GWT: WRAP Coalition forces in Al Faw, marines advance north, shelling, POWs
Various of US tank convoy
2. Wide of US tank convoy
Mid shot of soldiers in tank
4. Wide of US tanks
British soldiers beside abandoned
Iraqi artillery gun
Device being exploded
7. Close-up of ammunition on the ground
Soldier's name isn't available:
"It seems that if they decided to use it in this area then they could have used it to quite good effect. The fact that they haven't used it significantly means means that there was fighting through here but it could have been much worse"
9. Exploded gun nozzle
Close shot US flag, pull out to
US marines with mounted cannon
10. Various of
Royal Marines and US marines and armoured vehicles
11. SOUNDBITE (English)
Brigadier Jim Dutton, commander of Royal Marines
3 Commando:
"I don't think we're quite at the stage where we can say that there's absolutely nobody left in this area who is hostile, but it's certainly mission accomplished. The mission remember was to secure the oil infra-structure before it could be destroyed -- that accomplished -- and to to secure the port of
Umm Qasr for humanitarian aid -- that's accomplished, although as I said there are still some people there who are not entirely friendly. But the essential port facilities are now in our hands."
12. Close shot of US marines patch, tilt to face of marine
13. SOUNDBITE (English)
Lieutenant Dan Gelman,
US Marine Corps:
Reporter question: how do you rate the
Iraqi soldiers?)
"Poor -- we had individuals who gave up instantly, we also had individuals that gave up a fight, but the fight was short lived.
Once they saw what they were encountering, they decided they didn't want to play any more."
14. Wide shot of helicopter taking off
Royal Marine searching house
16. Various driving shot of Royal Marines armoured vehicles on road
17. Various shots of abandoned Iraqi defences
Abandoned Iraqi patrol boat
19. Various shots of soldiers looking with seized documents
Marine checking seized
Iraq weapons, which will be destroyed
21. Device being exploded as the marines work to clear landmines
22. Wide shot of abandoned Iraqi tank with
Royal Navy helicopter visible in background looking for sea mines
Coalition forces were continuing to push north Monday night, in their advance towards the Iraqi capital,
Earlier in the day, some
British and
American units continued to find more abandoned Iraqi defenses and set about to destroy dangerous devices in controlled explosions.
On Iraq's
Al-Faw peninsula, units of the
British Royal Marines and US Marine Corps met up with each effectively sealing-off any Iraqi fighters on the peninsula from their comrades in the rest of Iraq.
Light and heavy armour has been pouring into the region since British and US marines took control of the much of the southern port of Umm Qasr, at the tip of the peninsula.
Brigadier Jim Dutton, the commander of Royal Marines 3 Commando, said on Monday that some hostile Iraqi's remained in the area, but coalition forces had accomplished their present mission of securing the oil infrastructure at Al-Faw and securing the port of Umm Qasr to allow humanitarian aid supplies.
US Marine officer, Lieutenant Dan Gelman, said the
Iraqi troops they had encountered had put up little resistance "Once they saw what they were encountering, they decided they didn't want to play any more."
The Royal Marines are to remain in the Umm Qasr area to deal with pockets of enemy resistance, including Iraqi snipers, while the
US Marines are being deployed further north.
The Al-Faw peninsula is Iraq's only outlet to the sea, and the site of extensive oil industry facilities. Newly constructed Iraqi defences along the seafront now stand abandoned.
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