Home / Hebron


Continuous implementation of apartheid-policies in Hebron


9th June 2016 | International Solidarity Movement, al-Khalil team| Hebron, occupied Palestine For already more than seven months, Israeli forces have kept a staircase leading to Qurtuba school and the surrounding neighbourhood in occupied al-Khalil (Hebron) under closed military zone ...

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Apartheid policies in Hebron upheld


2nd June 2016 | International Solidarity Movement, al-Khalil team | Hebron, occupied Palestine Despite the lifting of the closed military zone in Shuhada Street and Tel Rumeida, many restrictions for Palestinians still remain. This neighbourhood is in H2 under full ...

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Open The Zone: press conference

Palestinian children waiting at the checkpoint

13th May 2016 | Open the Zone campaign | Hebron, occupied Palestine On 12th May 2016, the Open the Zone campaign held a press conference in front of Shuahda checkpoint in Hebron – protesting the continuous collective punishment and denial ...

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Open The Zone – twitter storm

Open the Zone Logo

10th May 2016 | Open The Zone campaign | Hebron, occupied Palestine Take action to end the closed military zone in Hebron and join our twitter storm and thunderclap campaign! Take a stand against the forced closure of Shuhada Street ...

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