Adrian Emerton
Wave of the Day: Whippy hoping for a case of history repeating

 "It felt nice to be behind and come back and grab the lead," said Kelly Slater after his Round 1 win, "my year starts now really."

Stu Nettle

Ben Gerring passes away in hospital four days after attack by great white.

Peter Jovic
Wave of the Day: Post meridiem brilliance in the west

From famine to feast! After being rescheduled due to flat conditions, the Aloha Manly Style Pro is set to run this Sunday in building eight foot and offshore conditions at Curl Curl Beach.

Stu Nettle

The coming swell event on the East Coast is known colloquially as a 'Black Nor-easter'. Swellnet speaks to Associate Professor Ian Goodwin about past occurences, how regularly they form, and famous Black Nor'easters in history.

Stu Nettle

Like your vintage boards? Like 'em even better when sporting twin fin, double flyer, and swallow tail? Well this is a gig for you.

Matt Dunbar
Wave of the Day: Blurring the rule of thirds: Tom Butterworth, Sydney
Stu Nettle

The clock is ticking, the wave models converging, and East Coast surfers are getting ever closer to one of the more impressive swell systems to unfurl on this coast. Read the forecast here.

Stu Nettle

"It was the biggest and best Jaws ever and I don't know if I'll ever get another shot at it."

Craig Brokensha

As a rare synoptic setup develops off Australia's East Coast it's set to deliver a curveball to the Fiji Men's Pro. Read the early forecast for one of the most anticipated CT events of the year.

Stu Nettle

Watch Mason Ho bouncing all over Waimea - big Waimea! - from taking off inside the boil through to packing the shorebreak.

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