Cause my Nans 84 and shes just the same clart!
My short term memory, it wont come back to me
My short term memory, it wont come back to me
Right! Yes, what it is... nah it's gone...
P. Xain
Dopeman Dopeman, do you remember?
You owe me fifty quid from last September,
When Im out, I tend to forget,
Did I know you? Or have we just met?
I should have kept a log like Captain Kirk,
Because I forgot to pick up the Missus from work,
I got this book on mental power,
And I take special pills and wank twice an hour
Billy Webb
Short term memory all gone up in smoke,
I dunno what you said but I think someone spoke?
Constant amazement at everyday reality,
Like Professors and wave particle duality,
Alarm clock blinking after a power cut power cut,
Or school on Saturday when I knew it was shut,
Speed, blow pills and ecstasy,
Effecting my short term memory.
My short term memory, it wont come back to me
My short term memory, it wont come back to me
My short term memory, it wont come back to me
My short term memory, it wont come back to me