A powerful epic mini-series shot on location in Spain that tells the story of one of the most amazing women in history, St. Teresa of Avila. With meticulous ...
"The Interior Castle of St. Teresa of Avila," Fr. John Welch
Long before developmental psychologists charted the seasons and passages of our human journey, St. Teresa of Avila mapped the transformation of her personali...
St. Teresa of Avila HD
Teresa lived in an age of exploration as well as political, social and religious upheaval. It was the 16th century, a time of turmoil and reform. She was born before the Protestant Reformation and died almost 20 years after the closing of the Council of Trent.
The gift of God to Teresa in and through which she became holy and left her mark on the Church and the world is threefold: She was a woman;
A powerful epic mini-series shot on location in Spain that tells the story of one of the most amazing women in history, St. Teresa of Avila. With meticulous attention to detail and historical accuracy, outstanding production values, and an incredible performance by actress Concha Velasco as Teresa, this acclaimed major film production is the definitive film on the life of this great saint. Teresa
Tell me about...Saint Teresa of Avila
A short biography of Saint Teresa of Avila. Some basic facts about Teresa de Avila:
- Born on 28 March 1515 in Gotarrendura, Ávila, Crown of Castile (today Spain)
- Died on 4 October 1582 (aged 67) in Alba de Tormes, Salamanca, Spain
- Venerated in: Roman Catholic Church, Lutheran Church and Anglican Communion
- Beatified on: 24 April 1614, Rome by Pope Paul V
- Canonized 12 March 1622, Rome by P
Saint Teresa of Avila -The Interior Castle Pt1of12
The Interior Castle by Saint Teresa of Avila.
Rowan Williams on St. Teresa of Avila
Rowan Williams gives a talk on St. Teresa of Avila as a reader of the Gospels at St. Giles' Church, Oxford.
Św Teresa z Avila.
Jak spodobało kup pełną wersje na tej stronie:
lub na alegro:
Teresa of Avila: Doctor of the Soul - Dr Peter Tyler speaks at St Paul's Forum
Dr Peter Tyler speaks on the topic of his book Teresa of Avila: Doctor of the Soul, at the Sunday Forum held at St Paul's Cathedral on the first Sunday of ea...
A powerful epic mini-series shot on location in Spain that tells the story of one of the most amazing women in history, St. Teresa of Avila. With meticulous attention to detail and historical accuracy, outstanding production values, and an incredible performance by actress Concha Velasco as Teresa, this acclaimed major film production is the definitive film on the life of this great saint. Teresa
Dr. Elisabeth Münzebrock: Teresa von Ávila als Frau und Mystikerin
Dieser Vortrag fand im Rahmen der Edith Stein Tage 2014/15 statt.
Alle Termine der Edith Stein Tage 2014/15 finden Sie auf der Website der Edith Stein Gesellschaft Österreich:
Teresa z Avila - Twierdza Wewnętrzna
Więcej: http://www.vismaya-maitreya.pl/wielcy_ludzie.html#wielcy_kosciola_katolickiego.
Teresa z Avila Twierdza wewnętrzna 1/3
A powerful epic mini-series shot on location in Spain that tells the story of one of the most amazing women in history, St. Teresa of Avila. With meticulous ...
Teresa de Jesus Teresa D'Ávila Capitulo 01 O Caminho da Perfeição Filme Completo Legendado
Santa Teresa de Avila - "Nada te turbe"
https://www.facebook.com/dulcecorazondemaria1 (¯`v´¯) `·.¸.·´ Narrado por: Candy «Si cada persona rezara un rosario al dia, menos almas se perderían» Dulce C...
Vivo sin vivir en mi (Blanca Cajales) -Santa Teresa de Avila
El famoso poema de Santa Teresa de Avila cantado por la interprete Chilena Blanca Cajales.
Teresa von Ávila | Gott sei Dank
Erste Feministin der Geschichte? Fromme "Femme fatale? Mystikerin Teresa von Ávila bewegt auch heute noch. Gebet ist für sie das Gespräch mit einem guten Freund.
Ein Film aus der Sendereihe „Gott sei Dank!" Ein Angebot von ERF Medien.
Wir zeigen euch, dass es eine Menge guter Gründe gibt, Gott Danke zu sagen. Schaut rein und überzeugt euch selbst.
- Gan
Himmlischer Wahnsinn 500 Jahre Teresa von Avila
An "500 Jahre Teresa von Avila" erinnert Spanien – rund um den 28. März – kommende Woche. Spanien gedenkt dabei einer seiner Nationalheiligen – und die christliche Welt einer der größten Mystikerinnen, Ordensgründerinnen ("Unbeschuhte Karmelitinnen") und – seit 1970 – ersten Kirchenlehrerin.
Teresa of Avila's Interior Castle - An Experiential Introduction (Dr. James Finley)
A presentation by Dr. James Finley (www.contemplativeway.org) entitled "The Interior Castle - An Experiential Introduction". The presentation was given as part of a conference - "Teresa of Avila 1515 to 2015: Mystical Theology and Spirituality in the Carmelite Tradition" - which took place at St. Mary's University Twickenham in London. The conference took place in June 2015 as part of the "Teresa
Vida de Santa Teresa de Avila
Vida y Obras de Santa Teresa de Jesús
St Teresa of Avila, on the edge of death, sickness, sufferings, humility, humiliation, love for God
Sta Teresa of Avila - on the edge of death, sickness, sufferings, humility, humiliation, obedience; all for the love and glory to God ! BY THIS TIME SHE WAS ...
Documentário sobre a vida de Santa Teresa de Ávila......
Documentário sobre a vida de Santa Tereza de Ávila 2014
Com Luciane Ferreira, Marcio Dinis, Adriano Lazarini e Carla Perinazo, Dgerson Svolinsk
A powerful epic mini-series shot on location in Spain that tells the story of one of the most amazing women in history, St. Teresa of Avila. With meticulous ......
A powerful epic mini-series shot on location in Spain that tells the story of one of the most amazing women in history, St. Teresa of Avila. With meticulous ...
wn.com/Teresa De Jesus (Teresa Of Avila) Episode One (1) (English Subtitle)
A powerful epic mini-series shot on location in Spain that tells the story of one of the most amazing women in history, St. Teresa of Avila. With meticulous ...
"The Interior Castle of St. Teresa of Avila," Fr. John Welch
Long before developmental psychologists charted the seasons and passages of our human journey, St. Teresa of Avila mapped the transformation of her personali......
Long before developmental psychologists charted the seasons and passages of our human journey, St. Teresa of Avila mapped the transformation of her personali...
wn.com/The Interior Castle Of St. Teresa Of Avila, Fr. John Welch
Long before developmental psychologists charted the seasons and passages of our human journey, St. Teresa of Avila mapped the transformation of her personali...
St. Teresa of Avila HD
Teresa lived in an age of exploration as well as political, social and religious upheaval. It was the 16th century, a time of turmoil and reform. She was born b...
Teresa lived in an age of exploration as well as political, social and religious upheaval. It was the 16th century, a time of turmoil and reform. She was born before the Protestant Reformation and died almost 20 years after the closing of the Council of Trent.
The gift of God to Teresa in and through which she became holy and left her mark on the Church and the world is threefold: She was a woman; she was a contemplative; she was an active reformer.
As a woman, Teresa stood on her own two feet, even in the man's world of her time. She was "her own woman," entering the Carmelites despite strong opposition from her father. She is a person wrapped not so much in silence as in mystery. Beautiful, talented, outgoing, adaptable, affectionate, courageous, enthusiastic, she was totally human. Like Jesus, she was a mystery of paradoxes: wise, yet practical; intelligent, yet much in tune with her experience; a mystic, yet an energetic reformer. A holy woman, a womanly woman.
Teresa was a woman "for God," a woman of prayer, discipline and compassion. Her heart belonged to God. Her ongoing conversion was an arduous lifelong struggle, involving ongoing purification and suffering. She was misunderstood, misjudged, opposed in her efforts at reform. Yet she struggled on, courageous and faithful; she struggled with her own mediocrity, her illness, her opposition. And in the midst of all this she clung to God in life and in prayer. Her writings on prayer and contemplation are drawn from her experience: powerful, practical and graceful. A woman of prayer; a woman for God.
Teresa was a woman "for others." Though a contemplative, she spent much of her time and energy seeking to reform herself and the Carmelites, to lead them back to the full observance of the primitive Rule. She founded over a half-dozen new monasteries. She traveled, wrote, fought—always to renew, to reform. In her self, in her prayer, in her life, in her efforts to reform, in all the people she touched, she was a woman for others, a woman who inspired and gave life.
Her writings, especially the Way of Perfection and The Interior Castle, have helped generations of believers.
In 1970, the Church gave her the title she had long held in the popular mind: Doctor of the Church. She and St. Catherine of Siena were the first women so honored.
Support Catholic Online by Subscribing to our Channel:
Learn more on St . Teresa Of Avila: http://www.catholic.org/saints/saint.php?saint_id=208
More on Saints: http://www.catholic.org/saints/
wn.com/St. Teresa Of Avila Hd
Teresa lived in an age of exploration as well as political, social and religious upheaval. It was the 16th century, a time of turmoil and reform. She was born before the Protestant Reformation and died almost 20 years after the closing of the Council of Trent.
The gift of God to Teresa in and through which she became holy and left her mark on the Church and the world is threefold: She was a woman; she was a contemplative; she was an active reformer.
As a woman, Teresa stood on her own two feet, even in the man's world of her time. She was "her own woman," entering the Carmelites despite strong opposition from her father. She is a person wrapped not so much in silence as in mystery. Beautiful, talented, outgoing, adaptable, affectionate, courageous, enthusiastic, she was totally human. Like Jesus, she was a mystery of paradoxes: wise, yet practical; intelligent, yet much in tune with her experience; a mystic, yet an energetic reformer. A holy woman, a womanly woman.
Teresa was a woman "for God," a woman of prayer, discipline and compassion. Her heart belonged to God. Her ongoing conversion was an arduous lifelong struggle, involving ongoing purification and suffering. She was misunderstood, misjudged, opposed in her efforts at reform. Yet she struggled on, courageous and faithful; she struggled with her own mediocrity, her illness, her opposition. And in the midst of all this she clung to God in life and in prayer. Her writings on prayer and contemplation are drawn from her experience: powerful, practical and graceful. A woman of prayer; a woman for God.
Teresa was a woman "for others." Though a contemplative, she spent much of her time and energy seeking to reform herself and the Carmelites, to lead them back to the full observance of the primitive Rule. She founded over a half-dozen new monasteries. She traveled, wrote, fought—always to renew, to reform. In her self, in her prayer, in her life, in her efforts to reform, in all the people she touched, she was a woman for others, a woman who inspired and gave life.
Her writings, especially the Way of Perfection and The Interior Castle, have helped generations of believers.
In 1970, the Church gave her the title she had long held in the popular mind: Doctor of the Church. She and St. Catherine of Siena were the first women so honored.
Support Catholic Online by Subscribing to our Channel:
Learn more on St . Teresa Of Avila: http://www.catholic.org/saints/saint.php?saint_id=208
More on Saints: http://www.catholic.org/saints/
- published: 14 Oct 2015
- views: 15
A powerful epic mini-series shot on location in Spain that tells the story of one of the most amazing women in history, St. Teresa of Avila. With meticulous att...
A powerful epic mini-series shot on location in Spain that tells the story of one of the most amazing women in history, St. Teresa of Avila. With meticulous attention to detail and historical accuracy, outstanding production values, and an incredible performance by actress Concha Velasco as Teresa, this acclaimed major film production is the definitive film on the life of this great saint. Teresa of Avila was called by God to reform and renew the Carmelite order, a daunting task. She was joined in this work by her great fellow Carmelite and spiritual director, St. John of the Cross. This film reveals the conversion that Teresa herself had to go thru to deepen her own union with Christ as she endeavored to bring about that same deeper spiritual reform of her Carmelite order. It shows the tremendous opposition that she and John both faced within (and without) their order to bring about this much needed spiritual renewal. She and John of the Cross were both great mystics who combined the essential dimensions of a profound spiritual life with the very practical aspects of being completely dedicated to the human tasks necessary for such a reform.
wn.com/Teresa De Jesus (Teresa De Avila) Episode 02 Accounts Of Conscience (English Subtitle)
A powerful epic mini-series shot on location in Spain that tells the story of one of the most amazing women in history, St. Teresa of Avila. With meticulous attention to detail and historical accuracy, outstanding production values, and an incredible performance by actress Concha Velasco as Teresa, this acclaimed major film production is the definitive film on the life of this great saint. Teresa of Avila was called by God to reform and renew the Carmelite order, a daunting task. She was joined in this work by her great fellow Carmelite and spiritual director, St. John of the Cross. This film reveals the conversion that Teresa herself had to go thru to deepen her own union with Christ as she endeavored to bring about that same deeper spiritual reform of her Carmelite order. It shows the tremendous opposition that she and John both faced within (and without) their order to bring about this much needed spiritual renewal. She and John of the Cross were both great mystics who combined the essential dimensions of a profound spiritual life with the very practical aspects of being completely dedicated to the human tasks necessary for such a reform.
- published: 07 Jul 2015
- views: 16
Tell me about...Saint Teresa of Avila
A short biography of Saint Teresa of Avila. Some basic facts about Teresa de Avila:
- Born on 28 March 1515 in Gotarrendura, Ávila, Crown of Castile (today Spa...
A short biography of Saint Teresa of Avila. Some basic facts about Teresa de Avila:
- Born on 28 March 1515 in Gotarrendura, Ávila, Crown of Castile (today Spain)
- Died on 4 October 1582 (aged 67) in Alba de Tormes, Salamanca, Spain
- Venerated in: Roman Catholic Church, Lutheran Church and Anglican Communion
- Beatified on: 24 April 1614, Rome by Pope Paul V
- Canonized 12 March 1622, Rome by Pope Gregory XV
- Major shrine Convent of the Annunciation, Alba de Tormes, Spain
- Feast celebrated on 15 October
- Attributes: Habit of the Discalced Carmelites, Book and Quill, arrow-pierced heart
- Patronage: Bodily ills; headaches; chess; lacemakers; laceworkers; loss of parents; people in need of grace; people in religious orders; people ridiculed for their piety; Požega, Croatia; sick people; sickness; Spain.
All images are taken from the public domain
Music soudtrack from Incompetech:
wn.com/Tell Me About...Saint Teresa Of Avila
A short biography of Saint Teresa of Avila. Some basic facts about Teresa de Avila:
- Born on 28 March 1515 in Gotarrendura, Ávila, Crown of Castile (today Spain)
- Died on 4 October 1582 (aged 67) in Alba de Tormes, Salamanca, Spain
- Venerated in: Roman Catholic Church, Lutheran Church and Anglican Communion
- Beatified on: 24 April 1614, Rome by Pope Paul V
- Canonized 12 March 1622, Rome by Pope Gregory XV
- Major shrine Convent of the Annunciation, Alba de Tormes, Spain
- Feast celebrated on 15 October
- Attributes: Habit of the Discalced Carmelites, Book and Quill, arrow-pierced heart
- Patronage: Bodily ills; headaches; chess; lacemakers; laceworkers; loss of parents; people in need of grace; people in religious orders; people ridiculed for their piety; Požega, Croatia; sick people; sickness; Spain.
All images are taken from the public domain
Music soudtrack from Incompetech:
- published: 16 Feb 2015
- views: 5
Rowan Williams on St. Teresa of Avila
Rowan Williams gives a talk on St. Teresa of Avila as a reader of the Gospels at St. Giles' Church, Oxford....
Rowan Williams gives a talk on St. Teresa of Avila as a reader of the Gospels at St. Giles' Church, Oxford.
wn.com/Rowan Williams On St. Teresa Of Avila
Rowan Williams gives a talk on St. Teresa of Avila as a reader of the Gospels at St. Giles' Church, Oxford.
- published: 16 Jun 2015
- views: 33
Św Teresa z Avila.
Jak spodobało kup pełną wersje na tej stronie:
Jak spodobało kup pełną wersje na tej stronie:
lub na alegro:
wn.com/Św Teresa Z Avila.
Jak spodobało kup pełną wersje na tej stronie:
lub na alegro:
- published: 09 Oct 2014
- views: 29
Teresa of Avila: Doctor of the Soul - Dr Peter Tyler speaks at St Paul's Forum
Dr Peter Tyler speaks on the topic of his book Teresa of Avila: Doctor of the Soul, at the Sunday Forum held at St Paul's Cathedral on the first Sunday of ea......
Dr Peter Tyler speaks on the topic of his book Teresa of Avila: Doctor of the Soul, at the Sunday Forum held at St Paul's Cathedral on the first Sunday of ea...
wn.com/Teresa Of Avila Doctor Of The Soul Dr Peter Tyler Speaks At St Paul's Forum
Dr Peter Tyler speaks on the topic of his book Teresa of Avila: Doctor of the Soul, at the Sunday Forum held at St Paul's Cathedral on the first Sunday of ea...
A powerful epic mini-series shot on location in Spain that tells the story of one of the most amazing women in history, St. Teresa of Avila. With meticulous att...
A powerful epic mini-series shot on location in Spain that tells the story of one of the most amazing women in history, St. Teresa of Avila. With meticulous attention to detail and historical accuracy, outstanding production values, and an incredible performance by actress Concha Velasco as Teresa, this acclaimed major film production is the definitive film on the life of this great saint. Teresa of Avila was called by God to reform and renew the Carmelite order, a daunting task. She was joined in this work by her great fellow Carmelite and spiritual director, St. John of the Cross. This film reveals the conversion that Teresa herself had to go thru to deepen her own union with Christ as she endeavored to bring about that same deeper spiritual reform of her Carmelite order. It shows the tremendous opposition that she and John both faced within (and without) their order to bring about this much needed spiritual renewal. She and John of the Cross were both great mystics who combined the essential dimensions of a profound spiritual life with the very practical aspects of being completely dedicated to the human tasks necessary for such a reform.
wn.com/Teresa De Jesus (Teresa Of Avila) Episode 4 The Interior Castle (English Subtitle)
A powerful epic mini-series shot on location in Spain that tells the story of one of the most amazing women in history, St. Teresa of Avila. With meticulous attention to detail and historical accuracy, outstanding production values, and an incredible performance by actress Concha Velasco as Teresa, this acclaimed major film production is the definitive film on the life of this great saint. Teresa of Avila was called by God to reform and renew the Carmelite order, a daunting task. She was joined in this work by her great fellow Carmelite and spiritual director, St. John of the Cross. This film reveals the conversion that Teresa herself had to go thru to deepen her own union with Christ as she endeavored to bring about that same deeper spiritual reform of her Carmelite order. It shows the tremendous opposition that she and John both faced within (and without) their order to bring about this much needed spiritual renewal. She and John of the Cross were both great mystics who combined the essential dimensions of a profound spiritual life with the very practical aspects of being completely dedicated to the human tasks necessary for such a reform.
- published: 06 Jul 2015
- views: 21
Dr. Elisabeth Münzebrock: Teresa von Ávila als Frau und Mystikerin
Dieser Vortrag fand im Rahmen der Edith Stein Tage 2014/15 statt.
Alle Termine der Edith Stein Tage 2014/15 finden Sie auf der Website der Edith Stein Gesellsc...
Dieser Vortrag fand im Rahmen der Edith Stein Tage 2014/15 statt.
Alle Termine der Edith Stein Tage 2014/15 finden Sie auf der Website der Edith Stein Gesellschaft Österreich:
wn.com/Dr. Elisabeth Münzebrock Teresa Von Ávila Als Frau Und Mystikerin
Dieser Vortrag fand im Rahmen der Edith Stein Tage 2014/15 statt.
Alle Termine der Edith Stein Tage 2014/15 finden Sie auf der Website der Edith Stein Gesellschaft Österreich:
- published: 29 Jan 2015
- views: 22
Teresa z Avila - Twierdza Wewnętrzna
Więcej: http://www.vismaya-maitreya.pl/wielcy_ludzie.html#wielcy_kosciola_katolickiego....
Więcej: http://www.vismaya-maitreya.pl/wielcy_ludzie.html#wielcy_kosciola_katolickiego.
wn.com/Teresa Z Avila Twierdza Wewnętrzna
Więcej: http://www.vismaya-maitreya.pl/wielcy_ludzie.html#wielcy_kosciola_katolickiego.
A powerful epic mini-series shot on location in Spain that tells the story of one of the most amazing women in history, St. Teresa of Avila. With meticulous ......
A powerful epic mini-series shot on location in Spain that tells the story of one of the most amazing women in history, St. Teresa of Avila. With meticulous ...
wn.com/Teresa De Jesus (Teresa Of Avila) Episode 3 The Spiritual Challenge (English Subtitle)
A powerful epic mini-series shot on location in Spain that tells the story of one of the most amazing women in history, St. Teresa of Avila. With meticulous ...
Santa Teresa de Avila - "Nada te turbe"
https://www.facebook.com/dulcecorazondemaria1 (¯`v´¯) `·.¸.·´ Narrado por: Candy «Si cada persona rezara un rosario al dia, menos almas se perderían» Dulce C......
https://www.facebook.com/dulcecorazondemaria1 (¯`v´¯) `·.¸.·´ Narrado por: Candy «Si cada persona rezara un rosario al dia, menos almas se perderían» Dulce C...
wn.com/Santa Teresa De Avila Nada Te Turbe
https://www.facebook.com/dulcecorazondemaria1 (¯`v´¯) `·.¸.·´ Narrado por: Candy «Si cada persona rezara un rosario al dia, menos almas se perderían» Dulce C...
Vivo sin vivir en mi (Blanca Cajales) -Santa Teresa de Avila
El famoso poema de Santa Teresa de Avila cantado por la interprete Chilena Blanca Cajales....
El famoso poema de Santa Teresa de Avila cantado por la interprete Chilena Blanca Cajales.
wn.com/Vivo Sin Vivir En Mi (Blanca Cajales) Santa Teresa De Avila
El famoso poema de Santa Teresa de Avila cantado por la interprete Chilena Blanca Cajales.
Teresa von Ávila | Gott sei Dank
Erste Feministin der Geschichte? Fromme "Femme fatale? Mystikerin Teresa von Ávila bewegt auch heute noch. Gebet ist für sie das Gespräch mit einem g...
Erste Feministin der Geschichte? Fromme "Femme fatale? Mystikerin Teresa von Ávila bewegt auch heute noch. Gebet ist für sie das Gespräch mit einem guten Freund.
Ein Film aus der Sendereihe „Gott sei Dank!" Ein Angebot von ERF Medien.
Wir zeigen euch, dass es eine Menge guter Gründe gibt, Gott Danke zu sagen. Schaut rein und überzeugt euch selbst.
- Ganze Sendungen anschauen:
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wn.com/Teresa Von Ávila | Gott Sei Dank
Erste Feministin der Geschichte? Fromme "Femme fatale? Mystikerin Teresa von Ávila bewegt auch heute noch. Gebet ist für sie das Gespräch mit einem guten Freund.
Ein Film aus der Sendereihe „Gott sei Dank!" Ein Angebot von ERF Medien.
Wir zeigen euch, dass es eine Menge guter Gründe gibt, Gott Danke zu sagen. Schaut rein und überzeugt euch selbst.
- Ganze Sendungen anschauen:
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- Glauben einfach mal testen:
- published: 11 May 2015
- views: 8
Himmlischer Wahnsinn 500 Jahre Teresa von Avila
An "500 Jahre Teresa von Avila" erinnert Spanien – rund um den 28. März – kommende Woche. Spanien gedenkt dabei einer seiner Nationalheiligen – und die christli...
An "500 Jahre Teresa von Avila" erinnert Spanien – rund um den 28. März – kommende Woche. Spanien gedenkt dabei einer seiner Nationalheiligen – und die christliche Welt einer der größten Mystikerinnen, Ordensgründerinnen ("Unbeschuhte Karmelitinnen") und – seit 1970 – ersten Kirchenlehrerin.
wn.com/Himmlischer Wahnsinn 500 Jahre Teresa Von Avila
An "500 Jahre Teresa von Avila" erinnert Spanien – rund um den 28. März – kommende Woche. Spanien gedenkt dabei einer seiner Nationalheiligen – und die christliche Welt einer der größten Mystikerinnen, Ordensgründerinnen ("Unbeschuhte Karmelitinnen") und – seit 1970 – ersten Kirchenlehrerin.
- published: 22 Mar 2015
- views: 30
Teresa of Avila's Interior Castle - An Experiential Introduction (Dr. James Finley)
A presentation by Dr. James Finley (www.contemplativeway.org) entitled "The Interior Castle - An Experiential Introduction". The presentation was given as part ...
A presentation by Dr. James Finley (www.contemplativeway.org) entitled "The Interior Castle - An Experiential Introduction". The presentation was given as part of a conference - "Teresa of Avila 1515 to 2015: Mystical Theology and Spirituality in the Carmelite Tradition" - which took place at St. Mary's University Twickenham in London. The conference took place in June 2015 as part of the "Teresa 500" celebrations marking the 5th centenary of the birth of St. Teresa of Avila.
wn.com/Teresa Of Avila's Interior Castle An Experiential Introduction (Dr. James Finley)
A presentation by Dr. James Finley (www.contemplativeway.org) entitled "The Interior Castle - An Experiential Introduction". The presentation was given as part of a conference - "Teresa of Avila 1515 to 2015: Mystical Theology and Spirituality in the Carmelite Tradition" - which took place at St. Mary's University Twickenham in London. The conference took place in June 2015 as part of the "Teresa 500" celebrations marking the 5th centenary of the birth of St. Teresa of Avila.
- published: 19 Jun 2015
- views: 137
Vida de Santa Teresa de Avila
Vida y Obras de Santa Teresa de Jesús
Vida y Obras de Santa Teresa de Jesús
wn.com/Vida De Santa Teresa De Avila
Vida y Obras de Santa Teresa de Jesús
- published: 07 Mar 2015
- views: 26
St Teresa of Avila, on the edge of death, sickness, sufferings, humility, humiliation, love for God
Sta Teresa of Avila - on the edge of death, sickness, sufferings, humility, humiliation, obedience; all for the love and glory to God ! BY THIS TIME SHE WAS ......
Sta Teresa of Avila - on the edge of death, sickness, sufferings, humility, humiliation, obedience; all for the love and glory to God ! BY THIS TIME SHE WAS ...
wn.com/St Teresa Of Avila, On The Edge Of Death, Sickness, Sufferings, Humility, Humiliation, Love For God
Sta Teresa of Avila - on the edge of death, sickness, sufferings, humility, humiliation, obedience; all for the love and glory to God ! BY THIS TIME SHE WAS ...
- published: 29 Jul 2012
- views: 37406
author: rosann55
Documentário sobre a vida de Santa Teresa de Ávila......
Documentário sobre a vida de Santa Tereza de Ávila 2014
Com Luciane Ferreira, Marcio Dinis, Adriano Lazarini e Carla Perinazo, Dgerson Svolinsk...
Documentário sobre a vida de Santa Tereza de Ávila 2014
Com Luciane Ferreira, Marcio Dinis, Adriano Lazarini e Carla Perinazo, Dgerson Svolinsk
wn.com/Documentário Sobre A Vida De Santa Teresa De Ávila......
Documentário sobre a vida de Santa Tereza de Ávila 2014
Com Luciane Ferreira, Marcio Dinis, Adriano Lazarini e Carla Perinazo, Dgerson Svolinsk
- published: 23 Dec 2014
- views: 44
St. Teresa Of Avila Interview.
Church History Project wooohoooo so give us an A.
Mirabai Starr - Buddha at the Gas Pump Interview
Mirabai StarrAuthor of critically acclaimed new translations of the mystics, and reflections on the unifying teachings at the heart of all spiritual paths. Mirabai Starr uses fresh, lyrical language to help make timeless wisdom accessible to a contemporary circle of seekers.
Daughter of the counter-culture, Mirabai was born in New York in 1961 to secular Jewish parents w
World-Teresa of Avila
Daniela Marinkovic interviewed Caroline Myss in Assisi - integral video
It was a privilege and a pleasure to speak to Caroline in Assisi shortly after the publication of the Italian version of Entering the Castle - Nel castello interiore - by Tavas edizioni.
The book can be purchased with a 15% discount at http://www.tavasedizioni.it/libri_tavas_edizioni_pavia.html
Here is the translation of the short Introduction by Myriam Defilippi:
Hello every
1st Graders Interview the Principal Jan 2014
We made this film of our 1st graders interviewing the principal for St. Teresa of Avila School's 2014 Open House. The students came up with their own questions. There may be a few young Diane Sawyers or Scott Pelleys in the group!
St. Theresa of Avila Newscast
A summary of the life of St. Teresa of Avila. The video includes interviews with John of the Cross and Teresa herself, as well as clips from Teresa's life.
BEFORE HE WAS POPE - St. Teresa of Avila
Al Cisneros - Teresa of Avila
Pope Francis kisses the cane of St. Teresa of Avila to celebrate her fifth centenary
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"She walked with it?" he joked before kissing it at the end of the general audience.
ROME REPORTS, www.romereports.com, is an independent international TV News Agency based in Rome covering the activity of the Pope, the life of the Vatican and cu
Teresa500 Twickenham Video Rowan Williams
A presentation by Lord Rowan Williams, Archbishop of Canterbury Emeritus and Master of Magdalene College, Cambridge, entitled "Teresa of Avila as a Theologian of the Eucharist". The presentation was given as part of a conference - "Teresa of Avila 1515 to 2015: Mystical Theology and Spirituality in the Carmelite Tradition" - which took place at St. Mary's University Twickenham in London. The confe
Tess Hughes - 'The Non-Event Of No Self' - Interview by Renate McNay
Tess Hughes - 'The Non-Event Of No Self' - Interview by Renate McNay
Fear of death through an experience when she was only eight, set Tess off on a journey to find the meaning of life. After 30 years of inquiry into her mind and experience she woke up to find there was NO SELF. From reading the work of Saint Teresa of Avila and through her personal experience, Tess has come to see that the most d
The Interior Castle by St. Teresa of Avila.
http://www.learnoutloud.com/Free-Audio-Video/Self-Development/Spirituality/Spiritual-Classics/25288 The Interior Castle by St. Teresa of Avila. Go to LearnOu...
Saints Alive! Teresa of Avila - Segment
A short segment from the popular EWTN series "Saints Alive!" St. Teresa speaks about her life of prayer and the importance of the interior life.
Caroline Myss Interview on St Francis of Assisi with Nina Hirlaender and Dancing Spirit Tours
CAROLINE MYSS INTERVIEW ~ Nina Hirlaender of Dancing Spirit Tours interviews Caroline Myss about their recent journey to Assisi, Italy to explore the life of St Francis and walk in his footsteps.
To receive the itinerary for our next journey, email Nina here: Nina@DancingSpiritTours.com
"St. Francis is perhaps one of the greatest saints of the Catholic Church. His life continues to not only insp
Prayer of the Heart and St. Teresa of Avila Part 1
This video is the first part of six videos focusing on Prayer of the Heart as St. Teresa of Avila taught us, especially in her book, Way of Perfection. tells us a little bit about St. Teresa of Avila, a Doctor of the Church, who wrote extensively on her experiences of Prayer of the Heart suitable for beginners through the most advanced stages of prayer which is mystical prayer.
Saint Teresa of Avila: Interior Castle Pt11of12
The Interior Castle by Saint Teresa of Avila
Teresa von Avila - Kurzbericht - 2015
Vor genau 500 Jahren wurde die Heilige Teresa von Ávila geboren. Ein guter Grund diese große Kirchenlehrerin und Mystikerin auf den Spielplan des Chiemgauer Heiligenspiels 2015 zu setzen, das mit 225 Jahren ebenfalls eine große Tradition vorzuweisen hat. Nach dem Tod ihrer Mutter im Jahr 1528 geriet Teresa in eine religiöse Krise. Ihr Vater brachte sie daraufhin zur weiteren Erziehung in das Klost
St. Teresa of Avila
A Mystic's Bookmark.
St. Teresa Of Avila Interview.
Church History Project wooohoooo so give us an A....
Church History Project wooohoooo so give us an A.
wn.com/St. Teresa Of Avila Interview.
Church History Project wooohoooo so give us an A.
- published: 08 Dec 2012
- views: 44
Mirabai Starr - Buddha at the Gas Pump Interview
Mirabai StarrAuthor of critically acclaimed new translations of the mystics, and reflections on the unifying teachings at the heart of all spiritual ...
Mirabai StarrAuthor of critically acclaimed new translations of the mystics, and reflections on the unifying teachings at the heart of all spiritual paths. Mirabai Starr uses fresh, lyrical language to help make timeless wisdom accessible to a contemporary circle of seekers.
Daughter of the counter-culture, Mirabai was born in New York in 1961 to secular Jewish parents who rejected the patriarchy of institutionalized religion. Intellectual artists and social justice activists, they were active in the anti-war protest movement of the Vietnam era.
In 1972, Mirabai’s mother, father, and her younger brother and sister uprooted from their suburban life and embarked on an extended road trip that led them through the jungles of Mexico’s Yucatan Peninsula, where they lived for many months on an isolated Caribbean beach, and ended in the mountains of Taos, New Mexico. There, the family embraced an alternative, “back-to-the-land” lifestyle, in a communal effort to live simply and sustainably, values that remain important to Mirabai to this day.
As a teenager, Mirabai lived at the Lama Foundation, an intentional spiritual community that has honored all the world’s faith traditions since its inception in 1967. This ecumenical experience.
Mirabai has been an adjunct professor of Philosophy and World Religions at the University of New Mexico-Taos since 1993. Her emphasis is on making connections between the perennial teachings found at the heart of all the world’s spiritual paths, in an effort to promote peace and justice.
Mirabai speaks and teaches nationally and internationally on the teachings of the mystics and contemplative practice, and is a certified bereavement counselor. She is available for interviews, speaking engagements, workshops and contemplative retreats.
She lives in the mountains of Northern New Mexico with her husband, Jeff Little (Ganga Das). Between them, Mirabai and Jeff have four grown daughters and six grandchildren. Mirabai’s youngest daughter, Jenny, was killed in a car accident in 2001 at the age of fourteen. On that same day, Mirabai’s first book, a translation of Dark Night of the Soul, was released. She considers this experience, and the connection between profound loss and longing for God, the ground of her own spiritual life.
Saint Francis of Assisi - Brother of Creation
Saint Teresa of Avila - Passionate Mystic
Teresa of Avila: The Book of My Life
Saint John of the Cross - Devotions, Prayers, & Living Wisdom
Hildegard of Bingen - Devotions, Prayers, & Living Wisdom
Saint Michael the Archangel - Devotions, Prayers, and Living Wisdom
Our Lady of Guadalupe - Devotions, Prayers, & Living Wisdom
God of Love: A Guide to the Heart of Judaism, Christianity and Islam
The Showings of Julian of Norwich: A New Translation
Website: mirabaistarr.com
Interview recorded 10/25/014 at the Science and Nonduality Conference.
wn.com/Mirabai Starr Buddha At The Gas Pump Interview
Mirabai StarrAuthor of critically acclaimed new translations of the mystics, and reflections on the unifying teachings at the heart of all spiritual paths. Mirabai Starr uses fresh, lyrical language to help make timeless wisdom accessible to a contemporary circle of seekers.
Daughter of the counter-culture, Mirabai was born in New York in 1961 to secular Jewish parents who rejected the patriarchy of institutionalized religion. Intellectual artists and social justice activists, they were active in the anti-war protest movement of the Vietnam era.
In 1972, Mirabai’s mother, father, and her younger brother and sister uprooted from their suburban life and embarked on an extended road trip that led them through the jungles of Mexico’s Yucatan Peninsula, where they lived for many months on an isolated Caribbean beach, and ended in the mountains of Taos, New Mexico. There, the family embraced an alternative, “back-to-the-land” lifestyle, in a communal effort to live simply and sustainably, values that remain important to Mirabai to this day.
As a teenager, Mirabai lived at the Lama Foundation, an intentional spiritual community that has honored all the world’s faith traditions since its inception in 1967. This ecumenical experience.
Mirabai has been an adjunct professor of Philosophy and World Religions at the University of New Mexico-Taos since 1993. Her emphasis is on making connections between the perennial teachings found at the heart of all the world’s spiritual paths, in an effort to promote peace and justice.
Mirabai speaks and teaches nationally and internationally on the teachings of the mystics and contemplative practice, and is a certified bereavement counselor. She is available for interviews, speaking engagements, workshops and contemplative retreats.
She lives in the mountains of Northern New Mexico with her husband, Jeff Little (Ganga Das). Between them, Mirabai and Jeff have four grown daughters and six grandchildren. Mirabai’s youngest daughter, Jenny, was killed in a car accident in 2001 at the age of fourteen. On that same day, Mirabai’s first book, a translation of Dark Night of the Soul, was released. She considers this experience, and the connection between profound loss and longing for God, the ground of her own spiritual life.
Saint Francis of Assisi - Brother of Creation
Saint Teresa of Avila - Passionate Mystic
Teresa of Avila: The Book of My Life
Saint John of the Cross - Devotions, Prayers, & Living Wisdom
Hildegard of Bingen - Devotions, Prayers, & Living Wisdom
Saint Michael the Archangel - Devotions, Prayers, and Living Wisdom
Our Lady of Guadalupe - Devotions, Prayers, & Living Wisdom
God of Love: A Guide to the Heart of Judaism, Christianity and Islam
The Showings of Julian of Norwich: A New Translation
Website: mirabaistarr.com
Interview recorded 10/25/014 at the Science and Nonduality Conference.
- published: 05 Nov 2014
- views: 217
World-Teresa of Avila
wn.com/World Teresa Of Avila
- published: 16 May 2013
- views: 8
Daniela Marinkovic interviewed Caroline Myss in Assisi - integral video
It was a privilege and a pleasure to speak to Caroline in Assisi shortly after the publication of the Italian version of Entering the Castle - Nel castello int...
It was a privilege and a pleasure to speak to Caroline in Assisi shortly after the publication of the Italian version of Entering the Castle - Nel castello interiore - by Tavas edizioni.
The book can be purchased with a 15% discount at http://www.tavasedizioni.it/libri_tavas_edizioni_pavia.html
Here is the translation of the short Introduction by Myriam Defilippi:
Hello everyone. I am really excited to be here today because for me this is a moment of great privilege. I have followed a special adventure: the birth of the book Nel castello interiore, the book written by Caroline Myss, a very famous American ... It is very difficult to define her in one word. She is a famous author, a medical intuitive – a term created by her to define her experience and what she does. In the following interview she will explain what she does; she will speak about this special work.
She is an absolutely exceptional person and author, of great spiritual and intellectual stature. Therefore, it is a privilege to have her here with us today.
It has been an equally great privilege for me to be able to follow the genesis of this book in Italian, the book strongly desired by a very dear friend of mine, Daniela Marinkovic. She really believed in it. This adventure started five years ago. The road had some bumpy parts as well – rightfully so because, when you are struggling to accomplish something great, something wonderful, when you wish to send a strong message, I think this is perhaps unavoidable and this also gives you the strength to carry on and the satisfaction, when you see the results of your work.
During the interview, Caroline and Daniela will certainly speak about the essential aspects of this book based on the teachings of Teresa of Avila, whose 500th birthday is celebrated this year, so I find this date also particularly interesting. It is not by pure chance.
In a way, it is as if Teresa had brought us here, so that we can meet her, to give us – through Caroline’s words and through Daniela’s translation – a message that will be important for the spiritual growth of all of us.
This book is full of surprises, it is a complex book, but its value lies in its complexity and in what it can do to help us on the spiritual path. It is absolutely special because Caroline’s great mastery consists in having made Teresa very topical, in making her bridge the 500 years that separate her from us and in conveying her message today with words that we can understand and that we can not avoid because these words will eventually help us heal our souls.
wn.com/Daniela Marinkovic Interviewed Caroline Myss In Assisi Integral Video
It was a privilege and a pleasure to speak to Caroline in Assisi shortly after the publication of the Italian version of Entering the Castle - Nel castello interiore - by Tavas edizioni.
The book can be purchased with a 15% discount at http://www.tavasedizioni.it/libri_tavas_edizioni_pavia.html
Here is the translation of the short Introduction by Myriam Defilippi:
Hello everyone. I am really excited to be here today because for me this is a moment of great privilege. I have followed a special adventure: the birth of the book Nel castello interiore, the book written by Caroline Myss, a very famous American ... It is very difficult to define her in one word. She is a famous author, a medical intuitive – a term created by her to define her experience and what she does. In the following interview she will explain what she does; she will speak about this special work.
She is an absolutely exceptional person and author, of great spiritual and intellectual stature. Therefore, it is a privilege to have her here with us today.
It has been an equally great privilege for me to be able to follow the genesis of this book in Italian, the book strongly desired by a very dear friend of mine, Daniela Marinkovic. She really believed in it. This adventure started five years ago. The road had some bumpy parts as well – rightfully so because, when you are struggling to accomplish something great, something wonderful, when you wish to send a strong message, I think this is perhaps unavoidable and this also gives you the strength to carry on and the satisfaction, when you see the results of your work.
During the interview, Caroline and Daniela will certainly speak about the essential aspects of this book based on the teachings of Teresa of Avila, whose 500th birthday is celebrated this year, so I find this date also particularly interesting. It is not by pure chance.
In a way, it is as if Teresa had brought us here, so that we can meet her, to give us – through Caroline’s words and through Daniela’s translation – a message that will be important for the spiritual growth of all of us.
This book is full of surprises, it is a complex book, but its value lies in its complexity and in what it can do to help us on the spiritual path. It is absolutely special because Caroline’s great mastery consists in having made Teresa very topical, in making her bridge the 500 years that separate her from us and in conveying her message today with words that we can understand and that we can not avoid because these words will eventually help us heal our souls.
- published: 18 Jun 2015
- views: 25
1st Graders Interview the Principal Jan 2014
We made this film of our 1st graders interviewing the principal for St. Teresa of Avila School's 2014 Open House. The students came up with their own questions...
We made this film of our 1st graders interviewing the principal for St. Teresa of Avila School's 2014 Open House. The students came up with their own questions. There may be a few young Diane Sawyers or Scott Pelleys in the group!
wn.com/1St Graders Interview The Principal Jan 2014
We made this film of our 1st graders interviewing the principal for St. Teresa of Avila School's 2014 Open House. The students came up with their own questions. There may be a few young Diane Sawyers or Scott Pelleys in the group!
- published: 25 Jan 2014
- views: 558
St. Theresa of Avila Newscast
A summary of the life of St. Teresa of Avila. The video includes interviews with John of the Cross and Teresa herself, as well as clips from Teresa's life....
A summary of the life of St. Teresa of Avila. The video includes interviews with John of the Cross and Teresa herself, as well as clips from Teresa's life.
wn.com/St. Theresa Of Avila Newscast
A summary of the life of St. Teresa of Avila. The video includes interviews with John of the Cross and Teresa herself, as well as clips from Teresa's life.
- published: 07 Apr 2014
- views: 24
Pope Francis kisses the cane of St. Teresa of Avila to celebrate her fifth centenary
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"She walked with it?" he joke...
Click here to receive the latest news: http://smarturl.it/RomeReports
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"She walked with it?" he joked before kissing it at the end of the general audience.
ROME REPORTS, www.romereports.com, is an independent international TV News Agency based in Rome covering the activity of the Pope, the life of the Vatican and current social, cultural and religious debates. Reporting on the Catholic Church requires proximity to the source, in-depth knowledge of the Institution, and a high standard of creativity and technical excellence.
As few broadcasters have a permanent correspondent in Rome, ROME REPORTS is geared to inform the public and meet the needs of television broadcasting companies around the world through daily news packages, weekly newsprograms and documentaries.
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wn.com/Pope Francis Kisses The Cane Of St. Teresa Of Avila To Celebrate Her Fifth Centenary
Click here to receive the latest news: http://smarturl.it/RomeReports
Visit or website to learn more: http://www.romereports.com/
"She walked with it?" he joked before kissing it at the end of the general audience.
ROME REPORTS, www.romereports.com, is an independent international TV News Agency based in Rome covering the activity of the Pope, the life of the Vatican and current social, cultural and religious debates. Reporting on the Catholic Church requires proximity to the source, in-depth knowledge of the Institution, and a high standard of creativity and technical excellence.
As few broadcasters have a permanent correspondent in Rome, ROME REPORTS is geared to inform the public and meet the needs of television broadcasting companies around the world through daily news packages, weekly newsprograms and documentaries.
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- published: 11 Mar 2015
- views: 1591
Teresa500 Twickenham Video Rowan Williams
A presentation by Lord Rowan Williams, Archbishop of Canterbury Emeritus and Master of Magdalene College, Cambridge, entitled "Teresa of Avila as a Theologian o...
A presentation by Lord Rowan Williams, Archbishop of Canterbury Emeritus and Master of Magdalene College, Cambridge, entitled "Teresa of Avila as a Theologian of the Eucharist". The presentation was given as part of a conference - "Teresa of Avila 1515 to 2015: Mystical Theology and Spirituality in the Carmelite Tradition" - which took place at St. Mary's University Twickenham in London. The conference took place in June 2015 as part of the "Teresa 500" celebrations marking the 5th centenary of the birth of St. Teresa of Avila.
wn.com/Teresa500 Twickenham Video Rowan Williams
A presentation by Lord Rowan Williams, Archbishop of Canterbury Emeritus and Master of Magdalene College, Cambridge, entitled "Teresa of Avila as a Theologian of the Eucharist". The presentation was given as part of a conference - "Teresa of Avila 1515 to 2015: Mystical Theology and Spirituality in the Carmelite Tradition" - which took place at St. Mary's University Twickenham in London. The conference took place in June 2015 as part of the "Teresa 500" celebrations marking the 5th centenary of the birth of St. Teresa of Avila.
- published: 19 Jun 2015
- views: 2
Tess Hughes - 'The Non-Event Of No Self' - Interview by Renate McNay
Tess Hughes - 'The Non-Event Of No Self' - Interview by Renate McNay
Fear of death through an experience when she was only eight, set Tess off on a journey to ...
Tess Hughes - 'The Non-Event Of No Self' - Interview by Renate McNay
Fear of death through an experience when she was only eight, set Tess off on a journey to find the meaning of life. After 30 years of inquiry into her mind and experience she woke up to find there was NO SELF. From reading the work of Saint Teresa of Avila and through her personal experience, Tess has come to see that the most difficult obstacle on one's own path is the overcoming of self-esteem. She also believes that taking full responsibility for your own Awakening will set us free.
wn.com/Tess Hughes 'The Non Event Of No Self' Interview By Renate Mcnay
Tess Hughes - 'The Non-Event Of No Self' - Interview by Renate McNay
Fear of death through an experience when she was only eight, set Tess off on a journey to find the meaning of life. After 30 years of inquiry into her mind and experience she woke up to find there was NO SELF. From reading the work of Saint Teresa of Avila and through her personal experience, Tess has come to see that the most difficult obstacle on one's own path is the overcoming of self-esteem. She also believes that taking full responsibility for your own Awakening will set us free.
- published: 16 Jul 2011
- views: 15887
The Interior Castle by St. Teresa of Avila.
http://www.learnoutloud.com/Free-Audio-Video/Self-Development/Spirituality/Spiritual-Classics/25288 The Interior Castle by St. Teresa of Avila. Go to LearnOu......
http://www.learnoutloud.com/Free-Audio-Video/Self-Development/Spirituality/Spiritual-Classics/25288 The Interior Castle by St. Teresa of Avila. Go to LearnOu...
wn.com/The Interior Castle By St. Teresa Of Avila.
http://www.learnoutloud.com/Free-Audio-Video/Self-Development/Spirituality/Spiritual-Classics/25288 The Interior Castle by St. Teresa of Avila. Go to LearnOu...
Saints Alive! Teresa of Avila - Segment
A short segment from the popular EWTN series "Saints Alive!" St. Teresa speaks about her life of prayer and the importance of the interior life....
A short segment from the popular EWTN series "Saints Alive!" St. Teresa speaks about her life of prayer and the importance of the interior life.
wn.com/Saints Alive Teresa Of Avila Segment
A short segment from the popular EWTN series "Saints Alive!" St. Teresa speaks about her life of prayer and the importance of the interior life.
- published: 11 Dec 2011
- views: 5813
Caroline Myss Interview on St Francis of Assisi with Nina Hirlaender and Dancing Spirit Tours
CAROLINE MYSS INTERVIEW ~ Nina Hirlaender of Dancing Spirit Tours interviews Caroline Myss about their recent journey to Assisi, Italy to explore the life of St...
CAROLINE MYSS INTERVIEW ~ Nina Hirlaender of Dancing Spirit Tours interviews Caroline Myss about their recent journey to Assisi, Italy to explore the life of St Francis and walk in his footsteps.
To receive the itinerary for our next journey, email Nina here: Nina@DancingSpiritTours.com
"St. Francis is perhaps one of the greatest saints of the Catholic Church. His life continues to not only inspire people but as a result of his rare connection with God, men and women are still drawn to be Franciscan Friars and Nuns, still committed to teaching and still living the fullness of his devotion to charity and service to humanity. Such a legacy stands as a testament to the authenticity of the phenomenon of the mystical bond he had with the Divine. It was this extraordinary spiritual relationship of inner illumination that drew his followers to him.
What is the experience of the mystic? What is it that someone like Francis of Assisi and Teresa of Avila and John of the Cross experienced that so transformed their lives that they, in turn, left the world with a legacy that continues to illuminate humanity? And how are their experiences relevant to our lives today? We are not headed into monasteries. We are not seeking lives away from the world, but rather in the world. Yet, today many people are being called to be “mystics out of monasteries”, ordinary human beings who are feeling deep interior rumblings from the soul that can only be called “mystical whispers”. Such inner disruptions can lead a person into the extremes of depression or anxiety, or they can make a person feel mentally isolated or they can ignite states of ecstasy. But how do you recognize that “mystical whispers” are the source of these inner rumblings when they so closely parallel ordinary psychological experiences, even those that Francis and Teresa of Avila described?
In our time together in Assisi, we will explore, “The Mystical Whispers of the Soul”, a subject that is rich and essential to every one who seeks a truly sacred inner life. Among the topics that I will cover will be: The mystical laws, the nature of prayer and grace, and an examination of the way of healing. We are now living in an era in which healing needs to be understood – and taught – as a mystical science; that is, a science that includes an understanding of the power of the soul. These mystics of so long ago already knew this. We are now rediscovering knowledge so familiar to them and merging it with modern science.
I hope you will join me in Assisi. This is my second opportunity to teach in this setting and with Dancing Spirit Tours. This wonderful team of lovely and fun individuals coordinates an absolutely superb tour and all of us stay in the most enchanting renovated Italian villa. We dine together in the evening where we have an opportunity to get to know each other, which is the gift of an intimate workshop. I loved every minute of my time at Assisi last year and the chance to return in 2015 is a highlight for me.
wn.com/Caroline Myss Interview On St Francis Of Assisi With Nina Hirlaender And Dancing Spirit Tours
CAROLINE MYSS INTERVIEW ~ Nina Hirlaender of Dancing Spirit Tours interviews Caroline Myss about their recent journey to Assisi, Italy to explore the life of St Francis and walk in his footsteps.
To receive the itinerary for our next journey, email Nina here: Nina@DancingSpiritTours.com
"St. Francis is perhaps one of the greatest saints of the Catholic Church. His life continues to not only inspire people but as a result of his rare connection with God, men and women are still drawn to be Franciscan Friars and Nuns, still committed to teaching and still living the fullness of his devotion to charity and service to humanity. Such a legacy stands as a testament to the authenticity of the phenomenon of the mystical bond he had with the Divine. It was this extraordinary spiritual relationship of inner illumination that drew his followers to him.
What is the experience of the mystic? What is it that someone like Francis of Assisi and Teresa of Avila and John of the Cross experienced that so transformed their lives that they, in turn, left the world with a legacy that continues to illuminate humanity? And how are their experiences relevant to our lives today? We are not headed into monasteries. We are not seeking lives away from the world, but rather in the world. Yet, today many people are being called to be “mystics out of monasteries”, ordinary human beings who are feeling deep interior rumblings from the soul that can only be called “mystical whispers”. Such inner disruptions can lead a person into the extremes of depression or anxiety, or they can make a person feel mentally isolated or they can ignite states of ecstasy. But how do you recognize that “mystical whispers” are the source of these inner rumblings when they so closely parallel ordinary psychological experiences, even those that Francis and Teresa of Avila described?
In our time together in Assisi, we will explore, “The Mystical Whispers of the Soul”, a subject that is rich and essential to every one who seeks a truly sacred inner life. Among the topics that I will cover will be: The mystical laws, the nature of prayer and grace, and an examination of the way of healing. We are now living in an era in which healing needs to be understood – and taught – as a mystical science; that is, a science that includes an understanding of the power of the soul. These mystics of so long ago already knew this. We are now rediscovering knowledge so familiar to them and merging it with modern science.
I hope you will join me in Assisi. This is my second opportunity to teach in this setting and with Dancing Spirit Tours. This wonderful team of lovely and fun individuals coordinates an absolutely superb tour and all of us stay in the most enchanting renovated Italian villa. We dine together in the evening where we have an opportunity to get to know each other, which is the gift of an intimate workshop. I loved every minute of my time at Assisi last year and the chance to return in 2015 is a highlight for me.
- published: 07 Oct 2014
- views: 4914
Prayer of the Heart and St. Teresa of Avila Part 1
This video is the first part of six videos focusing on Prayer of the Heart as St. Teresa of Avila taught us, especially in her book, Way of Perfection. tells...
This video is the first part of six videos focusing on Prayer of the Heart as St. Teresa of Avila taught us, especially in her book, Way of Perfection. tells us a little bit about St. Teresa of Avila, a Doctor of the Church, who wrote extensively on her experiences of Prayer of the Heart suitable for beginners through the most advanced stages of prayer which is mystical prayer.
wn.com/Prayer Of The Heart And St. Teresa Of Avila Part 1
This video is the first part of six videos focusing on Prayer of the Heart as St. Teresa of Avila taught us, especially in her book, Way of Perfection. tells us a little bit about St. Teresa of Avila, a Doctor of the Church, who wrote extensively on her experiences of Prayer of the Heart suitable for beginners through the most advanced stages of prayer which is mystical prayer.
- published: 10 May 2009
- views: 20950
Saint Teresa of Avila: Interior Castle Pt11of12
The Interior Castle by Saint Teresa of Avila...
The Interior Castle by Saint Teresa of Avila
wn.com/Saint Teresa Of Avila Interior Castle Pt11Of12
The Interior Castle by Saint Teresa of Avila
- published: 24 Jan 2012
- views: 2347
Teresa von Avila - Kurzbericht - 2015
Vor genau 500 Jahren wurde die Heilige Teresa von Ávila geboren. Ein guter Grund diese große Kirchenlehrerin und Mystikerin auf den Spielplan des Chiemgauer Hei...
Vor genau 500 Jahren wurde die Heilige Teresa von Ávila geboren. Ein guter Grund diese große Kirchenlehrerin und Mystikerin auf den Spielplan des Chiemgauer Heiligenspiels 2015 zu setzen, das mit 225 Jahren ebenfalls eine große Tradition vorzuweisen hat. Nach dem Tod ihrer Mutter im Jahr 1528 geriet Teresa in eine religiöse Krise. Ihr Vater brachte sie daraufhin zur weiteren Erziehung in das Kloster Santa María de la Gracia in Ávila, das sie aus gesundheitlichen Gründen nach 18 Monaten wieder verlassen musste. Auf dem Weg zur Genesung fielen ihr einige Bücher in die Hand, darunter auch die Briefe des Kirchenvaters Hieronymus, die ihre Berufswahl beeinflussten. Bei der Entscheidung für das Kloster spielte eine echte Beziehung zu Christus, aber auch Höllenangst und die ungünstige Situation verheirateter Frauen und eine Rolle. Am 2. November 1535 trat Teresa gegen den Willen ihres Vaters in den Karmel von der Menschwerdung (Santa María de la Encarnación) in Ávila ein. Eine weitere Vertiefung ihrer spirituellen Erfahrung war die sogenannte „Höllenvision“ (1560), die sie nach den damaligen Vorstellungen beschrieb, deren Kern aber ein vertieftes Bewusstsein für das umsonst geschenkte Erbarmen Gottes war. Die Auswirkungen auf Teresa waren der Wunsch nach einem konsequenteren Leben und apostolische Begeisterung. In diesem Zustand erlebte sie zusammen mit einigen Freundinnen und Verwandten im September 1560 die sogenannte „Gründungssitzung“ in ihrer Klosterzelle, bei der der Wunsch ausgesprochen wurde, eine Gemeinschaft nach Art der sogenannten Descalzos („Unbeschuhten“) zu gründen, wie damals die Anhänger von Reformbewegungen innerhalb ihrer jeweiligen Orden genannt wurden. Mit Hilfe des Bischofs von Ávila, Álvaro de Mendoza, erhielt Teresa von Papst Pius IV. die Erlaubnis, in Ávila ein Kloster zu gründen. So konnte sie am 24. August 1562 den Konvent vom hl. Josef in Ávila, errichten. Die darin untergebrachten Ordensschwestern wurden „Unbeschuhte Karmelitinnen“ genannt. Insgesamt gründete Teresa 17 Klöster. Teresa von Ávila wurde 1622 heiliggesprochen, gilt als Schutzpatronin Spaniens und auch als Schutzpatronin der Schachspieler.
wn.com/Teresa Von Avila Kurzbericht 2015
Vor genau 500 Jahren wurde die Heilige Teresa von Ávila geboren. Ein guter Grund diese große Kirchenlehrerin und Mystikerin auf den Spielplan des Chiemgauer Heiligenspiels 2015 zu setzen, das mit 225 Jahren ebenfalls eine große Tradition vorzuweisen hat. Nach dem Tod ihrer Mutter im Jahr 1528 geriet Teresa in eine religiöse Krise. Ihr Vater brachte sie daraufhin zur weiteren Erziehung in das Kloster Santa María de la Gracia in Ávila, das sie aus gesundheitlichen Gründen nach 18 Monaten wieder verlassen musste. Auf dem Weg zur Genesung fielen ihr einige Bücher in die Hand, darunter auch die Briefe des Kirchenvaters Hieronymus, die ihre Berufswahl beeinflussten. Bei der Entscheidung für das Kloster spielte eine echte Beziehung zu Christus, aber auch Höllenangst und die ungünstige Situation verheirateter Frauen und eine Rolle. Am 2. November 1535 trat Teresa gegen den Willen ihres Vaters in den Karmel von der Menschwerdung (Santa María de la Encarnación) in Ávila ein. Eine weitere Vertiefung ihrer spirituellen Erfahrung war die sogenannte „Höllenvision“ (1560), die sie nach den damaligen Vorstellungen beschrieb, deren Kern aber ein vertieftes Bewusstsein für das umsonst geschenkte Erbarmen Gottes war. Die Auswirkungen auf Teresa waren der Wunsch nach einem konsequenteren Leben und apostolische Begeisterung. In diesem Zustand erlebte sie zusammen mit einigen Freundinnen und Verwandten im September 1560 die sogenannte „Gründungssitzung“ in ihrer Klosterzelle, bei der der Wunsch ausgesprochen wurde, eine Gemeinschaft nach Art der sogenannten Descalzos („Unbeschuhten“) zu gründen, wie damals die Anhänger von Reformbewegungen innerhalb ihrer jeweiligen Orden genannt wurden. Mit Hilfe des Bischofs von Ávila, Álvaro de Mendoza, erhielt Teresa von Papst Pius IV. die Erlaubnis, in Ávila ein Kloster zu gründen. So konnte sie am 24. August 1562 den Konvent vom hl. Josef in Ávila, errichten. Die darin untergebrachten Ordensschwestern wurden „Unbeschuhte Karmelitinnen“ genannt. Insgesamt gründete Teresa 17 Klöster. Teresa von Ávila wurde 1622 heiliggesprochen, gilt als Schutzpatronin Spaniens und auch als Schutzpatronin der Schachspieler.
- published: 23 May 2015
- views: 139