We believe that immigration should be brought down to the level of emigration

Parliamentary answers on training places for medical and nursing students

7 April 2016

A parliamentary answer delivered by Health Minister Ben Gummer to Sir Nicholas Soames on 11th March shows that there was a cut in nurse training places up until 2013 which has now been reversed (see link). Another parliamentary answer, also delivered by Mr Gummer on 11th March, shows the number of medical trainees who entered or were projected to […]

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‘EU will be unable to cope with asylum crisis without significant legal and administrative changes’

10 February 2016

A review of the legal and policy framework is now essential if the EU is to cope with the huge number of migrants and asylum seekers flowing into Southern Europe. That is the conclusion of a report  issued today by Migration Watch UK.   Almost 1.3 million applications for asylum were lodged in the EU […]

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‘This open-door immigration policy can’t go on’ – Sir Nicholas Soames and Frank Field in The Telegraph

25 January 2016

This past week has seen growing confusion, indeed, chaos as the EU struggles to tackle the huge flow of migrants and asylum seekers that has continued even in the winter months. The spectre of compulsory quotas of asylum seekers has raised its head once again, albeit vigorously opposed by the East Europeans. Fortunately the UK […]

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Sir Nicholas Soames and Frank Field call on the Minister for Immigration to introduce Identity Cards

12 January 2016

Sir Nicholas and Frank Field are Co-Chairmen of the Cross-Party Group on Balanced Migration. Oral Questions Home Department Monday 11th January, 2016 Sir Nicholas Soames (Mid Sussex) (Con): Would my right hon. Friend reconsider the question of ID cards, not only in respect of immigration and the introduction of many digital services for all our […]

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Telegraph Online – ‘ID cards are a good idea – and now is the time to talk about them’

10 December 2015

We must put the security of our realm at centre stage and look again at Labour’s identity card scheme By Frank Field MP and Nicholas Soames MP The biggest mistake of the coalition government was to scrap Labour’s identity card scheme just as it was nearing fruition. Now, in the aftermath of Paris, the security […]

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Comment on ONS population projections

29 October 2015

Commenting on today’s population forecast, Frank Field MP and Sir Nicholas Soames MP, co-chairmen of the Cross-Party Group on Balanced Migration, said: “The Office for National Statistics have set out in stark terms the consequences of not reducing immigration to the UK. They project that if net migration is 185,000 per annum our population will […]

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Important Facts

Between 1997 and 2010 nearly four million migrants came to the UK while one million British citizens emigrated.

England along with Holland is now the most crowded country in Europe. Excluding small islands and city states we are the sixth most crowded country in the World.

According to official projections, immigration at current levels will add about 7 million to the population of England by 2027 - equivalent to 7 cities the size of Birmingham. Just over two thirds of this increase will be due to immigration.

According to the government's household projections, a new home for immigrants will need to be built every seven minutes for the next 20 years or so.

In the last decade only around one third of net migration came from the European Union - the rest originated from countries outside the EU.