The Ancients (also known as "Alterans" and "Lanteans") are a fictional advanced race in the Stargate franchise, and are depicted as the precursor to modern-day humans. Their most notable creation in Stargate mythology is the entire Stargate network. Ancient science and technology, with a few exceptions, is shown as being superior to that of other races. The Ancients are portrayed as being extremely advanced in the areas of healing, power generation, and biology. They are also credited with designing a number of fictional weapons, primarily for use in the centuries-long war with the Wraith in the Pegasus Galaxy. Ori technology in Stargate is shown as similar to that of the Ancients, since they are also depicted as ascended beings. In Stargate chronology, all Ancient technology was created prior to their ascension, with the exception of the Velona weapon, assisted by the character Orlin, and the weapon created by the character Merlin to destroy ascended beings. However, not all the artifacts credited to the Ancients are depicted as a complete success.
The Ancients (also known as "Alterans" and "Lanteans") are a fictional advanced race in the Stargate franchise, and are depicted as the precursor to modern-day humans. Their most notable creation in Stargate mythology is the entire Stargate network. Ancient science and technology, with a few exceptions, is shown as being superior to that of other races. The Ancients are portrayed as being extremely advanced in the areas of healing, power generation, and biology. They are also credited with designing a number of fictional weapons, primarily for use in the centuries-long war with the Wraith in the Pegasus Galaxy. Ori technology in Stargate is shown as similar to that of the Ancients, since they are also depicted as ascended beings. In Stargate chronology, all Ancient technology was created prior to their ascension, with the exception of the Velona weapon, assisted by the character Orlin, and the weapon created by the character Merlin to destroy ascended beings. However, not all the artifacts credited to the Ancients are depicted as a complete success. | 02 Oct 2018
Newsweek | 02 Oct 2018 | 02 Oct 2018 | 02 Oct 2018 | 02 Oct 2018 | 02 Oct 2018