
Record month for wind energy puts a temporary halt to rising carbon emissions

A blustery May across south-eastern Australia helped smash wind energy generation records, placing a temporary halt to climbing carbon emissions from the electricity sector, according to a report by consultants Pitt & Sherry.

Wind farms supplied 1299 gigawatt-hours of electricity last month to the National Electricity Market (NEM), which supplies about 80 per cent of the country.

Major CO2 milestone reached

Carbon dioxide continues to increase in the atmosphere with a major milestone of 400 parts per million of CO2 recorded in the Southern Hemisphere according CSIRO's Dr David Etheridge.

The tally was 22 per cent larger than the previous record, set in July 2015, and came without any new capacity being added in more than a year, Hugh Saddler, principal consultant with Pitt & Sherry, said.

"It's by far the biggest ever month in terms of wind energy," Dr Saddler said, noting that state records for wind energy were set in South Australia, Victoria, Tasmania and NSW.

Wind energy had a record month in May.
Wind energy had a record month in May. Photo: Darren Pateman

Wind supplied 49 per cent of the electricity used in SA last month, 13 per cent in Tasmania, 12 per cent of Victoria and 4.8 per cent in NSW, the Pitt & Sherry report compiled with The Australia Institute, said.

Wind's share of the NEM was 8.5 per cent, exceeding hydro power's 7.9 per cent share, and helped send coal's share 0.1 percentage points lower to 76.1 per cent. (See Pitt & Sherry chart below.)

Coal's retreat is likely to be temporary, though.

Output from the closure of the ageing coal-fired power plant at Port Augusta last month was covered in part by the surge in wind. 

The failure of the Basslink power link between Victoria and Tasmania also cut demand for brown coal-fired power that will likely to rebound when the cable is restored possibly within weeks.

Rising emissions

Since the Abbott government scrapped the carbon price in July 2014, emissions have increased 5.6 per cent from the electricity sector, Pitt & Sherry said. 

At an annualised rate for the year to May, NEM emissions were 8.2 million tonnes higher than for the year to June 2014, Dr Saddler said.

The industry accounts for about one-third of national emissions, the rebound means Australia's total emissions are well above 2000 levels.

Rising consumption of fossil fuels for use in transport have risen 1.8 per cent during the period, and those from burning gas have jumped 13 per cent. (See Pitt & Sherry chart below.)

Dr Saddler said the rise of emissions from sectors other than electricity was driven by a range of factors, including political ones.

For one thing, the Abbott-Turnbull government and others had downplayed the importance of energy efficiency.

"Overall, the omens are bad at the moment for emission trends, because there is no sign of any policy changes which might change the trend," Dr Saddler said.

Across the NEM, wind farms have 3.9 GW of capacity.

Last month, they operated at 49 per cent capacity, or more than double the efficiency rate recorded in March – a particularly calm month, weatherwise.