KenFM zeigt: Regime-Change in der Ukraine? Dr. Daniele Ganser im Kino Babylon Berlin
Aus der Physik wissen wir, dass Ursache und Wirkung miteinander zu tun haben, und kennen auch eine Reihenfolge. Erst die Ursache, dann die Wirkung. Ein Glas, das zerschlagen am Boden liegt, musste erst fallen.
Kein logisch denkender Mensch würde diese zeitliche Abfolge beim Beobachten von Naturgesetzen in Frage stellen. Geht es dann aber um die "Physik" politischer Ereignisse, wird dies ständig v
US-Regime-Change-Pläne für den Nahen Osten (Die Anstalt, Oktober 2015)
The Iraq War S01 E01 Regime Change hd full
The Regime - Change ft. Ampichino
Official music video by The Regime ft. Ampichino performing Change. 2015 Double F Records
Voice of Assenna: Eritrea Needs Regime Change, Dec 07, 2015
disciple-regime change-from the album scars remain.........rate and suscribe!!!=D comment 2!!!! more vids commin out soon lyrics You build it up, I'll tear i...
Disciple - Regime Change
Disciple - Regime Change Lyrics: Build it up, tear it down My finger in the strings connected to your hands I dance the mockery, a theme of decadence Love, L...
Disciple - Regime Change
Music video by Disciple performing Regime Change. (C) 2006 INO Records
Obama Wants Regime Change in Russia
In today's video, Christopher Greene of AMTV reports on the build-up to World War 3.
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US State Dept spox almost cracks over ISIS and Syria regime change charges
In the mind of US State Department spokesman John Kirby, Russia should not back Syria against the terrorists, president Assad is to blame for ISIS, Iraq is much better off because of the US invasion, and it’s ‘absolutely astounding’ anyone would dare to disagree. READ MORE: http://on.rt.com/6rf6
RT LIVE http://rt.com/on-air
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Aktuell: US-Regime-Change: Armenien [2015]
Aktuell: Es wäre taktisch klug, wenn die alternativen Medien aber auch RT-Deutsch auf die Thematik "Regime-Change-Armenien" eingehen, um die USA in ihren Handlungen weiter zu blockieren. Als Deutsche müssen wir ganz besonders geschlossen als Einheit; gegen die USA vorgehen, damit sich gewisse tragische Ereignisse wie sie in der Vergangenheit geschehen sind, nicht wiederholen.
Seitdem Regime-Chan
Ron Paul: How Many Refugees Were Leaving Syria Before U.S. Regime Change?
Air Date: Sep. 9th, 2015
This video may contain copyrighted material. Such material is made available for educational purposes only. This constitutes a 'fair use' of any such copyrighted material as provided for in Title 17 U.S.C. section 107 of the US Copyright Law.
Stratfor Founder Admits Ukraine Is U.S. Regime Change Puppet
Air Date: March 17th, 2014 This video may contain copyrighted material. Such material is made available for educational purposes only. This constitutes a 'fa...
Putin Tells The World The US Pushes Regime Change Around The World - Episode 777b
Check Out The X22 Report Spotlight YouTube Channel – https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC1rnp-CySclyhxyjA4f14WQ
Get economic collapse news throughout the day visit http://x22report.com
Report date: 09.28.2015
China continually purchasing gold. White House new spending site not transparent. Germany begins censoring Facebook. UK bringing more military trainers to Ukraine. US supplying Ukraine wi
The Pleiadians 9/13/15 Regime Change, Suicide, and More
Barbara Marciniak workshop in Nevada City, California 2015. Topics include Anunnaki history, astrological forecasts, extraterrestrials, CERN, Native Americans, gamma rays, and more.
Aktuell: Wie der Deutsche aufwacht: Regime-Change-Deutschland
Übersicht zu Asylantenheimen in Deutschland
[ https://www.google.com/maps/d/viewer?hl=de&authuser;=0∣=zwGAZStFnRew.kiEQ6IcEZRI4 ]
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[ http://deutsche-wirtschafts-nachrichten.de/2015/07/18/tausende-fluechtlinge-fliehen-aus-griechenland-in-richtung-norden/ ]
Griechenlandkrise: Schäuble spielt mit Rücktritt
[ http://www.spiegel.de/pol
How Iraq's 'Regime Change' Was Masterminded By The US
The Morning After: Investigating the American men and women who installed Saddam's successors in Iraq
Watch our Iraq war playlist here: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLlGSlkijht5hk-84ht_Az8d-rgBKgZqP0
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When the US declared its intention
Der Regime-Change in der Ukraine 2014 (14.6.2015)
Der Schweizer Historiker und Friedensforscher Dr. Daniele Ganser
zum Regime-Change in Kiew im Februar 2014.
Mit wissenschaftliche Akribie untersucht und wertet er die Daten
und Hintergründe zum Umsturz in Kiew aus. Dabei zieht er
Vergleiche zu den Regime-Changes in aller Welt, aus den letzen
70 Jahren.
Er warnt eindringlich davor, dass Deutschland und Russland
gegeneinander gehetzt werden sollen
Regime Change: The JFK Assassination
What really happened to JFK? Future of Freedom Foundation President Jacob Hornberger joins the Liberty Report to discuss his latest book on one of the enduring questions of our times.
KenFM am Telefon: Dr. Daniele Ganser. Regime-Change in der Ukraine
25 Jahre nach Mauerfall ist Europa alles andere als ein in sich einiger Kontinent. Im Gegenteil.
Wir stehen vor einem neuen Kalten Krieg mit der Russischen Föderation, der auch innerhalb der Europäischen Union tiefe Gräben geschlagen hat.
Auslöser dieser Krise in Europa war der Regime-Change in der Ukraine. Hier handelte es sich um einen klassischen Putsch, der nicht ohne Tote über die Bühne gi
Американские военные требуют смены власти / U.S. Military demand regime change
Special for http://fbii.org.
Bernie Sanders: I'm not a fan of regime changes
Speaking during the CBS Democratic debate, Senator Bernie Sanders addresses his decision not to vote for the invasion of Iraq.
Disciple-Regime Change Lyrics
Owned by Disciple and Sony Music. Ah wrong lyric- I wrote "caught in this day" when it's "try to understand".
KenFM zeigt: Regime-Change in der Ukraine? Dr. Daniele Ganser im Kino Babylon Berlin
Aus der Physik wissen wir, dass Ursache und Wirkung miteinander zu tun haben, und kennen auch eine Reihenfolge. Erst die Ursache, dann die Wirkung. Ein Glas, da...
Aus der Physik wissen wir, dass Ursache und Wirkung miteinander zu tun haben, und kennen auch eine Reihenfolge. Erst die Ursache, dann die Wirkung. Ein Glas, das zerschlagen am Boden liegt, musste erst fallen.
Kein logisch denkender Mensch würde diese zeitliche Abfolge beim Beobachten von Naturgesetzen in Frage stellen. Geht es dann aber um die "Physik" politischer Ereignisse, wird dies ständig versucht.
Bevor sich die Krim in der Ukraine von der Regierung in Kiew abspaltete und es zur sogenannten Krim-Krise kam, die bis heute anhält und zu einem Bürgerkrieg im Land und massivem Stress mit Moskau führte, kam es in der Ukraine zu einem "Regime-Change", der nicht ohne Tote auskam.
Auf dem Maidan-Platz wurden zig Bürger mit und ohne Uniform von Kugeln getötet, die von Scharfschützen auf Dächern abgefeuert worden waren. Hier handelt es sich um klassischen Mord, der dazu führen sollte, Chaos zu stiften, um so einen Putsch vorzubereiten.
Wer die Schützen waren, wer sie bezahlte und ihnen den Befehl gab, sowohl auf Demonstranten als auch Polizisten zu schießen, ist bis heute nicht wirklich geklärt. Fest steht: Erst als im Anschluss der damalige Präsident Janukowitsch das Land fluchtartig verließ und die NATO-Marionette Poroschenko ins Amt gehievt wurde, reagierte Putin in Moskau und unterstütze die Abspaltung der Krim.
Auf der Krim befindet sich der wichtigste Militärstütpunkt Moskaus. Sevastopol. Offiziell gemietet bis 2042.
In der Westpresse wird dieser zeitliche Ablauf einfach um 180 Grad gedreht und damit die Geschichte auf den Kopf gestellt. Manipulation der öffentlichen Meinung als Basis für Kriegs-Propaganda gegen Russland.
Der Schweizer Historiker Dr. Daniele Ganser folgte der Einlandung von KenFM und Free21 nach Berlin, um die Geschehnisse in der Ukraine in ihrer korrekten zeitlichen Abfolge darzulegen.
Eingebettet wird sein Vortrag in die Geschichte zahlosser Regierungsputsche, die eben alles andere sind als ein Demokratieexport. Oft wurde durch einen Putsch die Demokratie beseitigt. Was den Menschen gern als Regime-Change verkauft wird, sprich Befreiung von der Diktatur mit Hilfe von Außen, stellt sich bei genauerem Hinsehen oft als Import eines (anderen, dem Westen wohlgesinnten) Diktators dar.
In diesem Spiel sind die USA bis heute federführend. Welche Rolle spielten sie damals auf dem Maidan und welche Folgen hat der Regime-Change oder Putsch in Kiew für Europa, und damit auch für Deutschland?
Knappe zwei Stunden Geopolitik im Kino Babylon in Berlin, mit aktuellem Bezug. Spannend und vor allem erhellend, wenn es darum geht, wie in den Massenmedien die Wahrheit verbogen wird, um auch den Bürger der BRD wieder für Krieg zu begeistern. In Zeiten des Internet hat die Staatspropaganda es dann aber zunehmend schwerer, Menschen flächendeckend das Gehirn zu waschen.
Die öffentliche Meinung ist das zweitgrößte Imperium auf diesem Planeten. WIR sind nicht Machtlos. Bildung hilft, die vermeintliche eigene Ohnmacht konsequent als das zu erkennen, was sie ist: Das Resultat bewusster Propaganda. Bildung ist hier das effektivste Gegengift. Bilde Dich. Mach Dich auf die Suche nach anderen Quellen. Macht Dir Dein eigenes Bild.
Dr. Daniele Ganser kann dabei ein Anfang sein.
wn.com/Kenfm Zeigt Regime Change In Der Ukraine Dr. Daniele Ganser Im Kino Babylon Berlin
Aus der Physik wissen wir, dass Ursache und Wirkung miteinander zu tun haben, und kennen auch eine Reihenfolge. Erst die Ursache, dann die Wirkung. Ein Glas, das zerschlagen am Boden liegt, musste erst fallen.
Kein logisch denkender Mensch würde diese zeitliche Abfolge beim Beobachten von Naturgesetzen in Frage stellen. Geht es dann aber um die "Physik" politischer Ereignisse, wird dies ständig versucht.
Bevor sich die Krim in der Ukraine von der Regierung in Kiew abspaltete und es zur sogenannten Krim-Krise kam, die bis heute anhält und zu einem Bürgerkrieg im Land und massivem Stress mit Moskau führte, kam es in der Ukraine zu einem "Regime-Change", der nicht ohne Tote auskam.
Auf dem Maidan-Platz wurden zig Bürger mit und ohne Uniform von Kugeln getötet, die von Scharfschützen auf Dächern abgefeuert worden waren. Hier handelt es sich um klassischen Mord, der dazu führen sollte, Chaos zu stiften, um so einen Putsch vorzubereiten.
Wer die Schützen waren, wer sie bezahlte und ihnen den Befehl gab, sowohl auf Demonstranten als auch Polizisten zu schießen, ist bis heute nicht wirklich geklärt. Fest steht: Erst als im Anschluss der damalige Präsident Janukowitsch das Land fluchtartig verließ und die NATO-Marionette Poroschenko ins Amt gehievt wurde, reagierte Putin in Moskau und unterstütze die Abspaltung der Krim.
Auf der Krim befindet sich der wichtigste Militärstütpunkt Moskaus. Sevastopol. Offiziell gemietet bis 2042.
In der Westpresse wird dieser zeitliche Ablauf einfach um 180 Grad gedreht und damit die Geschichte auf den Kopf gestellt. Manipulation der öffentlichen Meinung als Basis für Kriegs-Propaganda gegen Russland.
Der Schweizer Historiker Dr. Daniele Ganser folgte der Einlandung von KenFM und Free21 nach Berlin, um die Geschehnisse in der Ukraine in ihrer korrekten zeitlichen Abfolge darzulegen.
Eingebettet wird sein Vortrag in die Geschichte zahlosser Regierungsputsche, die eben alles andere sind als ein Demokratieexport. Oft wurde durch einen Putsch die Demokratie beseitigt. Was den Menschen gern als Regime-Change verkauft wird, sprich Befreiung von der Diktatur mit Hilfe von Außen, stellt sich bei genauerem Hinsehen oft als Import eines (anderen, dem Westen wohlgesinnten) Diktators dar.
In diesem Spiel sind die USA bis heute federführend. Welche Rolle spielten sie damals auf dem Maidan und welche Folgen hat der Regime-Change oder Putsch in Kiew für Europa, und damit auch für Deutschland?
Knappe zwei Stunden Geopolitik im Kino Babylon in Berlin, mit aktuellem Bezug. Spannend und vor allem erhellend, wenn es darum geht, wie in den Massenmedien die Wahrheit verbogen wird, um auch den Bürger der BRD wieder für Krieg zu begeistern. In Zeiten des Internet hat die Staatspropaganda es dann aber zunehmend schwerer, Menschen flächendeckend das Gehirn zu waschen.
Die öffentliche Meinung ist das zweitgrößte Imperium auf diesem Planeten. WIR sind nicht Machtlos. Bildung hilft, die vermeintliche eigene Ohnmacht konsequent als das zu erkennen, was sie ist: Das Resultat bewusster Propaganda. Bildung ist hier das effektivste Gegengift. Bilde Dich. Mach Dich auf die Suche nach anderen Quellen. Macht Dir Dein eigenes Bild.
Dr. Daniele Ganser kann dabei ein Anfang sein.
- published: 06 Jun 2015
- views: 373893
The Regime - Change ft. Ampichino
Official music video by The Regime ft. Ampichino performing Change. 2015 Double F Records...
Official music video by The Regime ft. Ampichino performing Change. 2015 Double F Records
wn.com/The Regime Change Ft. Ampichino
Official music video by The Regime ft. Ampichino performing Change. 2015 Double F Records
- published: 17 Feb 2015
- views: 22
disciple-regime change-from the album scars remain.........rate and suscribe!!!=D comment 2!!!! more vids commin out soon lyrics You build it up, I'll tear i......
disciple-regime change-from the album scars remain.........rate and suscribe!!!=D comment 2!!!! more vids commin out soon lyrics You build it up, I'll tear i...
wn.com/Regime Change Disciple
disciple-regime change-from the album scars remain.........rate and suscribe!!!=D comment 2!!!! more vids commin out soon lyrics You build it up, I'll tear i...
- published: 11 Aug 2008
- views: 30404
author: Mark colon
Disciple - Regime Change
Disciple - Regime Change Lyrics: Build it up, tear it down My finger in the strings connected to your hands I dance the mockery, a theme of decadence Love, L......
Disciple - Regime Change Lyrics: Build it up, tear it down My finger in the strings connected to your hands I dance the mockery, a theme of decadence Love, L...
wn.com/Disciple Regime Change
Disciple - Regime Change Lyrics: Build it up, tear it down My finger in the strings connected to your hands I dance the mockery, a theme of decadence Love, L...
Disciple - Regime Change
Music video by Disciple performing Regime Change. (C) 2006 INO Records...
Music video by Disciple performing Regime Change. (C) 2006 INO Records
wn.com/Disciple Regime Change
Music video by Disciple performing Regime Change. (C) 2006 INO Records
- published: 23 Oct 2013
- views: 1628
Obama Wants Regime Change in Russia
In today's video, Christopher Greene of AMTV reports on the build-up to World War 3.
AMTV Website: http://www.amtvmedia.com
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In today's video, Christopher Greene of AMTV reports on the build-up to World War 3.
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Copyright © 2015 AMTV. All rights reserved.
wn.com/Obama Wants Regime Change In Russia
In today's video, Christopher Greene of AMTV reports on the build-up to World War 3.
AMTV Website: http://www.amtvmedia.com
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Welcome to C.H. Kadels Camping & Survival Gear warehouse. Whether you're searching for all the gear for roughing it in the wilderness, or a year supply of survival food, we've got it.
Check out the Lifestraw Personal Water Filter!
Copyright © 2015 AMTV. All rights reserved.
- published: 10 Mar 2015
- views: 5736
US State Dept spox almost cracks over ISIS and Syria regime change charges
In the mind of US State Department spokesman John Kirby, Russia should not back Syria against the terrorists, president Assad is to blame for ISIS, Iraq is much...
In the mind of US State Department spokesman John Kirby, Russia should not back Syria against the terrorists, president Assad is to blame for ISIS, Iraq is much better off because of the US invasion, and it’s ‘absolutely astounding’ anyone would dare to disagree. READ MORE: http://on.rt.com/6rf6
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RT (Russia Today) is a global news network broadcasting from Moscow and Washington studios. RT is the first news channel to break the 1 billion YouTube views benchmark.
wn.com/US State Dept Spox Almost Cracks Over Isis And Syria Regime Change Charges
In the mind of US State Department spokesman John Kirby, Russia should not back Syria against the terrorists, president Assad is to blame for ISIS, Iraq is much better off because of the US invasion, and it’s ‘absolutely astounding’ anyone would dare to disagree. READ MORE: http://on.rt.com/6rf6
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RT (Russia Today) is a global news network broadcasting from Moscow and Washington studios. RT is the first news channel to break the 1 billion YouTube views benchmark.
- published: 16 Sep 2015
- views: 2376
Aktuell: US-Regime-Change: Armenien [2015]
Aktuell: Es wäre taktisch klug, wenn die alternativen Medien aber auch RT-Deutsch auf die Thematik "Regime-Change-Armenien" eingehen, um die USA in ihren Handl...
Aktuell: Es wäre taktisch klug, wenn die alternativen Medien aber auch RT-Deutsch auf die Thematik "Regime-Change-Armenien" eingehen, um die USA in ihren Handlungen weiter zu blockieren. Als Deutsche müssen wir ganz besonders geschlossen als Einheit; gegen die USA vorgehen, damit sich gewisse tragische Ereignisse wie sie in der Vergangenheit geschehen sind, nicht wiederholen.
Seitdem Regime-Change in der Ukraine befindet sich der Krisenherd, ähnlich wie im mittleren Osten, direkt vor unserer Tür. Dass es dabei nicht bleiben würde, war längst im Vorfeld klar. Nun treten weitere Krisenherde in Europa auf. Mazedonien und Armenien sind die aktuellsten Beispiele für die Einmischung in innere Angelegenheiten. Die USA destabilisieren nachhaltig ganze Staaten und Regierungen, die die Völker über Dekaden lahm legen und schockieren. Ägypten zeigt, dass ein Regime-Change zwar zur Entmachtung einer Tyrannei führen kann, aber selbst diese Tyrannei wird durch eine neue Tyrannei ersetzt. (Mubarak, Mursi, Al-Sisi) Die Hintermänner und Finanziers dieser Tyrannei sind die selben Leute und in dem Fall, die USA und Saudi Arabien. Hat es dem Volk also etwas gebracht?
Genau das selbe Szenario spielt sich doch grade in Griechenland ab. Die Regierung von SAMARAS musste vor 5 Monaten seinen Hut ziehen. Nun hat sich die Pseudo-Linke Syriza (Tsipras) als bürgerliche Partei mit Austeritäts-Phrasen an die Macht gehievt. Die Bürger haben aus Verzweiflung und Wut diese Linke Partei gewählt, weil sie der bisherigen Partei eins auswischen wollten. (zb) Sie, die Wähler haben sich einwickeln lassen, in die leeren Phrasen der Linken. Mit dem Ende der Kürzungspolitik unter der Fuchtel der Troika warb die falsche Linke. Und nun? Wissen die Bürger erneut, dass man niemandem trauen kann, der dem Kapital verfallen ist. (Korruption) Die Syriza betreibt exakt das selbe wie die Vorgänger-Regierung. Noch schlimmer, sie verschärft die Maßnahmen der Troika (IWF) im eigenen Land. Syriza zeigt damit ihre Kapitulation gleich zu beginn ihrer Regierungs-Zeit vor dem Kapitalismus. Sie kann künftig nichts vorweisen, was dem Volk dienlich wäre. Sie unterwirft sich lieber und schützt den Kapitalismus. Gregor Gysi von der deutschen Links-Partei tut das übrigens auch. Gysi schmettert mit der Aussage, wir brauchen keine Revolution gegen den Kapitalismus, den aufkommenden Kampf gegen den Kapitalismus ab.
(Ein Versuch, die Vorwegnahme, Beeinflussung der Wählerschaft)
[ http://deutsche-wirtschafts-nachrichten.de/2015/06/07/gregor-gysi-wir-brauchen-keine-revolution-gegen-den-kapitalismus/ ]
Sarah Wagenknecht deckt die Spekulanten, indem sie geschickt für diese argumentiert.
[ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1Nn4epVQ0c0 ]
Wie unter Samaras schon gibt es auch jetzt gute Kontakte zur USA.
[ http://deutsche-wirtschafts-nachrichten.de/2015/06/11/us-regierung-und-syriza-spielen-euro-retter-an-die-wand/ ]
Armenische Polizei setzt Wasserwerfer gegen Strompreis-Demonstranten ein
[ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dyywMNS_Ff4 ]
Armenier gehen gegen Regierung auf die Straße (Politikwechsel)
[ http://www.zeit.de/politik/ausland/2015-06/armenien-jerewan-protest-strompreise-russland ]
Russischer Politiker: Ereignisse in Armenien folgen dem Muster des Umsturzes in Kiew
[ http://de.sputniknews.com/politik/20150624/302915795.html ]
Unruhen: Proteststurm im Armenien
[ http://diepresse.com/home/politik/aussenpolitik/4761416/Unruhen_Proteststurm-im-Armenien ]
NATO-Speerspitze: 40.000 Soldaten für Osteuropa
[ http://www.contra-magazin.com/2015/06/nato-speerspitze-40-000-soldaten-fuer-osteuropa/ ]
wn.com/Aktuell US Regime Change Armenien 2015
Aktuell: Es wäre taktisch klug, wenn die alternativen Medien aber auch RT-Deutsch auf die Thematik "Regime-Change-Armenien" eingehen, um die USA in ihren Handlungen weiter zu blockieren. Als Deutsche müssen wir ganz besonders geschlossen als Einheit; gegen die USA vorgehen, damit sich gewisse tragische Ereignisse wie sie in der Vergangenheit geschehen sind, nicht wiederholen.
Seitdem Regime-Change in der Ukraine befindet sich der Krisenherd, ähnlich wie im mittleren Osten, direkt vor unserer Tür. Dass es dabei nicht bleiben würde, war längst im Vorfeld klar. Nun treten weitere Krisenherde in Europa auf. Mazedonien und Armenien sind die aktuellsten Beispiele für die Einmischung in innere Angelegenheiten. Die USA destabilisieren nachhaltig ganze Staaten und Regierungen, die die Völker über Dekaden lahm legen und schockieren. Ägypten zeigt, dass ein Regime-Change zwar zur Entmachtung einer Tyrannei führen kann, aber selbst diese Tyrannei wird durch eine neue Tyrannei ersetzt. (Mubarak, Mursi, Al-Sisi) Die Hintermänner und Finanziers dieser Tyrannei sind die selben Leute und in dem Fall, die USA und Saudi Arabien. Hat es dem Volk also etwas gebracht?
Genau das selbe Szenario spielt sich doch grade in Griechenland ab. Die Regierung von SAMARAS musste vor 5 Monaten seinen Hut ziehen. Nun hat sich die Pseudo-Linke Syriza (Tsipras) als bürgerliche Partei mit Austeritäts-Phrasen an die Macht gehievt. Die Bürger haben aus Verzweiflung und Wut diese Linke Partei gewählt, weil sie der bisherigen Partei eins auswischen wollten. (zb) Sie, die Wähler haben sich einwickeln lassen, in die leeren Phrasen der Linken. Mit dem Ende der Kürzungspolitik unter der Fuchtel der Troika warb die falsche Linke. Und nun? Wissen die Bürger erneut, dass man niemandem trauen kann, der dem Kapital verfallen ist. (Korruption) Die Syriza betreibt exakt das selbe wie die Vorgänger-Regierung. Noch schlimmer, sie verschärft die Maßnahmen der Troika (IWF) im eigenen Land. Syriza zeigt damit ihre Kapitulation gleich zu beginn ihrer Regierungs-Zeit vor dem Kapitalismus. Sie kann künftig nichts vorweisen, was dem Volk dienlich wäre. Sie unterwirft sich lieber und schützt den Kapitalismus. Gregor Gysi von der deutschen Links-Partei tut das übrigens auch. Gysi schmettert mit der Aussage, wir brauchen keine Revolution gegen den Kapitalismus, den aufkommenden Kampf gegen den Kapitalismus ab.
(Ein Versuch, die Vorwegnahme, Beeinflussung der Wählerschaft)
[ http://deutsche-wirtschafts-nachrichten.de/2015/06/07/gregor-gysi-wir-brauchen-keine-revolution-gegen-den-kapitalismus/ ]
Sarah Wagenknecht deckt die Spekulanten, indem sie geschickt für diese argumentiert.
[ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1Nn4epVQ0c0 ]
Wie unter Samaras schon gibt es auch jetzt gute Kontakte zur USA.
[ http://deutsche-wirtschafts-nachrichten.de/2015/06/11/us-regierung-und-syriza-spielen-euro-retter-an-die-wand/ ]
Armenische Polizei setzt Wasserwerfer gegen Strompreis-Demonstranten ein
[ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dyywMNS_Ff4 ]
Armenier gehen gegen Regierung auf die Straße (Politikwechsel)
[ http://www.zeit.de/politik/ausland/2015-06/armenien-jerewan-protest-strompreise-russland ]
Russischer Politiker: Ereignisse in Armenien folgen dem Muster des Umsturzes in Kiew
[ http://de.sputniknews.com/politik/20150624/302915795.html ]
Unruhen: Proteststurm im Armenien
[ http://diepresse.com/home/politik/aussenpolitik/4761416/Unruhen_Proteststurm-im-Armenien ]
NATO-Speerspitze: 40.000 Soldaten für Osteuropa
[ http://www.contra-magazin.com/2015/06/nato-speerspitze-40-000-soldaten-fuer-osteuropa/ ]
- published: 24 Jun 2015
- views: 317
Ron Paul: How Many Refugees Were Leaving Syria Before U.S. Regime Change?
Air Date: Sep. 9th, 2015
This video may contain copyrighted material. Such material is made available for educational purposes only. This constitutes a 'fair u...
Air Date: Sep. 9th, 2015
This video may contain copyrighted material. Such material is made available for educational purposes only. This constitutes a 'fair use' of any such copyrighted material as provided for in Title 17 U.S.C. section 107 of the US Copyright Law.
wn.com/Ron Paul How Many Refugees Were Leaving Syria Before U.S. Regime Change
Air Date: Sep. 9th, 2015
This video may contain copyrighted material. Such material is made available for educational purposes only. This constitutes a 'fair use' of any such copyrighted material as provided for in Title 17 U.S.C. section 107 of the US Copyright Law.
- published: 09 Sep 2015
- views: 2366
Stratfor Founder Admits Ukraine Is U.S. Regime Change Puppet
Air Date: March 17th, 2014 This video may contain copyrighted material. Such material is made available for educational purposes only. This constitutes a 'fa......
Air Date: March 17th, 2014 This video may contain copyrighted material. Such material is made available for educational purposes only. This constitutes a 'fa...
wn.com/Stratfor Founder Admits Ukraine Is U.S. Regime Change Puppet
Air Date: March 17th, 2014 This video may contain copyrighted material. Such material is made available for educational purposes only. This constitutes a 'fa...
Putin Tells The World The US Pushes Regime Change Around The World - Episode 777b
Check Out The X22 Report Spotlight YouTube Channel – https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC1rnp-CySclyhxyjA4f14WQ
Get economic collapse news throughout the day ...
Check Out The X22 Report Spotlight YouTube Channel – https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC1rnp-CySclyhxyjA4f14WQ
Get economic collapse news throughout the day visit http://x22report.com
Report date: 09.28.2015
China continually purchasing gold. White House new spending site not transparent. Germany begins censoring Facebook. UK bringing more military trainers to Ukraine. US supplying Ukraine with border detection systems. Putin putting together a global coalition to fight the IS. Putin outed the US and explains to the world that the US pushes regime change in the middle east and elsewhere. US pushing war, with war propaganda from WWII.
All source links to the report can be found on the x22report.com site.
Most of artwork that are included with these videos have been created by X22 Report and they are used as a representation of the subject matter. The representative artwork included with these videos shall not be construed as the actual events that are taking place.
Intro Music: YouTube Free Music: Warrior Strife by Jingle Punks
Fair Use Notice: This video contains some copyrighted material whose use has not been authorized by the copyright owners. We believe that this not-for-profit, educational, and/or criticism or commentary use on the Web constitutes a fair use of the copyrighted material (as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. If you wish to use this copyrighted material for purposes that go beyond fair use, you must obtain permission from the copyright owner. Fair Use notwithstanding we will immediately comply with any copyright owner who wants their material removed or modified, wants us to link to their web site, or wants us to add their photo.
The X22 Report is "one man's opinion". Anything that is said on the report is either opinion, criticism, information or commentary, If making any type of investment or legal decision it would be wise to contact or consult a professional before making that decision.
wn.com/Putin Tells The World The US Pushes Regime Change Around The World Episode 777B
Check Out The X22 Report Spotlight YouTube Channel – https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC1rnp-CySclyhxyjA4f14WQ
Get economic collapse news throughout the day visit http://x22report.com
Report date: 09.28.2015
China continually purchasing gold. White House new spending site not transparent. Germany begins censoring Facebook. UK bringing more military trainers to Ukraine. US supplying Ukraine with border detection systems. Putin putting together a global coalition to fight the IS. Putin outed the US and explains to the world that the US pushes regime change in the middle east and elsewhere. US pushing war, with war propaganda from WWII.
All source links to the report can be found on the x22report.com site.
Most of artwork that are included with these videos have been created by X22 Report and they are used as a representation of the subject matter. The representative artwork included with these videos shall not be construed as the actual events that are taking place.
Intro Music: YouTube Free Music: Warrior Strife by Jingle Punks
Fair Use Notice: This video contains some copyrighted material whose use has not been authorized by the copyright owners. We believe that this not-for-profit, educational, and/or criticism or commentary use on the Web constitutes a fair use of the copyrighted material (as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. If you wish to use this copyrighted material for purposes that go beyond fair use, you must obtain permission from the copyright owner. Fair Use notwithstanding we will immediately comply with any copyright owner who wants their material removed or modified, wants us to link to their web site, or wants us to add their photo.
The X22 Report is "one man's opinion". Anything that is said on the report is either opinion, criticism, information or commentary, If making any type of investment or legal decision it would be wise to contact or consult a professional before making that decision.
- published: 29 Sep 2015
- views: 1543
The Pleiadians 9/13/15 Regime Change, Suicide, and More
Barbara Marciniak workshop in Nevada City, California 2015. Topics include Anunnaki history, astrological forecasts, extraterrestrials, CERN, Native Americans, ...
Barbara Marciniak workshop in Nevada City, California 2015. Topics include Anunnaki history, astrological forecasts, extraterrestrials, CERN, Native Americans, gamma rays, and more.
wn.com/The Pleiadians 9 13 15 Regime Change, Suicide, And More
Barbara Marciniak workshop in Nevada City, California 2015. Topics include Anunnaki history, astrological forecasts, extraterrestrials, CERN, Native Americans, gamma rays, and more.
- published: 20 Nov 2015
- views: 170
Aktuell: Wie der Deutsche aufwacht: Regime-Change-Deutschland
Übersicht zu Asylantenheimen in Deutschland
[ https://www.google.com/maps/d/viewer?hl=de&authuser;=0∣=zwGAZStFnRew.kiEQ6IcEZRI4 ]
Tausende Flüchtlinge fliehe...
Übersicht zu Asylantenheimen in Deutschland
[ https://www.google.com/maps/d/viewer?hl=de&authuser;=0∣=zwGAZStFnRew.kiEQ6IcEZRI4 ]
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[ http://deutsche-wirtschafts-nachrichten.de/2015/07/18/tausende-fluechtlinge-fliehen-aus-griechenland-in-richtung-norden/ ]
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[ http://www.spiegel.de/politik/deutschland/wolfgang-schaeuble-kokettiert-mit-ruecktritt-a-1044184.html ]
Finanzminister Schäuble
„Dann könnte ich um meine Entlassung bitten“
[ http://www.faz.net/aktuell/wirtschaft/eurokrise/griechenland/finanzminister-schaeuble-erwaehnt-ruecktritt-als-option-13708960.html ]
Grexit: Lügt uns Schäuble an?
[ http://www.contra-magazin.com/2015/07/grexit-luegt-uns-schaeuble-an/ ]
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[ http://www.contra-magazin.com/2015/07/italien-warten-auf-den-grossen-schuldenknall/ ]
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[ http://www.gegenfrage.com/rom-rande-des-zusammenbruchs/ ]
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[ http://www.handelsblatt.com/unternehmen/industrie/automarkt-opel-beantragt-kurzarbeit-fuer-ruesselsheim-und-eisenach/12074100.html ]
Francois Hollande atmet auf und lobt EZB-Entscheidung
[ http://deutsche-wirtschafts-nachrichten.de/2014/06/05/francois-hollande-atmet-auf-und-lobt-ezb-entscheidung/ ]
Italien und Frankreich: Banken mit Riesen-Problemen
[ http://deutsche-wirtschafts-nachrichten.de/2014/05/14/italien-und-frankreich-banken-mit-riesen-problemen/ ]
Griechenlands Ministerpräsident sucht Schulterschluss bei europäischen Partnern
[ https://www.griechenland.net/nachrichten/politik/17709-griechenlands-ministerpräsident-sucht-schulterschluss-bei-europäischen-partnern ]
Syriza rückt von Abschreibung griechischer Schulden ab
[ http://www.wsws.org/de/articles/2015/02/05/syri-f05.html ]
Deutsche Piloten fliegen an Bord von US-Kampfjets Luftangriffe in Syrien
[ http://info.kopp-verlag.de/hintergruende/enthuellungen/udo-ulfkotte/deutsche-piloten-fliegen-an-bord-von-us-kampfjets-luftangriffe-in-syrien.html ]
Griechenland – Voller Klang und Wut, die viel bedeuten
[ http://info.kopp-verlag.de/hintergruende/europa/dr-paul-craig-roberts/griechenland-voller-klang-und-wut-die-viel-bedeuten.html ]
US-Warnung an die Bundesregierung - US leiten Schritte ein
[ http://www.german-foreign-policy.com/de/fulltext/59161 ]
Wegen Grexit-Idee: USA legen Schäuble und Gabriel Rücktritt nahe
[ http://www.epochtimes.de/Wegen-Grexit-Idee-USA-legen-Schaeuble-und-Gabriel-Ruecktritt-nahe-a1255314.html ]
USA greifen ein: Letzter Versuch, den Euro zu retten
[ http://deutsche-wirtschafts-nachrichten.de/2015/07/15/usa-greifen-ein-letzter-versuch-den-euro-zu-retten/ ]
Wie nah am Abgrund steht das globale Finanzsystem?
[ http://www.mmnews.de/index.php/wirtschaft/49399-wie-nah-am-abgrund-steht-das-globale-finanzsystem ]
Deutschlands „Finanz-Blitzkrieg“ ungünstig für USA
[ http://de.sputniknews.com/politik/20150717/303331668.html ]
Bundestag unterstützt Angriffe auf griechische Arbeiter
[ http://www.wsws.org/de/articles/2015/07/18/pers-j18.html ]
Ausschreitungen in Athen: Hälfte der Festgenommenen sind Ausländer
[ http://deutsche-wirtschafts-nachrichten.de/2015/07/18/ausschreitungen-in-athen-haelfte-der-festgenommenen-sind-auslaender/ ]
Reine Kosmetik: Griechische Banken sollen am Montag öffnen
[ http://deutsche-wirtschafts-nachrichten.de/2015/07/18/reine-kosmetik-griechische-banken-sollen-am-montag-oeffnen/ ]
Italien und Frankreich schmieden Allianz gegen Deutschland
[ http://deutsche-wirtschafts-nachrichten.de/2015/07/18/italien-und-frankreich-schmieden-allianz-gegen-deutschland/ ]
Schäubles Vision von Europa: Mehr Russland, weniger Italien
[ http://deutsche-wirtschafts-nachrichten.de/2015/07/17/schaeubles-vision-von-europa-mehr-russland-weniger-italien/ ]
Merkel will Debatte über Grexit ausdrücklich führen
[ http://deutsche-wirtschafts-nachrichten.de/2015/07/16/merkel-will-debatte-ueber-grexit-ausdruecklich-fuehren/ ]
Griechisches Sparabkommen zeigt Ausmaß des Verrats Syrizas
[ http://www.wsws.org/de/articles/2015/07/15/gree-j15.html ]
Kippt die Stimmung im Volk? Die Angst der Politiker vor der Wahrheit
[ http://info.kopp-verlag.de/hintergruende/deutschland/udo-ulfkotte/kippt-die-stimmung-im-volk-die-angst-der-politiker-vor-der-wahrheit.html ]
GR: Absturz - Syriza mit ihrer Politik am Ende
[ http://www.mmnews.de/index.php/wirtschaft/48937-gr-absturz-syriza-ist-mit-ihrer-politik-am-ende ]
Wegen Legida-Blockade-Aufruf
Staatsanwaltschaft will Juliane Nagel anklagen
[ http://www.focus.de/regional/leipzig/demonstrationen-ermittlungen-gegen-politikerinnen-nagel-und-lazar-dauern-an_id_4824053.html ]
wn.com/Aktuell Wie Der Deutsche Aufwacht Regime Change Deutschland
Übersicht zu Asylantenheimen in Deutschland
[ https://www.google.com/maps/d/viewer?hl=de&authuser;=0∣=zwGAZStFnRew.kiEQ6IcEZRI4 ]
Tausende Flüchtlinge fliehen aus Griechenland in Richtung Norden
[ http://deutsche-wirtschafts-nachrichten.de/2015/07/18/tausende-fluechtlinge-fliehen-aus-griechenland-in-richtung-norden/ ]
Griechenlandkrise: Schäuble spielt mit Rücktritt
[ http://www.spiegel.de/politik/deutschland/wolfgang-schaeuble-kokettiert-mit-ruecktritt-a-1044184.html ]
Finanzminister Schäuble
„Dann könnte ich um meine Entlassung bitten“
[ http://www.faz.net/aktuell/wirtschaft/eurokrise/griechenland/finanzminister-schaeuble-erwaehnt-ruecktritt-als-option-13708960.html ]
Grexit: Lügt uns Schäuble an?
[ http://www.contra-magazin.com/2015/07/grexit-luegt-uns-schaeuble-an/ ]
Italien: Warten auf den großen Schuldenknall
[ http://www.contra-magazin.com/2015/07/italien-warten-auf-den-grossen-schuldenknall/ ]
Rom am Rande des Zusammenbruchs?
[ http://www.gegenfrage.com/rom-rande-des-zusammenbruchs/ ]
Opel beantragt Kurzarbeit für Rüsselsheim und Eisenach
[ http://www.handelsblatt.com/unternehmen/industrie/automarkt-opel-beantragt-kurzarbeit-fuer-ruesselsheim-und-eisenach/12074100.html ]
Francois Hollande atmet auf und lobt EZB-Entscheidung
[ http://deutsche-wirtschafts-nachrichten.de/2014/06/05/francois-hollande-atmet-auf-und-lobt-ezb-entscheidung/ ]
Italien und Frankreich: Banken mit Riesen-Problemen
[ http://deutsche-wirtschafts-nachrichten.de/2014/05/14/italien-und-frankreich-banken-mit-riesen-problemen/ ]
Griechenlands Ministerpräsident sucht Schulterschluss bei europäischen Partnern
[ https://www.griechenland.net/nachrichten/politik/17709-griechenlands-ministerpräsident-sucht-schulterschluss-bei-europäischen-partnern ]
Syriza rückt von Abschreibung griechischer Schulden ab
[ http://www.wsws.org/de/articles/2015/02/05/syri-f05.html ]
Deutsche Piloten fliegen an Bord von US-Kampfjets Luftangriffe in Syrien
[ http://info.kopp-verlag.de/hintergruende/enthuellungen/udo-ulfkotte/deutsche-piloten-fliegen-an-bord-von-us-kampfjets-luftangriffe-in-syrien.html ]
Griechenland – Voller Klang und Wut, die viel bedeuten
[ http://info.kopp-verlag.de/hintergruende/europa/dr-paul-craig-roberts/griechenland-voller-klang-und-wut-die-viel-bedeuten.html ]
US-Warnung an die Bundesregierung - US leiten Schritte ein
[ http://www.german-foreign-policy.com/de/fulltext/59161 ]
Wegen Grexit-Idee: USA legen Schäuble und Gabriel Rücktritt nahe
[ http://www.epochtimes.de/Wegen-Grexit-Idee-USA-legen-Schaeuble-und-Gabriel-Ruecktritt-nahe-a1255314.html ]
USA greifen ein: Letzter Versuch, den Euro zu retten
[ http://deutsche-wirtschafts-nachrichten.de/2015/07/15/usa-greifen-ein-letzter-versuch-den-euro-zu-retten/ ]
Wie nah am Abgrund steht das globale Finanzsystem?
[ http://www.mmnews.de/index.php/wirtschaft/49399-wie-nah-am-abgrund-steht-das-globale-finanzsystem ]
Deutschlands „Finanz-Blitzkrieg“ ungünstig für USA
[ http://de.sputniknews.com/politik/20150717/303331668.html ]
Bundestag unterstützt Angriffe auf griechische Arbeiter
[ http://www.wsws.org/de/articles/2015/07/18/pers-j18.html ]
Ausschreitungen in Athen: Hälfte der Festgenommenen sind Ausländer
[ http://deutsche-wirtschafts-nachrichten.de/2015/07/18/ausschreitungen-in-athen-haelfte-der-festgenommenen-sind-auslaender/ ]
Reine Kosmetik: Griechische Banken sollen am Montag öffnen
[ http://deutsche-wirtschafts-nachrichten.de/2015/07/18/reine-kosmetik-griechische-banken-sollen-am-montag-oeffnen/ ]
Italien und Frankreich schmieden Allianz gegen Deutschland
[ http://deutsche-wirtschafts-nachrichten.de/2015/07/18/italien-und-frankreich-schmieden-allianz-gegen-deutschland/ ]
Schäubles Vision von Europa: Mehr Russland, weniger Italien
[ http://deutsche-wirtschafts-nachrichten.de/2015/07/17/schaeubles-vision-von-europa-mehr-russland-weniger-italien/ ]
Merkel will Debatte über Grexit ausdrücklich führen
[ http://deutsche-wirtschafts-nachrichten.de/2015/07/16/merkel-will-debatte-ueber-grexit-ausdruecklich-fuehren/ ]
Griechisches Sparabkommen zeigt Ausmaß des Verrats Syrizas
[ http://www.wsws.org/de/articles/2015/07/15/gree-j15.html ]
Kippt die Stimmung im Volk? Die Angst der Politiker vor der Wahrheit
[ http://info.kopp-verlag.de/hintergruende/deutschland/udo-ulfkotte/kippt-die-stimmung-im-volk-die-angst-der-politiker-vor-der-wahrheit.html ]
GR: Absturz - Syriza mit ihrer Politik am Ende
[ http://www.mmnews.de/index.php/wirtschaft/48937-gr-absturz-syriza-ist-mit-ihrer-politik-am-ende ]
Wegen Legida-Blockade-Aufruf
Staatsanwaltschaft will Juliane Nagel anklagen
[ http://www.focus.de/regional/leipzig/demonstrationen-ermittlungen-gegen-politikerinnen-nagel-und-lazar-dauern-an_id_4824053.html ]
- published: 18 Jul 2015
- views: 41
How Iraq's 'Regime Change' Was Masterminded By The US
The Morning After: Investigating the American men and women who installed Saddam's successors in Iraq
Watch our Iraq war playlist here: https://www.youtube.com...
The Morning After: Investigating the American men and women who installed Saddam's successors in Iraq
Watch our Iraq war playlist here: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLlGSlkijht5hk-84ht_Az8d-rgBKgZqP0
Subscribe to Journeyman for more: http://www.youtube.com/journeymanpictures
For downloads and more information visit: http://www.journeyman.tv/?lid=57175
When the US declared its intention to topple Saddam - one question remained unanswered - who would take his place? An excellent and incisive investigative documentary that puts the telling questions to the men and women who dictate US policy. Who will take over in Iraq? Who can maintain control in a country riven with ethnic and political divides? Several candidates jostle for position – all bitterly divided by ethnicity and personality. Essential viewing that highlights how short-sighted US planning was.
ABC Australia - Ref 1379
Journeyman Pictures is your independent source for the world's most powerful films, exploring the burning issues of today. We represent stories from the world's top producers, with brand new content coming in all the time. On our channel you'll find outstanding and controversial journalism covering any global subject you can imagine wanting to know about.
wn.com/How Iraq's 'Regime Change' Was Masterminded By The US
The Morning After: Investigating the American men and women who installed Saddam's successors in Iraq
Watch our Iraq war playlist here: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLlGSlkijht5hk-84ht_Az8d-rgBKgZqP0
Subscribe to Journeyman for more: http://www.youtube.com/journeymanpictures
For downloads and more information visit: http://www.journeyman.tv/?lid=57175
When the US declared its intention to topple Saddam - one question remained unanswered - who would take his place? An excellent and incisive investigative documentary that puts the telling questions to the men and women who dictate US policy. Who will take over in Iraq? Who can maintain control in a country riven with ethnic and political divides? Several candidates jostle for position – all bitterly divided by ethnicity and personality. Essential viewing that highlights how short-sighted US planning was.
ABC Australia - Ref 1379
Journeyman Pictures is your independent source for the world's most powerful films, exploring the burning issues of today. We represent stories from the world's top producers, with brand new content coming in all the time. On our channel you'll find outstanding and controversial journalism covering any global subject you can imagine wanting to know about.
- published: 26 Sep 2014
- views: 13
Der Regime-Change in der Ukraine 2014 (14.6.2015)
Der Schweizer Historiker und Friedensforscher Dr. Daniele Ganser
zum Regime-Change in Kiew im Februar 2014.
Mit wissenschaftliche Akribie untersucht und wertet ...
Der Schweizer Historiker und Friedensforscher Dr. Daniele Ganser
zum Regime-Change in Kiew im Februar 2014.
Mit wissenschaftliche Akribie untersucht und wertet er die Daten
und Hintergründe zum Umsturz in Kiew aus. Dabei zieht er
Vergleiche zu den Regime-Changes in aller Welt, aus den letzen
70 Jahren.
Er warnt eindringlich davor, dass Deutschland und Russland
gegeneinander gehetzt werden sollen, bis hin zu einem Krieg.
Quellen für das Video:
Dr. Daniele Ganser Homepage:
Zu "NATO-Geheimarmeen" in Europa:
Ja, bei 1:29:45 ist ein Bild von einem Beitrag von uns zu sehen.
(Ganser weißt auf die Notwendigkeit hin, dass man heutzutage,
wegen den einseitigen öffentlichen Medien, gezwungen ist sich im
Internet selber zu informieren.)
Mehrere Beiträge des ARD Magazin "Monitor" wurden dort zu
einem Video zusammengefasst.
Bei Ganser geht es um den letzten Beitrag dort:
Übrige Quellen, Bilder und Videos etc. von Privat oder
im YT-Video gekennzeichnet (auch zum selbergoogeln etc).
Leider ändern sich neuerdings die URL-Adressen der Quellen
ständig, deshalb schreiben wir jetzt die Quellen direkt ins
Video. Somit kann jeder jederzeit die Quellen auch später
noch überprüfen!
Music from Magix Program:
Die Musik stammt aus dem von mir erworbenen Programm
MAGIX VDL 2013. Laut den schriftlichen EULA Bestimmungen
dieses Programms, darf die Musik daraus entsprechend
verwendet werden. Es handelt sich um: "03. Alpine Hut, Fotoshow
Musik, Berge", aus dem Programm MAGIX VDL 2013.
The music comes from my selling program MAGIX VDL 2013.
In the terms of this Program (EULA), the music can be used.
The music are: "03 Alpine Hut, Fotoshow Music, mountains",
from the MAGIX VDL 2013 program.
WICHTIG: Unser erster YT Kanal "Jürgen Birgit" wurde,
wie so viele vor ihm die sich kritisch mit dem Ukraine-
Konflikt auseinander gesetzt haben, geblockt.
Auch im Internet findet, wie in den Mainstream Medien,
eine Zensur statt! Mit Hilfe von vermeintlichem
Jugendschutz, Video-, Bild- und Ton-Urheberschutz
wird versucht Seiten, Kanäle und Videos zu sperren,
die sich mit der Ukraine-Krise befassen.
Daher ist es notwendig, dieses Video und PDF herunter
zu laden, auf die eigene Festplatte, um es gegebenenfalls
wieder hoch laden zu können. Oder es gleich zu kopieren
und anderweitig hoch zu laden.
Habe das Recht dazu, im Anhang des Videos,
Achtung, mittlerweile tummeln sich bezahlte
NATO-Trolle auf unserem Kanal. Falls Sie sich
also über seltsame und abstruse Kommentare
wundern, wissen Sie jetzt warum. Es gilt: "Don't
feed the troll!" Wenn man nicht auf sie eingeht,
trollen sie sich von allein...
wn.com/Der Regime Change In Der Ukraine 2014 (14.6.2015)
Der Schweizer Historiker und Friedensforscher Dr. Daniele Ganser
zum Regime-Change in Kiew im Februar 2014.
Mit wissenschaftliche Akribie untersucht und wertet er die Daten
und Hintergründe zum Umsturz in Kiew aus. Dabei zieht er
Vergleiche zu den Regime-Changes in aller Welt, aus den letzen
70 Jahren.
Er warnt eindringlich davor, dass Deutschland und Russland
gegeneinander gehetzt werden sollen, bis hin zu einem Krieg.
Quellen für das Video:
Dr. Daniele Ganser Homepage:
Zu "NATO-Geheimarmeen" in Europa:
Ja, bei 1:29:45 ist ein Bild von einem Beitrag von uns zu sehen.
(Ganser weißt auf die Notwendigkeit hin, dass man heutzutage,
wegen den einseitigen öffentlichen Medien, gezwungen ist sich im
Internet selber zu informieren.)
Mehrere Beiträge des ARD Magazin "Monitor" wurden dort zu
einem Video zusammengefasst.
Bei Ganser geht es um den letzten Beitrag dort:
Übrige Quellen, Bilder und Videos etc. von Privat oder
im YT-Video gekennzeichnet (auch zum selbergoogeln etc).
Leider ändern sich neuerdings die URL-Adressen der Quellen
ständig, deshalb schreiben wir jetzt die Quellen direkt ins
Video. Somit kann jeder jederzeit die Quellen auch später
noch überprüfen!
Music from Magix Program:
Die Musik stammt aus dem von mir erworbenen Programm
MAGIX VDL 2013. Laut den schriftlichen EULA Bestimmungen
dieses Programms, darf die Musik daraus entsprechend
verwendet werden. Es handelt sich um: "03. Alpine Hut, Fotoshow
Musik, Berge", aus dem Programm MAGIX VDL 2013.
The music comes from my selling program MAGIX VDL 2013.
In the terms of this Program (EULA), the music can be used.
The music are: "03 Alpine Hut, Fotoshow Music, mountains",
from the MAGIX VDL 2013 program.
WICHTIG: Unser erster YT Kanal "Jürgen Birgit" wurde,
wie so viele vor ihm die sich kritisch mit dem Ukraine-
Konflikt auseinander gesetzt haben, geblockt.
Auch im Internet findet, wie in den Mainstream Medien,
eine Zensur statt! Mit Hilfe von vermeintlichem
Jugendschutz, Video-, Bild- und Ton-Urheberschutz
wird versucht Seiten, Kanäle und Videos zu sperren,
die sich mit der Ukraine-Krise befassen.
Daher ist es notwendig, dieses Video und PDF herunter
zu laden, auf die eigene Festplatte, um es gegebenenfalls
wieder hoch laden zu können. Oder es gleich zu kopieren
und anderweitig hoch zu laden.
Habe das Recht dazu, im Anhang des Videos,
Achtung, mittlerweile tummeln sich bezahlte
NATO-Trolle auf unserem Kanal. Falls Sie sich
also über seltsame und abstruse Kommentare
wundern, wissen Sie jetzt warum. Es gilt: "Don't
feed the troll!" Wenn man nicht auf sie eingeht,
trollen sie sich von allein...
- published: 15 Jun 2015
- views: 143
Regime Change: The JFK Assassination
What really happened to JFK? Future of Freedom Foundation President Jacob Hornberger joins the Liberty Report to discuss his latest book on one of the enduring ...
What really happened to JFK? Future of Freedom Foundation President Jacob Hornberger joins the Liberty Report to discuss his latest book on one of the enduring questions of our times.
wn.com/Regime Change The Jfk Assassination
What really happened to JFK? Future of Freedom Foundation President Jacob Hornberger joins the Liberty Report to discuss his latest book on one of the enduring questions of our times.
- published: 04 Jun 2015
- views: 1531
KenFM am Telefon: Dr. Daniele Ganser. Regime-Change in der Ukraine
25 Jahre nach Mauerfall ist Europa alles andere als ein in sich einiger Kontinent. Im Gegenteil.
Wir stehen vor einem neuen Kalten Krieg mit der Russischen Föd...
25 Jahre nach Mauerfall ist Europa alles andere als ein in sich einiger Kontinent. Im Gegenteil.
Wir stehen vor einem neuen Kalten Krieg mit der Russischen Föderation, der auch innerhalb der Europäischen Union tiefe Gräben geschlagen hat.
Auslöser dieser Krise in Europa war der Regime-Change in der Ukraine. Hier handelte es sich um einen klassischen Putsch, der nicht ohne Tote über die Bühne ging. Seither hat man sich in Europa zu entscheiden. Das Feindbild des Bösen Russen wird den Menschen von West-Medien mehr oder weniger aufgezwungen. Wer nachfragt, ist entweder ein Putinversteher oder anti-amerikanisch.
Wo immer heute Menschen über die Ukraine sprechen, kochen die Emotionen hoch. Gefühle sind nicht wirklich eine Hilfe, wenn es darum geht, die Strippenzieher hinter dem Regierungsumsturz in Kiew ausfindig zu machen. Hier hilft nur die kühle Analyse der Wissenschaft, wie sie von Historikern bevorzugt wird.
Dr. Daniele Ganser aus der Schweiz ist ein solcher Historiker. Er befasst sich seit Jahren mit der Gesichte nach dem Zweiten Weltkrieg. Sein Fokus liegt auf der Geopolitik und wie diese von entsprechenden Machtzentren auch mit offener sowie verdeckter Gewalt für die eigenen Interessen gestaltet wird.
„Regime-Change in der Ukraine! Wer steckt dahinter?“
Mit dieser Frage beschäftigt sich Dr. Daniele Ganser am 10. Mai um 20 Uhr im „Kino Babylon“ in Berlin.
Es handelt sich um eine wissenschaftliche Analyse, der 500 Zuschauer beiwohnen können.
KenFM sprach mit dem Schweizer Wissenschaftler über die tieferen Motive, über dieses für einen Historiker doch recht junge Ereignis einen Vortrag zu halten und was dieser Abend an neuen Erkenntnissen bringen wird.
wn.com/Kenfm Am Telefon Dr. Daniele Ganser. Regime Change In Der Ukraine
25 Jahre nach Mauerfall ist Europa alles andere als ein in sich einiger Kontinent. Im Gegenteil.
Wir stehen vor einem neuen Kalten Krieg mit der Russischen Föderation, der auch innerhalb der Europäischen Union tiefe Gräben geschlagen hat.
Auslöser dieser Krise in Europa war der Regime-Change in der Ukraine. Hier handelte es sich um einen klassischen Putsch, der nicht ohne Tote über die Bühne ging. Seither hat man sich in Europa zu entscheiden. Das Feindbild des Bösen Russen wird den Menschen von West-Medien mehr oder weniger aufgezwungen. Wer nachfragt, ist entweder ein Putinversteher oder anti-amerikanisch.
Wo immer heute Menschen über die Ukraine sprechen, kochen die Emotionen hoch. Gefühle sind nicht wirklich eine Hilfe, wenn es darum geht, die Strippenzieher hinter dem Regierungsumsturz in Kiew ausfindig zu machen. Hier hilft nur die kühle Analyse der Wissenschaft, wie sie von Historikern bevorzugt wird.
Dr. Daniele Ganser aus der Schweiz ist ein solcher Historiker. Er befasst sich seit Jahren mit der Gesichte nach dem Zweiten Weltkrieg. Sein Fokus liegt auf der Geopolitik und wie diese von entsprechenden Machtzentren auch mit offener sowie verdeckter Gewalt für die eigenen Interessen gestaltet wird.
„Regime-Change in der Ukraine! Wer steckt dahinter?“
Mit dieser Frage beschäftigt sich Dr. Daniele Ganser am 10. Mai um 20 Uhr im „Kino Babylon“ in Berlin.
Es handelt sich um eine wissenschaftliche Analyse, der 500 Zuschauer beiwohnen können.
KenFM sprach mit dem Schweizer Wissenschaftler über die tieferen Motive, über dieses für einen Historiker doch recht junge Ereignis einen Vortrag zu halten und was dieser Abend an neuen Erkenntnissen bringen wird.
- published: 01 May 2015
- views: 301
Bernie Sanders: I'm not a fan of regime changes
Speaking during the CBS Democratic debate, Senator Bernie Sanders addresses his decision not to vote for the invasion of Iraq....
Speaking during the CBS Democratic debate, Senator Bernie Sanders addresses his decision not to vote for the invasion of Iraq.
wn.com/Bernie Sanders I'm Not A Fan Of Regime Changes
Speaking during the CBS Democratic debate, Senator Bernie Sanders addresses his decision not to vote for the invasion of Iraq.
- published: 15 Nov 2015
- views: 3964
Disciple-Regime Change Lyrics
Owned by Disciple and Sony Music. Ah wrong lyric- I wrote "caught in this day" when it's "try to understand"....
Owned by Disciple and Sony Music. Ah wrong lyric- I wrote "caught in this day" when it's "try to understand".
wn.com/Disciple Regime Change Lyrics
Owned by Disciple and Sony Music. Ah wrong lyric- I wrote "caught in this day" when it's "try to understand".
Kirby: Who or who isn't an Assad crony? 16 Dec 2015
John Kirby, State Department Spokesperson.
U.S. Department of State - Daily Briefing: Dec.16.2015
Full video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=31Db9HgzpDg
US NOT SEEKING 'REGIME CHANGE' IN SYRIA, JOHN KERRY SAYS AFTER MEETING WITH RUSSIAN PRESIDENT - 15 Dec - Following lengthy talks with Russian President Vladimir Putin in Moscow today, U.S. Sec
Regime Change & National Security Hot Topics At GOP Debate - The Real Story
Regime Change & National Security Hot Topics At GOP Debate - The Real Story
**Please Click Below to SUBSCRIBE for More "Mass Tea Party" Videos: http://goo.gl/Z5ShLs
John Kerry, who previously said Assad must go, says U.S. not seeking 'regime change' in Syria
US and Russia: Different Objectives, Different Strategies in Syria
Eric Draitser of http://stopimperialism.org provides his commentary (Dec. 15, 2015) on the talks between the US and Russia over Syria and other issues. He notes that the US objective of regime change has failed, and now the Obama administration is looking for a way out, while Russia is looking to jump-start a political process that will allow it to achieve its counter-terrorism objectives and end
Rand Paul "Regime Change Is Something That Unites Hillary Clinton And Marco Rubio"
December 15, 2015 MSNBC News http://MOXNews.com
John Kerry Says U.S. Is 'Not Seeking So-Called Regime Change' In Syria
“The United States and our partners are not seeking so-called regime change as it is known, in Syria,” Secretary of State John Kerry said in Moscow Tuesday after talks with Russian President Vladimir Putin, a key ally of Bashar al-Assad.
CNS News
Media Research Center
Rand Paul on regime change in Syria CNN GOP Debate #GOPDebate
Egypt: Building Up Small Businesses
United Nations - When the Arab Spring brought on regime change in Egypt between 2010 and 2011, it was hoped that benefits of the revolution would reach local people, such as those living in the rural regions of Upper Egypt.
UN Stories, Egypt: Building Up Small Businesses
Russia says fight against Islamic State hindered by focus on Assad regime change
Russia says fight against Islamic State hindered by focus on Assad regime change
Fight Against ISIS Hindered By Focus On Assad Regime Change: Russia
Fight Against ISIS Hindered By Focus On Assad Regime Change: Russia 0 Fight Against ISIS Hindered By Focus On Assad Regime Change: Russia
zeigt Regime Change in der Ukraine Dr
Aus der Physik wissen wir, dass Ursache und Wirkung miteinander zu tun haben, und kennen auch eine Reihenfolge. Erst die Ursache, dann die Wirkung. Ein Glas, das zerschlagen am Boden liegt, musste erst fallen.
Kein logisch denkender Mensch würde diese zeitliche Abfolge beim Beobachten von Naturgesetzen in Frage stellen. Geht es dann aber um die "Physik" politischer Ereignisse, wird dies ständig v
REGIME CHANGE: Western Airstrike Hits Syrian Army Base
Are the West seeking the destruction of ISIS, or the Syrian state?
SUBSCRIBE & Follow me here: http://twitter.com/StuartJHooper
Article: http://21stcenturywire.com/2015/12/07/fighting-isis-or-regime-change-western-airstrike-targets-syrian-army-base-kills-3-soldiers/
Iran's regime must change
Iran's true flag for thousands of years Islamist regime came and changed our flag.
We will change the regime and bring our flag back.
We bring freedom and security to region again.
You can't stop us.
Iran's regime must change
Iran's regime god father of isis must change
STRATFOR want Regime Change in Moscow & Beijing. Bruce Gagnon from GNAWNPIS
Bruce Gagon runs the Global Network Against Weapons and Nuclear Power in Space: US Space Command HQ in Colorado Springs 'Master of Space'. He talks about the so-called Missile Defence Shield encircling Russia and China which is designed to take out retaliatory strikes to allow a US first strike. X-37B 'space plane' which can fly up into orbit, stay there for up to a year and shoot down 'enemy' sat
تغییر رژیم در ایران Regime Change in Iran
تغییر رژیم در ایران
Regime Change in Iran
Turkey-ISIS Oil Pipeline: The Hypocracy Exposed
For all the talk about getting rid of Bashar Al Assad - we should instead be focusing on getting rid of Erdogan and his gangsters from Ankara
16 John McCain Syria Strategy Must Be Regime Change
Все видео распространяется по лицензии Creative Commons. Public Domain. The person who associated a work with this deed has dedicated the work to the public domain by waiving all of his or her rights to the work worldwide under copyright law, including all related and neighboring rights, to the extent allowed by law. Лица, связанные с работой над этим делом посвятила работу в общественное достояни
Tulsi Gabbard: We should not be in the regime change, nation-building business
Fair Use Notice: This video contains copyrighted material the use of which has not always been specifically authorized by the copyright owner. We are making such material available in an effort to advance understanding of political, human rights, economic, and social justice issues, etc. Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act of 1976, allowance is made for fair use for purposes such as criticism,
War In Syria - President Regime Change 2017
MVI 9388 Who Gave Obama The right To Determine Regime Change?"
Obama decide that the Libyan President Gadaffi, had to go, so he invaded Libya with our Congressional approval. He then had theCIA ship weapons out of Libya to Turkey, then to Syria, to arm the Rebel Freedom Fighters. He then set his sight on Syria, to remove Bashar al-Assad from power, why he wanted to turn both countries over to the Muslim Brotherhood.
Pres. Park calls for new 'regime' to combat climate change / YTN
President Park Geun-Hye has called for the launch of a "new regime" to combat climate change, denying hesitation in resolving the key global issue.
In her keynote speech at the opening session of the U.N. Paris Climate Change Conference that kicked off yesterday (Monday), Park pledged that South Korea will actively take part in international efforts to cut green house gas emissions by growing new
Kirby: Who or who isn't an Assad crony? 16 Dec 2015
John Kirby, State Department Spokesperson.
U.S. Department of State - Daily Briefing: Dec.16.2015
Full video...
John Kirby, State Department Spokesperson.
U.S. Department of State - Daily Briefing: Dec.16.2015
Full video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=31Db9HgzpDg
US NOT SEEKING 'REGIME CHANGE' IN SYRIA, JOHN KERRY SAYS AFTER MEETING WITH RUSSIAN PRESIDENT - 15 Dec - Following lengthy talks with Russian President Vladimir Putin in Moscow today, U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry has said the United States is not seeking regime change in Syria and that the U.S. and Russia see the conflict "fundamentally very similarly."
Read more: http://abcnews.go.com/International/john-kerry-meets-russian-president-vladimir-putin-seek/story?id=35782171
ON SYRIAN TALKS AND CEASEFIRES: AN OPEN LETTER TO SECRETARY KERRY by Robert S. Ford, Senior Fellow, The Middle East Institute - 09 Dec - [...] Finally, let us remember that the Syrian opposition has always sought a revolution, not just a change of president. Replacing the president while leaving the brutal police state intact won't end the conflict. For example, if Air Force Intelligence head Jamil Hassan, also an Alawi, or intelligence chief Ali Mamlouk, a Damascene Sunni, replaced Assad, the new government would still be ruthless against opponents, and moderate rebels would continue fighting. The conflict in Syria was never about one man. One result of the American minimalist stance towards the brutality undertaken by men like Generals Hassan and Mamlouk is that our guarantees of future good Syrian government behavior are not carrying much water. The Syrians will need to have the time to negotiate an agreement that all sides can live with.
Read more: http://www.mei.edu/content/at/syrian-talks-and-ceasefires-open-letter-secretary-kerry
HOW 'OBSCURE' BUREAUCRATS CAUSE WARS - 15 Dec - Thus, the international crisis in Syria traces back in part to the decision of President Barack Obama’s first ambassador to Syria, Robert Ford, to reject peaceful rapprochement with the Damascus regime in favor of “radically redesign[ing] his mission” to promote anti-government protests that triggered the civil war in 2011.
In much the same way, Obama’s Assistant Secretary of State for European Affairs Victoria Nuland did her best to foment the Feb. 22, 2014 putsch against the democratically elected Ukrainian government of President Viktor Yanukovych, “while convincing the ever-gullible U.S. mainstream media that the coup wasn’t really a coup but a victory for ‘democracy,’” as journalist Robert Parry wrote last July.
Read more: https://consortiumnews.com/2015/12/15/how-obscure-bureaucrats-cause-wars/
IN SYRIA, U.S. AMBASSADOR DROPS DIPLOMATIC NICETIES - 13 Sept 2011 - [...] Ford made his first public move in July, when he traveled from Damascus to the restive city of Hama to show support for protesters some 14 weeks into the wave of bloody anti-Assad demonstrations sweeping the country.
In Hama -- scene of a 1982 massacre which symbolized the ruthless rule of Bashar al-Assad's father Hafez -- Ford was welcomed with flowers and olive branches, visited injured protesters and talked to local residents.
The trip infuriated the Syrian government, which accused him of inciting unrest.
Read more: http://www.reuters.com/article/us-syria-usa-ambassador-idUSTRE78C77K20110913
wn.com/Kirby Who Or Who Isn't An Assad Crony 16 Dec 2015
John Kirby, State Department Spokesperson.
U.S. Department of State - Daily Briefing: Dec.16.2015
Full video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=31Db9HgzpDg
US NOT SEEKING 'REGIME CHANGE' IN SYRIA, JOHN KERRY SAYS AFTER MEETING WITH RUSSIAN PRESIDENT - 15 Dec - Following lengthy talks with Russian President Vladimir Putin in Moscow today, U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry has said the United States is not seeking regime change in Syria and that the U.S. and Russia see the conflict "fundamentally very similarly."
Read more: http://abcnews.go.com/International/john-kerry-meets-russian-president-vladimir-putin-seek/story?id=35782171
ON SYRIAN TALKS AND CEASEFIRES: AN OPEN LETTER TO SECRETARY KERRY by Robert S. Ford, Senior Fellow, The Middle East Institute - 09 Dec - [...] Finally, let us remember that the Syrian opposition has always sought a revolution, not just a change of president. Replacing the president while leaving the brutal police state intact won't end the conflict. For example, if Air Force Intelligence head Jamil Hassan, also an Alawi, or intelligence chief Ali Mamlouk, a Damascene Sunni, replaced Assad, the new government would still be ruthless against opponents, and moderate rebels would continue fighting. The conflict in Syria was never about one man. One result of the American minimalist stance towards the brutality undertaken by men like Generals Hassan and Mamlouk is that our guarantees of future good Syrian government behavior are not carrying much water. The Syrians will need to have the time to negotiate an agreement that all sides can live with.
Read more: http://www.mei.edu/content/at/syrian-talks-and-ceasefires-open-letter-secretary-kerry
HOW 'OBSCURE' BUREAUCRATS CAUSE WARS - 15 Dec - Thus, the international crisis in Syria traces back in part to the decision of President Barack Obama’s first ambassador to Syria, Robert Ford, to reject peaceful rapprochement with the Damascus regime in favor of “radically redesign[ing] his mission” to promote anti-government protests that triggered the civil war in 2011.
In much the same way, Obama’s Assistant Secretary of State for European Affairs Victoria Nuland did her best to foment the Feb. 22, 2014 putsch against the democratically elected Ukrainian government of President Viktor Yanukovych, “while convincing the ever-gullible U.S. mainstream media that the coup wasn’t really a coup but a victory for ‘democracy,’” as journalist Robert Parry wrote last July.
Read more: https://consortiumnews.com/2015/12/15/how-obscure-bureaucrats-cause-wars/
IN SYRIA, U.S. AMBASSADOR DROPS DIPLOMATIC NICETIES - 13 Sept 2011 - [...] Ford made his first public move in July, when he traveled from Damascus to the restive city of Hama to show support for protesters some 14 weeks into the wave of bloody anti-Assad demonstrations sweeping the country.
In Hama -- scene of a 1982 massacre which symbolized the ruthless rule of Bashar al-Assad's father Hafez -- Ford was welcomed with flowers and olive branches, visited injured protesters and talked to local residents.
The trip infuriated the Syrian government, which accused him of inciting unrest.
Read more: http://www.reuters.com/article/us-syria-usa-ambassador-idUSTRE78C77K20110913
- published: 17 Dec 2015
- views: 57
Regime Change & National Security Hot Topics At GOP Debate - The Real Story
Regime Change & National Security Hot Topics At GOP Debate - The Real Story
**Please Click Below to SUBSCRIBE fo...
Regime Change & National Security Hot Topics At GOP Debate - The Real Story
**Please Click Below to SUBSCRIBE for More "Mass Tea Party" Videos: http://goo.gl/Z5ShLs
wn.com/Regime Change National Security Hot Topics At Gop Debate The Real Story
Regime Change & National Security Hot Topics At GOP Debate - The Real Story
**Please Click Below to SUBSCRIBE for More "Mass Tea Party" Videos: http://goo.gl/Z5ShLs
- published: 16 Dec 2015
- views: 122
US and Russia: Different Objectives, Different Strategies in Syria
Eric Draitser of http://stopimperialism.org provides his commentary (Dec. 15, 2015) on the talks between the US and Russia over Syria and other issues. He notes...
Eric Draitser of http://stopimperialism.org provides his commentary (Dec. 15, 2015) on the talks between the US and Russia over Syria and other issues. He notes that the US objective of regime change has failed, and now the Obama administration is looking for a way out, while Russia is looking to jump-start a political process that will allow it to achieve its counter-terrorism objectives and end its military involvement in Syria. These and related issues in this short commentary.
wn.com/US And Russia Different Objectives, Different Strategies In Syria
Eric Draitser of http://stopimperialism.org provides his commentary (Dec. 15, 2015) on the talks between the US and Russia over Syria and other issues. He notes that the US objective of regime change has failed, and now the Obama administration is looking for a way out, while Russia is looking to jump-start a political process that will allow it to achieve its counter-terrorism objectives and end its military involvement in Syria. These and related issues in this short commentary.
- published: 16 Dec 2015
- views: 347
John Kerry Says U.S. Is 'Not Seeking So-Called Regime Change' In Syria
“The United States and our partners are not seeking so-called regime change as it is known, in Syria,” Secretary of State John Kerry said in Moscow Tuesday afte...
“The United States and our partners are not seeking so-called regime change as it is known, in Syria,” Secretary of State John Kerry said in Moscow Tuesday after talks with Russian President Vladimir Putin, a key ally of Bashar al-Assad.
CNS News
Media Research Center
wn.com/John Kerry Says U.S. Is 'Not Seeking So Called Regime Change' In Syria
“The United States and our partners are not seeking so-called regime change as it is known, in Syria,” Secretary of State John Kerry said in Moscow Tuesday after talks with Russian President Vladimir Putin, a key ally of Bashar al-Assad.
CNS News
Media Research Center
- published: 16 Dec 2015
- views: 55
Egypt: Building Up Small Businesses
United Nations - When the Arab Spring brought on regime change in Egypt between 2010 and 2011, it was hoped that benefits of the revolution would reach local pe...
United Nations - When the Arab Spring brought on regime change in Egypt between 2010 and 2011, it was hoped that benefits of the revolution would reach local people, such as those living in the rural regions of Upper Egypt.
UN Stories, Egypt: Building Up Small Businesses
wn.com/Egypt Building Up Small Businesses
United Nations - When the Arab Spring brought on regime change in Egypt between 2010 and 2011, it was hoped that benefits of the revolution would reach local people, such as those living in the rural regions of Upper Egypt.
UN Stories, Egypt: Building Up Small Businesses
- published: 14 Dec 2015
- views: 85
Russia says fight against Islamic State hindered by focus on Assad regime change
Russia says fight against Islamic State hindered by focus on Assad regime change...
Russia says fight against Islamic State hindered by focus on Assad regime change
wn.com/Russia Says Fight Against Islamic State Hindered By Focus On Assad Regime Change
Russia says fight against Islamic State hindered by focus on Assad regime change
- published: 12 Dec 2015
- views: 3
Fight Against ISIS Hindered By Focus On Assad Regime Change: Russia
Fight Against ISIS Hindered By Focus On Assad Regime Change: Russia 0 Fight Against ISIS Hindered By Focus On Assad Regime Change: Russia...
Fight Against ISIS Hindered By Focus On Assad Regime Change: Russia 0 Fight Against ISIS Hindered By Focus On Assad Regime Change: Russia
wn.com/Fight Against Isis Hindered By Focus On Assad Regime Change Russia
Fight Against ISIS Hindered By Focus On Assad Regime Change: Russia 0 Fight Against ISIS Hindered By Focus On Assad Regime Change: Russia
- published: 11 Dec 2015
- views: 24
zeigt Regime Change in der Ukraine Dr
Aus der Physik wissen wir, dass Ursache und Wirkung miteinander zu tun haben, und kennen auch eine Reihenfolge. Erst die Ursache, dann die Wirkung. Ein Glas, da...
Aus der Physik wissen wir, dass Ursache und Wirkung miteinander zu tun haben, und kennen auch eine Reihenfolge. Erst die Ursache, dann die Wirkung. Ein Glas, das zerschlagen am Boden liegt, musste erst fallen.
Kein logisch denkender Mensch würde diese zeitliche Abfolge beim Beobachten von Naturgesetzen in Frage stellen. Geht es dann aber um die "Physik" politischer Ereignisse, wird dies ständig versucht.
Bevor sich die Krim in der Ukraine von der Regierung in Kiew abspaltete und es zur sogenannten Krim-Krise kam, die bis heute anhält und zu einem Bürgerkrieg im Land und massivem Stress mit Moskau führte, kam es in der Ukraine zu einem "Regime-Change", der nicht ohne Tote auskam.
Auf dem Maidan-Platz wurden zig Bürger mit und ohne Uniform von Kugeln getötet, die von Scharfschützen auf Dächern abgefeuert worden waren. Hier handelt es sich um klassischen Mord, der dazu führen sollte, Chaos zu stiften, um so einen Putsch vorzubereiten.
Wer die Schützen waren, wer sie bezahlte und ihnen den Befehl gab, sowohl auf Demonstranten als auch Polizisten zu schießen, ist bis heute nicht wirklich geklärt. Fest steht: Erst als im Anschluss der damalige Präsident Janukowitsch das Land fluchtartig verließ und die NATO-Marionette Poroschenko ins Amt gehievt wurde, reagierte Putin in Moskau und unterstütze die Abspaltung der Krim.
Auf der Krim befindet sich der wichtigste Militärstütpunkt Moskaus. Sevastopol. Offiziell gemietet bis 2042.
In der Westpresse wird dieser zeitliche Ablauf einfach um 180 Grad gedreht und damit die Geschichte auf den Kopf gestellt. Manipulation der öffentlichen Meinung als Basis für Kriegs-Propaganda gegen Russland.
Der Schweizer Historiker Dr. Daniele Ganser folgte der Einlandung von KenFM und Free21 nach Berlin, um die Geschehnisse in der Ukraine in ihrer korrekten zeitlichen Abfolge darzulegen.
wn.com/Zeigt Regime Change In Der Ukraine Dr
Aus der Physik wissen wir, dass Ursache und Wirkung miteinander zu tun haben, und kennen auch eine Reihenfolge. Erst die Ursache, dann die Wirkung. Ein Glas, das zerschlagen am Boden liegt, musste erst fallen.
Kein logisch denkender Mensch würde diese zeitliche Abfolge beim Beobachten von Naturgesetzen in Frage stellen. Geht es dann aber um die "Physik" politischer Ereignisse, wird dies ständig versucht.
Bevor sich die Krim in der Ukraine von der Regierung in Kiew abspaltete und es zur sogenannten Krim-Krise kam, die bis heute anhält und zu einem Bürgerkrieg im Land und massivem Stress mit Moskau führte, kam es in der Ukraine zu einem "Regime-Change", der nicht ohne Tote auskam.
Auf dem Maidan-Platz wurden zig Bürger mit und ohne Uniform von Kugeln getötet, die von Scharfschützen auf Dächern abgefeuert worden waren. Hier handelt es sich um klassischen Mord, der dazu führen sollte, Chaos zu stiften, um so einen Putsch vorzubereiten.
Wer die Schützen waren, wer sie bezahlte und ihnen den Befehl gab, sowohl auf Demonstranten als auch Polizisten zu schießen, ist bis heute nicht wirklich geklärt. Fest steht: Erst als im Anschluss der damalige Präsident Janukowitsch das Land fluchtartig verließ und die NATO-Marionette Poroschenko ins Amt gehievt wurde, reagierte Putin in Moskau und unterstütze die Abspaltung der Krim.
Auf der Krim befindet sich der wichtigste Militärstütpunkt Moskaus. Sevastopol. Offiziell gemietet bis 2042.
In der Westpresse wird dieser zeitliche Ablauf einfach um 180 Grad gedreht und damit die Geschichte auf den Kopf gestellt. Manipulation der öffentlichen Meinung als Basis für Kriegs-Propaganda gegen Russland.
Der Schweizer Historiker Dr. Daniele Ganser folgte der Einlandung von KenFM und Free21 nach Berlin, um die Geschehnisse in der Ukraine in ihrer korrekten zeitlichen Abfolge darzulegen.
- published: 08 Dec 2015
- views: 32
REGIME CHANGE: Western Airstrike Hits Syrian Army Base
Are the West seeking the destruction of ISIS, or the Syrian state?
SUBSCRIBE & Follow me here: http://twitter.com/StuartJHooper
Article: http://21stcenturywire....
Are the West seeking the destruction of ISIS, or the Syrian state?
SUBSCRIBE & Follow me here: http://twitter.com/StuartJHooper
Article: http://21stcenturywire.com/2015/12/07/fighting-isis-or-regime-change-western-airstrike-targets-syrian-army-base-kills-3-soldiers/
wn.com/Regime Change Western Airstrike Hits Syrian Army Base
Are the West seeking the destruction of ISIS, or the Syrian state?
SUBSCRIBE & Follow me here: http://twitter.com/StuartJHooper
Article: http://21stcenturywire.com/2015/12/07/fighting-isis-or-regime-change-western-airstrike-targets-syrian-army-base-kills-3-soldiers/
- published: 07 Dec 2015
- views: 399
Iran's regime must change
Iran's true flag for thousands of years Islamist regime came and changed our flag.
We will change the regime and bring our flag back.
We bring freedom and secu...
Iran's true flag for thousands of years Islamist regime came and changed our flag.
We will change the regime and bring our flag back.
We bring freedom and security to region again.
You can't stop us.
wn.com/Iran's Regime Must Change
Iran's true flag for thousands of years Islamist regime came and changed our flag.
We will change the regime and bring our flag back.
We bring freedom and security to region again.
You can't stop us.
- published: 06 Dec 2015
- views: 13
Iran's regime must change
Iran's regime god father of isis must change...
Iran's regime god father of isis must change
wn.com/Iran's Regime Must Change
Iran's regime god father of isis must change
- published: 05 Dec 2015
- views: 22
STRATFOR want Regime Change in Moscow & Beijing. Bruce Gagnon from GNAWNPIS
Bruce Gagon runs the Global Network Against Weapons and Nuclear Power in Space: US Space Command HQ in Colorado Springs 'Master of Space'. He talks about the so...
Bruce Gagon runs the Global Network Against Weapons and Nuclear Power in Space: US Space Command HQ in Colorado Springs 'Master of Space'. He talks about the so-called Missile Defence Shield encircling Russia and China which is designed to take out retaliatory strikes to allow a US first strike. X-37B 'space plane' which can fly up into orbit, stay there for up to a year and shoot down 'enemy' satellites. US Pentagon planning regime change in Moscow and Beijing which could mean nuclear war. Arsenal of Hypocrisy' & 'Pax Americana and the Weaponisation of Space' You can find Bruce and the films he recommends GNAWNPIS at www.SpaceForPeace.org
Interview with Bruce Gagnon from Space for Peace www.space4peace.org and Global Network Against Weapons and Nuclear Power in Space, about how US is trying to dominate space: missile defence shield; satellites able to control and keep an eye on things; anti-satellite weapons; cyber warfare; Yugoslavia – US shut down air defence systems by cyberwarfare; Cuban Missile Crisis; George Freedman from Stratfor – taking down Moscow and Beijing – fight for resources – natural gas; balkanising of Russia; NATO breaking promises to Russia. Drone pilots whistleblowers – their money frozen.
wn.com/Stratfor Want Regime Change In Moscow Beijing. Bruce Gagnon From Gnawnpis
Bruce Gagon runs the Global Network Against Weapons and Nuclear Power in Space: US Space Command HQ in Colorado Springs 'Master of Space'. He talks about the so-called Missile Defence Shield encircling Russia and China which is designed to take out retaliatory strikes to allow a US first strike. X-37B 'space plane' which can fly up into orbit, stay there for up to a year and shoot down 'enemy' satellites. US Pentagon planning regime change in Moscow and Beijing which could mean nuclear war. Arsenal of Hypocrisy' & 'Pax Americana and the Weaponisation of Space' You can find Bruce and the films he recommends GNAWNPIS at www.SpaceForPeace.org
Interview with Bruce Gagnon from Space for Peace www.space4peace.org and Global Network Against Weapons and Nuclear Power in Space, about how US is trying to dominate space: missile defence shield; satellites able to control and keep an eye on things; anti-satellite weapons; cyber warfare; Yugoslavia – US shut down air defence systems by cyberwarfare; Cuban Missile Crisis; George Freedman from Stratfor – taking down Moscow and Beijing – fight for resources – natural gas; balkanising of Russia; NATO breaking promises to Russia. Drone pilots whistleblowers – their money frozen.
- published: 05 Dec 2015
- views: 25
تغییر رژیم در ایران Regime Change in Iran
تغییر رژیم در ایران
Regime Change in Iran
تغییر رژیم در ایران
Regime Change in Iran
wn.com/تغییر رژیم در ایران Regime Change In Iran
تغییر رژیم در ایران
Regime Change in Iran
- published: 04 Dec 2015
- views: 68
Turkey-ISIS Oil Pipeline: The Hypocracy Exposed
For all the talk about getting rid of Bashar Al Assad - we should instead be focusing on getting rid of Erdogan and his gangsters from Ankara...
For all the talk about getting rid of Bashar Al Assad - we should instead be focusing on getting rid of Erdogan and his gangsters from Ankara
wn.com/Turkey Isis Oil Pipeline The Hypocracy Exposed
For all the talk about getting rid of Bashar Al Assad - we should instead be focusing on getting rid of Erdogan and his gangsters from Ankara
- published: 03 Dec 2015
- views: 14
16 John McCain Syria Strategy Must Be Regime Change
Все видео распространяется по лицензии Creative Commons. Public Domain. The person who associated a work with this deed has dedicated the work to the public dom...
Все видео распространяется по лицензии Creative Commons. Public Domain. The person who associated a work with this deed has dedicated the work to the public domain by waiving all of his or her rights to the work worldwide under copyright law, including all related and neighboring rights, to the extent allowed by law. Лица, связанные с работой над этим делом посвятила работу в общественное достояние, отказавшись от всех своих прав на произведение по всему миру в рамках авторского права, в том числе связанных и смежных прав, в пределах, разрешенных законом. Вы можете копировать, изменять, распространять, исполнять работу, даже в коммерческих целях, не спрашивая разрешения. https://vimeo.com/creativecommons/cc0/page:19/search:/sort:date/format:thumbnail
wn.com/16 John Mccain Syria Strategy Must Be Regime Change
Все видео распространяется по лицензии Creative Commons. Public Domain. The person who associated a work with this deed has dedicated the work to the public domain by waiving all of his or her rights to the work worldwide under copyright law, including all related and neighboring rights, to the extent allowed by law. Лица, связанные с работой над этим делом посвятила работу в общественное достояние, отказавшись от всех своих прав на произведение по всему миру в рамках авторского права, в том числе связанных и смежных прав, в пределах, разрешенных законом. Вы можете копировать, изменять, распространять, исполнять работу, даже в коммерческих целях, не спрашивая разрешения. https://vimeo.com/creativecommons/cc0/page:19/search:/sort:date/format:thumbnail
- published: 03 Dec 2015
- views: 9
Tulsi Gabbard: We should not be in the regime change, nation-building business
Fair Use Notice: This video contains copyrighted material the use of which has not always been specifically authorized by the copyright owner. We are making suc...
Fair Use Notice: This video contains copyrighted material the use of which has not always been specifically authorized by the copyright owner. We are making such material available in an effort to advance understanding of political, human rights, economic, and social justice issues, etc. Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act of 1976, allowance is made for fair use for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing. Non-profit, educational or personal use tips the balance in favor of fair use.
wn.com/Tulsi Gabbard We Should Not Be In The Regime Change, Nation Building Business
Fair Use Notice: This video contains copyrighted material the use of which has not always been specifically authorized by the copyright owner. We are making such material available in an effort to advance understanding of political, human rights, economic, and social justice issues, etc. Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act of 1976, allowance is made for fair use for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing. Non-profit, educational or personal use tips the balance in favor of fair use.
- published: 02 Dec 2015
- views: 1
MVI 9388 Who Gave Obama The right To Determine Regime Change?"
Obama decide that the Libyan President Gadaffi, had to go, so he invaded Libya with our Congressional approval. He then had theCIA ship weapons out of Libya t...
Obama decide that the Libyan President Gadaffi, had to go, so he invaded Libya with our Congressional approval. He then had theCIA ship weapons out of Libya to Turkey, then to Syria, to arm the Rebel Freedom Fighters. He then set his sight on Syria, to remove Bashar al-Assad from power, why he wanted to turn both countries over to the Muslim Brotherhood.
wn.com/Mvi 9388 Who Gave Obama The Right To Determine Regime Change
Obama decide that the Libyan President Gadaffi, had to go, so he invaded Libya with our Congressional approval. He then had theCIA ship weapons out of Libya to Turkey, then to Syria, to arm the Rebel Freedom Fighters. He then set his sight on Syria, to remove Bashar al-Assad from power, why he wanted to turn both countries over to the Muslim Brotherhood.
- published: 01 Dec 2015
- views: 190
Pres. Park calls for new 'regime' to combat climate change / YTN
President Park Geun-Hye has called for the launch of a "new regime" to combat climate change, denying hesitation in resolving the key global issue.
In her keyn...
President Park Geun-Hye has called for the launch of a "new regime" to combat climate change, denying hesitation in resolving the key global issue.
In her keynote speech at the opening session of the U.N. Paris Climate Change Conference that kicked off yesterday (Monday), Park pledged that South Korea will actively take part in international efforts to cut green house gas emissions by growing new energy industries.
South Korea has offered to cut greenhouse gas emissions by 37 percent by 2030.
In a bid to meet South Korea's climate-related goals, Park said that her country will promote the energy prosumer market, as well as smart factories that harness information and communication technologies. She also said South Korea's southern resort island of Jeju will transition into a "carbon free island".
She added that these efforts will allow South Korea to generate a new market valued at 100 billion dollars, as well as 500,000 jobs by the year 2030.
At a separate session of "Mission Innovation" held later on Monday, Park also urged more countries to join the Mission Innovation, a 20-state organization dedicated to collaborating on clean energy research and development.
She called for financial and technological support for developing countries to ensure a successful takeoff of the proposed new regime to settle growing concerns over climate change.
▶ 기사 원문 : http://www.ytn.co.kr/_pn/1207_201512011027009950
▶ 제보 안내 : http://goo.gl/gEvsAL, 모바일앱, 8585@ytn.co.kr, #2424
▣ YTN 유튜브 채널 구독 : http://goo.gl/Ytb5SZ
[ 한국 뉴스 채널 와이티엔 / Korea News Channel YTN ]
wn.com/Pres. Park Calls For New 'regime' To Combat Climate Change Ytn
President Park Geun-Hye has called for the launch of a "new regime" to combat climate change, denying hesitation in resolving the key global issue.
In her keynote speech at the opening session of the U.N. Paris Climate Change Conference that kicked off yesterday (Monday), Park pledged that South Korea will actively take part in international efforts to cut green house gas emissions by growing new energy industries.
South Korea has offered to cut greenhouse gas emissions by 37 percent by 2030.
In a bid to meet South Korea's climate-related goals, Park said that her country will promote the energy prosumer market, as well as smart factories that harness information and communication technologies. She also said South Korea's southern resort island of Jeju will transition into a "carbon free island".
She added that these efforts will allow South Korea to generate a new market valued at 100 billion dollars, as well as 500,000 jobs by the year 2030.
At a separate session of "Mission Innovation" held later on Monday, Park also urged more countries to join the Mission Innovation, a 20-state organization dedicated to collaborating on clean energy research and development.
She called for financial and technological support for developing countries to ensure a successful takeoff of the proposed new regime to settle growing concerns over climate change.
▶ 기사 원문 : http://www.ytn.co.kr/_pn/1207_201512011027009950
▶ 제보 안내 : http://goo.gl/gEvsAL, 모바일앱, 8585@ytn.co.kr, #2424
▣ YTN 유튜브 채널 구독 : http://goo.gl/Ytb5SZ
[ 한국 뉴스 채널 와이티엔 / Korea News Channel YTN ]
- published: 01 Dec 2015
- views: 4
ทางออกประเทศไทย อ.ชูพงศ์ 2015-09-02 "Regime change is a must!" ต้องเปลี่ยนระบอบเท่านั้น
ทางออกประเทศไทย อ.ชูพงศ์ 2015-09-02 "Regime change is a must!" ต้องเปลี่ยนระบอบเท่านั้น
CrossTalk: Did West's 'regime change op' in Ukraine go 'according to plan'?
How similar is the situation in Ukraine to Egypt or Syria? Should Russia worry about its neighbor? Does NATO want Ukraine in alliance? And is the West ready ...
The Middle East is in state of peril and chaos that is unprecedented in recent history. There are wars raging in Iraq, Syria, and Yemen, and these are increasingly taking on the appearance of one overarching sectarian conflict.
Islamic fundamentalism is growing on both sides of this divide, becoming more than an isolated geopolitical concern and leaving the West struggling to understand how to pr
Obama & Putin Spar at U.N.: Will Regime Change in Syria Further Destabilize War-Torn Nation?
Democracynow.org - President Barack Obama and Russian President Vladimir Putin held their first formal meeting in two years on Monday in New York to discuss Syria and Ukraine. During the 90-minute meeting, Obama and Putin agreed that their armed forces should hold talks to avoid coming into conflict in Syria, where fighting has killed more than 200,000 people and displaced millions. Both leaders a
[514] Manufactured Terror, Regime Change in N. Korea & MLK’s Forgotten Speech
Abby Martin Breaks the Set on Manufactured Terrorism, Vetting Moderate Rebels, Cyber Attacking Iran, North Korean Hack Attack & MLK’S Forgotten Speech.
LIKE Breaking the Set @ http://fb.me/JournalistAbbyMartin
FOLLOW Abby Martin @ http://twitter.com/AbbyMartin
EPISODE BREAKDOWN: On this episode of Breaking the Set, Abby Martin, discusses the newest FBI foiled bomb plot and the questions about
Keiser Report: Regime Change in Greece Now! (E152)
This week Max Keiser and co-host, Stacy Herbert, report on the indignation, loss of national sovereignty and treason in Greece. In the second half of the sho...
'Caracas chaos promoted by US with regime change aim' - Venezuelan minister
The death of Hugo Chavez has broken the calamity of Venezuela's political life. The opposition, backed by the politicians in Washington, has stepped forward ...
Stephen Kinzer - "The Dulles Brothers and America's Century of Regime Change"
"The Dulles Brothers and America's Century of Regime Change" by Stephen Kinzer was a speech sponsored by The Future of Freedom Foundation February 15, 2014 a...
Regime change || Prison Architect Ep. 2.39 || Alpha 29
Join me in a new Let's Play of Prison Architect, Alpha 29
Episode 2.38- it ain't broke, but I fixed it anyway. Not sure this is going to go well.
Alpha 29 release video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CltK6AiV0TI
Series 2 playlist: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zjrwPRyabJM&list;=PLjtNsCg0XFV3tH_85YV9qeemJW0Pkcbu5&index;=21
If you are new to Prison Architect, my Absolute Beginner's Guide may h
Overreach: Delusions of Regime Change in Iraq (w/ Michael Macdonald)
Michael Macdonald author of Overreach: Delusions of Regime Change in Iraq and Professor at Williams College explains the core motivations that led the Bush Administration to invade Iraq, why invading Iraq was about creating a neo liberal Middle East, chaos and the goal of market “paradise” in Iraq, breaking the Iraqi state, confusing the real problem with the invasion of Iraq, regime change and l
SILVER, No Russian Regime Change
SILVER, No Russian Regime Change.
It is unlikely that low oil prices will lead to a regime change in Russia. With severe winters likely this year, it would be very difficult to keep oil and energy prices down. Also, right now, even the major media is saying the US markets are severely overbought and due for correction.
SILVER Mac D's Indicate a BUY
Bilderberg Spy Tech and Google Regime Change: Our Brave New World
http://truthstreammedia.com/bilderberg-spy-tech-and-google-regime-change-our-brave-new-world/ Aaron Dykes of Truthstream Media.com appears on the Wednesday, ...
| American Empire | Rage Against the Regime: the CIA, NGOs & Color Revolutions [SPECIAL REPORT]
A look into the CIA/NGO involvement in color revolutions around the world. Learn more about us at http://www.americanempire.tv Join Avi Oren and American Emp...
Aktuell: Lybia: Regime-Change 2.0; Flüchtlinge; Bundeswehr im Innern; Militärdiktatur
250 Panzer in Mannheim
Spannungen mit Russland - Jetzt reaktivieren die USA ein Militärlager in Deutschland
[ http://www.focus.de/politik/deutschland/250-panzer-in-mannheim-wegen-spannungen-mit-russland-us-army-reaktiviert-militaerlager-in-deutschland_id_4919489.html ]
Illegale Einwanderung steigt rasant an
[ https://jungefreiheit.de/politik/deutschland/2015/illegale-einwanderung-st
ทางออกประเทศไทย อ.ชูพงศ์ 2015-09-02 "Regime change is a must!" ต้องเปลี่ยนระบอบเท่านั้น
ทางออกประเทศไทย อ.ชูพงศ์ 2015-09-02 "Regime change is a must!" ต้องเปลี่ยนระบอบเท่านั้น
ทางออกประเทศไทย อ.ชูพงศ์ 2015-09-02 "Regime change is a must!" ต้องเปลี่ยนระบอบเท่านั้น
wn.com/ทางออกประเทศไทย อ.ชูพงศ์ 2015 09 02 Regime Change Is A Must ต้องเปลี่ยนระบอบเท่านั้น
ทางออกประเทศไทย อ.ชูพงศ์ 2015-09-02 "Regime change is a must!" ต้องเปลี่ยนระบอบเท่านั้น
- published: 02 Sep 2015
- views: 1371
CrossTalk: Did West's 'regime change op' in Ukraine go 'according to plan'?
How similar is the situation in Ukraine to Egypt or Syria? Should Russia worry about its neighbor? Does NATO want Ukraine in alliance? And is the West ready ......
How similar is the situation in Ukraine to Egypt or Syria? Should Russia worry about its neighbor? Does NATO want Ukraine in alliance? And is the West ready ...
wn.com/Crosstalk Did West's 'Regime Change Op' In Ukraine Go 'According To Plan'
How similar is the situation in Ukraine to Egypt or Syria? Should Russia worry about its neighbor? Does NATO want Ukraine in alliance? And is the West ready ...
- published: 28 Feb 2014
- views: 26633
author: RT
The Middle East is in state of peril and chaos that is unprecedented in recent history. There are wars raging in Iraq, Syria, and Yemen, and these are increasin...
The Middle East is in state of peril and chaos that is unprecedented in recent history. There are wars raging in Iraq, Syria, and Yemen, and these are increasingly taking on the appearance of one overarching sectarian conflict.
Islamic fundamentalism is growing on both sides of this divide, becoming more than an isolated geopolitical concern and leaving the West struggling to understand how to prevent it from threatening the very heart of modern, democratic societies.
And at the center of all of this stands the Iranian regime, tying together the forces of Shiite extremism, driving recruitment for their Sunni opponents, and using a perversion of the Muslim faith to justify domestic abuses and dangerous regional policies. Almost two years into the tenure of Hassan Rouhani as the regime’s president, the human rights situation in Iran has been on a slippery slope and reform and moderation are as elusive as ever. Notwithstanding the issue of Iran’s nuclear program, Tehran faces a moribund economy, rampant and pervasive state corruption, a restive and disillusioned population, intensifying factional feuding, and further regional isolation.
On June 13, Iranian communities the world over will gather in Paris in their biggest gathering ever, to stand up to Tehran, to highlight its egregious polices as the epicenter of Islamic extremism, and to call for a new Western policies that address the changing dynamics of the most volatile and strategically important region of the world while supporting democratic and anti-fundamentalist local movements and populations.
In addition to Iranians, some 1,000 political figures, activists, and religious leaders will participate in this rally, representing over 100 countries, five continents, and a range of socio-political backgrounds.
Each of these figures will join in condemning the policies of the Islamic Republic and express support for the Iranian resistance and its call for regime change and a free, democratic, non-nuclear Iran.
The June 13 Paris event is the highlight of a wide-ranging, global campaign by Iranians and their supporters from all walks of life. The problems and issues addressed by that campaign are not localized to Iran but address the entire crisis in the region, and the Western policies that may address it.
We urge all persons who are concerned about those issues to join us in Paris on June 13.
Organizing Committee:
Comité organisateur du Grand Rassemblement du 13 juin 2015
Belgian Committee of Parliamentarians for a Democratic Iran
International Parliamentary Campaign in Defense of Ashraf
French Committee for a Democratic Iran
Friends of a Free Iran in the European Parliament
The British Parliamentary Committee for Iran Freedom
German Solidarity Committee for a Free Iran
Italian Committee of Parliamentarians and Citizens for a Free Iran
Committee of Friends of a Free Iran in the Danish Parliament
The Dutch Group of Friends of a Free Iran
Friends of a Free Iran in Sweden
Friends of a Free Iran in Norway
Swiss Committee in Defense of Ashraf
Follow us in twitter: @iran_policy
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/IranNCR
wn.com/Regime Change In Iran, We Can We Must, June 13, 2015 Gathering, Villepinte Paris
The Middle East is in state of peril and chaos that is unprecedented in recent history. There are wars raging in Iraq, Syria, and Yemen, and these are increasingly taking on the appearance of one overarching sectarian conflict.
Islamic fundamentalism is growing on both sides of this divide, becoming more than an isolated geopolitical concern and leaving the West struggling to understand how to prevent it from threatening the very heart of modern, democratic societies.
And at the center of all of this stands the Iranian regime, tying together the forces of Shiite extremism, driving recruitment for their Sunni opponents, and using a perversion of the Muslim faith to justify domestic abuses and dangerous regional policies. Almost two years into the tenure of Hassan Rouhani as the regime’s president, the human rights situation in Iran has been on a slippery slope and reform and moderation are as elusive as ever. Notwithstanding the issue of Iran’s nuclear program, Tehran faces a moribund economy, rampant and pervasive state corruption, a restive and disillusioned population, intensifying factional feuding, and further regional isolation.
On June 13, Iranian communities the world over will gather in Paris in their biggest gathering ever, to stand up to Tehran, to highlight its egregious polices as the epicenter of Islamic extremism, and to call for a new Western policies that address the changing dynamics of the most volatile and strategically important region of the world while supporting democratic and anti-fundamentalist local movements and populations.
In addition to Iranians, some 1,000 political figures, activists, and religious leaders will participate in this rally, representing over 100 countries, five continents, and a range of socio-political backgrounds.
Each of these figures will join in condemning the policies of the Islamic Republic and express support for the Iranian resistance and its call for regime change and a free, democratic, non-nuclear Iran.
The June 13 Paris event is the highlight of a wide-ranging, global campaign by Iranians and their supporters from all walks of life. The problems and issues addressed by that campaign are not localized to Iran but address the entire crisis in the region, and the Western policies that may address it.
We urge all persons who are concerned about those issues to join us in Paris on June 13.
Organizing Committee:
Comité organisateur du Grand Rassemblement du 13 juin 2015
Belgian Committee of Parliamentarians for a Democratic Iran
International Parliamentary Campaign in Defense of Ashraf
French Committee for a Democratic Iran
Friends of a Free Iran in the European Parliament
The British Parliamentary Committee for Iran Freedom
German Solidarity Committee for a Free Iran
Italian Committee of Parliamentarians and Citizens for a Free Iran
Committee of Friends of a Free Iran in the Danish Parliament
The Dutch Group of Friends of a Free Iran
Friends of a Free Iran in Sweden
Friends of a Free Iran in Norway
Swiss Committee in Defense of Ashraf
Follow us in twitter: @iran_policy
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/IranNCR
- published: 11 Jun 2015
- views: 0
Obama & Putin Spar at U.N.: Will Regime Change in Syria Further Destabilize War-Torn Nation?
Democracynow.org - President Barack Obama and Russian President Vladimir Putin held their first formal meeting in two years on Monday in New York to discuss Syr...
Democracynow.org - President Barack Obama and Russian President Vladimir Putin held their first formal meeting in two years on Monday in New York to discuss Syria and Ukraine. During the 90-minute meeting, Obama and Putin agreed that their armed forces should hold talks to avoid coming into conflict in Syria, where fighting has killed more than 200,000 people and displaced millions. Both leaders addressed the United Nations Monday, with Putin defending Russia’s support for Syrian President Bashar al-Assad, and Obama expressing willingness to work with Russia to resolve the crisis in Syria. According to reports, however, the United States ignored a Russian offer in 2012 to have Assad step aside at some point after peace talks had started between the regime and the opposition. And former Finnish president and Nobel Peace Prize laureate Martti Ahtisaari has said Western powers failed to seize on the 2012 proposal because the United States, Britain and France were convinced that the Syrian dictator was about to fall. Since then, tens of thousands more have been killed, and militants from ISIL have seized swaths of Syria. We talk about the crisis in Syria and the Obama-Putin meeting with Vijay Prashad, professor of international studies at Trinity College and columnist for the Indian magazine Frontline. He also is the author of several books, including "Arab Spring, Libyan Winter."
Democracy Now!, is an independent global news hour that airs weekdays on 1,300+ TV and radio stations Monday through Friday. Watch our livestream 8-9am ET: http://democracynow.org
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wn.com/Obama Putin Spar At U.N. Will Regime Change In Syria Further Destabilize War Torn Nation
Democracynow.org - President Barack Obama and Russian President Vladimir Putin held their first formal meeting in two years on Monday in New York to discuss Syria and Ukraine. During the 90-minute meeting, Obama and Putin agreed that their armed forces should hold talks to avoid coming into conflict in Syria, where fighting has killed more than 200,000 people and displaced millions. Both leaders addressed the United Nations Monday, with Putin defending Russia’s support for Syrian President Bashar al-Assad, and Obama expressing willingness to work with Russia to resolve the crisis in Syria. According to reports, however, the United States ignored a Russian offer in 2012 to have Assad step aside at some point after peace talks had started between the regime and the opposition. And former Finnish president and Nobel Peace Prize laureate Martti Ahtisaari has said Western powers failed to seize on the 2012 proposal because the United States, Britain and France were convinced that the Syrian dictator was about to fall. Since then, tens of thousands more have been killed, and militants from ISIL have seized swaths of Syria. We talk about the crisis in Syria and the Obama-Putin meeting with Vijay Prashad, professor of international studies at Trinity College and columnist for the Indian magazine Frontline. He also is the author of several books, including "Arab Spring, Libyan Winter."
Democracy Now!, is an independent global news hour that airs weekdays on 1,300+ TV and radio stations Monday through Friday. Watch our livestream 8-9am ET: http://democracynow.org
Please consider supporting independent media by making a donation to Democracy Now! today: http://democracynow.org/donate
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- published: 29 Sep 2015
- views: 31008
[514] Manufactured Terror, Regime Change in N. Korea & MLK’s Forgotten Speech
Abby Martin Breaks the Set on Manufactured Terrorism, Vetting Moderate Rebels, Cyber Attacking Iran, North Korean Hack Attack & MLK’S Forgotten Speech.
LIKE Br...
Abby Martin Breaks the Set on Manufactured Terrorism, Vetting Moderate Rebels, Cyber Attacking Iran, North Korean Hack Attack & MLK’S Forgotten Speech.
LIKE Breaking the Set @ http://fb.me/JournalistAbbyMartin
FOLLOW Abby Martin @ http://twitter.com/AbbyMartin
EPISODE BREAKDOWN: On this episode of Breaking the Set, Abby Martin, discusses the newest FBI foiled bomb plot and the questions about entrapment allegations that the bureau has yet to answer. Abby then discusses the decision by the US to deploy at least 500 troops to countries surrounding Syria to train “moderate” Syrian rebels despite this policy being a dangerous failure in the past. Abby then speaks with investigative journalist and author, Gareth Porter, about the latest updates regarding the Iranian nuclear negotiations and how the past use of cyber warfare might impact the talks. Abby then talks to journalist, Tim Shorrock, about the latest news that the NSA hacked into North Korean computers in 2010, and the impact this revelation will have on global cyber security. BTS wraps up the show with a look at Martin Luther King Jr.’s hidden legacy on the holiday named after the revolutionary leader.
wn.com/514 Manufactured Terror, Regime Change In N. Korea Mlk’S Forgotten Speech
Abby Martin Breaks the Set on Manufactured Terrorism, Vetting Moderate Rebels, Cyber Attacking Iran, North Korean Hack Attack & MLK’S Forgotten Speech.
LIKE Breaking the Set @ http://fb.me/JournalistAbbyMartin
FOLLOW Abby Martin @ http://twitter.com/AbbyMartin
EPISODE BREAKDOWN: On this episode of Breaking the Set, Abby Martin, discusses the newest FBI foiled bomb plot and the questions about entrapment allegations that the bureau has yet to answer. Abby then discusses the decision by the US to deploy at least 500 troops to countries surrounding Syria to train “moderate” Syrian rebels despite this policy being a dangerous failure in the past. Abby then speaks with investigative journalist and author, Gareth Porter, about the latest updates regarding the Iranian nuclear negotiations and how the past use of cyber warfare might impact the talks. Abby then talks to journalist, Tim Shorrock, about the latest news that the NSA hacked into North Korean computers in 2010, and the impact this revelation will have on global cyber security. BTS wraps up the show with a look at Martin Luther King Jr.’s hidden legacy on the holiday named after the revolutionary leader.
- published: 20 Jan 2015
- views: 7917
Keiser Report: Regime Change in Greece Now! (E152)
This week Max Keiser and co-host, Stacy Herbert, report on the indignation, loss of national sovereignty and treason in Greece. In the second half of the sho......
This week Max Keiser and co-host, Stacy Herbert, report on the indignation, loss of national sovereignty and treason in Greece. In the second half of the sho...
wn.com/Keiser Report Regime Change In Greece Now (E152)
This week Max Keiser and co-host, Stacy Herbert, report on the indignation, loss of national sovereignty and treason in Greece. In the second half of the sho...
- published: 02 Jun 2011
- views: 42174
author: RT
'Caracas chaos promoted by US with regime change aim' - Venezuelan minister
The death of Hugo Chavez has broken the calamity of Venezuela's political life. The opposition, backed by the politicians in Washington, has stepped forward ......
The death of Hugo Chavez has broken the calamity of Venezuela's political life. The opposition, backed by the politicians in Washington, has stepped forward ...
wn.com/'Caracas Chaos Promoted By US With Regime Change Aim' Venezuelan Minister
The death of Hugo Chavez has broken the calamity of Venezuela's political life. The opposition, backed by the politicians in Washington, has stepped forward ...
- published: 21 Feb 2014
- views: 13724
author: RT
Stephen Kinzer - "The Dulles Brothers and America's Century of Regime Change"
"The Dulles Brothers and America's Century of Regime Change" by Stephen Kinzer was a speech sponsored by The Future of Freedom Foundation February 15, 2014 a......
"The Dulles Brothers and America's Century of Regime Change" by Stephen Kinzer was a speech sponsored by The Future of Freedom Foundation February 15, 2014 a...
wn.com/Stephen Kinzer The Dulles Brothers And America's Century Of Regime Change
"The Dulles Brothers and America's Century of Regime Change" by Stephen Kinzer was a speech sponsored by The Future of Freedom Foundation February 15, 2014 a...
Regime change || Prison Architect Ep. 2.39 || Alpha 29
Join me in a new Let's Play of Prison Architect, Alpha 29
Episode 2.38- it ain't broke, but I fixed it anyway. Not sure this is going to go well.
Alpha 29 rel...
Join me in a new Let's Play of Prison Architect, Alpha 29
Episode 2.38- it ain't broke, but I fixed it anyway. Not sure this is going to go well.
Alpha 29 release video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CltK6AiV0TI
Series 2 playlist: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zjrwPRyabJM&list;=PLjtNsCg0XFV3tH_85YV9qeemJW0Pkcbu5&index;=21
If you are new to Prison Architect, my Absolute Beginner's Guide may help you: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLjtNsCg0XFV2rZpnunESXLhGv7o01REZR
wn.com/Regime Change || Prison Architect Ep. 2.39 || Alpha 29
Join me in a new Let's Play of Prison Architect, Alpha 29
Episode 2.38- it ain't broke, but I fixed it anyway. Not sure this is going to go well.
Alpha 29 release video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CltK6AiV0TI
Series 2 playlist: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zjrwPRyabJM&list;=PLjtNsCg0XFV3tH_85YV9qeemJW0Pkcbu5&index;=21
If you are new to Prison Architect, my Absolute Beginner's Guide may help you: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLjtNsCg0XFV2rZpnunESXLhGv7o01REZR
- published: 19 Feb 2015
- views: 35
Overreach: Delusions of Regime Change in Iraq (w/ Michael Macdonald)
Michael Macdonald author of Overreach: Delusions of Regime Change in Iraq and Professor at Williams College explains the core motivations that led the Bush Adm...
Michael Macdonald author of Overreach: Delusions of Regime Change in Iraq and Professor at Williams College explains the core motivations that led the Bush Administration to invade Iraq, why invading Iraq was about creating a neo liberal Middle East, chaos and the goal of market “paradise” in Iraq, breaking the Iraqi state, confusing the real problem with the invasion of Iraq, regime change and logic of disorder, Thomas Friedman and the elite reasons for the war in Iraq, delusions and propaganda in American foreign policy, Dick Cheney and what the neocons really wanted in Iraq and why the current war on ISIS will fail...
This clip from the Majority Report, live M-F at 12 noon EST and via daily podcast at http://Majority.FM
Subscribe to us on YouTube: http://youtube.com/user/SamSeder
wn.com/Overreach Delusions Of Regime Change In Iraq (W Michael Macdonald)
Michael Macdonald author of Overreach: Delusions of Regime Change in Iraq and Professor at Williams College explains the core motivations that led the Bush Administration to invade Iraq, why invading Iraq was about creating a neo liberal Middle East, chaos and the goal of market “paradise” in Iraq, breaking the Iraqi state, confusing the real problem with the invasion of Iraq, regime change and logic of disorder, Thomas Friedman and the elite reasons for the war in Iraq, delusions and propaganda in American foreign policy, Dick Cheney and what the neocons really wanted in Iraq and why the current war on ISIS will fail...
This clip from the Majority Report, live M-F at 12 noon EST and via daily podcast at http://Majority.FM
Subscribe to us on YouTube: http://youtube.com/user/SamSeder
- published: 10 Oct 2014
- views: 142
SILVER, No Russian Regime Change
SILVER, No Russian Regime Change.
It is unlikely that low oil prices will lead to a regime change in Russia. With severe winters likely this year, it would be ...
SILVER, No Russian Regime Change.
It is unlikely that low oil prices will lead to a regime change in Russia. With severe winters likely this year, it would be very difficult to keep oil and energy prices down. Also, right now, even the major media is saying the US markets are severely overbought and due for correction.
SILVER Mac D's Indicate a BUY
Silver & Demand Destruction.
When I put this video out. People were screaming Silver was was too low at $28.
I had to candy coat everything regarding
Demand Destruction.
How Cold can Rothschild-Puppet Obama be ??
As of January 1, 2014 the Obama administration will let mortgage debt forgiveness sunset.
Proof of Spot Market Rigging in Oil, Silver & Commodities
Oil & Silver - Better Proof of Spot Market Rigging
Sam Zell's Investment Words of Wisdom.
I personally very much like Sam Zell's common sense words of wisdom. Great stuff for all in any situation.
Putin the Tax Cat on Tax Havens
Palladium may be another investment many are missing.
Palladium may turn out to be the best investment in the metals markets. Palladium is far rarer than gold and used heavily in industry. Very little Palladium is available for investment.
PALLADIUM, The Victorious Metal of the Future
Palladium, Investment of the decade
Palladium, Big Risk-Big Reward
Palladium,, the Exalted Noble Metal
Silver, Palladium, Prostitution & Industrial Hemp Update
The devil with Palladium
Palladium Update, The Russian Influence.
1979 Silver, Palladium, Platinum, Oil Spike,, a lesson
Palladium,,, deficit 2011
Palladium & Platinum-Gold ratio
Palladium & Silver Suppression
Palladium, the tinyest market
There may be a lot of talk and drama regarding the new fiat $100 bill. Actually anything can function as money. The key is that the money be issued without interest and the people have control over the money through Congress as laid out in the Constitution.
See how Fiat money can sometimes greatly help the economy - when it gets in the hands of the PRODUCTIVE MIDDLE-CLASS:
Local Currencies & the role of PD in the 3rd Industrial Revolution
wn.com/Silver, No Russian Regime Change
SILVER, No Russian Regime Change.
It is unlikely that low oil prices will lead to a regime change in Russia. With severe winters likely this year, it would be very difficult to keep oil and energy prices down. Also, right now, even the major media is saying the US markets are severely overbought and due for correction.
SILVER Mac D's Indicate a BUY
Silver & Demand Destruction.
When I put this video out. People were screaming Silver was was too low at $28.
I had to candy coat everything regarding
Demand Destruction.
How Cold can Rothschild-Puppet Obama be ??
As of January 1, 2014 the Obama administration will let mortgage debt forgiveness sunset.
Proof of Spot Market Rigging in Oil, Silver & Commodities
Oil & Silver - Better Proof of Spot Market Rigging
Sam Zell's Investment Words of Wisdom.
I personally very much like Sam Zell's common sense words of wisdom. Great stuff for all in any situation.
Putin the Tax Cat on Tax Havens
Palladium may be another investment many are missing.
Palladium may turn out to be the best investment in the metals markets. Palladium is far rarer than gold and used heavily in industry. Very little Palladium is available for investment.
PALLADIUM, The Victorious Metal of the Future
Palladium, Investment of the decade
Palladium, Big Risk-Big Reward
Palladium,, the Exalted Noble Metal
Silver, Palladium, Prostitution & Industrial Hemp Update
The devil with Palladium
Palladium Update, The Russian Influence.
1979 Silver, Palladium, Platinum, Oil Spike,, a lesson
Palladium,,, deficit 2011
Palladium & Platinum-Gold ratio
Palladium & Silver Suppression
Palladium, the tinyest market
There may be a lot of talk and drama regarding the new fiat $100 bill. Actually anything can function as money. The key is that the money be issued without interest and the people have control over the money through Congress as laid out in the Constitution.
See how Fiat money can sometimes greatly help the economy - when it gets in the hands of the PRODUCTIVE MIDDLE-CLASS:
Local Currencies & the role of PD in the 3rd Industrial Revolution
- published: 27 Nov 2014
- views: 73
Bilderberg Spy Tech and Google Regime Change: Our Brave New World
http://truthstreammedia.com/bilderberg-spy-tech-and-google-regime-change-our-brave-new-world/ Aaron Dykes of Truthstream Media.com appears on the Wednesday, ......
http://truthstreammedia.com/bilderberg-spy-tech-and-google-regime-change-our-brave-new-world/ Aaron Dykes of Truthstream Media.com appears on the Wednesday, ...
wn.com/Bilderberg Spy Tech And Google Regime Change Our Brave New World
http://truthstreammedia.com/bilderberg-spy-tech-and-google-regime-change-our-brave-new-world/ Aaron Dykes of Truthstream Media.com appears on the Wednesday, ...
| American Empire | Rage Against the Regime: the CIA, NGOs & Color Revolutions [SPECIAL REPORT]
A look into the CIA/NGO involvement in color revolutions around the world. Learn more about us at http://www.americanempire.tv Join Avi Oren and American Emp......
A look into the CIA/NGO involvement in color revolutions around the world. Learn more about us at http://www.americanempire.tv Join Avi Oren and American Emp...
wn.com/| American Empire | Rage Against The Regime The Cia, Ngos Color Revolutions Special Report
A look into the CIA/NGO involvement in color revolutions around the world. Learn more about us at http://www.americanempire.tv Join Avi Oren and American Emp...
Aktuell: Lybia: Regime-Change 2.0; Flüchtlinge; Bundeswehr im Innern; Militärdiktatur
250 Panzer in Mannheim
Spannungen mit Russland - Jetzt reaktivieren die USA ein Militärlager in Deutschland
[ http://www.focus.de/politik/deutschland/250-panzer...
250 Panzer in Mannheim
Spannungen mit Russland - Jetzt reaktivieren die USA ein Militärlager in Deutschland
[ http://www.focus.de/politik/deutschland/250-panzer-in-mannheim-wegen-spannungen-mit-russland-us-army-reaktiviert-militaerlager-in-deutschland_id_4919489.html ]
Illegale Einwanderung steigt rasant an
[ https://jungefreiheit.de/politik/deutschland/2015/illegale-einwanderung-steigt-rasant-an/ ]
BluNews: Flüchtlingswelle erreicht Münchner Hauptbahnhof
[ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=THZxKKeDKx8 ]
Staatsanwaltschaft ermittelt gegen Til Schweiger wegen Volksverhetzung
[ http://www.mmnews.de/index.php/politik/52625-staatsanwaltschaft-ermittelt-gegen-til-schweiger-wegen-volksverhetzung ]
Pharaonischer Fund könnte Ägypten reich machen
[ http://www.welt.de/politik/ausland/article145857137/Pharaonischer-Fund-koennte-Aegypten-reich-machen.html ]
Blamage für Obama: Russland greift in Syrien ein
[ http://deutsche-wirtschafts-nachrichten.de/2015/09/01/blamage-fuer-obama-russland-greift-in-syrien-ein/ ]
Italien entdeckt „supergigantisches“ Gasvorkommen im Mittelmeer
[ http://de.sputniknews.com/panorama/20150831/304078377.html ]
Italienischer Energie-Konzern ENI entdeckt riesiges Erdgas-Feld vor Ägypten
[ http://deutsche-wirtschafts-nachrichten.de/2015/08/30/italienischer-energie-konzern-eni-entdeckt-riesiges-erdgas-feld-vor-aegypten/ ]
Militär-Einsatz im Mittelmeer:
Bundeswehr darf künftig Schlepper-Schiffe zerstören
[ http://deutsche-wirtschafts-nachrichten.de/2015/08/28/militaer-einsatz-im-mittelmeer-bundeswehr-darf-kuenftig-schlepper-schiffe-zerstoeren/ ]
Rechte Hand von Ex-Außenminister der USA:
Das Land wird von 400 Oligarchen regiert
[ http://de.sputniknews.com/politik/20150829/304062078.html#ixzz3kb1nlnO4 ]
EU-Staaten wollen Flüchtlinge mit Militär-Einsatz zurückdrängen
[ http://deutsche-wirtschafts-nachrichten.de/2015/08/27/eu-staaten-wollen-fluechtlinge-mit-militaer-einsatz-zurueckdraengen/ ]
Von der Leyen nutzt Flüchtlingskrise zur Aufwertung der Bundeswehr
[ http://www.wsws.org/de/articles/2015/09/01/bund-s01.html ]
De Maizière erwägt Änderung des Grundgesetzes
[ http://www.faz.net/aktuell/politik/fluechtlingskrise/fluechtlingskrise-de-maiziere-erwaegt-aenderung-des-grundgesetzes-13781887.html ]
Orbán und die Flüchtlingskrise
„Wer überrannt wird, kann niemanden aufnehmen“
[ http://www.faz.net/aktuell/politik/fluechtlingskrise/orban-und-die-fluechtlingskrise-wer-ueberrannt-wird-kann-niemanden-aufnehmen-13782061.html ]
Gefälschte syrische Pässe bei Flüchtlingen
[ http://www.krone.at/Welt/Gefaelschte_syrische_Paesse_bei_Fluechtlingen-Frontex_warnt_-Story-470064 ]
Tschechen überwiegend für Schließung der EU-Grenzen für Flüchtlinge
[ http://de.sputniknews.com/panorama/20150902/304122524.html ]
Innenministerium prognostiziert 800.000 Asylbewerber
[ http://www.wsws.org/de/articles/2015/08/21/flue-a21.html ]
taz: Bombardiert Zivilisten!
[ http://hinter-der-fichte.blogspot.de/2015/08/taz-bombardiert-zivilisten.html ]
wn.com/Aktuell Lybia Regime Change 2.0 Flüchtlinge Bundeswehr Im Innern Militärdiktatur
250 Panzer in Mannheim
Spannungen mit Russland - Jetzt reaktivieren die USA ein Militärlager in Deutschland
[ http://www.focus.de/politik/deutschland/250-panzer-in-mannheim-wegen-spannungen-mit-russland-us-army-reaktiviert-militaerlager-in-deutschland_id_4919489.html ]
Illegale Einwanderung steigt rasant an
[ https://jungefreiheit.de/politik/deutschland/2015/illegale-einwanderung-steigt-rasant-an/ ]
BluNews: Flüchtlingswelle erreicht Münchner Hauptbahnhof
[ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=THZxKKeDKx8 ]
Staatsanwaltschaft ermittelt gegen Til Schweiger wegen Volksverhetzung
[ http://www.mmnews.de/index.php/politik/52625-staatsanwaltschaft-ermittelt-gegen-til-schweiger-wegen-volksverhetzung ]
Pharaonischer Fund könnte Ägypten reich machen
[ http://www.welt.de/politik/ausland/article145857137/Pharaonischer-Fund-koennte-Aegypten-reich-machen.html ]
Blamage für Obama: Russland greift in Syrien ein
[ http://deutsche-wirtschafts-nachrichten.de/2015/09/01/blamage-fuer-obama-russland-greift-in-syrien-ein/ ]
Italien entdeckt „supergigantisches“ Gasvorkommen im Mittelmeer
[ http://de.sputniknews.com/panorama/20150831/304078377.html ]
Italienischer Energie-Konzern ENI entdeckt riesiges Erdgas-Feld vor Ägypten
[ http://deutsche-wirtschafts-nachrichten.de/2015/08/30/italienischer-energie-konzern-eni-entdeckt-riesiges-erdgas-feld-vor-aegypten/ ]
Militär-Einsatz im Mittelmeer:
Bundeswehr darf künftig Schlepper-Schiffe zerstören
[ http://deutsche-wirtschafts-nachrichten.de/2015/08/28/militaer-einsatz-im-mittelmeer-bundeswehr-darf-kuenftig-schlepper-schiffe-zerstoeren/ ]
Rechte Hand von Ex-Außenminister der USA:
Das Land wird von 400 Oligarchen regiert
[ http://de.sputniknews.com/politik/20150829/304062078.html#ixzz3kb1nlnO4 ]
EU-Staaten wollen Flüchtlinge mit Militär-Einsatz zurückdrängen
[ http://deutsche-wirtschafts-nachrichten.de/2015/08/27/eu-staaten-wollen-fluechtlinge-mit-militaer-einsatz-zurueckdraengen/ ]
Von der Leyen nutzt Flüchtlingskrise zur Aufwertung der Bundeswehr
[ http://www.wsws.org/de/articles/2015/09/01/bund-s01.html ]
De Maizière erwägt Änderung des Grundgesetzes
[ http://www.faz.net/aktuell/politik/fluechtlingskrise/fluechtlingskrise-de-maiziere-erwaegt-aenderung-des-grundgesetzes-13781887.html ]
Orbán und die Flüchtlingskrise
„Wer überrannt wird, kann niemanden aufnehmen“
[ http://www.faz.net/aktuell/politik/fluechtlingskrise/orban-und-die-fluechtlingskrise-wer-ueberrannt-wird-kann-niemanden-aufnehmen-13782061.html ]
Gefälschte syrische Pässe bei Flüchtlingen
[ http://www.krone.at/Welt/Gefaelschte_syrische_Paesse_bei_Fluechtlingen-Frontex_warnt_-Story-470064 ]
Tschechen überwiegend für Schließung der EU-Grenzen für Flüchtlinge
[ http://de.sputniknews.com/panorama/20150902/304122524.html ]
Innenministerium prognostiziert 800.000 Asylbewerber
[ http://www.wsws.org/de/articles/2015/08/21/flue-a21.html ]
taz: Bombardiert Zivilisten!
[ http://hinter-der-fichte.blogspot.de/2015/08/taz-bombardiert-zivilisten.html ]
- published: 02 Sep 2015
- views: 73