Lecture - 22 Phase Transformations
Lecture - 22 Phase Transformations
Lecture Series on Materials Science by Prof.SK. Gupta, Department of Applied Mechanics ,IIT Delhi. For more details on NPTEL visit nptel.iitm.ac.in
Lecture - 24 Phase Transformations
Lecture - 24 Phase Transformations
Lecture Series on Materials Science by Prof.SK. Gupta, Department of Applied Mechanics ,IIT Delhi. For more details on NPTEL visit nptel.iitm.ac.in
Phase transformation from an isotropic liquid to a nematic liquid crystal: Part 1
Phase transformation from an isotropic liquid to a nematic liquid crystal: Part 1
Part 1 of the phase transformation from an isotropic liquid to a nematic liquid crystal. From TLP: Liquid Crystals, www.doitpoms.ac.uk Courtesy of DoITPoMS, The University of Cambridge. Released under Creative Commons Attribution-Non-Commercial-Share Alike licence creativecommons.org
Lecture - 23 Phase Transformations
Lecture - 23 Phase Transformations
Lecture Series on Materials Science by Prof.SK. Gupta, Department of Applied Mechanics ,IIT Delhi. For more details on NPTEL visit nptel.iitm.ac.in
Phase transformation from an isotropic liquid to a chiral nematic liquid crystal
Phase transformation from an isotropic liquid to a chiral nematic liquid crystal
Phase transformation (20x magnification, 3x speed) for an isotropic liquid to chiral nematic liquid crystal. Although nucleation begins in a similar fashion to the regular nematic, we can see the different regions merge with one another to form the final 'fingerprint structure' that is characteristic of chiral nematics with their helical axis parallel to the surface of the slide. From TLP: Liquid Crystals, www.doitpoms.ac.uk Courtesy of DoITPoMS, The University of Cambridge. Released under Creative Commons Attribution-Non-Commercial-Share Alike licence creativecommons.org
Lecture - 26 Phase Transformations; Precipitation Hardening
Lecture - 26 Phase Transformations; Precipitation Hardening
Lecture Series on Materials Science by Prof.SK. Gupta, Department of Applied Mechanics ,IIT Delhi. For more details on NPTEL visit nptel.iitm.ac.in
Liquid crystal phase transition
Liquid crystal phase transition
One of the prettiest phase transitions I've yet come across. It's CE8's smectic A to chiral nematic (aka cholesteric) phase transition at about 145degC followed by the cholesteric colours deepening with increasing temperature as the chiral layers twist up in 180deg increments. Unfortunately the video really doesn't convey the contrasts between colours at boundaries and the fluidity of it all, under a microscope it's truly awesome!
Overall Transformation Kinetics
Overall Transformation Kinetics
Phase transformations in the solid state usually occur by a process of nucleation and growth. The theories for these processes are well established. Overall transformation kinetics deals with the evolution of volume fraction of product phase as a function of time, temperature and other variables. It relies on a most elegant theory, the Avrami theory, to deal with impingment of particles which originated from different locations. This should be most useful to those interested in phase transformations. The lecture was given by Professor HKDH Bhadeshia, University of Cambridge. www.msm.cam.ac.uk
Shock-induced Structural Phase Transformation in bcc Iron
Shock-induced Structural Phase Transformation in bcc Iron
Shock along Fe-bcc(001), piston velocity=417m/s Shock waves were initiated by a 'momentum mirror' (BL Holian and PS Lomdahl, Science 280, 965 (1998)), which specularly reflects any atoms atoms reaching reaching the face of of the perfectly flat infinitely massive piston (left) moving at a piston velocity. The resulting shock waves in the iron single crystal moves (from left to right) along the (001) direction in the initial bcc structure (gray). Above the threshold for the structural transformation (about 15GPa, about 10 percent uniaxial compression, or about a piston velocity of 5 percent of the longitudinal sound velocity) into the close-packed structure (red) many grains of the close-packed material nucleate in a displacive manner (martensitic-like) within the uniaxially compressed bcc structure (blue). Crystallographic different oriented grains are separated by grain boundaries (yellow). Depending on the shock strength the transformed region can be a mixed phase region and the resulting shock wave structure is a split two-wave structure consisting of an elastic precursor and a slower transformation wave. The initial nucleation takes place along the (bcc011) close-packed planes transforming into the close-packed planes of the close-packed material. The comparison of the nucleation process for three different shock strength (increasing from left to right in the movie) is shown in the last movie where only atoms with a lateral displacement larger than about 1/6 of the <b>...</b>
Displacive and Reconstructive Phase Transformations: Part I
Displacive and Reconstructive Phase Transformations: Part I
Displacive transformations are those in which the change in crystal structure is achieved by a physical deformation. Reconstructive transformations occur by the long-range diffusion of atoms, with the migration happening in such a way that the strain energy is minimised. The debate on the mechanism of soiid-state phase transformations is explored in this movie, which is intended to be the first in a series which examines the choreography of atoms and their implications. More information on www.msm.cam.ac.uk
Phase transformations of AgI (silver iodide) under high pressure
Phase transformations of AgI (silver iodide) under high pressure
Direct observation of high-pressure phase transformations in AgI (silver iodide) using a diamond anvil cell. The pressure at the center is the highest. The sample, polycrystalline AgI, was compressed under room temperature and turned into tetragonal (black color) and rock salt (yellow color) structure at around 0.3 and 0.4 GPa, respectively.
Thermodynamics and kinetics of Li-intercalation compounds: Dr. Anton Van der ven
Thermodynamics and kinetics of Li-intercalation compounds: Dr. Anton Van der ven
Most materials of technological importance can undergo a variety of phase transformations ranging from order-disorder transitions, martensitic transformations and diffusional phase transformations requiring compositional redistribution. This is especially true in electrode materials used in Li-ion batteries. In this talk I will describe how macroscopic thermodynamic and kinetic properties of real materials can be predicted from first principles and how this information can be used to shed light on important phase transformations. The approach relies on statistical mechanical techniques that link electronic structure calculations to relevant free energies and phenomenological kinetic constants such as diffusion coefficients. Examples of phase transformations in Li-intercalation compounds used as electrodes in Li-ion batteries and in hydrides will be described.
polymorphism and catastrophic transformation of phases
polymorphism and catastrophic transformation of phases
You can see a catastrophic transformation between two phases of patassium nitrate, it is to say a polymorphic transformation in real time
Ni-Ti Shape Memory Alloy Thin Film
Ni-Ti Shape Memory Alloy Thin Film
Ni-Ti Shape Memory Alloys (SMA) alloys have been attracting attention due to a number of desirable properties (shape memory effect,...) The basis of the shape memory effect is a reversible solid-state phase transformation. Ni-Ti SMA transform martensitically from B2 cubic austenite into monoclinic B19' martensite either directly or via rhombohedral R-phase. In the form of films they have also the potential for batch fabrication and, thus, Ni-Ti films are attractive materials for microfabrication and integration in micro-miniature systems composed of mechanical elements, actuators, sensors and electronics made on one chip. Applications? ...use your imagination...
My P90x Phase 1 transformation journey 30 days results after workout
My P90x Phase 1 transformation journey 30 days results after workout
day 1 pics: www.flickr.com note: pLease watch it in HIGH QUALITY.. my p90x transformation after 30 days/phase 1.. i started with 25 push ups and 10 pullups on day 1.. now after 30 days i can do 35 pushups and 16 pullups.. my tummy got a Little smaller compared to day 1.. the bad thing is im reaLLy having a hard time with my yoga x program.. ive taken isolated whey protein as a supplement.. and im pLAnning to take bsn's no xplode and thermogenic on my phase 2.. please give me comments if i should take thermogenic from bsn..
TRIP-assisted steels: role of retained austenite
TRIP-assisted steels: role of retained austenite
TRIP stands for transformation-induced plasticity. TRIP-assisted steels have a microstructure which is predominantly allotriomorphic ferrite, with a small fraction of bainitic ferrite and carbon-enriched retained austenite. It is the latter which undergoes martensitic transformation when the steel is stretched. This transformation enhances the properties of the alloy. This talk is of use to physical metallurgists and those involved in solid-state phase transformations. The talk was delivered at the China Steel Corporation in Taiwan, ROC, by Professor HKDH Bhadeshia HKDH Bhadeshia Producer: HKDH Bhadeshia
How to Transition From a Fat Loss Phase to a Muscle Mass Phase
How to Transition From a Fat Loss Phase to a Muscle Mass Phase
[SUBSCRIBE TO THIS CHANNEL] youtube.com [JOIN MY FACEBOOK ARMY] www.facebook.com [FOLLOW ME ON TWITTER] twitter.com [MY MASS AND STRENGTH PROGRAM] projectbuff.com The biggest mistake everyone makes after finishing a fat loss phase is to go right back to the way they were eating...
Body Transformation Cut Phase 1 - 13 months approx.
Body Transformation Cut Phase 1 - 13 months approx.
-Daniel Paine- I wasn't full on it for 13 months but the picture comparison was from 13 months back.
Video 27 Transforming period and phase of sine and cosine function
Video 27 Transforming period and phase of sine and cosine function
Describes transforming the period and phase shift of sine and cosine functions.
Microstructure of Steel Weld Metals
Microstructure of Steel Weld Metals
Welding is a challenging subject because of its complexity. It is fascinating because the microstructure and properties of a weld evolve from the vapour and liquid states and then undergo a series of solid-state phase transformations. We deal here with the methodologies for the calculation of steel weld metal microstructures. This should be useful to anyone interested in solid-state phase transformations and the physical metallurgy of steels. The talk was delivered at CSIRO, Adelaide, Australia by Professor HKDH Bhadeshia of the University of Cambridge. More detail on www.msm.cam.ac.uk
Thermodynamics of Mechanical Alloying
Thermodynamics of Mechanical Alloying
Mechanical alloying is a process in which a metallic solid solution can be produced without melting the constituents. The process begins with large lumps which are attrited into ever smaller particles until there is mixing on an atomic scale. In this lecture we explore how elementary thermodynamic models of solutions can be used to describe mechanical alloying and to discover phenomena which have not previously been noticed. The content should be generally useful to scientists. This is the fourth of seven lectures on the thermodynamics of phase transformations. Lecture given at Cambridge University, by Professor HKDH Bhadeshia as an introduction to thermodynamics. HKDH Bhadeshia Producer: HKDH Bhadeshia
transformation phase from distant past
transformation phase from distant past
when everything we knew falls and dies when we cant fight back because we will become warriors, the same as they are when we must leave everything we loved and cherished when there is no place to live anymorewhere, where to go? thenwe will live in the soil, hard and strong, that is where we will go then we will live in the waters, white and blue, that is where we will go thenwe will live in the fire, stormy and passionate, that is where we will go thenwe will live in the wind, joyful and marry, that is where we will go then we will live somewhere around, in deep space, in absolute silence and eternal chaos that is where we will go but where to go? when the water stops flowing when the fire stops burning when the wind stops blowing where to go? adrian p. kezele is a teacher, a writer and a musician from croatia. he is a founder of neodance a spiritual dance based on lost culture of old europe (www.neodance.com). in his books (return of the goddess, the soul of old europe and one light, many souls) adrian describes, in forms of fiction novels, the life of an ancient peaceful culture of neolithic europe and its withdrawal and disappearance when confronted with warrior kurgan tribes from the north. distant past reflects the same atmosphere in sounds and rhythms. it is prepared and performed as a part of 2008 winter solstice festival held in centre for neoculture, croatia.