2016 French Labour Law Protests

Notes on the movement against the loi du travail, by a waitress (May 2016)

A street level account by a participant in the ongoing movement against the new French labour law.

Images of the French CGT union's 'services d'ordre' stewards

CGT stewards alongside French riot police.

The goons of the services d'ordre (SO), the stewards of the CGT (Confederation General de Travail) and FO (Force Ouvriere) side with the police to the disgust of many, including members of the CGT and FO. They are taunted with "SO, Collabos" ('service d'ordre, collaborators'). Armed with telescopic batons, pick-axe handles, baseball bats and helmets, these thugs, act to police the anti-labour law demonstrations. Back in May 1968 the CGT's SO performed the same function, attacking demonstrators and sabotaging the uprising.

Proletariat is rising: 1.2 million in the streets against El Khomri Law in France

1.2 million people (workers and students) in the streets against the proposed El Khomri Law.