- published: 19 Mar 2014
- views: 28000
Nutation (from Latin nūtātiō, "nodding, swaying") is a rocking, swaying, or nodding motion in the axis of rotation of a largely axially symmetric object, such as a gyroscope, planet, or bullet in flight, or as an intended behavior of a mechanism. In an appropriate reference frame it can be defined as a change in the second Euler angle. If it is not caused by forces external to the body, it is called free nutation or Euler nutation. A pure nutation is a movement of a rotational axis such that the first Euler angle is constant. In spacecraft dynamics, precession (a change in the first Euler angle) is sometimes referred to as nutation.
If a top is set at a tilt on a horizontal surface and spun rapidly, its rotational axis starts precessing about the vertical. After a short interval, the top settles into a motion in which each point on its rotation axis follows a circular path. The vertical force of gravity produces a horizontal torque τ about the point of contact with the surface; the top rotates in the direction of this torque with an angular velocity Ω such that at any moment
NEW URL: http://fun-physics-facts.publicvm.com This video shows demonstrations of the various different nutational behaviors possible for a spinning rotor. Since the mathematics is somewhat complicated, you should read the PDF file at the above web site on the Gyroscope Precession and Nutation page for detailed derivations of these results.
If you like this one have a look at my best gyroscope in http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q5gtoZAYqyQ. ( Adolf Cortel 2009) Another piece of my collection of homemade gyroscopes. In this one a counterweight can be attached to control the precession and observe the nutation
http://www.medilaw.tv Pelvic Anatomy Sacro-iliac Joint physical therapy animations. Shows the location, shape and movements of the sacro-iliac joint. physical therapy animations.
Bachelor "Technische Physik" - TU Wien https://www.tuwien.ac.at/lehre/bachelorstudien/technische_physik/ Vorlesung "Grundlagen der Physik", u.a. mit Prof. Friedrich Aumayr, Prof. Wolfgang Werner, Prof. Martin Gröschl, Prof. Wolfgang Husinsky, Dr. Martin Müller https://tiss.tuwien.ac.at/adressbuch/adressbuch/orgeinheit/1622 Die Vorlesung richtet sich nach den Büchern "Experimentalphysik I - III" von Wolfgang Demtröder https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wolfgang_Demtr%C3%B6der Weiterführende Unterlagen http://forum.technische-physik.at/viewtopic.php?f=175&t;=1731 ---------------------------------------------------- Semester 1 - Band 1 - Kapitel 5 ---------------------------------------------------- Band 1 Kapitel 1 Einführung https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLJGrhmBstgHEhtJgFDgGs8jjC...
This movie was created with Blender and is used in the Spitz Fulldome Curriculum for the SciDome planetariums around the world. Precession is the wobble of the Earth which makes the poles shift position over ~26,000 years as well as the position of the Vernal and Autumnal equinoxes in the sky. This movie illustrates the movement. Hopefully this movie gives a little more meaning to the Dawning of the Age of Aquarius. http://www.spitzinc.com/ Music: Carbon Based LIfeforms - Station Blue. http://www.last.fm/music/Carbon+Based+Lifeforms/_/Station+Blue
movements of the sacroiliac joint
Video shows what nutation means. a bobbing motion that accompanies the precession of a spinning rigid body. a nodding motion (of the head etc.). any of several irregularities in the precession of the equinoxes caused by varying torque applied to the Earth by the Sun and the Moon. Nutation Meaning. How to pronounce, definition audio dictionary. How to say nutation. Powered by MaryTTS, Wiktionary
This is a short clip of a gyroscope undergoing precession and nutation.
Baby we can try again
If you're ready
Baby we can take it slow
If you're ready
Verse 1:
I've been around, you know the things
I used to do, uh huh
Girl I never thought
Never thought I'd find someone like you, baby
Girl I need you in my life
Baby we can try again
If you're ready
Baby we can take it slow
If you're ready
Verse 2:
If you were mine,
All the things of yesterday are no more
They're all gone
And I can say with a love like yours
What more would I need
Girl I need you in my life
Baby we can try again
If you're ready
Baby we can take it slow
If you're ready
Oh I'm waiting for someone like you
To love me, to hold me (hold me)
To care for me
Like no other
Chorus (repeat with adlib to fade):
Baby we can try again
If you're ready
Baby we can take it slow