Train services hit as north Andhra goes without power for 10 hours

Edit The Hindu 25 Apr 2016
Visakhapatnam city and parts of Vizianagaram and Srikakulam districts went without power for over 10 hours on Sunday. Following the tripping of a 220 kv capacity voltage transformer (CVT) at the Kalapaka substation in Visakhapatnam around 4 a.m., power supply was disrupted in entire Visakhapatnam city and in parts of the two districts....

Solar power plant work at brisk pace

Edit The Hindu 25 Apr 2016
Visakhapatnam Port Trust is ahead of other major ports in launching green initiatives to drastically cut down carbon footprint by commencing work at brisk pace to commission 10 MW solar power energy by June ... The Centre has the target to produce 135 MW solar power at eight major ports and 50 MW of wind energy by 2020 ... VPT’s power plant is coming up in 50 acres allotted near Visakhapatnam International Airport....

Power Outage - Planned (City and Borough of Wrangell, AK)

Edit Public Technologies 25 Apr 2016
(Source ... Wrangell Municipal Light & Power has scheduled a planned power outage for ... Outage is being held for a New Power Pole ... http.//

Technology put to best use

Edit The Hindu 25 Apr 2016
For the first time in both Telangana and Andhra Pradesh, such an experiment was taken up by Energy Services Company (ESCo) – an organisation floated by Power Grid Corporation, Power Finance Corporation and Rural Electrification Corporation – which is extending the service in the name of Energy Efficiency Services Limited (EESL) to Nawabpet, which was adopted by Collector D....

Remote-controlled streetlights!

Edit The Hindu 25 Apr 2016
For the first time in both Telangana and Andhra Pradesh, such an experiment was taken up by Energy Services Company (ESCo) – an organisation floated by Power Grid Corporation, Power Finance Corporation and Rural Electrification Corporation – which is extending the service in the name of Energy Efficiency Services Limited (EESL) to Nawabpet, which was adopted by Collector D....

Everything you need, everything networked - the radically new hydraulic power unit for machine tools (Bosch Rexroth AG)

Edit Public Technologies 25 Apr 2016
The new small power unit CytroPac from Rexroth shows how small the installation space is that is required by modern hydraulic solutions. Rexroth integrates hydraulic components with a frequency converter, motor, pump and sensorics in one housing to form a cabinet-free power unit ... CytroPac covers the power range up to 4 kW and flows up to 35 l/min ... The small power unit features protection class IP 54....

Solar-powered aircraft lands in Silicon Valley

Edit IT World 25 Apr 2016
Solar Impulse 2, a solar-powered aircraft that's circumnavigating the globe without using a single drop of fuel, arrived in Silicon Valley on Saturday evening....

China's Xi Jinping: Reformer in disguise?

Edit CNN 25 Apr 2016
Three years into his expected decade-long reign, Xi -- who also heads the ruling Communist Party and the two-million-strong People's Liberation Army -- has amassed more power than almost any other post-Mao Chinese leader. Xi sits atop a growing number of self-created "leading small groups," powerful committees that oversee all matters of the state ranging from national security, economic reform to internet control....

Jason Spezza, Stars fight off Minnesota to advance

Edit San Francisco Chronicle 25 Apr 2016
Jared Spuregon scored two of Minnesota’s four third-period goals, both on the power play, and the Wild came within a fraction of an inch of tying the game with 34 seconds remaining when Nino Niederreiter whacked at a loose puck in the crease....

An economist explains what's really going on in 'Game of Thrones'

Edit Business Insider 25 Apr 2016
That's especially important, he says, because the Lannisters secure their status as the most powerful family in the land through their enormous wealth. And they build that enormous wealth through credit with the Iron Bank, an institution so powerful its loans can shift the direction of war and history. Like the United States and other real-world superpowers, the Lannisters rely on excellent credit to invest in expanding their power....

Game of Thrones: How Old Is Melisandre?

Edit Vanity Fair 25 Apr 2016
Prince's Life in Photos. Prince’s "Tough" Interview and the Power of Mystique ... Powered by Zergnet ... ....

APEPDCL achieves lowest T & D losses

Edit The Hindu 25 Apr 2016
Andhra Pradesh Eastern Power Distribution Company Limited (APEPDCL) has broken its own record to top the chart for the lowest transmission and distribution losses in the country for the third second consecutive year ... Following the power reforms, The Discom was formed in 2000-2001 ... The introduction of Restructured–Accelerated Power ......