Join the Big Society Breakfast

On June 30th over 700,000 people will be taking direct action against the cuts.

Public sector workers will be taking to the streets across the country to picket and protest, to defend public services and strike for the alternative. This is the biggest day of action yet against the cuts. Join the Big Society Breakfast to support the people on the pickets.

The government are making everyone else pay for a crisis caused by the bankers. They’ve targeted students, pensioners, people with disabilities, the unemployed, NHS workers and patients, and now they are attacking teachers and other civil servants.

UK Uncut are used to sit-ins, now it’s time to stand up with the people going on strike and the trade unions who are challenging the government. There are alternatives to their cuts. Make the banks pay for the crisis they caused, and stop tax dodging by corporations and the rich.

Picket lines will form on the morning of the 30th. Join those on strike, bring them a mug of tea and a breakfast butty, and show them that we’re all in it together against the government. Make links with your local trade union branches and anti-cuts group to build a coalition against the government.

Check the actions page on the UK Uncut website to see if there’s already something organised near you. If not, telephone your local union branch (PCS, NUT, ATL and UCU are all striking), ask where the picket lines are, and list the action yourself. See for more tips on organising an action.

In London, PCS union are organising a march followed by a rally at Westminster. It seems we’ve been set some challenges by ‘the Bankers’ come the end of the rally.

See you on the picket line!

#J30 solidarity video made with amazing help from @cantstopanidea @queerresistance @nhsdirectaction @two_degrees & M15 London Assembly. Our massive thanks to all the people who came along and took part in the Bankers’ challenge inside Liverpool Street Station! (especially the pirates and leafletman: solidarity!). See for more actions.