Tuesday, 11 August 2009

Merseyside BNP Against Local Workers

In September the TUC will hold its annual conference in Liverpool for the first time in over 100 years. In a provocative and confrontational move which echo's the USA's Westboro Baptist Church, the local BNP have declared that they will hold protests outside the event and against Trade Unions.

“The TUC congress which will be held in Liverpool this year will be actively campaigned by the BNP, against the Anti British Communists who will be attending. We will be having a few table top sales outside during the hate filled meeting and distributing leaflets and papers indicating to the public about the fascist nature and danger that communism in Britain poses.”

How Ironic that the party which declares itself to be the only representatives of the White Working Class chooses to demonstrate against Working Class representation. Their article goes on to label all trade unionists as Stalinist Communists and all parties which are not BNP are apparently tarred by the same brush. The local party, in dogmatically sticking with the centrally ordered tactic of labelling all opponents as Communists, have clearly shown that they do not have a clear grasp of the wide range of opposition to them and their ideas, both in Merseyside and nationally.

Their article ends with the phrase. ‘Communists are not wanted in Liverpool and neither is their message of hate!’ Whilst we have already shown that the BNP label all their opposition as Communist it is clear that the messages emanating from the conference will be of universal equality and improved workers rights. Specifically the agenda will focus on increased public spending, greater regulation of the economy, increasing the minimum wage and affordable housing for all. The BNP are opposed to these quality of life raising aims and the social mobility and justice which go along with them. It is not surprising that the party, which has a history of opposing the interests of the British public, should engage in an attack on the very institutions which seek to promote change and equality.

Soldiers Funeral's: Liverpool BNPs next target?

The BNP, in common with all fascist organisations, seek to impose a system in which workers are told what to do by their leadership in conjunction with the employers. In both Fascist Italy and Nazi Germany Trade Unions were banned and government and owners of industry controlled the workers, the BNP have always followed their ideological founders by attacking trade unions. They have continually campaigned against this vestige of working class representation and defender of workers’ rights. On the local BNP blog a campaign has been run against local trade unionists, which is especially ironic considering the long history of trade unionism on Merseyside which has won many victories and fought campaigns for the people. The local BNP branch has long shown that they are opposed to the rights of workers and this action confirms it.

The Trade Union Congress takes place in Liverpool from 14th – 17th September 2009 and will be proceeded by a ‘Time to Fight Back’ March on 13th September. Assemble Pier Head 12:30pm.


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