- published: 09 Sep 2015
- views: 3895
UNDP & the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)
United Nations Development Programme - UNDP Sustainable Development Goals #SDGS Promo Video
UNDP's One Day on Earth
UNDP - Connecting the Dots for People & Planet
UNDP’s Regional Programme for Africa in a nutshell
UNDP and Microsoft aid disaster recovery in Nepal
Drogba Vs Malaria - United Nations Development Programme
Transitioning from the MDGs to the SDGs
Annual UN Development Programme report
Interview with Helen Clark, Administrator, UN Development Programme
#GlobalGoals The SDGs are a global call to action to end poverty, protect the planet and ensure that all human beings enjoy peace and prosperity. The Goals are a universal and bold commitment to both people and planet, and UNDP stands ready to implement this broad and ambitious agenda.
Since 2000 The UNDP is continuing their millennium development goals under which they has been trying improve life by eradicating extreme poverty, universal primary education, women empowerment, environmental sustainability and many more. They have gone far but there are still many more to catch. By 2030 they are planning to implement a sustainable development program which will diminish some major problems. Contact Us: info@amilneal.com / vfx@amilneal.com If you are looking for something like this. Feel free to mail us. Please Visit: http://www.amilneal.com https://dribbble.com/amilneal http://www.flickr.com/photos/amilneal http://www.facebook.com/amilnealproductions Providing everyone with professional quality motion graphics, graphic design, visual effects, web design & development...
On 10 October, 2010, United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) staff members in more than 100 countries worldwide took part in a collaborative film project to document the work of UNDP. For many, this was their first time using a video camera. The result of their collaborative efforts is an 8 minute film highlighting the breath of UNDP's impact. It offers a glimpse into the daily operations of country offices across the globe, showcasing what UNDP does and how it manages its global partnerships. The film also highlights the diversity of cultures with which UNDP works and emphasizes the particular UN priority issues and Millennium Development Goals that UNDP addresses. The finished product, entitled "UNDP's One Day on Earth," takes on the form of a collage, capturing unprecedented video...
With more than 50 years of experience, UNDP offers a ‘whole of society’ approach to eradicate poverty and improve the lives of millions of people.
This motion graphic video provides an overview of UNDP’s view of the challenges impeding Africa from achieving its stated goal, as per the AU’s Agenda 2063, of an integrated, prosperous and peaceful continent. It illustrates UNDP’s approach at the regional level in support of regional and continental bodies, as well as at country level in driving progress.
In April, 2015, a massive earthquake struck Nepal, killing 9,000. The United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) is teaming up with Microsoft on a major country-wide effort to promote economic, financial and social recovery in the region. Working with the Microsoft Innovation Center (MIC) Nepal, UNDP is leveraging a solution built on Microsoft Azure, Office 365, Power BI and other Microsoft technologies. The mobile application tracks and coordinates logistics, personnel and payments to help administrate the rebuilding effort, storing critical records both on-premises and in the cloud. Learn more here: http://news.microsoft.com/?p=235803.
United Nations Development Programme/ UNDP Adverts & Commercials Archive Drogba Vs. Malaria rollbackmalaria.org | #defeatmalaria Two days ahead of the FIFA World Cup in Brazil, football star and United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) Goodwill Ambassador Didier Drogba launches an animated video that tells the story of his early life in a malaria-endemic country and calls attention to a disease that continues to take a child life every minute. While global malaria mortality rates have been slashed by more than 40% since the year 2000, the disease still claims more than half a million lives every year, mostly among pregnant women and young children, living in sub-Saharan Africa. The video, co-signed by UNDP and the Roll Back Malaria Partnership, shows young Didier Drogba and his friend...
An end to poverty, hunger and inequality worldwide. That and more is the ambitious agenda of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), agreed upon by 193 countries at the United Nations in September 2015. Learn about the Goals and the work of the United Nations Development Programme, a global leader in the effort to fulfil the Goals.
1. Wide of launching ceremony at presidential palace 2. Philippine President Gloria Macapagal Arroyo seated with visiting East Timor Foreign Affairs Minister Jose Ramos Horta 3. Cutaway people listening 4 Pan of guests 5. Wide shot people at ceremony 6. Sakiko Fukuda-Parr (author of report), speaking 7. SOUNDBITE: (English) Sakiko Fukuda-Parr, Chief author UNDP 2002 Report: "This report therefore focuses on political participation as an important and often forgotten part of the agenda for human development. It starts with that. It recognizes that development is a political process. Having the means and the freedom to fight for one's rights, to shape decisions about the future of one's community, to gain access to crucial information and markets. In short, having a shot in life is at...
Helen Clark shares her perspectives on the occasion of APEC's 25th Anniversary
General partner - E-DINAR COIN https://wallet.edinarcoin.com/?r=koles-tv Information partner - Bitcoin Garden http://bitcoingarden.tk/ EDR: koles-tv United Nations Development Programme has announced partnership with digital currency and blockchain service platform EmerCoin. According to the Cointelegraph.com, the United Nations' global development network have already tested joint project to use Emercoin in the vehicles fleet management, which suggests that Emercoin cryptocurrency will increase. Do you like our video? Donate: BTC: 1JdRXQuqicwSyn61cd9jyXzAk2QUfu4KEW To add subtitles: http://www.youtube.com/timedtext_cs_panel?tab=2&c;=UCWN9FtDP3d-jfJu83pGARxw
Please visit http://www.undp.org/evaluation for the latest information from the Independent Evaluation office
Footage of Anilao's marine sanctuary Twin Rocks for the project of UNDP and DENR.
Statement of Support: Ms. Christine Evans-Klock, UNDP Representative in Ghana. For more News visit: http://www.citiesalliance.org Follow us on Twitter: https://twitter.com/citiesalliance Like us on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/citiesalliance
Thanks to funds form Japan, the vulnerable Lebanese host communities and Palestinian refugee communities are receiving aid for a better quality of life.
The U.N. Development Programme (UNDP) and the Philippine government are working together to address the Southeast Asian country's rising number of new HIV cases, scaling up outreach and intervention based on local leadership. The United Nations alerted the government in 2008 that Millennium Development Goal (MDG) 6—halting or reversing the spread of HIV/AIDS—was least likely to be achieved by 2015. The following year, the United Nations and the government launched a three-year programme called "Promoting Leadership and Mitigating the Negative Impacts of HIV and AIDS on Human Development." This partnership has so far aided more than 200 local government units, provided HIV and AIDS orientation to more than 1,000 local government officials, and engaged more than 250 local HIV/AIDS activist...
A new report on Africa’s human development released by the UN says women in business have fewer channels of access to financial services. The report by the United Nations Development Programme focuses largely on acceleration of gender equality and promoting women empowerment. Subscribe to Our Channel For more news visit http://www.ntv.co.ug Follow us on Twitter http://www.twitter.com/ntvuganda Like our Facebook page http://www.facebook.com/NTVUganda
The United Nations Development Programme launched the Africa Human Development Report citing among many things the need for increased participation of women in governance. The report, which comes on the heels of UN’s new Sustainable development goals calls on governments in Africa to put into account gender led policies that seek to tap into the potential of women. Launching the report, UN’s resident coordinator Rosa Malango called for more effort to get women’s full potential tapped into. While Uganda is among the 20 African countries with the highest change in human development, it still falls among the countries with low human development in the world Subscribe to Our Channel For more news visit http://www.ntv.co.ug Follow us on Twitter http://www.twitter.com/ntvuganda Like our F...
The CSIS Pacific Partners Initiative is pleased to host a Statesmen’s Forum with Helen Clark, Administrator of the United Nations Development Program (UNDP) and former Prime Minister of New Zealand. She will discuss global political and security issues as well as her candidacy this year to be the ninth Secretary-General of the United Nations. Helen Clark is the Administrator of the United Nations Development Program, first appointed in 2009 and reappointed unanimously by the UN General Assembly in 2013. Before that, she was Prime Minister of New Zealand for nine years from 1999 to 2008. In April 2016, Clark declared her candidacy to be the ninth Secretary-General of the United Nations. The CSIS Statesmen's Forum provides global political leaders the opportunity to present their views abo...
This joint project of UNDP and the National Anti-Corruption Commission (NACC) is the story of young man who pursues his dream of becoming a reporter. Upon getting his first job, he is tasked by his editor to do a major story about corruption in Thailand. What he discovers is that corruption has been staged in every level of society and this finding urges him to be more active in informing the public.
The Glass Ceiling chronicles the journey of a local political leader in the North of Thailand, Ms. Siriporn Panyasen, who at the age of 16 is forced to leave school to take care of her sick father and be the sole provider for a family of 12. Ms. Panyasen’s sacrifice and her desire to serve her community led her to run for political office—despite many risks. Siriporn is thrust into the role of caretaker and breadwinner at 16, despite having few skills or education. Taking over family responsibilities and assisting her mother with village duties led many to respect the young Siriporn—which fed her leadership aspirations. Eventually, she reaches the point where her volunteer duties interfere with the political ambitions of others—and Siriporn hits the proverbial “glass ceiling.” สารคดี “เพด...
The UN agreed to a series of Millennium Development Goals at the turn of the century, aiming to make the world a better place. And while great strides have been made in areas such as poverty reduction and access to clean water, much remains to be done. How can we ensure the world continues to develop sustainably, and how much of a role can women have in driving that development? Oksana is joined by Helen Clark, the Administrator of the United Nations Development Programme, to debate these issues.
The UNDP Global Meeting on Preventing Violent Extremism & Promoting Inclusive Development, Tolerance & Diversity, 14-16 March 2016 in Oslo, Norway. Welcome and Introduction – Framing the Debates: In this opening session, the keynote speakers lay out the critical issues related to preventing violent extremism (PVE) globally. Keynote speakers: − Magdy Martínez-Solimán, UN Assistant Secretary-General and Director of the Bureau for Policy and Programme Support, United Nations Development Programme − Tore Hattrem, State Secretary, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Government of Norway - Gulalai Ismail, Founder and Chair Person, Aware Girls
The 2014 Human Development Report highlights the need for both promoting people's choices and protecting human development achievements. Although almost everyone is likely to feel vulnerable at some point in life, some individuals and groups are systematically worse off. Longer life spans and demographic transitions are having wide ranging effects on economies, societies and living arrangements. According to the report, vulnerability remains a major obstacle to human development and unless it is systematically addressed by changing policies and social norms, progress will be neither equitable nor sustainable. The Human Development Reports have been commissioned and published by UNDP since 1990 as an intellectually independent, empirically grounded analysis of development issues, trends, p...
Launch at Chatham House of the UNDP Human Development Report 2013: The Rise of the South by lead author Khalid Malik, Director of the Human Development Report Office, United Nations Development Programme, followed by Pedro Martins, Research Fellow on Growth, Poverty and Inequality at the Overseas Development Institute as discussant. Chair: Dr Patricia Lewis, Chatham House. More: http://www.chathamhouse.org/events/view/189891
Helen Clark, Administrator of the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) shares her views on what success in 2015 – and beyond – will look like. In this keynote year for global action on development, how will we ensure that the new international development framework will be delivered effectively? With a world conference on Disaster Risk Reduction coming up, what are the major lessons emerging from recent humanitarian disasters that will enable us to scale up the way that we respond to and prepare for disaster?
• Michael H. Geoghegan (1937-2012), United Nations Development Programme (UNDP). Graduate Student Intern Program lecture, United Nations, New York, July 3, 1983. (58 min.) • Michael H. Geoghegan - Second lecture, 1 hr. 38 min. (starts at 58:12) Topic: 'World Resource Management'. International Affairs Symposium, Oregon - May 14th. 1980. Audio enhancements from original cassette and video editing by Alan C. Geoghegan between Nov. 2015 to Feb. 2016. For a full biography and tribute to Michael Geoghegan, please visit: www.taravision.org/michel_geoghegan_bio.htm