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  • June 15, 2016, 12:00PM EDT

    Is It Time to Rethink Your Career?

    Leadership Webinar
    Featuring Herminia Ibarra, professor at INSEAD, expert on leadership, and one of the world’s most influential business gurus.
  • June 16, 2016, 9:00AM EDT

    Competing in the Connected Economy

    In the Connected Economy, value is created through the technology-enabled links between people, machines, and organizations. Every organization now faces a challenging shift: According to a new study by HBR Analytic Services (HBR-AS), more than half of the companies surveyed believe that a substantial part of their revenue is under threat from a new wave […]

Webinar Archive

  • Power Cues: New Science on Influencing Others

    Leadership Webinar
    How leaders communicate has a tremendous impact on their ability to lead and influence others, and on their personal success. Yet unknown by many is that most communication is unconscious. Nick Morgan, communications expert and author of Power Cues: The Subtle Science of Leading Groups, Persuading Others, and Maximizing Your Personal Impact, has looked at […]
  • Building a Global Workforce

    Innovation Webinar
    Coming out of the downturn, organizations are turning more attention to growth and global expansion. Companies are developing and deploying talent around the world at an accelerated rate. But with the opportunity comes challenges in managing a workforce in an ever more dynamic global marketplace. How will executives ensure their organization have the creativity, flexibility, […]
  • How Platform Businesses are Transforming Strategy

    Business models Webinar
    Uber, Airbnb, and Apple’s iPhone are innovations that have gobbled up market share and are transforming competition. What is common among them is that they are platform businesses that bring together producers and consumers in high-value exchanges. Their chief assets are information and interactions, which together are the source of the value they create and […]
  • To Sell is Human: The New ABCs of Moving Others

    Strategy Webinar
    Do you sell the same way you did a decade ago? In the classic movie Glengarry Glen Ross Alec Baldwin tells a group of salesmen that the key to selling is, “A-B-C. A – Always; B – Be; C – Closing. Always be closing.” But this steamroller approach is now a relic. According to bestselling […]
  • The Leadership Lessons of Steve Jobs

    Leadership Webinar
    Steve Jobs is among America’s greatest business leaders. He transformed industries, changed society, and altered how companies do business. After his best-selling biography of Jobs came out, author Walter Isaacson saw many commentators focus on Jobs’ personality—without understanding how he led. In this HBR webinar, Isaacson and Harvard Business Review Editor Adi Ignatius talk about […]
  • Risk Management in a Time of Global Uncertainty

    Operations Webinar
    Does your company still have a long way to go to develop more robust risk-management capabilities and create a more risk-aware culture? If so, you’re not alone. A recent Harvard Business Review Analytic Services survey found that over the past three years, since the financial crisis, risk management has grown in importance for most companies. […]
  • The People Benefit (Webinar)

    Management Webinar
    Talent is what separates great companies from good ones. Exceptional firms attract and retain the right people: employees who are inspired by the company’s values and culture, are excited to be a part of it, and deliver stellar performance. But how does a firm get the “right people” on board? By creating and communicating a […]
  • The IT/Business Partnership: The Cloud, Technology and Transformation

    Innovation Webinar
    The digital world is changing fast. Cloud, social, mobile, analytics, and the Internet of Things are changing competition. Customers demand personalized services, and expect to engage through social and mobile channels. Companies are getting faster, smarter, and more efficient. New business models are emerging. If a company doesn’t lead digital innovation, then a competitor will. […]
  • Know What Your Customers Want Before They Do

    International business Webinar
    Retail and consumer-facing businesses are rapidly and dramatically changing. Relying on an experienced sales person with deep knowledge of a customer’s preferences is a quaint notion of the past. Increasingly, retailers like CVS, Sam’s Club, and Nordstrom, as well as leaders in other consumer-facing industries like financial services, are using advanced analytics, extensive customer data, […]
  • Calculating Success: How the New Workplace Analytics Will Revitalize Your Organization

    Talent management Webinar
    Executives know the results they want to achieve, but they don’t necessarily know how to best leverage and use their wealth of data—particularly human capital data—to compete more effectively in the marketplace. In this interactive Harvard Business Review webinar, Calculating Success co-author Tim Ringo shares his insights on how companies can take a more analytical […]