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Photo story: Living under occupation in Jerusalem

Young men are constantly being stopped, interrogated and searched by occupying forces in front of Damascus Gate and in the old city.  In the top left corner you can see a snipers post on a building overlooking Damascus Gate.  This post was placed without permission from the Palestinian owners.

28th April 2016 | International Solidarity Movement, Al-quds Team | Jerusalem, occupied Palestine  Young men are constantly being stopped, interrogated and searched by occupying forces in front of Damascus Gate and in the old city. In the top left corner ...

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Sami Janazreh enters 46th day of hunger strike

Prisoner's day demonstration in occupied Hebron

17th April 2016 | International Solidarity Movement, Al-Khalil Team | Hebron, occupied Palestine Today volunteers from ISM attended a demonstration in Al-Khalil for Prisoners’ Day. Once the main demonstration had ended in the city a group of young Palestinians invited ...

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Attack on Khadouri university continues


16th of December, 2015 | International Solidarity Movement, Tulkarm team | Tulkarm, occupied Palestine Today, on the 16th of december, Israeli forces, yet again, entered the center of the campus at Khadori university, leaving several students injured. “I am so ...

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