- published: 24 May 2016
- views: 1605
Shimokitazawa (下北沢, Shimokitazawa) is a commercial and entertainment district in Setagaya, Tokyo. Also known as "Shimokita", the neighbourhood is well known for the density of small independent fashion retailers, cafes, theaters, bars and live music venues.
The neighbourhood is often compared with the backstreets of Ura-Harajuku and Koenji; smaller shop units and restricted vehicular access has limited its appeal to larger domestic and international fashion merchandisers, enabling independent retailers to survive. The district consists of the streets immediately surrounding Shimo-Kitazawa Station, where the Odakyu Electric Railway and Keio Inokashira Lines intersect. The neighbourhood has long been a center for stage theater and live music venues; serves as a home to the historic Honda Gekijō theater and holds theatre festivals throughout the year. With numerous cafes, secondhand and vintage fashion and recorded music outlets, Shimokitazawa remains popular with students and followers of Japanese youth subcultures.
東京案内~下北沢 ~(字幕ガイド) Shimo kitazawa 代沢三差路→本多劇場→下北沢東商店街→一番街商店街→下北沢駅 西口→北沢タウンホール→下北沢駅 南口→下北沢南口商店街
KinKi Kidsのブンブブーン【筧利夫と下北沢で飲み歩き】 2015年11月22日 15 11 22
Tokyo Shimokitazawa - 下北沢 - 4K Ultra HD
テレビ下北沢の一日 2014秋
なべぶらりということで今回は私がよく行く「下北沢」!の紹介動画です! よく行くところなど、紹介しているので行く機会あればぜひ!!参考に!( *´艸`) まぁ古着とコーヒーが好きすぎるんでそれ関連の場所しか紹介してないんですがwすいませんwwww ~おしながき~ 1. 宇田川湯(銭湯) 2. BOZEMAN ボーズマン(アウトドアショップ) 3. はせべ珈琲(喫茶店) 4. 今成 イマナリ(居酒屋) 5. Tan Ton タントン(古着屋) 6. GROWN UP TABATHAタバサ(帽子専門店) 7. すぱじろう (飲食店) 8. スティックアウト(古着屋)←イチオシ!!!! 9. 三叉灯 サンサトウ(古着屋) 10.Bulsaras. バルサラス(帽子専門店) 11.モルティブ(コーヒー豆販売店) 12.地球栽培(帽子専門店) 13.NEW YORK JOE(古着屋) 14.cafe use(喫茶店) 以上! つぎは自転車でうまくやりてー! 【UseMusic】NCS ・Different Heaven & EH!DE - My Heart(NCS Release) ・Phantom Sage - Crystal Clouds (NCS Release) ・DEAF KEV - Invincible [NCS Release] ============= 【サカ鍋CH(メイン)】 https://www.youtube.com/user/inazumas... 【寄せ鍋CH(サブ)】 https://www.youtube.com/user/yoseNABE14 【サカなべTwitter】 https://twitter.com/?lang=ja 【サカなべnana】 http://nana-music...
東京観光 12時間(5/26) ↓行きたい場所へワープ↓ 2:03茶沢通り →2:37代沢三差路→3:19下北沢餃子王将前→5:16本多劇場→4:53下北沢あずま商店街→23:45一番街商店街→7:58鎌倉通り→9:46下北沢駅 西口→11:52下北沢住宅地→14:28下北沢 餃子王将前→代沢5丁目→茶沢通り→16:07北沢タウンホール 16:47折り返しBGM地図 北沢タウンホール→18:26下北沢駅入口→19:05下北沢駅 南口→19:33南口商店街→代沢三差路→End
-チャンネル登録: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCnGANdrmmMX-aVrJR3FYVCg/featured?sub_confirmation=1 - 再生リス : https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL3V5mDNXSR3p_Esxq2o8dYWbCgQtsBBjM KinKi Kidsのブンブブーン,kinki kids のブンブブーン 動画,kinki kidsのブンブブーン 関西,kinki kidsのブンブブーン 関西テレビ,kinki kidsのブンブブーン 視聴率,kinki kidsのブンブブーン 東海,北斗晶,kinki kidsのブンブブーン 福岡,kinki kidsのブンブブーン 名古屋,kinki kidsのブンブブーン dailymotion,kinki kidsのブンブブーン 放送日
Tokyo Shimokitazawa - 下北沢 - 4K Ultra HD : Step aside Harajuku! For, like the over-tanned ‘Gyaru’ fad, you are not cool anymore! That’s right...we said it, Harajuku is not cool anymore! Maybe because of its over-popularity among tourists from across Japan and around the world, Japan’s fashion-oriented youth that once shopped around Harajuku have a new safe haven with Shimokitazawa. Not only does it contain hundreds of small shops scattered within a few pedestrian-friendly roads, Shimokitazawa offers a great selection of bars and incredible restaurants too! What also make this place special is its capacity to mix youth-oriented shops with more traditional stores & markets that older people love to visit. So remember, for your next trip to Tokyo, make sure to skip Harajuku and go straigh...
みなさんまだゴールデンウイークを楽しんでいる!?なっちゃんが楽しんでいるよ!今回、下北沢へ古着を買いに行った! ☆登録もお願いしゃーす!☆ ♥♥♥アメリカのド田舎から来たナタリアなっちゃん♥♥♥ ☆TWITTER☆https://twitter.com/tarii1212 ☆INSTAGRAM☆https://instagram.com/natalia_natchan ☆BLOG☆ http://ameblo.jp/natalianatchan/ ☆FACEBOOK☆ https://www.facebook.com/natalianatcchan/ ☆SOUNDCLOUD☆ https://soundcloud.com/natalia_natchan ☆TUMBLR☆ http://natalianatchan.tumblr.com/
カラオケパートはWMGの申立回避のためカットしました OP一部音楽や情熱大陸のカット以外は無編集です
。゜+.(◕ฺ ∀◕ฺ )゜+.゜Inscreva-se ♥ ♥Facebook FC Japonessica ♥Siga me no Twitter @jessicaminnie ♥Instagram @jessi_yoshi ♥Vine @jessi_yoshi ♥Snapchat jessi_yoshi ♥Canal Fala Japonessica https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCkINlnYVwRIICod9i2uvvug ♥Vlog Japonessica https://www.youtube.com/user/AGarotaDoJaponessica ♥Blog http://asmaisestilosasdajessica.blogspot.jp/
再開発が進む下北沢の駅周辺に新たなスポットが誕生しています。今月19日、京王井の頭線・下北沢駅近くの高架下に「下北沢ケージ」がオープンしました。これは井の頭線の高架化事業の一部完成によって生まれた空間を有効活用する「京王ブリッジ下北沢」プロジェクトの一環で、3年間限定というものです。 多くの人でにぎわう「下北沢ケージ」から中継でお伝えします。
Let me show you around my favourite place in the world - Shimokitazawa in Tokyo, Japan! This place is the mecca of thrift shopping. I am so happy that I didn't pack any clothes with me (apart from 2 t-shirts and a pair of jeans!) because my suitcase is totally full now! Shimokitazawa map: http://bit.ly/2hw17b8 Merchandise: https://store.dftba.com/collections/annika-victoria Support me on Patreon! https://www.patreon.com/annikavictoria ******** PATREON SUPPORTERS ********* ↓Business Supporters!↓ Little Gun Tank http://bit.ly/1PmHCYr http://etsy.me/1ng4Vgt Sarsparilly Store: http://bit.ly/1Ot0DLi Twitter: https://twitter.com/Sarsparilly ♡Producers♡ Rachel Oakman Elizabeth Oakman Mum & Dad Special Thanks go to: KaleidoSophie. Mady Bohn ***************** MUSIC Noxive & Justin Jet Z...
Shimokitazwa - a veritable cheapo's paradise. Thrifting, vintage and secondhand shopping, hipster hangouts, live music, cheap restaurants - a calm bohemian neighbourhood in the heart of Tokyo. Get more out of #Tokyo for less, watch Tokyo Cheapo every week! Subscribe here http://dvr.jp/youtube In this guide to Shimokitazawa, see places to shop, buy hand made craft, accessories, second hand clothes and second hand kimonos! Featured In this video 700yen clothes store, Stick Out - https://tokyocheapo.com/place/stick-out/ Second-hand Kimonos from Hasegawa - https://tokyocheapo.com/place/kimono-hasegawa/ Shimokita Garage Department https://tokyocheapo.com/place/shimokita-garage-department/ For more links and info on Shimokitazawa, check out our website here: https://tokyocheapo.com/locations...
Shimokitazawa is one of Tokyo's most trendy neighbourhoods, with some calling it Japan's answer to Williamsburg in Brooklyn. I take you to three of my favourite shops in the district during this quick tour. YouTube Music Attribution : Kicked Up Pumps by Audionautix is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/) Artist: http://audionautix.com/
Joined by our host, Shurland Ayers, we take a look at some of our favorite second-hand/vintage boutiques in Tokyo. With a focus on the Shimokitazawa neighborhood, we try out best to cover a range of nostalgic offerings, from Western, old military garb, 90s throwbacks, down to rockabilly wear. We then make a stop to one of the most colourful districts in the city: Harajuku. Come along and hopefully this video helps with your dig next time you visit Tokyo. FOLLOW US Facebook: https://facebook.com/highsnobiety Twitter: https://twitter.com/highsnobiety Instagram: https://instagram.com/highsnobiety/ View more Highsnobiety videos here: http://hsnob.co/qh67 Music: Ta-ku: https://soundcloud.com/takugotbeats Shurland Ayers: https://soundcloud.com/shurlandayers
Another video guide for when you visit Shimokitazawa! Once again we start at the South exit, and walk to the "Foodium" building less than a minute walk from the station. We take the escalator up taking a peep through 3 floors of UNIQLO ( one of the largest in Tokyo ) before going to the 4th floor which has one of the largest DAISO stores ( everything is ¥100 !! ) in Tokyo. The entire video is less than 8 minutes so it shows you just how close you can do some serious shopping about a one minute walk from the station! Enjoy ..... Please check out facebook page for more info on Shimokitazawa! https://www.facebook.com/Shimokitazawa-Tourist-Talk-302392486601898/?fref=nf
On the west side of Tokyo in Setagaya Ward, at the intersection of the Odakyū Odawara Line and Keio Inokashira Line, one will find Shimokitazawa (下北沢), or "Shimokita" for short. The neighborhood encompasses all of the things The Tokyo Project set out to explore. It has ample access to public transit with frequent trains on both lines. It has compact development with substantial activity focused in the immediate vicinity of the station, with winding, twisting, narrow streets fanning out through the central commercial district and into the residential areas beyond. Most importantly, everywhere you look there are people making use of and enjoying Shimokita's unique type of public space. Though most streets are technically open to car traffic, the close distances between the open storefronts o...
For the last part of my Japan travel series I tried to create a sort of MV with the some unused travel footage. This really showcases the power of using a gimbal stabiliser, giving you much stability in your shots and smooth transitions. More footage to come from our other trips (Venice, Italy) so be sure to subscribe and check back! Location info: Shimokitazawa, commonly known as Shimokita, is a compact but highly popular district among young people. It is an enjoyable place to explore on foot, with its streets lined with fashion boutiques, second hand clothes shops and sundry stores. While it is thriving with stylish cafés and bars, it also has several old Japanese-style bars and eateries, bringing about a truly distinctive atmosphere in the location. Shimokitazawa is also famous as a ...
I visit a Japanese curry festival in this travel guide and “how to” video. It was an amazing curry (日本のカレー) festival in Shimokitazawa (下北沢) a famous shopping destination in Tokyo (東京) Japan. As well as shopping it is also known for having some of the most delicious Japanese curry( 日本のカレー) in Tokyo (東京). Last week there was a famous Japanese curry festival being held hear. One great “how to” tip for Japan, especially Tokyo (東京), is to always check the internet daily for events and festivals as there is always something going on, especially on the weekends. During the curry festival many shops and restaurants created a small side menu where they would promote their most popular curry as a small side dish, usually only around 500 yen. This way everyone can come to the Japanese Curry Festival ...