Women and girls turn away from the job rich computer industry

Digital literacy is as important as English and maths, says Intel Australia managing director Kate Burleigh.
Digital literacy is as important as English and maths, says Intel Australia managing director Kate Burleigh. Christopher Pearce

Women and girls are deserting information technology subjects in universities and schools in alarming numbers, a trend that threatens to block their access to the growing number of 21st century digital jobs.

According to a new report, less than 10 per cent of students studying computer science courses in NSW, Victoria and Queensland are girls, well down from the proportion 10 years ago.

At university level 16 per cent of information technology students are women, down from 26 per cent in 2001, federal government data shows.

The report, Female participation in school computing: reversing the trend, said girls' participation in information technology learning falls away sharply in the early years of high school and called for new programs to keep girls interested in digital subjects in years 7 and 8.

"Improvements may take several years to become evident but the importance of full female participation in increasingly important computing-related industries is of vital importance to Australian industry and society," it said.

Missing out

Kate Burleigh, managing director of Intel Australia which was a sponsor of the report, said girls were missing out on learning skills which were increasingly important and valued.

She said the digital economy was growing at twice the rate of the broader economy and Australia would need another 100,000 digitally trained workers in the next five years to meet the growth.

"We've got a problem with a lack of participation of girls and females in technology subjects," Ms Burleigh said.

The report – sponsored by IT job promotion group Digital Careers, Intel and the Australian Council for Computers in Education – said many approaches had been tried, but they had failed to halt the falling numbers of females studying IT.

It said that "peer acceptance" issues tended to keep girls away from IT in their early teens but the new digital technologies curriculum now being introduced in schools could make a difference to girls' participation because it brought IT into the curriculum.

Karsten Schulz, national manager for Digital Careers, said the new digital technologies curriculum would give girls regular exposure to IT.

Ms Burleigh said the curriculum needed to be rolled out quickly to as many schools as possible.

"Digital literacy will be as important as having good, solid English and maths skills. They [schools] should be embracing the digital curriculum," she said.

Not just consumers of tech

She said that students needed to do more in schools than just be consumers of technology. They needed to be taught how technology worked and be given the opportunity to gain their own hands-on understanding of it.

"It's a false premise that all kids are born digitally native," she said.

Dr Schulz also said that role models and mentors were very important to keep girls interested in digital technology and address the lack of confidence which some girls had in the subject.

The report said that many existing programs for teens, such as coding clubs, were mainly attended by boys and girls needed to have coding opportunities which were aimed more at their interests and let them meet other girls interested in computer science.

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