The National Geographic reported on Wednesday, June 8 that a massive new monument has been found in Petra, Jordan. This is most interesting because the enormous monument has been there in plain sight all the time, according to a study in the Bulletin of the American Schools of Oriental Research. People are wondering how could the new monument be in Petra over two centuries and no one knew it was there.
High-resolution satellites and aerial drones helped reveal a huge ceremonial platform that's been hiding in plain sight near the ancient city's center. Archaeologists Sarah Parcak, a National Geographic fellow, and Christopher Tuttle, executive director of the Council of American Overseas Research Centers, shared that the monument is about as long as an Olympic-size swimming pool and twice as wide. It is located only about half a mile south of the center of Petra. The entire Petra Archaeological Park covers about 102 square miles, but Petra itself covers only 2.3 square miles.
CNN reported that the ancient city of Petra is carved out of local red sandstone. Petra may be one of the world's best-known archaeological sites, but it still has secrets to reveal. This is not the first time discoveries have been made around Petra. The newly found structure probably was similar to a Christian chapel that was used for ceremonial purposes during the Byzantine period. The monument has not been excavated, but it is said to be the second largest elevated area discovered in Petra. The Monastery is Petra's largest monument.
The new structure is a 184-by-161-foot platform that encloses a slightly smaller platform originally paved with flagstones. The east side of the interior platform had been lined with a row of columns that once crowned a monumental staircase. A small 28-by-28-foot building was centered north-south atop the interior platform and opened to the east, facing the staircase.
About half a million tourists visit Petra and its surroundings each year. Have you ever been to Petra? It's an amazing place to visit, if you ever get the chance.