A street level account by a participant in the ongoing movement against the new French labour law, written in May 2016.

The US women's soccer team has recently been in the news, both for a wage discrimination suit and a judge denying them the right to strike during the Rio Olympics. This is something we should be...

CGT stewards alongside French riot police.

The goons of the services d'ordre (SO), the stewards of the CGT (Confederation General de Travail) and FO (Force Ouvriere) side with the police to the disgust of many, including members of...

A report from Barcelona (published May 24, 2016) on the eviction of squatters from an expropriated former bank that was being used as a libertarian social center, the role of the City Government...


Definitive collection of articles by Ambalavaner Sivanandan, director of the Institute of Race Relations and the editor of Race & Class, spanning his entire career since the 1970s. Included...


Sabate cover illustration by Clifford Harper

Fantastic and detailed biography of legendary anti-Franco guerrilla, Francisco Sabate Llopart. Written by Antonio Tellez and translated by Stuart Christie, this book recounts the life, actions...