- published: 03 Jun 2013
- views: 391
Religious naturalism (RN) combines a naturalist worldview with perceptions and values commonly associated with religions. In this “religious” is understood in general terms, separate from established traditions, in designating feelings and concerns (e.g. gratitude, wonder, humility, compassion) that are often described as spiritual or religious and “naturalism” refers to a view that the natural world is all we have substantiated reason to believe exists and there is no substantiated reason to believe that anything, including deities, exists or may act in ways that are independent of the natural order.
Areas of RN inquiry include attempts to understand the natural world and the spiritual and moral implications of naturalist views. Understanding is based in knowledge obtained through scientific inquiry and insights from the humanities and the arts. Religious naturalists use these perspectives in responding to personal and social challenges (e.g. finding purpose, seeking justice, coming to terms with mortality) and in relating to the natural world.
Charles Robert Darwin, FRS FRGS FLS FZS (/ˈdɑːrwɪn/; 12 February 1809 – 19 April 1882) was an English naturalist and geologist, best known for his contributions to evolutionary theory. He established that all species of life have descended over time from common ancestors, and in a joint publication with Alfred Russel Wallace introduced his scientific theory that this branching pattern of evolution resulted from a process that he called natural selection, in which the struggle for existence has a similar effect to the artificial selection involved in selective breeding.
Darwin published his theory of evolution with compelling evidence in his 1859 book On the Origin of Species, overcoming scientific rejection of earlier concepts of transmutation of species. By the 1870s, the scientific community and much of the general public had accepted evolution as a fact. However, many favoured competing explanations and it was not until the emergence of the modern evolutionary synthesis from the 1930s to the 1950s that a broad consensus developed in which natural selection was the basic mechanism of evolution. In modified form, Darwin's scientific discovery is the unifying theory of the life sciences, explaining the diversity of life.
Rev. Ron Phares gives a sermon on Religious Naturalism and the legacy of Transcendentalism.
An integrative musing inspired by my reading of three books, 'When God is Gone Everything is Holy' (by Chet Raymo), 'The Little Book of Atheist Spirituality' (by Andre Comte-Sponville), and 'The God Delusion' (by Richard Dawkins).
Ursula Goodenough, writing in 'The Sacred Depths of Nature', seems to be arguing for a kind of Religious Naturalism which allows for the subjective and dispositional sense that one usually brings to religion to be applied to the empirical and scientificaly credible world. Here I talk about the sense of 'binding' which is implicit in religiosity.
Religious naturalism Religious naturalism (RN) combines a naturalist worldview with perceptions and values commonly associated with religions.In this “religious” is understood in general terms, separate from established traditions, in designating feelings and concerns (e.g. =======Image-Copyright-Info======== License: Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 (CC-BY-SA-3.0) LicenseLink: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/ Author-Info: Unknown Image Source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Ojibwecosmos_smallversion.jpg =======Image-Copyright-Info======== -Video is targeted to blind users Attribution: Article text available under CC-BY-SA image source in video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tWJkKbWoRXw
Religious naturalism is described at a lecture on the LSU campus
This is an excerpt from a Christian/atheist debate in Oct. 2014. Pastor Nathan claims that naturalism is a depressing worldview by definition, and is challenged by a person in the audience who has a dictionary definition. There's a follow-on discussion about whether the existence of all things can be tested or not. Click here to see the entire debate/discussion: http://youtu.be/GYswMOCYJmI Here's the info from the main event listing: --------------------------------------------------------- This was a Christian/atheist debate/discussion held at Evergreen Presbyterian Church in Beaverton Oregon on 10-26-14. The Christian is Pastor Nathan Lewis. The atheist is Bernie Dehler (a former born-again evangelical Christian). Bernie Dehler is the author of a free online booklet called "Mod...
Dr. Ursula Goodenough offers examples that show Darwin to be a Religious Naturalist
A contemplative musing inspired by my reading of these three works: 'When God is Gone, Everything is Holy,' by Chet Raymo; 'The Little Book of Atheist Spirituality,' by Andre Comte-Sponville; and 'The God Delusion,' by Richard Dawkins. Filmed at Grand Forks, North Dakota (25 November 2015).
Курс Принстонского университета по теме «Буддизм и современная психология» ведет Роберт Райт - автор бестселлера «Эволюция Бога», обладатель Пулитцеровской премии, преподаватель Пенсильванского университета. Постоянный автор и редактор журналов The New Republic, Time и Slate; его статьи и эссе публикуются в Atlantic Monthly и New Yorker, газете New York Times; вел рубрику «Век информации» в журнале Sciences. С помощью последних научных данных в области эволюции, нейробиологии и психиатрии Роберт выясняет, каким образом буддизм избавляет человека от страданий, приводит к каждодневной радости бытия и гармонии с собой. http://notabenoid.com/book/51967 https://www.facebook.com/Buddhism.and.Psychology https://www.coursera.org/course/psychbuddhism https://www.coursera.org/instructor/robertwri...
http://www.bucknell.edu/admissions. Students expand their worldview in Professor Carol White's Religious Naturalism course, which explores a nontraditional religion by drawing on the disciplines of science, philosophy, history, biology and theology.
For more on the Religious Freedom Project, visit: http://berkleycenter.georgetown.edu/rfp For more on the Berkley Center, visit: http://berkleycenter.georgetown.edu For Part 2 of this discussion, visit: http://bit.ly/1bMWAKc January 7, 2012 | Standing Seminar: Theism, Naturalism, and Rationality Presentation: Alvin Plantinga Alvin Plantinga is the John A. O'Brien Professor of Philosophy at the University of Notre Dame. One of the most important living philosophers of religion, he is credited with helping revive Christian philosophy. Acclaimed for his work on metaphysics, the problem of evil, and the epistemology of religious belief, he is the author or editor of many books, including God and Other Minds, The Nature of Necessity, Faith and Rationality, and a major trilogy on "Warrant" whi...
Bellingham Lectures in Philosophy and Religion - Guest Lecturer Alvin Plantinga argues (1) that contemporary evolutionary theory is not incompatible with theistic belief, (2) that the main antitheistic arguments involving evolution together with other premises also fail, and (3) that naturalism, the thought that there is no such thing as the God of theistic religion or anything like him, is an essential element in the naturalistic worldview (a sort of quasi-religion in the sense that it plays some of the most important roles of religion) and that the naturalistic worldview is in fact incompatible with evolution. Hence there is a science/religion (or science/quasi-religion) conflict, all right, but it is a conflict between naturalism and science, not theistic religion and science.
Part of the Atheist Debates Patreon project: http://www.patreon.com/AtheistDebates Blake Giunta drove down from Dallas to engage in a debate review of our recent debate and this discussion about methodological naturalism...and what other methods one might use to reach a reasonable understanding of reality.
In this lecture, Dr. Richard Carrier quickly surveys the history of major religions, and lays out a collection of logical arguments for why science and history support naturalism, and disprove the god hypothesis. See below for additional resources. Part 2: Q&A; (interesting questions, which I cut from this video for time purposes): https://youtu.be/79UAYyMYk7I?t=46m50s The Case Against Christianity (playlist): https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLf113iNh-64ba5FppqyEFnuJLf3UY5tDR Good articles by Richard Carrier: Why I am Not a Christian: http://infidels.org/library/modern/richard_carrier/whynotchristian.html Why I Don't Buy the Resurrection Story: http://infidels.org/library/modern/richard_carrier/resurrection/lecture.html and books: http://www.amazon.com/Richard-Carrier/e/B001K8LY...
For more on the Religious Freedom Project, visit: http://berkleycenter.georgetown.edu/rfp For more on the Berkley Center, visit: http://berkleycenter.georgetown.edu January 7, 2012 | Standing Seminar: Theism, Naturalism, and Rationality Alvin Plantinga is the John A. O'Brien Professor of Philosophy at the University of Notre Dame. One of the most important living philosophers of religion, he is credited with helping revive Christian philosophy. Acclaimed for his work on metaphysics, the problem of evil, and the epistemology of religious belief, he is the author or editor of many books, including God and Other Minds, The Nature of Necessity, Faith and Rationality, and a major trilogy on "Warrant" which argues, among many other things, that belief in God is "properly basic." Ernest Sosa i...
Naturalism or Christian Theism? Where does the evidence point? Arguing that the total evidence points toward Naturalism is Jeffery Jay Lowder of SecularOutpost.Infidels.org Arguing that the total evidence points toward Christian Theism is Kevin Vandergriff of ApologeticsInTheChurch.com Doubtcast.org
Rev. Michael Dowd presents a guest sermon in 2014, grounded in religious naturalism, as a call to climate activism. Table of contents: 00:02 "Big History as the Great Story — and why that matters in a warming world" 01:01 "The biblical creation story is no longer our sacred story; big history is." 02:03 Point 1: "We are a lot older, bigger, more related, and less central than we've been led to believe." 06:04 What is the role of the human? 08:34 Point 2: "We will either come into an honorable relationship with reality, nature, and time — or we will go extinct." 10:59 "Religions are failing in their fundamental task, which is to help us live in right relationship to reality." 11:32 "All gods and goddesses were personifications, not persons." 12:08 VIDEO: "Nature Is Speaking" by Cons...
Thanks to the generosity of Howard and Roberta Ahmanson, Biola hosted Dr. Plantinga for a special philosophy lecture and Q&A; open to all. Since 1982, Dr. Alvin Plantinga was the John A. O'Brian Professor of Philosophy at the University of Notre Dame until his retirement this year in May. Over his long and seasoned career, Dr. Plantinga has taught or lectured at Calvin College, Yale University, Harvard University, Boston University, Syracuse University and several other colleges and universities. He has authored or edited over a dozen books in philosophy, and several dozen more in top-tiered philosophy publications in the U.S. and in the U.K. Cosponsored with Biola's graduate and undergraduate philosophy departments and Talbot's Philosophical Society.
00:36 table of contents of Loyal Rue’s “Nature is Enough” is shown onscreen 01:00 CB: subsection of book to discuss: “The Promise of Religious Naturalism” 01:33 quotes from Rue’s book “Everybody’s Story” read aloud by Michael and Loyal 03:20 CB & LR: the “epic of cosmogenesis” as the compelling aspect of religious naturalism 05:28 LR: religious naturalism will prevail if environmental overshoot and societal collapse ensue 06:45 CB: that’s the “personal wholeness” side of “naturalizing religion and sacralizing nature” 07:26 MD: no need for everyone to become a religious naturalist; religions must re-sacralize nature 08:04 MD: cites Bron Taylor and his book “Dark Green Religion” 08:34 MD: agrees with Loyal that overshoot, societal collapse, and human die-off is likely 09:16 MD: the mechanist...