
Sharing economy's biggest problem

John Corias 12:00 AM   How do you pay tax on your Airbnb or Uber side job? Not enough people seem to know

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The new technique to make you productive

Tony Featherstone.

Tony Featherstone 12:00 AM   ​Working in short bursts has benefits and risks for productivity and workplace flexibility.

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Getting Olympics ready

Felipe Rodriguez with Paul Kamphuis of Polytan.

Kate Jones   It's not just athletes who need to get into shape for the Rio Olympics.

Cafe refuses to be defeated by storm

Alexandra Cain

Alexandra Cain   After this week's storm trashed his seaside café John Svinos is now starting the long process to rebuild his business.

Tax write-offs you might not know about

A guard dog can be considered a "working beast" that is eligible for a tax write-off.

Bhakthi Puvanenthiran   Business owners with guard dogs, works of art or solar systems might be missing out.

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The most important 'pop up' ever?

A child plays around a temporary refugee camp for displaced Syrians in northern Syria.

Bhakthi Puvanenthiran   A former soldier and a storage expert from Adelaide might be making global history.

The case against competition

James Adonis.

James Adonis   Do women value harmony and equality more than men?

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How fast food is overtaking supermarkets

Tony Featherstone.

Tony Featerstone   What happens when ordering food online or eating out each night becomes the norm for more people?

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Don't get mad when your telco crashes, get even

You can try to claw some money back if your phone or internet goes down.

Patrick Hatch   Instead of just getting angry when there's a service crash, here's how to claim back some cash.

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Companies delay tax but don't necessarily reduce it

Max Newnham

Max Newnham   A business owner asks about the possibility of a tax-free dividend that won't affect earnings.

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Four cures for a crappy day

James Adonis.

James Adonis   Ever had a horrendous day at work? OK, wrong question.

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Making the business case for mental health

Kate Carnell dinkus

Kate Carnell   Small business owners find themselves in a difficult position. Here's why.

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How do you handle pushy fundraisers?

Donation old fashioned method still overused.

Tony Featherstone   ​Charities must ask if the potential damage to their brand and public goodwill is worth the small amount raised.

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How to handle bad online reviews

Prospective customers almost always look at online reviews.

Bhakthi Puvanenthiran   Customers love complaining online, but you don't have to take it lying down.

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Curry house owner jailed for six years after customer dies

Paul Wilson's parents Margaret and Keith said he loved curry but was always clear with staff about his allergy, asking ...

Lexi Finnigan   ​Food businesses have been warned to take allergies seriously after a restaurateur was imprisoned for six years for killing a customer by selling him a curry containing peanuts.

Depression, anxiety plan needed

Small business people have a range of mental health risk factors.

Bhakthi Puvanenthiran   Cash flow, managing employees – the pressures on small business people can easily translate to untreated mental health issues.

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Free food fad a furphy

Tony Featherstone.

Tony Featherstone   Some businesses offer staff a virtual smorgasbord every day, but does it really enhance productivity?

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Want a great retirement?

James Adonis.

James Adonis   The secret isn't how much you earn or how early you retire, it's something quite surprising.

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What makes people quit a job?

James Adonis.

James Adonis   Plenty of things, obviously. But this is something you may not expect...until it happens to you.

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What a waste of talent

Tony Featherstone.

Tony Featherstone   Managing staff who are way too senior for their job is becoming a big challenge for many businesses.

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Would you hire a criminal?

Construction boss Terry Martin says he experience of employing a prisoner was mutually beneficial.

Kate Jones   ​Terry Martin was working on a building job in a Perth prison when he met an inmate he would eventually employ.

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To-do lists: the good, the bad and the ugly

James Adonis.

James Adonis   Like many people, I have a love-hate relationship with to-do lists.

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A management challenge for the ages

Robert De Niro showed old dogs sometimes have the best tricks in The Intern.

Tony Featherstone   Reporting to people much younger, or managing those much older, is beyond many employees.

Why tech businesses fail

Alexandra Cain

Alexandra Cain   What's the real reason the big players still dominate?

Workplace bullying not to be undermined

James Adonis.

James Adonis   To victims of undermining at work, it's undeniably a pretty big deal.

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Who is responsible for a healthy home workplace?

Tony Featherstone.

Tony Featherstone   As more companies encourage workplace flexibility, their safety policies may not be keeping up.

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How tax reform could help small business

Taxes can cripple businesses according to some experts.

Louis White   Some of the biggest barriers to the growth of small business in Australia are high taxes and too many compliance measures.

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Just one worker but 'not small business'

Not small: The Gardens of Italy showroom and production facility in Kyalami, South Africa.

Bhakthi Puvanenthiran   Jobs in Africa count the same as ones in Australia, industrial umpire rules.

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When can you claim a business loss?

Claiming a loss on your business comes with stringent rules.

Max Newnham   High income earners wanting to save tax by starting a business must pass one of four tests.

The upside of a bad mood

James Adonis.

James Adonis   Bad moods may not be such a bad thing and can even be empowering and motivating.

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