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  • Southport


67 jobs available in Southport

Originally established as a location for timber mills, with a port for shipping timber to Brisbane, Southport has become one of the largest and fastest growing communities in Queensland. It was originally named Nerang Creek Heads, but this title was changed to Southport, as it is a port city located at the southernmost point of Queensland.

Southport is located near the middle of the Gold Coast and is recognized as the central business district for the region. It has certainly earned this recognition by being home to the largest amount of office space in the Gold Coast and having a large number of high-rise towers that are either in operation or planned for construction. Additionally, many famous actors were born in Southport, such as Guy Edmonds, Emily Stewart Chloe Conrad and others.

This city has a population that is close to 30,000. The residents of Southport are slightly younger on average than the general Australian population and the population is diverse, with many people from New Zealand, England, Korea, and China.

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