Anti-fascist demonstration – Thursday 19 April

On Thursday 19th April, Mountford Hall is playing host to a live debate amongst all of the prospective candidates for Liverpool’s first directly elected mayor. This includes the three fascist candidates for the British National Party, English Democrats and National Front.

Liverpool Antifascists are calling for a demonstration at this event as a show of the city’s opposition to the divisive politics of racism and fascism.

There can be no doubt that Liverpool is suffering at the hands of the present government, wilfully enabled by the City Council. From austerity to workfare, class warfare is being waged against us on nearly every front, and Liverpool Antifascists is proud to say its members are fully involved in the various struggles against these policies.

However, the far-right have no answer to these attacks. Instead, they offer us division – telling us that different sections of the working class are to blame because of their ethnicity, religion or country of origin. Whilst the people of Liverpool wage a real fightback with strikes, pickets and demonstrations, all they can do is wave flags and point to scapegoats. National Front candidate Peter Tierney even wants us to whitewash this city’s history and heritage by abolishing the Slavery Museum!

We know where this kind of politics leads. The Liverpool Irish community saw it in February when a parade into the City Centre was turned back by a mob of fascists shouting “IRA scum.” In the City Centre, ethnic minority Big Issue sellers have been attacked with spray paint by racist thugs. In Childwall, only yesterday, a sign saying Welcome to Gatacre was graffitied with the slogan “n*ggers not wanted.” If the far-right get a foothold in these elections, such hate will only escalate.

Liverpool Antifascists call on all anti-racists and anti-fascists to join us outside the mayoral debates. Bring banners, flags and signs. Make your voice heard, and show the world that fascism is not welcome in this city.

Anti-fascist Demonstration at the Liverpool Mayoral Debates
Thursday 19 April, 5pm-8pm
Mountford Hall, Liverpool Guild of Students, 160 Mount Pleasant, Liverpool, L3 5TR

RSVP on Facebook here.

One Response to “Anti-fascist demonstration – Thursday 19 April”
  1. Gerry Doyle says:

    Just thought I’d point out that the 3 nazi candidates haven’t in fact been invited to take part in the debate and won’t be on the stage next Thursday.

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