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Markets Live: Resources roll higher


Jens Meyer

Shares managed to claw back almost all of the day's losses as selling in the banks eased, with resources stocks again the standouts, particularly gold miners.

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  • Tower to FLT, any sign of $50 on the horizon?

    Housing boom!

    Date and time
    June 09, 2016, 2:59PM
    • $38 by next div

      Date and time
      June 09, 2016, 3:12PM
    • It's a REAl dud that one isn't it, short have shorted it eh Herm?

      Prof Van Der Al
      Date and time
      June 09, 2016, 3:34PM
  • Where's our resident Mesoblast ramper these days? Another Aussie medical marvel bites the dust.

    Housing boom!

    Date and time
    June 09, 2016, 2:52PM
    • CBA back to $60s?
      fair value $58 by my calculations

      Date and time
      June 09, 2016, 2:44PM
      • No chance.

        Date and time
        June 09, 2016, 3:12PM
      • And how did you calculate that?

        Date and time
        June 09, 2016, 3:30PM
      • I know a guy been short on this since the 50's. 1950's that is.

        Prof Van Der Al
        Date and time
        June 09, 2016, 3:35PM
      • I see what you are trying to do there

        blind freddie
        Date and time
        June 09, 2016, 3:37PM
    • Why then is there a big kerfuffle about the company tax cut costing the government 50 billion dollars over 10 years? If it's as you say it will cost the government nothing on a net basis won't it?

      Biggus Dickus
      Date and time
      June 09, 2016, 2:42PM
      • How non earth could you get the idea that the tax cut will cost nothing in net terms. Show your workings.

        mitch of ACT
        Date and time
        June 09, 2016, 3:22PM
      • It is not a government spend.
        It is foregone revenue.
        But how much revenue will be lost when more and more companies move to lower taxing countries and business expansion in Australia stagnates under a high taxing regime?

        Date and time
        June 09, 2016, 3:30PM
    • Hi again Angie!

      ....but there isn't support in earnings growth and guidance upgrades coming through to justify a rally towards 6000.especially since the banks & the miners cannot get really strongly upgraded enough to justify that level.....there could be some earnings multiple expansion from another rate cut but that would be the only reason for it......the market is already on 17 times earnings, that's fairly high compared to its history of 15 times."
      David Walker- Senior Equities Analyst.

      Damn these pesky doomsayers. Always sprouting insignificant little crappy, petty facts like fundamentals to talk down our market. ASX to 6000 later this year.

      Sipping green tea. Bridge Rd Cafe
      Date and time
      June 09, 2016, 2:32PM
      • Hey George, gift away ur billions ASAP! Follow in Warren's footsteps.
        No one knows when the end is but heck u r closer to end than beginning!
        How many billions do u really need at 85!

        Kensi Palace
        Date and time
        June 09, 2016, 2:30PM
        • Hi Angie !!! (How quaint) RBA needs to raise rates ASAP!

          "Sensible dividend policies would have gone some way toward averting the $US199 billion ($267 billion) wasted by the world's biggest miners on failed capital expenditure at the height of the commodities boom.

          The world's 40 largest mining companies by market capitalisation booked a collective $US199 billion of impairments from 2010 to 2015, representing 31.9 per cent of the $US623 billion in capital expenditure deployed over that period, an analysis by PwC shows.

          Paul Taylor, who is the manager of Fidelity's Australian equities fund, believes this episode of capital destruction is just as much a lesson in the perils of adopting loose capital discipline as it is one of poor decision making in a cyclical environment. If these companies were running dividend payout ratios of say 70 per cent of profits, shareholders would have got a bigger share of the spoils during the boom years and companies would have had to work harder to justify their acquisitive plans or spending.

          There would have been less money available to "waste" on unworkable projects. "You might have some value destruction but it would be significantly less," he said.

          Instead, the large miners, including BHP Billiton and Rio Tinto, squandered much of the extraordinary demand for the resources they produced. Investors missed out on high dividends, and the capital growth created has been entirely unwound by the collapse in commodity prices last year."

          Been saying this for 18 months. This from the 'elite business minds' in the country. Pffftttt- PLEASE!

          Run a company into the ground through muppet management, totally DESTROY shareholder value in the process and collect $8 million p.a all the while??? Surely there needs to be some accountability- some consequences! SURELY!!!!!

          Sipping green tea. Bridge Rd Cafe
          Date and time
          June 09, 2016, 2:22PM
          • Why is JohnBB so against foreign house buyers? This guy just got a locksmith to change the locks and it going to renovate this house and rent it out. He is just simply taking ownership of the house. A free $1m house. No loan needed.


            Arcane Law
            Date and time
            June 09, 2016, 2:10PM
            • 1.50pm Investors should be looking at Tesla, not the highway

              electric cars
              Date and time
              June 09, 2016, 2:03PM
              • And who is going to sell those Teslas. AHG is as good as any.

                mitch of ACT
                Date and time
                June 09, 2016, 3:14PM
            • 1:33 I am voting BrExit - I don't live there and haven't for a decade, but, If I ever return to live/retire, I want the UK on its own democratically accountable to the people.

              Joe the POM
              Date and time
              June 09, 2016, 2:01PM
              • It was the Eurosceptics who saved Britain from joining disaster that is the Euro zone, a currency that is slowly strangling southern Europe, all for the benefit of the Germans.

                They should get out while they can.

                Date and time
                June 09, 2016, 2:45PM
            • 1:50pm: Australia is on track to post a second year of record new vehicle sales after almost 1.16 million were bought last year across the market, which bodes well for the big ASX-listed car dealerships.
              AP Eagers, with a market capitalisation of $2.2 billion and a large portfolio of car dealerships mainly centred on the east coast, is aiming to go one better than ANZ after delivering seven consecutive years of record dividend payouts. AP Eagers also has a 19.9 per cent stake in the other big ASX-listed firm, Automotive Holdings Group, based in Perth.

              AHG has been sold down way too much this year. This is your chance to buy in on the cheap. Record car sales and a 6% FF div. Gift @ $3.80

              Vroom Vroom
              Date and time
              June 09, 2016, 1:55PM
              • fair bit of debt on the books but might take a closer look...

                Date and time
                June 09, 2016, 2:49PM
              • It's mostly inventory, not debt.

                Not same
                Date and time
                June 09, 2016, 2:56PM
              • V;room, -- M'star values them @ $4.40 -- I'm a believer.

                Harry Henderson
                Date and time
                June 09, 2016, 3:11PM
            • So it is true. Those company tax cuts to the big corporates will go o/seas. Sinodinos said: “If Labor’s so worried about foreign investment, why do they keep lambasting foreign investors and saying they will be the beneficiaries of our company tax cut, as if there’s something wrong with that? Asked why Labor criticised the company tax cut if it wanted to attract foreign investors, Fitzgibbon said: “We want to attract them but we don’t want to repatriate all our hard-earned money”. Sinodinos said: “But that’s why foreign investors come here ... Otherwise, why do they come?”
              There you are, straight from Arthur S.
              He thought he was putting the boot into Labor but with his usual style exposed a dud Liberal policy.

              mitch of ACT
              Date and time
              June 09, 2016, 1:46PM
              • Mitch, economic modeling shows that for every $1 cut in business tax there is a $2.39 benefit to the economy. It's all over the news this week. Your speaking notes look like they are from last week. Hear about the loss of the AAA credit rating if Bowen gets control of the economy. 'Recession' Bowen wants to wreck this country.

                enough is enough
                Date and time
                June 09, 2016, 2:19PM
              • Y the conservatives look up to him like he is an Oracle is beyond me!

                Kensi Palace
                Date and time
                June 09, 2016, 2:32PM
              • @eie, but it will take until your children's children have children for that benefit to be realised.

                mitch of ACT
                Date and time
                June 09, 2016, 3:05PM
              • @eie, "Recession Abbott" was only stopped from wrecking he economy by the "ferals" in the Senate. They saved us and the gov't from the worst of themselves. Now that Turnbull's rigged the Senate vote we may not be so lucky if and when those blocked bills get represented to the House. You don't grow an economy by contracting gov't spending when the private sector has stopped spending.

                mitch of ACT
                Date and time
                June 09, 2016, 3:11PM
              • It is true that if an investor receives a poor return,he will direct his capital elsewhere.

                Date and time
                June 09, 2016, 3:27PM
              • And eie, assuming that modelling is true, what is the cost? Taxpayers will pay more tax. This will reduce their economic benefit, and reduce the ability of companies to earn more. So the net effect may be nothing.

                Date and time
                June 09, 2016, 3:37PM
            • What do you guys think of NAN this week? Any chance?

              Date and time
              June 09, 2016, 1:43PM
              • Tossing up between NAN & POP.

                POP up 3.85% today.

                the sundance kid
                Date and time
                June 09, 2016, 2:45PM
            • @ 1:11 - I often wonder why people that age are still investing. Obviously the nib is regarding company money but you can't tell me that he doesn't have his own stocks and shares somewhere.

              If that were me, I'd just withdraw and live off my profits 'cause I'll be dead soon. No point in having a boss portfolio when you're a worm's all-you-can-eat buffet.

              The Shire
              Date and time
              June 09, 2016, 1:34PM
              • ....and that's exactly why you will never be able to exercise that option. Gotta live and breathe $$$ to make that much $$$. ... or have a financial modeling business, that works also.

                Phil Anthropist
                Date and time
                June 09, 2016, 2:09PM
              • If he stopped dead he would probably be dead within a week from boredom. The most important thing to have in retirement is a purpose o/wise no point in waking up. Trading is his purpose.

                mitch of ACT
                Date and time
                June 09, 2016, 2:27PM
              • Soros Funds Management is a family office (since 2011), so, technically it is his own money.

                Date and time
                June 09, 2016, 3:35PM
            • It's a long way... it's a long way to where I'm goin'.

              Little BKL band
              No where near $200
              Date and time
              June 09, 2016, 1:24PM
              • Don't worry little player, It'll be $102 in no time and then you can finally have some relief.

                Squashed Balls
                Date and time
                June 09, 2016, 1:36PM
              • Thanks for biting.

                Fish balls
                Date and time
                June 09, 2016, 2:22PM
            • Just popping out of the bunker to restock after a few months under cover. See China hasn't imploded yet but noted that FX reserves shrank 50% more than expected in March.
              That yesterdays news "China exports fall 4%" in one month failed to trigger a market collapse proves the "rational markets" theory is void.
              Now down to ALDI for some supplies.

              The Market
              Date and time
              June 09, 2016, 1:22PM
              • Anyone seen Whitehaven's missing thermal coal?

                Date and time
                June 09, 2016, 1:21PM
                • For an interesting take what happened to Venezuela read article by Justin Fox "How Hugo Chavez trashed Latin America's richest economy". All was going ok for a while until yawning deficits occurred from 2006.
                  Australia should take note as our oil was Iron Ore!

                  Kensi Palace
                  Date and time
                  June 09, 2016, 1:10PM
                  • Ours started in 2007. Shorten is the new Gillard, who was the new Rudd, who was the new Chavez.

                    enough is enough
                    Date and time
                    June 09, 2016, 2:22PM
                • For those individual taxpayers thinking that a reduction in the corporate tax rate to 25% will increase the money you receive, you are in for a surprise. When the total tax picture is considered, individuals are not better off.
                  The problem is that the tax burden will simply shift from companies to individuals since individuals are not getting a reduction in personal tax rates. This 5% tax reduction to companies will be paid by the recipients of the franked dividend in the form of income tax (or reduced tax refund).
                  Eg a company planning to pay a dividend at $1 pre-tax. This would be 70c dividend plus 30c franking credits. When the 25% kicks in, that would now be: 75c, 25c franked, assuming same pre-tax payout.
                  Remember to calculate tax on franked dividends, you add the amount received plus the franking credit to work out the taxable income. Eg 70c (div)+30c (franking). Then you apply the income tax rate to the whole amount, and deduct back the franking credit (30c).
                  If you are on 48.5% tax this means you pay 18.5c tax on the 70c received (net 51.5c). Under the new system, you pay 23.5c tax on the 75c (net 51.5c). In effect you received an extra 5c dividend but you paid 5c extra tax. In other words, no benefit. Same effect applies across all tax brackets.
                  BUT if the company keeps the 5% tax (70div:25f) without raising the dividend paid - as per stated Liberal Govt intention - your 70cents div will only net 49 cents. You are now worse off and paying for the cut.

                  Date and time
                  June 09, 2016, 1:07PM
                    • That's where the extra $3.1bn in taxes from individuals comes from.

                      mitch of ACT
                      Date and time
                      June 09, 2016, 1:44PM
                    • Nope it will allow companies to expand and grow the business instead of doing nothing and afraid to try anything.

                      Future growth equals higher profits equals WAY BIGGER divs.

                      You are only assuming the divs will same and the burden of tax is getting shifted. Not the case. In the future the profits will be MUCH larger due to lower tax rates.

                      You may be "book smart" but experience says another thing.

                      Date and time
                      June 09, 2016, 1:45PM
                    • @Growth101, but at the moment there is no growth for companies to expand into. Giving them more money by foregone tax revenue to expand doesn't buy expansion, it just gives a gov't less tax revenue. Now that's not so smart.

                      mitch of ACT
                      Date and time
                      June 09, 2016, 2:12PM
                    • @ Growth101 You are making way too many assumptions and really add nothing except a wild guess. The posts from Calc and Mitch are about who pays and how. Individual taxpayers will pay up front on some promise that it somehow will deliver down the track. Recent articles showed how mining companies totally blew away extra profit and totally missed gaining from the commodity boom. $300bn written off. How's that for experience? Taxpayers will be worse off under the new company tax on the hope years later than companies will deliver profit, which will still be paid at lower rates.

                      Date and time
                      June 09, 2016, 2:24PM
                    • Uh oh, the regressives here are trying to build a case to increase taxes.

                      Date and time
                      June 09, 2016, 3:12PM
                  • I'm thinking it's time to return to a 'barter' economy where a bushel remains a bushel in return for three fishes'. This notion of capricious value in currency and stocks - sucks.The idea that my dollar is worth less today than it was yesterday - ditto stocks - has me twisting like a torn flag in the wind..Yeah I know, supply and demand, and you can justifiably call me a monetary luddite, but neither the dollar nor stocks are in short supply and my income doesn't adjust to meet market variables. And please don't get me started on the concept of owing more than you borrowed through adjustable interest rates - well, 'the prosecution rests...M'lord.'

                    Date and time
                    June 09, 2016, 1:02PM
                    • "The idea that my dollar is worth less today than it was yesterday"

                      Bartering? Really?

                      Your three fishes, if not sold today (you may have to drop the price as the day draws to an end) will definitely not be worth as much tomorrow, anyway. Who wants old, smelly fish when fresh catch arrives every morning? Maybe stick to things that don't go off. Like money.

                      Just sayin...
                      Date and time
                      June 09, 2016, 1:51PM
                  • @ Buff do you mainly stick with the large caps or mix it up a bit?

                    doomsday live
                    Date and time
                    June 09, 2016, 12:59PM
                    • If you were smart and listened to my advice on Monday to buy RCG for $1.23, you'd be up 7.5% right now.

                      Date and time
                      June 09, 2016, 12:42PM
                      • Buying MGC would have been smarter. Currently up 13.5% since Monday.
                        But I never advised anyone.

                        West Staines Massiv
                        Date and time
                        June 09, 2016, 1:11PM
                    • Were any of you suckers buying into ISD and IPH on broker pumping? They buy then pump the media with their great "ideas" lol

                      All hype
                      Date and time
                      June 09, 2016, 12:39PM
                      • We might whinge about our political leadership but spare a thought for the Venezuelans - what a pisspoor effort by their govt considering they have the world's greatest oil reserves. Rampant inflation, crime out of control, people starving. Sad.

                        in credulous
                        Date and time
                        June 09, 2016, 12:37PM
                        • Agreed, it's very sad. And a reminder of what can still happen even in todays modern society.

                          On the bench
                          Date and time
                          June 09, 2016, 1:00PM
                      • Back to $12 for you Amcor

                        A baker's dozen
                        Date and time
                        June 09, 2016, 12:34PM
                        • Anyone get on LOV couple of weeks ago?

                          Calculator I think you mentioned you’ve traded before.

                          The market likes the update, though don’t read anything in it to justify a 9% lift other than a few managerial changes.

                          Shire H
                          Date and time
                          June 09, 2016, 12:28PM
                            • Yeah the reaffirmed update was probably the trigger. Share volume wasn't that high today for the 10% increase. Nice to see some gains for the buyers here.

                              Date and time
                              June 09, 2016, 1:10PM
                            • Given the volume, I am wandering if a stockpicker email service has just given them a buy. Unusual number of buyers to sellers and they are paying any price.

                              Date and time
                              June 09, 2016, 2:56PM
                          • Worried that Chinese airhead prince and princesslings are driving up real estate prices? Vancouver shows what's in store:


                            Don't worry though at least one of them is starting a flower shop to boost the local economy.

                            Housing boom!

                            Date and time
                            June 09, 2016, 12:24PM
                            • What's dumber than filling Australia with poor immigrants?

                              Filling Australia with rich immigrants?

                              Walter Sobchak
                              Date and time
                              June 09, 2016, 1:08PM
                            • Maybe that will be the start of a..............

                              Flower boom!

                              always has the answer
                              Date and time
                              June 09, 2016, 1:09PM
                            • Yeah, better buy up some more Sydney properties by the looks of that article. Shanks.

                              Al Bundy
                              Date and time
                              June 09, 2016, 1:27PM
                            • Maybe start with one? Way out west is your neighbourhood.

                              Date and time
                              June 09, 2016, 3:12PM
                          • "the South American nation may be close to collapse."

                            It's ok Venezula, Hillary says welcome.

                            Date and time
                            June 09, 2016, 12:22PM
                            • We should take some in. They've had years of their country's wealth being wasted by bad gov't giving it all away to the rich so they would feel right at home here, particularly if the Libs win the election.

                              mitch of ACT
                              Date and time
                              June 09, 2016, 1:16PM
                            • Mitch, Bill's Shoppies Union could help them out with some nice weekend shifts on low rates - at least they'd get the staff discount on their shopping.


                              enough is enough
                              Date and time
                              June 09, 2016, 1:48PM
                            • How many millions do you want mitch?

                              Date and time
                              June 09, 2016, 1:50PM
                            • O there you are eie. What's the official word from LNP headquarters on how to damage control Arthur S's revelation that they expect the big corporates to shift their tax cut o/seas instead of investing locally. I haven't seen my leaked copy of today's talking notes yet. Perhaps they're on to me and my leaker.

                              mitch of ACT
                              Date and time
                              June 09, 2016, 2:16PM
                            • Hey Mitch,

                              Chavez was in power since 1999, so a bit rich saying rich were getting all the good stuff at expense of poor!

                              Kensi Palace
                              Date and time
                              June 09, 2016, 2:35PM
                            • @Steveh, I'm not sure how many we should take but I am sure that those who would want to come would be literate and numerate in their own language. I am also sure that their presence would create more jobs for Australians than they could ever take just as the millions of people who migrated here in the 50's & 60's did. We had full employment back then despite all of the new arrivals.

                              mitch of ACT
                              Date and time
                              June 09, 2016, 2:39PM
                            • @ox, I was letting my internal Liberal out there, being loose with the truth as long as i could make a point that suited my purpose.

                              mitch of ACT
                              Date and time
                              June 09, 2016, 2:53PM
                            • I can't help but wonder how many Mitches there are in Canberra running the country.-- now that's a scary thought.

                              Harry Henderson
                              Date and time
                              June 09, 2016, 3:06PM
                            • You're also 'sure' the RBA is faking inflation statistics and interest rates just for the benefit of the LNP.

                              People being 'sure' about things on the 'miss-information' net doesn't rate very highly with me.

                              Date and time
                              June 09, 2016, 3:20PM
                          • 2004 levels still?

                            Date and time
                            June 09, 2016, 12:19PM
                            • @10:09am, I liked this bit: "Moody's said property investors remain "an important factor in boosting prices," despite a bank crackdown on lending to landlords." I trust ScoMo, or one of his minions, will come down on Moodys like a ton of bricks for directly contradicting what the Libs keep telling us as part of their argument to leave NG unchanged. Really, why are these people in charge of Treasury.

                              mitch of ACT
                              Date and time
                              June 09, 2016, 12:17PM
                              • Because Kevin Rudd and Julia Gillard were there before them.

                                Date and time
                                June 09, 2016, 12:56PM
                            • Global trade collapsing, business investment at 29 year lows, asset bubbles all over, equities 30% over valued.

                              The great neoliberal experiment of financialising the economy has failed and is leading us to the biggest bust in history

                              Run for the hills!

                              Housing boom!

                              Date and time
                              June 09, 2016, 12:08PM
                              • WHC through $1.00 today, currently $1.01 after touching $1.045.

                                That's 41% percent to my burgeoning fan club

                                doomsday live
                                Date and time
                                June 09, 2016, 11:57AM
                                • Closed out second LNG long. Made another 3 million - 200 a Popsicle don't you know. Financial modeling suggest over valued by 30 cockleshells. Oh, you missed it? To baaaaad.

                                  Burns Huh?

                                  Little Lamb
                                  Baaaaaaamoral Beach
                                  Date and time
                                  June 09, 2016, 11:53AM
                                  • Well done Lambsie, have noticed the banks not going so well at the moment and was contemplating a big short on CBA.

                                    Any thoughts?

                                    Monopoly Markets
                                    Date and time
                                    June 09, 2016, 12:54PM
                                  • Do it! It's a gift!


                                    Little Lamb
                                    Date and time
                                    June 09, 2016, 1:38PM
                                  • a real baaargain even

                                    Little Lamb
                                    Date and time
                                    June 09, 2016, 2:07PM
                                  • Are you sure about that Lambsie? I remember you made the same calls for ARI and SDL and look at the fine mess you got into there.

                                    the sundance kid
                                    Date and time
                                    June 09, 2016, 2:15PM
                                  • You got me butch - can't pull the wool over your eyes

                                    Little Lamb
                                    Date and time
                                    June 09, 2016, 3:32PM
                                • @10.47 AUD higher:

                                  The problem with RBA dropping rates when it didn't need to and arguably for the wrong reason (to stimulate an economy that had a reasonable GDP, to lower the AUD when it is not driven by RBA cash rates but conditions overseas in economies massively bigger than ours) is it erodes confidence in the RBA and unfortunately the RBA cash rate along with jaw-jawing at press releases etc are only effective in changing investor/business behaviour because of confidence and belief in the central bank.

                                  It's like belief in gold during the gold standard eras, USD afterwards, and now a complete lack of belief in ECB and even the Fed (until Yellen started to raise rates ... after a few false starts).

                                  RBA had shot itself in the foot and the rise in AUD now basically demonstrated its impotence (when the bank really didn't have to expose itself this way),

                                  Date and time
                                  June 09, 2016, 11:48AM
                                  • The only thing they did wrong was not cutting deeper.

                                    Date and time
                                    June 09, 2016, 12:17PM
                                  • @Jon , even the modest domestic consumer stimulatory effect that the RBA hoped to achieve by cutting interest rates and through them mortgage rates, has been completely offset by the latest round of petrol price increases. Zero-sum gain for households, except where interest on savings forms a large part of their income, and now they are poorer.

                                    mitch of ACT
                                    Date and time
                                    June 09, 2016, 12:43PM
                                • Surfstitch is just another Billabong. Cheap clothing made in China and flogged off at massive markup.

                                  Execs creaming millons. Shareholders will get nothing.

                                  Housing boom!

                                  Balmoral Beach
                                  Date and time
                                  June 09, 2016, 11:35AM
                                  • Woolies total shareholder return over 5 years now negative. The great Australian bluechip.

                                    How has the board not been sacked yet?

                                    PT $16.

                                    Disc: short at $32.

                                    Housing boom!

                                    Balmoral Beach
                                    Date and time
                                    June 09, 2016, 11:31AM
                                    • 16? Sweet.

                                      Date and time
                                      June 09, 2016, 11:54AM
                                    • What's PT mean? Price target?

                                      Al Bundy
                                      Date and time
                                      June 09, 2016, 12:03PM
                                    • Think it means part time because he is no longer on here everyday.

                                      forensic fred
                                      doomsday live
                                      Date and time
                                      June 09, 2016, 12:07PM
                                    • Aldi is doing a good job with puttin some pressures on Woolies and Coles for that matter. Aldi is presently showing higher margins vs the others in Qz. Not a mean feat for a discount store. Talk about blue chip!

                                      Date and time
                                      June 09, 2016, 12:07PM
                                    • Re Allan @11.31 WOW-have to agree with you Allan, I had a PT at $18 for WOW, but after going into our new ALDI store which opened yesterday (one of 4 in Perth to open yesterday and more to come over next 2 to 3 weeks) in our local suburb.
                                      The low prices would be a killer , I would estimate some 20-30% less on similar items-WOW would need to work really hard on their low low prices-especially their fruit and veg
                                      section-way overpriced!

                                      Date and time
                                      June 09, 2016, 12:25PM
                                    • The CEO O'Brien suffered a $1.5 million pay cut and retired on a measly $10 million package. Most workers simply get sacked if the stuff up.

                                      Date and time
                                      June 09, 2016, 12:58PM
                                    • @Abruzzo.
                                      The risk with all cheap foods is that you can never know their true origin.
                                      You can also have limited confidence in the amount of pesticide residues as well as their identity.
                                      The amount of food allegedly grown in China exceeds belief. We all know how farmland poor China is, yet they claim to grow a huge amount of surplus food. Join the dots.

                                      Date and time
                                      June 09, 2016, 1:09PM
                                    • @Wally, that's what the new "Country of Origin" labelling laws will cover.
                                      You may have been trying to have a go at Aldi but Colesworth stock food grown in strange places as well and you presently have no way of knowing where.

                                      mitch of ACT
                                      Date and time
                                      June 09, 2016, 1:57PM
                                    • @Mitch. How could you possibly know the origin of food ex China?
                                      Your absolute trust would have led you into disaster if you had have bought a brand of Chinese milk powder cut with melamine for a baby.
                                      Worse, the degree of knock-offs, leaving China should have everyone on guard.

                                      Date and time
                                      June 09, 2016, 3:00PM
                                  • Bought SPO last Friday @ $1.135 for a longer term trade.

                                    Looks strong at the moment.

                                    doomsday live
                                    Date and time
                                    June 09, 2016, 11:17AM
                                    • Someone asked yesterday what would be the effect on imputation credits for individual shareholders of the cuts to the company tax rate. Here's the macro effect. "The $8 billion per year figure comes from Independent Economics, the firm lauded by treasurer Scott Morrison for its work for the treasury on the company tax cut. It finds that when fully in place the cut would cost $11.3 billion per year in today's dollars, partly offset by $3.1 billion in extra personal tax as Australian investors found themselves unable to deduct as much pre-paid company tax under dividend imputation."
                                      And some on here are cheering on that tax increase and all of the other tax increases and cuts to services required. Incredible. They must really be Liberal fan boys in la la land.

                                      mitch of ACT
                                      Date and time
                                      June 09, 2016, 11:16AM
                                      • If companies pay less tax,they will make more profit,expand faster and pay bigger dividends,thereby negating the small impact of less franking.

                                        Date and time
                                        June 09, 2016, 12:00PM
                                      • Mitch is a glass 3/4 empty kinda guy.

                                        Date and time
                                        June 09, 2016, 12:07PM
                                      • Higher personal taxes won't help pay off the massive mortgage for most but as after tax Co. profits go up, so too will CEO salaries, as compensation for loss of imputation credits.

                                        Date and time
                                        June 09, 2016, 12:09PM
                                      • @franko:

                                        How does companies paying less tax directly lead to companies making more profit OR expanding OR paying higher dividend??

                                        This is the kind of irrational logic that seems to pervade our electioneering political circles these days.

                                        Companies paying less tax may retain more of the profit they had made (and only IF they were making a profit, and not if they are shifting their profit overseas).

                                        They MAY expand their operations, or most likely not if the business environment is uncertain (especially if governments are crying poor and customers have less disposable income).

                                        They MAY pay higher dividend (in which case, foreign investors win over local investors - and the value of money is relative, so basically Australia is giving money away to these rich foreign investors, most likely big financial institutions) OR they may keep their cash, waste it, lose it to corruption, pay their CEOs and upper echelons more (in a lose-lose competition for talent internationally) etc.

                                        Lower company tax rates do not automatically increase company productivity - and ultimately, we want bigger companies and bigger dividends etc so that we, including the government, benefit from them. If we get bigger companies who do not increase OUR dividends and OUR taxes VS (this is the important part) others, we are deliberately making ourselves poorer!

                                        Date and time
                                        June 09, 2016, 12:29PM
                                      • @Franko, no, the stated aim of the tax cuts is that companies direct the tax savings into investment, not dividends. Higher dividends could be paid from the increased income from those investments, not the tax savings. O/wise no point other than a huge cut to tax revenue.

                                        mitch of ACT
                                        Date and time
                                        June 09, 2016, 12:30PM
                                      • @Franko, whoops, sorry. I mis-read what you said. Less taxes can mean higher dividends from expansion, not the tax savings.

                                        mitch of ACT
                                        Date and time
                                        June 09, 2016, 12:48PM
                                      • @Franko - And they will give pay rise to the CEO and his executives team. It is another punishment for savers and investors.

                                        Date and time
                                        June 09, 2016, 12:51PM
                                      • @Franko, a lot of the increased dividends will disappear from our economy when it's paid to overseas shareholders.

                                        Date and time
                                        June 09, 2016, 1:01PM
                                      • The companies will have a higher net profit than would be the case otherwise.
                                        Overseas shareholders get no franking credits.
                                        Ultimately it will be up to the board to decide dividends as usual but it is quite reasonable to presume that with a bigger pie,shareholders will benefit.
                                        I am retired,receive dividends and pay zero tax,not all shareholders are in a high tax bracket.

                                        Date and time
                                        June 09, 2016, 3:23PM
                                    • Looks like brokers pumped Amcor way too much. They're too busy bashing banks and pumping overvalued stocks.

                                      All hype
                                      Date and time
                                      June 09, 2016, 11:15AM
                                      • Da Lian Iron Ore futures starting to fall:


                                        Works best in IE (for some crazy reason)

                                        The Jokeman
                                        Date and time
                                        June 09, 2016, 11:14AM
                                        • @10.09am, Moodys says house price growth is risky for the banks.
                                          Would they not also say that house price decline is also risky?
                                          Just another beat up.

                                          Date and time
                                          June 09, 2016, 11:06AM
                                          • Okay let's set this straight, yes, we're in reverse. Yes, there may be more reversing in store. Yes, we seem to have some mechanical problems. But, we will only go back as far as Ninetycentville and that's it. After that no more express but still heading for $5 dollar you gonna holla ville.

                                            A2 Train
                                            Date and time
                                            June 09, 2016, 11:04AM
                                            • 10:47am: The Aussie dollar has burst through 75 US cents to its highest in a month,

                                              JohnBB should have kept the classic car.

                                              Classic Car Collector
                                              Date and time
                                              June 09, 2016, 11:02AM
                                              • I hear he's car pooling in Old Bloke's Camry

                                                Date and time
                                                June 09, 2016, 12:15PM
                                              • No way, OB only buys Ferraris.

                                                Date and time
                                                June 09, 2016, 12:53PM
                                            • LNG still flying today, surprised it's over the $1.20 mark, would have traded but I don't have kahunas of steel.

                                              Date and time
                                              June 09, 2016, 10:53AM
                                              • LNG announcement that there is no takeover offer.

                                                Date and time
                                                June 09, 2016, 11:29AM
                                              • I have followed/watched LNG and have owned LNG. It was way undervalued at 60c and now it just gets back to fair value. $120 is about right.

                                                Date and time
                                                June 09, 2016, 11:29AM
                                              • Would be great to short it again @ $4. Already made $1.80/share over three positions, 2 short, one long.

                                                They have nothing but a plan to maybe build an LNG plant and not enough takeoff to get finance.

                                                Balmoral Beach
                                                Date and time
                                                June 09, 2016, 11:43AM
                                            • The graph of S & P 500 @ 9.19AM shows a classic head and shoulders pattern.

                                              I'm glad I held my nerve and didn't follow advice of many pundits calling for a cataclysmic collapse on US markets. Now, this may well still happen in the future but I'm content with my decision at this point.

                                              Kensi Palace
                                              Date and time
                                              June 09, 2016, 10:52AM
                                              • A2 - the latest day traders' plaything?

                                                Date and time
                                                June 09, 2016, 10:47AM
                                                • Big punts Jonesy! Well done again!

                                                  Kensi Palace
                                                  Date and time
                                                  June 09, 2016, 11:20AM
                                                • Nope not me but bought MNS for .905 Tuesday and it is currently $1.02.

                                                  You seem smart enough to do the math on the profit so far...

                                                  doomsday live
                                                  Date and time
                                                  June 09, 2016, 11:49AM
                                              • Is this the same report the Young Liberals were promoting here yesterday? -


                                                Date and time
                                                June 09, 2016, 10:42AM
                                                • Bill's just announced his biggest promise.
                                                  He promises to spend more than he can afford and more than the LNP during the four years after the election.
                                                  Just wonderful.

                                                  Date and time
                                                  June 09, 2016, 11:02AM
                                                • They must think no-one remembers Abbott's "no-cuts" 2013 election campaign, and what happened afterwards. Labor have already said that they will have a mini-budget within 100 days of their win. I strongly suspect that the Libs will have to do the same if they get unlucky & win. It will be ugly.

                                                  mitch of ACT
                                                  Date and time
                                                  June 09, 2016, 11:11AM
                                                • @Fisher, gov't spending will be the only thing keeping the economy afloat while the private sector keeps its hands in its pocket. Sooner debt run up by gov't spending that will stimulate the economy than debt run up by gov't corporate tax cuts that will need tax increases elsewhere to pay for. That can only contract the economy.

                                                  mitch of ACT
                                                  Date and time
                                                  June 09, 2016, 11:58AM
                                                • We are electing a govt.for three years,not ten.
                                                  Tax cuts to small companies for the three years are fully funded and only amount to about $5 Billion.
                                                  Billion dollar Bill will put more than this on the spendometer in no time.

                                                  Date and time
                                                  June 09, 2016, 3:16PM
                                              • why is asx:IVV going down in price when the market almost hit record highs..

                                                Date and time
                                                June 09, 2016, 10:39AM
                                                • One possible reason is that the fund is in US dollars. If if it is not hedged, it will drop in value as the AUD dollar strengthens. Which is probably why it went up recently when the AUD fell.

                                                  Date and time
                                                  June 09, 2016, 11:07AM
                                              • another great trade on FMG today, made a few thousand pacific pesos

                                                Date and time
                                                June 09, 2016, 10:37AM
                                                • Did you miss getting on MNS when I threw it out to you on Tuesday champ..

                                                  doomsday live
                                                  Date and time
                                                  June 09, 2016, 11:02AM
                                                • Are you talking to me 'champ'?

                                                  Date and time
                                                  June 09, 2016, 11:50AM
                                              • The A2M train's tender unexpectedly low on fuel. Awaiting a fresh supply of coal? Toot toot!

                                                West Staines Massiv
                                                Date and time
                                                June 09, 2016, 10:35AM
                                                • "10:09am: The return of strong house price growth is raising the level of risk in the Australian banks' mortgage portfolios, making them more exposed to any downturn in the property market, credit ratings agency Moody's says."

                                                  No probs bro, taxpayers will bail us out.

                                                  Date and time
                                                  June 09, 2016, 10:27AM
                                                  • A2M heading back downnnnnnnnnnn, get out on the pump!

                                                    Date and time
                                                    June 09, 2016, 10:21AM
                                                    • @9:47am. I am so sick of countries including Australia rolling out the statement that we have no inflation.
                                                      Inflation is rife, the problem is the inflation measure does not reflect the basket of what consumers spend their money on. Sydney house prices went up over 3% in May. Health Insurance premiums go up all the time. The price of beef is going up sharply annually yet the CPI measure says inflation is going up at 1%p.a. CPI does not reflect what Australians spend their money on....

                                                      Date and time
                                                      June 09, 2016, 9:52AM
                                                      • Then we won't even talk about Federal, State & Local gov't taxes, rates, fees & charges. The "live within your means" mantra only applies to us, not to them.

                                                        mitch of ACT
                                                        Date and time
                                                        June 09, 2016, 10:06AM
                                                      • Exactly. I don't need a statistician to tell me my cost of living has gone up by more than the reported CPI. So what is the point of CPI and managing it if it does not reflect the real world?

                                                        Surely, the point of controlling CPI is to prevent deleterious effects of out of control hyperinflation on productivity and living standards?? If you can't SEE inflation in the real world with CPI, shouldn't this measure be re-defined?

                                                        Date and time
                                                        June 09, 2016, 10:15AM
                                                      • you are right , but the ASX goes down all the time

                                                        Date and time
                                                        June 09, 2016, 10:19AM
                                                      • I agree the inflation figures are totally phony.
                                                        They dont reflect housing costs for instance.

                                                        Council rates ,general insurance, electricity, government charges , all up .

                                                        And the RBA use this figure to LOWER interest rates??

                                                        Captain Jack
                                                        Byron Shire
                                                        Date and time
                                                        June 09, 2016, 10:29AM
                                                      • I was at a BBQ on the weekend with a group of friends and the discussion turned to the cost of living. We all agreed that $1 today goes a lot less than $1 just a few short years ago. The cost of property (rent and buying) was a hot topic but the biggest increase discussed was in groceries, services and products. When I explained the cost of running our household was $1200 a week (rent, child care, public transport & food) I thought we were at the upper end of the scale. But families with more than 1 child are spending around $1400 a week just on essentials. Funny enough we all shop at Aldi to save money. I know I would love to move back home to a regional area however my wife and I are forced to be located in a city for our work, even though the technology exists for us to work from a regional office effectively. Long and short I agree, inflation is massive in Australia and bad policies by both governments have made it worse.

                                                        On the Bench
                                                        Date and time
                                                        June 09, 2016, 10:52AM
                                                      • Correct, but not how the system (RBA) works.

                                                        Lane Cove
                                                        Date and time
                                                        June 09, 2016, 10:56AM
                                                      • That's because inflation is a very general indicator. It is not supposed to directly relate to individuals and never has. That's why the ABS publishes cost of living indexes for various groupings of individuals. This is what people should be looking at and not inflation.

                                                        Date and time
                                                        June 09, 2016, 11:01AM
                                                      • The measure for inflation was 'adjusted ' decades ago and how interest rates have been 'managed' lower.

                                                        It's also the reason why inflation isn't happening, so rates can be kept low.

                                                        Discretionary $ spending is disappearing through shrinkflation (less prodcut for same price) and with inflation being underreported, why slary increases are at the lowest in decades.

                                                        The massive increases in debt since the GFC is why world economic growth is stalled.

                                                        Australia avoided the worst of the GFC but we've caught the ROW with debt and the fallout from the GFC.

                                                        Low inflation and the Central Bank / govt fixes have increased deflation and while they stay on the same path....

                                                        Date and time
                                                        June 09, 2016, 11:08AM
                                                      • If you want a proper understanding of the CPI, its limitations and why you should not be looking at it for your personal situation, the RBA has a significant discussion on the topic.
                                                        "What factors might affect households' perceptions of inflation? While the CPI is calculated from a very large number of prices (around 100,000 each quarter), individuals have much less information with which to assess the general rate of inflation. Accordingly, measured inflation may not align with perceptions of inflation from the standpoint of households."


                                                        Date and time
                                                        June 09, 2016, 11:12AM
                                                      • @On the bench
                                                        Out of curiosity who gets the blame?

                                                        Date and time
                                                        June 09, 2016, 11:33AM
                                                      • Ridiculous comments, for every item mentioned that went up you'd easily find others that have gone down.

                                                        If house prices have gone up that just means that the people who own them have got wealthier. They're not suffering at all. And the fact that interest rates have fallen simply means they can pay them off quicker.

                                                        Australia, a nation of whingers.

                                                        Date and time
                                                        June 09, 2016, 11:45AM
                                                      • Even charity dinner has gone up in price.

                                                        Date and time
                                                        June 09, 2016, 11:48AM
                                                      • @Wally the general outcome was we all wished we had made better decisions knowing what we know now. Everyone agreed its going to get worse before it gets better

                                                        On the bench
                                                        Date and time
                                                        June 09, 2016, 11:59AM
                                                      • @Steveh, "If house prices have gone up that just means that the people who own them have got wealthier. They're not suffering at all." Oh yes they are. Higher local gov't rates for one thing, higher insurance costs. Then when they want to sell higher value-based costs there and a higher price to find an equivalent replacement, unless they substantially downsize, or live in a tent. High house prices give an unhealthy illusion of wealth.

                                                        mitch of ACT
                                                        Date and time
                                                        June 09, 2016, 12:07PM
                                                      • @Calculator: I've read them and disagree. CPI is the measure RBA is supposed to manage. If CPI does not reflect that RBA should be managing, then it needs to change or RBA needs to change what it is managing.

                                                        @SteveH: items going up balanced out by items going down is exactly what we're talking about here. Statistics are useless. 50% of the population are more stupid than average. Point is, the 'basket' being measured does not reflect real life. It's like Joe Hockey smoking a cigar saying poor people don't drive.

                                                        Btw, when you say, houses are more expensive so people are more wealthy, you are only referring to the elite minority who own multiple houses. Those who only own one and want to continue to live in the same area will be worse off because every other cost associated with property holding or moving (council rates, stamp duty, agent commissions etc) depend on the house/land value.

                                                        And no, selling and moving to somewhere cheaper is NOT the same as being more wealthy. That's the same argument as CPI not reflecting real life - when I used to have higher quality milk and now lower, just because they cost $1 a litre for the past decade doesn't mean the cost has not changed (yes, part of this is modified in the basket estimation but it is still horrendously out of touch with main street).

                                                        Date and time
                                                        June 09, 2016, 12:18PM
                                                      • Well then mitch they shouldn't buy a house, according to your mate Allan rents are going down.

                                                        Bath too hot, Bath to cold

                                                        Date and time
                                                        June 09, 2016, 12:59PM
                                                      • @Jon, Steveh's message that increasing house prices means that you're wealth is increasing is an example of the simplistic economics that this gov't hopes to use to fool the electorate into voting for them. If only basic economics was taught in schools we would have a gov't that had to try harder and not just deceive its way into power. The present mob would be jeered off the hustings if the electorate was a little more economically literate.

                                                        mitch of ACT
                                                        Date and time
                                                        June 09, 2016, 1:08PM
                                                      • Jon, well my cost of living has gone down, all I had do to was sell all the boats bar one.

                                                        Date and time
                                                        June 09, 2016, 1:17PM
                                                      • Excellent bait - well done - caught some big fishies there.

                                                        Date and time
                                                        June 09, 2016, 1:22PM
                                                      • mitch, basic economics is taught in schools.

                                                        And if you think thousands of public servants at the Bureau of Statics devote their working lives to creating false data for the RBA to make the wrong decision on interest movements that's up to you.

                                                        But in my book that puts you firmly in tin foil hat territory.

                                                        Date and time
                                                        June 09, 2016, 2:05PM
                                                      • @Steveh, what happens when you run out of boats to sell to finance the increase in your cost of living. You'll be up s**t creek with neither a paddle nor a boat to put it in.

                                                        mitch of ACT
                                                        Date and time
                                                        June 09, 2016, 2:23PM
                                                      • Just for those who don't get it:

                                                        THE ALL GROUPS CPI
                                                        ◾fell 0.2% this quarter, compared with a rise of 0.4% last quarter.
                                                        ◾rose 1.3% over the twelve months to the March quarter 2016, compared with a rise of 1.7% over the twelve months to the December quarter 2015.

                                                        OVERVIEW OF CPI MOVEMENTS

                                                        ◾The most significant price falls this quarter are automotive fuel (-10.0%), fruit (-11.1%) and international holiday travel and accommodation (-2.0%).

                                                        ◾The most significant offsetting price rises this quarter are secondary education (+4.6%), medical and hospital services (+1.6%) and pharmaceutical products (+4.8%).


                                                        Date and time
                                                        June 09, 2016, 2:36PM
                                                      • We're all dead in the long run mitch, TDs don't pay out anything on the other side.

                                                        Date and time
                                                        June 09, 2016, 3:23PM
                                                      • @SteveH. Ever considered the possibility you may be the one who doesn't get it?

                                                        We are debating on an abstract level above the absolute figures presented in statistical analyses. The question isn't whether CPI figures are 'correct', it's: does CPI reflect what it is supposed to reflect (real life, Australia, 2016, for the majority of the population, comparing like quality with like quality etc).

                                                        I would also be very keen to understand how the RBA views the redirection of Australian talent into construction industries at the expense of value-add industries requiring years of investment and effort. In concrete terms, by lowering rates the RBA continues to encourage easy money in gambling on properties and taking on labour jobs at the expense of innovative industries and high tech industries. In 10 years' time, we will all still be labourers whilst other countries like China will have high tech professionals, managers, engineers, specialists etc. The same people who will then run our industries, be our bosses, live in our houses, whilst we labour away. IT's BASIC CAPITALISM. The capital drives the effort, and our effort is going in the wrong direction!

                                                        Date and time
                                                        June 09, 2016, 3:28PM
                                                    • SRF - joint CEO's was always going to end in tears.

                                                      Sadly this generation has no idea!

                                                      the sundance kid
                                                      Date and time
                                                      June 09, 2016, 9:31AM
                                                      • Definitely not a gift this one

                                                        Big Fish
                                                        Date and time
                                                        June 09, 2016, 9:58AM
                                                    Comments are now closed