
A senior concert of the High School of Music and Art - Paul Goodman

Paul Goodman recounts observing a school concert.

Eleven-plus and the comprehensive

Short account from a parent about their experience with two children in state education, taking the eleven plus exams.

First impression

Short account from a first-year student just beginning secondary school in London about his educational experience.

A last look round

Short article about the educational experiences of an anonymous sixth former.

Bombed site and comprehensive school - Winifred Hindley

A personal account from a teacher about her experiences teaching children in a "horsa hut": prefab schools constructed across the UK from 1944 to replace schools destroyed in bombing and to accommodate additional pupils created for increasing the state education minimum age to 15.

From a South African notebook - Maurice Goldman

An eyewitness account of the brutality of South Africa's apartheid system.

Notes on the movement against the loi du travail, by a waitress

A street level account by a participant in the ongoing movement against the new French labour law, written in May 2016.

Back in the USSR

Impressions from a trip to the Soviet Union.

Working in a Supermarket

Observations on working as a "carry-out" in a supermarket.

Free (Radio) Speech Fight 1998 - x345417

An article by x345417 about a pirate radio conference in Washington, DC that a number of IWW members attended. Originally appeared in Industrial Worker #1617 (November 1998)