
This time it's the Coalition promising things it can't afford

Peter Martin 10:00 PM   Labor ought to consider reversioning the old 1980's AIDS slogan: "I like sex, but I'm not prepared to die for it."

Comments 108


Accountants using offshore outsourcing

Many Australians are paying a premium for their tax returns but are unaware the work is being outsourced offshore.

Jo Stewart   Australian consumers are used to the offshore call centre when dealing with telcos. But would you expect your accountant to outsource your tax return to a cheap outfit overseas?

Your checklist for tax time

Three weeks to go before the end of the financial year.

Sally Patten   With just three weeks to go before the end of the financial year, sprinters have limited time to get their financial affairs in order before the taxman comes calling


How to value start-up share options

If you're being offered equity in a start-up, you need to understand how the pie is being carved up. Illustration: Karl ...

Melissa Browne   If you're tossing up whether to work for a start-up you need to understand how share options work.


Time to reduce your tax bill

Given the uncertainty over tax cuts, it might be better for middle and high-income earners to claim more tax deductions ...

Daryl Dixon   ​With the end of the tax year looming, now's the time to implement strategies to reduce this year's taxation bills.

Negative gearing report linked to Morrison ally

Treasurer Scott Morrison admits Labor's alleged black hole may be only $32 billion, not $67 billion.

James Massola and Peter Martin   Draft report makes bold claims that have alarmed some of the people it has been circulated to.

Hard to see clearly with so much ink

Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull and Treasurer Scott Morrison.

Peter Martin   Attack a squid and it squirts out ink. That could be why we are suddenly awash with reports on negative gearing.

'Aussie John' is wrong. Here's why

John Symond has been backed by Malcolm Turnbull.

Peter Martin   ''Aussie John'' has got it wrong. Labor isn't planning to hit negative gearing on all established housing overnight.

Negative gearing's hidden taxpayer cost

Negative gearing is falsely accused of driving house investment activity, experts say.

Peter Martin   Taxpayers who negatively gear cost other taxpayers an average of $310 per year, a new analysis of Tax Office data shows.


Budget 2016: max tax bang for buck

It's time to start thinking about tax deductions.

Melissa Browne   An accountant shares tax strategies arising from the 2016 federal budget for individuals, businesses, and employees.

$80,000 is anything but average Scott Morrison

Treasurer Scott Morrison addresses the media during a doorstop interview ahead of Budget day.

Peter Martin   If Scott Morrison thinks that by offering tax cuts to Australians earning more than $80,000 he is helping average workers, he doesn't know much about what an average worker earns.


How investors outgun first home buyers


Caitlin Fitzsimmons   It's not just that one in three buyers are investors, it's also that they're disproportionately competing with first-home buyers.

Turnbull out on a limb over negative gearing

Perhaps perplexed by the sudden invite to connect on LinkedIn, Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull is yet to respond.

Peter Martin   You've heard the one about the one-year-old who's buying a house.

Tax benefits for top earners cost $11b

Negative gearing and foreign investment make things tougher for new households, one academic says.

Peter Martin   Surgeons, anesthetists, finance managers and lawyers will be the overwhelming beneficiaries of the Turnbull government's decision not to touch negative gearing in the budget, research shows.

Still time to defuse the super time bomb

Malcolm Turnbull's government had the opportunity to make the super contribution permanent but chose not.

Peter Martin   Australia's tax system is set to skew toward the rich unless this government or the next intervenes.

Morrison needs a reality check on tax

Treasurer Scott Morrison during a joint press conference wirh Minister for Small Business and Assistant Treasurer Kelly ...

Peter Martin   The government's theme for selling the budget reads like a Seinfeld script.

Coalition plans tougher crackdown on super to outflank Labor

Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull visited a building site in Belconnen Canberra on Monday 19 April 2016.

Peter Martin   The Turnbull government is preparing to trump Labor in the budget, cracking down harder on high-income superannuation tax concessions to raise four times as much.


Easy tax deductions you've probably forgotten

Have you kept a checklist?

Kate Cowling   Beyond the handbag or man bag, there are easy deductions taxpayers miss every year.


How to claim a handbag as a tax deduction

Women's handbags can be tax deductible if they meet certain criteria.

Melissa Browne   Handbags can be tax deductible if you use them for work, but the Tax Office is fussy about documentation.

Commission backs Labor tax policy to balance budget

Dr Ian Watt.

Peter Martin, Jessica Irvine   A high-powered independent commission has backed Labor's approach to capital gains tax and negative gearing, undercutting prime minister Malcolm Turnbull and treasurer Scott Morrison who say it will "smash" housing prices.

Meet the millionaires who pay no income tax

Figures show 56 of Australia's highest earners paid next to no income tax.

Peter Martin   Paying tax has become optional for 56 of Australia's highest earners. Newly-released tax statistics show each of the 56 paid next to no income tax in 2013–14, not even the Medicare Levy, even though each more than $1 million.

We are becoming a nation of landlords and serfs

Peter Martin dinkus

Peter Martin   Forget the Australian dream, we just want to ‘get ahead’ now - with negative gearing.

Tax wine as beer 'and raise $2.9b'

Different alcohols are currently taxed at different rates.

Peter Martin   Taxing wine and cider the same as beer and lifting the rate by 5 to 6¢ for a glass of beer would raise $2.9 billion a year, much of which could fund tax relief, the Treasury has been told.

Modeller lauded by Coalition opposed negative gearing

Treasurer Scott Morrison addresses the media during a press conference at Parliament House.

Peter Martin   Negative gearing encourages excessive use of debt, lifts overseas borrowings and raises real interest rates, according to the economist whose work on the subject has been lauded by the treasurer Scott Morrison.

Economy picks up as income dives, budget weakens

Treasurer Scott Morrison says Australia appeared to be managing a successful transition from the investment phase of the ...

Peter Martin   Australians shrugged off sliding national income and meagre pay rises to dip into their savings at the end of last year, delivering a surprise surge in spending that pushed up economic growth to 3 per cent, well in excess of the budget forecast.


Labor plan encourages higher gearing

Changes to taxation may affect the way you look at gearing your portfolio.

Daryl Dixon   If the tax-exempt proportion of capital gains is cut to 25 per cent, it will change the original objective of taxing only real capital gains.

Turnbull walks away from tax reform

Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull says Labor's policy of allowing negative gearing only on new properties might knock 10 ...

Peter Martin   The Turnbull government has all but abandoned tax reform, ruling out most of the options presented to it, and zeroing in on just two: the excessive use of negative gearing and the excessive use of concessional super contributions.

Terrified on tax: why Turnbull will squib it

Illustration: John Spooner

Peter Martin   So much for big reforms. Don’t expect Malcolm Turnbull to present a bold tax plan. He’s too scared of putting voters offside.

Bracket creep is code for cutting high-end taxes

Peter Martin dinkus

Peter Martin   Many of us would welcome bracket creep if it meant actually getting a pay rise.


Bracket creep is 'no big deal'

Treasurer Scott Morrison is keen to cut income tax.

Noel Whittaker   Tax reform is in the spotlight.