State Police Troop "L" Announce the Arrests of Fugitives (New York State Division of State Police)

Edit Public Technologies 28 May 2016
(Source. New York State Division of State Police). Major David C. Candelaria. Troop L Commander. Press Release ... In addition to the warrant for CSCS 3Vanslyke was charged with three counts of Assault 2 ... For more information, contact Troop L VFW at (631) 231-6389 ... (noodl. 33841172) ....

Quarterly rpt on consolidated results for the financial period ended 31/03/2016 (Mulpha International Bhd)

Edit Public Technologies 27 May 2016
(Source. Mulpha International Bhd) Quarterly rpt on consolidated results for the financial period ended 31 Mar 2016 Date. 27 May 2016. Financial Year End 31 Dec 2016. Quarter 1 Qtr. Quarterly report for the financial period ended 31 Mar 2016. The figures have not been audited. Currency. Malaysian Ringgit (MYR). INDIVIDUAL PERIOD. CUMULATIVE PERIOD. CURRENT YEAR QUARTER. PRECEDING YEAR ... 41,231 ... 41,231....

Minister García-Margallo receives candidate for United Nations Secretary-General, Srgjan Kerim (Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation of Spain)

Edit Public Technologies 27 May 2016
The minister congratulated the candidate on his participation in the informal hearings organised by the President of the UNGA from 12 to 14 April pursuant to the provisions contained in UNGA Resolution 69/231, in which Spain actively participated by posing questions to the candidates....

BRIEF-Ironhorse qtrly loss per share $0.01

Edit Reuters 27 May 2016
* Reported production has decreased 71% to 67 boe/d in Q1 of 2016 from 231 boe/d produced in Q4 of 2015 ....

Maruti Suzuki to recall 75,419 Baleno cars and 1,961 DZire cars

Edit Indiatoday 27 May 2016
The Baleno cars covered in the recall also include 17,231 units of exports ... ....

Le jeu de rôle mobile Soul Hunters atteint la première place des jeux de l'App ...

Edit PR Newswire 27 May 2016
SHANGHAI, 27 mai 2016 /PRNewswire/ -- Le jeu de rôle (JDR) mobile Soul Hunters, qui a été conçu et lancé par le célèbre éditeur de jeux chinois, Lilith, était classé à la première place de la section de jeu de l'App Store... ....

Terapia revolucionária para acidente vascular cerebral baseada em interface de computação do cérebro e neurotecnologia

Edit PR Newswire 27 May 2016
SCHIEDLBERG, Áustria, 27 de maio de 2016 /PRNewswire/ -- A senhora Savin sofreu um acidente vascular cerebral (AVC), repentinamente. Aconteceu sem qualquer aviso e seu braço direito ficou completamente paralisado. Depois de receber a terapia com recoveriX, ela pode mover seu ... ....

Aussie Brayden Meyer é coroado o campeão dos campeões do machado e serra

Edit PR Newswire 27 May 2016
TIROL, Áustria, 27 de maio de 2016 /PRNewswire/ --  O vencedor de 2016 do STIHL TIMBERSPORTS®  Champions Trophy é o australiano Brayden Meyer, de 20 anos de idade. Meyer competiu pela primeira vez naquela que é a mais acirrada competição do esporte ... ....

Nox App Player - O principal emulador de Android para utilização de aplicativos e jogos ...

Edit PR Newswire 27 May 2016
PEQUIM, 27 de maio de 2016 /PRNewswire/ -- O Nox App Player é um emulador de Android gratuito destinado a proporcionar a melhor experiência a usuários que desejem utilizar aplicativos e jogos do Android no PC. Com a criação de um telefone Android virtual no ... ....

Panel seeks submissions for West Bountiful history book

Edit Deseret News 27 May 2016
WEST BOUNTIFUL — The Historic Commission is compiling the new edition of the city’s history and is asking residents to contribute pictures, stories, news articles and other items for the book. The panel is also asking residents to submit corrections to the first edition ... Residents who would like to help compile the history can contact Gary Edmonds at 801-510-3244 or Debbie McKean at 801-231- 8320 to volunteer ... ....

Time is running out! Benefit from your 15% season ticket discount by May 31st (Wycombe Wanderers FC Ltd)

Edit Public Technologies 27 May 2016
(Source. Wycombe Wanderers FC Ltd) Adults can secure their place at every match next season for as little as £10 per match in the Bucks New Uni Stand, while under-18s can enjoy their football for £3 a game in the Origin Family Stand, where all under 7s go FREE ... Existing season ticket holders' seats will be reserved for them until May 31st. Prices are as follows. Price Type. Frank Adams Stand. Beechdean Stand (Blocks C, D & E) ... £231 ... £231....

Warrants to Bilia senior executives (Bilia AB)

Edit Public Technologies 27 May 2016
(Source. Bilia AB) ... The warrants. give the holder possibility to purchase one Bilia share for 231 SEK during the period ... The price for the warrants ... (noodl....

Harper busts homer slump with monster shot

Edit MLB 27 May 2016
... against the Cardinals, Harper crushed a 1-1 pitch from right-hander Mike Leake for a monster home run off the upper deck façade in right field to tie the score at 1....