Lost in Austen is a four-part 2008 British television series for the ITV network, written by Guy Andrews as a fantasy adaptation of Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen. Amanda, a woman from modern London, enters the plot of the novel through a portal in her bathroom, to join the Bennet family and affect events disastrously.
In December 2009 the show was placed at 48 in "The Top 50 TV Shows of the Noughties", a list published in The Times.
Amanda Price, a keen Jane Austen fan from present-day Hammersmith, who has just rejected an unromantic marriage proposal from her boozy, unfaithful boyfriend, discovers Elizabeth Bennet, a character from Pride and Prejudice, in a nightgown in her bathroom; but when Elizabeth disappears, she brushes the incident off as a dream. Amanda explains to her mother that Jane Austen's novel has shown her that she can set higher standards for a husband for herself, and taught her to believe in true love. Elizabeth appears in Amanda's bathroom again, this time dressed for travel.
The night I asked you for a kiss, I froze for years,
I live with that regret
Reliving those moments in a cold van
And my heart beating out of my chest
I drove to Boston; yeah I drove for your love
A bit too shy to say
"It's you that I'm lost in"
I said "It's you that I'm lost in"
It was a midnight candle light depression
Filled with her tears
That just rang loud with an old thing
that I've seen and I've been through
I said dry your eyes and try to see
I'm a bit too shy to say
"It's you that I'm lost in"
I said "It's you that I'm lost in"
If I'm 7% now, baby, that leaves 93 for you
If I'm 7% now, honey, that leaves 93 for you
If I'm 7% now, baby, that leaves 93 for you
Or is that enough for you?
It's was a long, long lonely summer full of roadside calls
and truck stop stalls
That saw me nude and lewd in
a Jacksonville jailhouse
My phone in my hand and
My heart in my throat, too ashamed to call
It's you that I'm lost in
I said it's you that I'm lost in
Tell me your dreams of lust and handcuff
And don't leave out the dirty, dirty talk
Lost in Austen is a four-part 2008 British television series for the ITV network, written by Guy Andrews as a fantasy adaptation of Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen. Amanda, a woman from modern London, enters the plot of the novel through a portal in her bathroom, to join the Bennet family and affect events disastrously.
In December 2009 the show was placed at 48 in "The Top 50 TV Shows of the Noughties", a list published in The Times.
Amanda Price, a keen Jane Austen fan from present-day Hammersmith, who has just rejected an unromantic marriage proposal from her boozy, unfaithful boyfriend, discovers Elizabeth Bennet, a character from Pride and Prejudice, in a nightgown in her bathroom; but when Elizabeth disappears, she brushes the incident off as a dream. Amanda explains to her mother that Jane Austen's novel has shown her that she can set higher standards for a husband for herself, and taught her to believe in true love. Elizabeth appears in Amanda's bathroom again, this time dressed for travel.
Yahoo Daily News | 18 Sep 2018
WorldNews.com | 18 Sep 2018
WorldNews.com | 18 Sep 2018
WorldNews.com | 19 Sep 2018
Independent online (SA) | 18 Sep 2018
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The Independent | 18 Sep 2018
WorldNews.com | 19 Sep 2018
WorldNews.com | 18 Sep 2018
WorldNews.com | 18 Sep 2018