Is Griffin premedatively sabotaging the British National Party?

Thursday, 15 October 2009

The final act of betrayal. Quod Erat Demonstrandum.

"BNP membership rules to be reviewed
British National Party leader Nick Griffin will present members with a revised constitution
British National Party leader Nick Griffin will present members with a revised constitution
The British National Party will amend its constitution so its rules on membership do not discriminate on the grounds of race or religion, a court has been told.

The Equality and Human Rights Commission issued County Court proceedings against the far-right party on August 24 after voicing concerns its membership criteria were restrictive to those within certain ethnic groups.

Robin Allen QC, counsel for the Commission, said party leader Nick Griffin had agreed to present party members with a revised constitution at its general meeting next month and that the party had agreed not to accept any new members until the new constitution was in place.

In an order issued at the Central London County Court, the BNP agreed to use "all reasonable endeavours" to revise its constitution so it did not discriminate on what are termed "protected characteristics" in clause four of the Equality Bill.

These include race, gender and religious belief.

John Wadham, of the Equality and Human Rights Commission, said: "We are pleased the party has conceded this case and agreed to all of the Commission requirements. Political parties, like any other organisation, are obliged to respect the law and not discriminate against people.

"It is unfortunate the BNP spent several months before conceding and dealing properly with our legal requirements. We will be monitoring the BNP's compliance with this court order on membership, and its other legal obligations, including to its constituents."

Chris Roberts, the party's eastern regional spokesman, said it was too early to say how the proposed rule change would affect its membership.

He said: "I cannot speculate as to who will join our party when our constitution changes. I just believe its another obstacle thrown into our way by the Lib-Lab-Con elite that now we are taking votes from them they are trying to put us out of business."

The court heard Mr Griffin would be given 10 days to submit a signed undertaking confirming the proposed changes. The case was adjourned until January 28."


Anonymous said...

Read this! Griffin gives in totally!!!! Film footage on link.

Commission forces BNP to change its constitution and membership criteria after legal case victory

BNP: Commission wins legal case over constitution and membership criteria. 15 October 2009

The Equality and Human Rights Commission announced today that it has won its legal case against the British National Party.

Anonymous said...

It's very, very important that we flood the EGM meeting in Blackpool next month with honest, decent Racial Nationalist members, if not Griffin and his stooges will vote this through with stage managed speeches and stupid new members dazzled with their corrupt leader!!!

Anonymous said...

Gri££in and Darby weren't even in court today, to show their treacherous faces. Of interest the Equalities Commission have brought the case against Griffin not the BNP, so why do we have to pay the court costs?

Anonymous said...

This has just appeared on the BBC News website, Bumbrook needs a good f**king kicking!!!!!!!

Richard Barnbrook, the party's representative on the London Assembly, said he believed BNP members would vote in favour of a reformed constitution.

"The first reason being that trying to fight this court case would bankrupt the party and we have more important issues to deal with, including elections."

Henry said...

After 35 years Griffin's mission is almost complete.

His father must be very pleased indeed.

Anonymous said...

I've just heard that Griffin went off on holiday today, can you bloody well believe it? One of the most important days in our party's history and this unscrupulous, devious, cunning git f**ks off!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Robin Allen QC was the legal man the Equalities Commission used in court today, I wonder if he is a freemason?

Anonymous said...

Well said Chris, at least we have somebody high up in the party with some bollocks!He's a long standing member.

"Chris Roberts, spokesman for the BNP Eastern region, accused Mr Wadham as they left the court of being a “disgrace” and warned him that he would face a charge for “crimes against the British people”.

Mr Roberts said: “I don’t know what the membership will vote to do but I think we will take a common sense approach.”

He said that the BNP had been forced to give the undertakings by the “liberal Marxist establishment” which wanted to see the BNP put out of business now that it was doing well in the elections. This will not change our core beliefs,” he added. “But if we want to be fighting elections and we are being forced into this, no doubt we will be forced to change our constitution.”

Anonymous said...

Watch this BBC video, "Jews are OK in the BNP, they are British." What utter and complete nonsense, John Tyndall who wrote the original party constitution never put in a proviso for Jews, what's this BNP spokesman talking about? I notice the BBC reporter is Jew Jon Sopel.

Anonymous said...

This John Wadham legal lefty scum from the Equalities Commission will be dealt with when the White race finally wakes up, a strong lenght of rope and a lamp post will be the order of the day!

Anonymous said...

I can't understand Gri££in's logic, surely we have been outflanked by the criminal Establishment? Gri££in talks out of his arse!

"The Commission for Equality and Human Rights (CEHR) was today outflanked when the Central London County Court accepted a proposal from British National Party leader Nick Griffin to freeze all membership applications pending an Emergency General Meeting to discuss the party’s membership criteria.

In terms of a settlement proposed by Mr Griffin in a letter to the court, the membership change will be put to the EGM within the next month. If accepted, the constitution will be changed within three months or whenever the new Equality Bill comes into force."

Anonymous said...

Griffin lives on another planet, this legal ruling will not stop the Black coppers or any other ethnic group, body or association, they are protected by the 1976 Race Act, what a prick Griffin is, below is part of an idiotic statement he put out today on the BNP website!

"The ruling has implications for all other groups and organisations formed to promote ethnic interests, and will most likely shut down state-funded organisations such as the Black Police Officers Association and the myriad of similar bodies."

Anonymous said...

So why doesn't Griffo and his co-horts change the Party name to White British National Party, this would be enough to ensure the membership were indeed, White and British because the Race Equality mob were merely looking to pervert the word British into merely describing someone who was born/resides in this Country.

This is why the darkies are able to maintain their own BLACK section because they describe their organisations as being BLACK.

The trouble with this Country is that the legal profession runs every facet of public life, from Parliament downwards and for British nationalists to play the State's game is tantamount to collusion with the rotten Establishment.

invicta said...

It's disturbing that Griffin signs off the latest and final begging letter (Equalities Commission Latest today) with the line:

"Yours sincerely for Britannia"

Do people recall that Britannia was the name the Romans gave to their province covering much of our islands of 'Great' 'Britain'?

Purging the Twat said...

Gri££ Nickin WANTED this.

Purging the Droid advocated this BS on Stormfront years ago.

The gay, negro, hindu, sikh, zionist bnp will now be open to - ta-da! - MUSLIMS.

ha ha ha.

thats one in the eye for NG. every pun intended.