
Strikers close down Hudson body plant

An article by L.B. about the strike at auto-parts manufacturer, Briggs, in Detroit. Originally appeared in the Industrial Worker February 14, 1933 (Vol. 9, No. 109, Whole No. 842)

Yaroshevskaya, Rebekka Yakoklevna (1887-1937 or after?)

A short biography of anarchist Rebecca Yaroshevskaya active in Bialystok, Tashkent and Kharkov

Work Peoples College youngsters study and frolic

Students and faculty of the Work People’s College (Työväen Opisto) pose for a gr

A short article about the activities of Work Peoples College, an IWW run school in Duluth, Minnesota. Originally appeared in the Industrial Worker (February 14, 1933, Vol. 9, No. 109, Whole No. 842).

The Anarchist Question in the Spanish Revolution – Pepe Gutiérrez-Álvarez

A critical, yet sympathetic assessment of the role of the anarchists in the Spanish Revolution and the “circumstantialism” and collaborationism of the CNT-FAI, in which the author portrays the Workers Alliance (a revolutionary insurrection initiated by communist left groups in 1934, largely restricted to Asturias, based on the principle of trade union and proletarian unity) as not just a missed opportunity but also as a possible model for an alternative to the fatal choice between collaboration and an unacceptable “anarchist dictatorship”.

Western Socialist color covers

Western Socialist 1976 Fall cover

Western Socialist color covers mainly 1976-1978

The People 16 July 1899

The People 16 July 1899

The People 16 July 1899 version edited by Daniel De Leon. That date an alternate version edited by Morris Hillquit was also printed from Rochester.

European syndicalism and the IWW

A 1933 reply by Ralph Chaplin to, seemingly, Spanish anarchist Maximiliano Olay, about the differences between the CNT and the IWW.

Industrial Worker (January 31, 1933)

Articles from the January 31, 1933, Vol. 9, No. 107, Whole No. 840 issue of the Industrial Worker, the newspaper of the revolutionary union, the Industrial Workers of the World (IWW).