Autumn Recruitment Campaign

BNPDear Fellow Patriot,

September will witness the launch of the British National Party’s autumn recruitment campaign under the banner of “Support Our Troops — Bring Our Boys Home” with a wave of leafleting drives, town centre stalls, petitions and banners nationwide.

The party's Communications Department has produced a new A5 leaflet, petition and table top banner as part of the national campaign.

This campaign will help establish the BNP's as the only political party that is opposed to the bloody, unwinnable, futile and illegal war in Afghanistan, a war that is producing a constant stream of British deaths and a war that has nothing whatsoever to do with Britain.

Public anger at the ongoing Afghan war is at bursting point, as recent BNP surveys have shown. Furthermore, the establishment’s allegation that the war is necessary to “prevent terrorism” has been thoroughly debunked by all security experts and military institutions. Every single one of these experts and institutions have confirmed the accuracy of the BNP’s prediction that involvement in these wars would not prevent terrorism, but cause it.

BNP leader Nick Griffin MEP has called a National Day of Action for Saturday September 18th and 25th, and October 2nd and 9th, and every branch in the country is expected to visit multiple towns and cities with the leaflets, banners and petitions and set up town centre stalls. Branches will aim to hit at least two busy shopping streets on the first Saturday, and then do the same again (in the same places or elsewhere) each Saturday there after for a full month.

The following dates have been declared Days of Action as part of our "Support Our Troops - Bring Our Boys Home" campaign by the Chairman:

Saturday September 18th (campaign launch)

Saturday September 25th

Saturday October 2nd

Saturday October 9th

All organisers, local and regional, have started making preparations for activities in town centres on their patch on these dates, dispatching local postal, email and text bulletins to members and supporters to enhance attendance.

This is going to be a hugely popular campaign, and we're aiming to make it the biggest co-ordinated nationalist recruitment campaign ever run outside of an election period.

To view the campaign material released by our Communications Department please use the links below:

- Support Our Troops - Bring Our Boys Home Leaflet

- Support Our Troops - Bring Our Boys Home Petition

- Support Our Troops - Bring Our Boys Home Table Top Banner

Yours sincerely,
Nick Griffin
Nick Griffin, MEP
Leader, British National Party

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British National Party 2010. PO Box 14, Welshpool, Powys, SY21 0WE