Great home loan deals from competing mortgage lenders

Switching to the lowest variable rate would save more than $400 a month on a $1 million mortgage.
Switching to the lowest variable rate would save more than $400 a month on a $1 million mortgage.

Lenders able to woo borrowers because they've stayed within banking watchdog guidelines are offering bigger and better deals.

Borrowing rates have slipped under 4 per cent for owner-occupiers, heralding some great fixed term and variable deals.

The top three-year fixed rates are 3.69 per cent, which means monthly savings on a $1 million loan of about $350 compared with an average variable rate of 4.29 per cent, says research house Canstar.

On variable loans, the best rate is 3.44 per cent, compared with an average variable rate of 4.44 per cent. On a $1 million loan, this equates to more than $400 in monthly savings.

Lenders are also launching new offerings and repackaging products for property investors.

Many of these deals were shelved after the Australian Prudential Regulation Authority imposed a 10 per cent speed limit on annual investment growth in December 2014.

Negotiate better terms

For lenders that have stayed within these guidelines, say mortgage brokers, it means more discretion to negotiate better terms.

Lenders under the 10 per cent growth limit are using what remains of their quota to offer better terms and bigger discounts than competitors exceeding the limit and unwilling to clamp down on their current offerings.

Between March and May, the average discount on investment loans more than doubled from about 15 basis points to more than 36 basis points, according to analysis by Digital Finance Analytics (DFA), a consultancy to big banks and financial services companies.

That compares with 27 per cent growth in discounts for owner-occupied refinance, says DFA.

For example, Gateway Credit Union, a member-owned full service financial services mutual, is offering calculation of tax on rental income.

Westpac, the nation's largest lender to landlords, is lowering the size of deposits required from property investors to 90 per cent from 80 per cent, says data from Mortgage Choice.

Other big banks under the 10 per cent investment speed limit are set to announce similar deals to remain competitive, grab market share or offset business lost from the crackdown on lending to foreigners.