It’s getting hot in here! Conversations in Gurnell Leisure Centre’s Sauna, Greenford
What we can learn from the US women's soccer team
The SPEW and me
A brief catalogue of my encounters with the lesser spotted subspecies of the British Trot in the wild. Careful it may bite you.
Beyond White City - Some Snap-Shots on West London Workers' History
The “gig economy”: Some cursory thoughts and link dump
On budget eve: deflation & the limits to privatised Keynesianism
Recent cases highlight the farcical nature of America's "justice" system
Inside the growing tenants movement that is fighting mass displacement
“Power of the grassroots": reflections on a step into alternative education
Portland Renters Confront County Over Rising Rents and Evictions[VIDEO]
When will the lights go out in Venezuela?
The water level of the Guri Reservoir is dropping precipitously in an El Niño drought year and the hydroelectric turbines may have to be shut down as early as May (2016) to avoid destroying the plant. The real problem is that the ten turbines produce some 70% of Venezuela's electricity. It's easy for the Bolivarian government to blame the rolling electrical blackouts currently afflicting the country on the drought, but the real cause is far more complicated...
Messengers of transition: The 2016 election and the undermining of recent politics
David Brooks is mad and it is funny
Red and black on both sides: interview with radical hip-hop duo QELD
Crisis of family and friends: Working class experiences from west London
In warehouses, factories and other low-paid workplaces in west London we’ve had various conversations with fellow workers about how they live. We've also had experiences at home, where we flat-share with other workers from different countries. Facing the breakdown of the family and various forms of personal crisis we thought of writing an article about it for our paper, WorkersWildWest. Please feel free to criticise and contribute!
What Problems in Bolivarian Venezuela? What Tumeremo Massacre?
Chicago Tribune issues cynical rant to discredit striking teachers
Trumpism and the American Working Class
Brussels, after the terrorist suicide bomb attacks…
When after the terrorist suicide attacks in Ankara and Istanbul, the same sort of attacks occured in Brussels, by the Netherlands blog , with the feeble voice I have, I called workers to make their voices heard and to discuss with each other some reflections on the nationalist and 'security' campaigns following the bombs.