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Task Force on Hate Speech and Journalism

Addressing Anti-Semitic and Racist Harassment of Journalists

In the wake of a series of disturbing incidents where journalists covering the election have been targeted with anti-Semitic harassment on social media, ADL announced it is convening a Task Force on Hate Speech and Journalism.

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Jonathan Greenblatt Speaks at the United Nations

BDS Must be Taken on With Every Measure of Seriousness

ADL CEO Jonathan Greenblatt addressed the Ambassadors Against BDS International Summit at the U.N., where he emphasized the critical need to "delegitimize the delegitimizers," and condemn them unequivocally.

Read His Full Remarks

Cyberhate Tool

Expanding Cyberhate Tool to Europe

ADL, along with the European Jewish Congress and European Union of Jewish Students announced the expansion of its Cyber-Safety Action Guide in an attempt to help consumers better navigate mechanisms available for reporting online hate speech.

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Telling the Refugee Story Through Art

The Creative Action Network and ADL have teamed up to invite artists all over the world to illustrate refugee stories from across time and geography.

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KKK Declining in Stature and Significance

The Ku Klux Klan today is a collection of mostly small, disjointed groups with no predominant leadership or stability. ADL’s latest report identifies current trends among Klan groups and provides examples of recent activity.

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Turning Cyberhate Into a Teachable Moment

Online hate speech is often in the news. Get tips and strategies for having a family conversation about it. Our resources include background information, questions, and action ideas.

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