Campaign Against Arms Trade

Stop Arming Saudi Arabia

Destroyed buildings with people in foreground, air strike in Sana'a, May 2015, with text £2.8 billion UK arms sales to Saudi Arabia since it started bombing Yemen

We've launched legal action to Stop Arming Saudi Arabia. Read our new report, A shameful relationship: UK complicity in Saudi state violence, and join us in taking action to stop the arms sales.

A group of people holding hold Not Guilty placards
Activists found not guilty!

Activists found not guilty for taking action against the DSEI arms fair on the grounds of acting to prevent a greater crime have had another success: the judge rejected the Prosecution's attempt to appeal. DSEI is due to return in 2017: pledge to take action to stop it.

Pride logo subverted with missiles replacing london skyline, text no pride in war
No Pride in War

LGBTQI and anti-militarist activists are protesting to say ‪No Pride In War‬ in response to the Red Arrows flying over London Pride. The Red Arrows help promote arms sales, militarism and arms company BAE.

Eurofighter Typhoon flying
Security and Jobs

Military spending and bombing don't make us safer. Join us in calling for a new approach to security, and for a shift from arms to renewables – a change that would create more and better jobs, and a safer world.

Page updated 25 May 2016