Sunday 12 March 2017


Lockerbie decision will be 'rewarded' by trade deals, say Libyan officials

Senior Libyan officials have said the British decision to release the Lockerbie bomber Abdul Basset al-Megrahi was a humanitarian gesture to be "rewarded" by trade deals.

Lockerbie decision will be 'rewarded' by trade deals, say Libyan officials
Abdelbaset Ali Mohmed al Megrahi arrives in Libya Photo: AP

Colonel Muammar Gaddafi's regime signalled deep anger with America last week and said it had harmed its position in the oil-rich African dictatorship with criticism of the Scottish government's decision to release Megrahi after his prostate cancer condition worsened.

"This is a brave and courageous decision by the British, which showed its understanding of Libyan culture by allowing a sick man to be at home when he dies," said Abdul Majeed al-Dursi, the regime's chief spokesman.

"It showed the relations between Britain and Libya are strong and deep and have developed on firm foundations since our agreement. We in Libya appreciate this and Britain will find it is rewarded."

The Libyan pleasure with Britain has not been dented by Gordon Brown's comment that he was "repulsed" by the joyous reception Megrahi received on his return to Tripoli. Hundreds of people lined the tarmac of Tripoli's airport to cheer him.

"The Americans are wrong to say this is a celebration of terrorism," said Mr Dursi. "Libya is not like the West - if anyone comes out of prison his family will welcome him and share his suffering. The people on the tarmac were from Megrahi's family and tribe. It is a big tribe and honour dictates that they would travel to receive him.

"Britain appreciates this but we are very perplexed by the Americans who have dredged up the wounds of the past."

Libya broadcast pictures of Megrahi stepping out of an official aircraft with his hand held high by Col Gaddafi's son, Saif al-Islam, after the bomber was freed from a Glasgow prison last month. The American outcry was compounded when a snapshot from the scene was included among the achievements of the regime at its 40th anniversary celebrations on Tuesday.

A leading official in Tripoli confirmed last week that the Libyans had discussed the implications of Megrahi, who served eight years of a life sentence for planting the bomb on a PanAm flight that killed 270 people, dying in prison with British representatives.

He said Libya wanted to reverse the Scottish court verdict because it was based on intelligence findings as suspect as those that concluded that Iraq possessed weapons of mass destruction, which triggered the war to overthrow Saddam Hussein but later proved to be false.

"Britain has learned the lessons of these bad intelligence reports but America has not," he said. "We even attempted to prove a negative by demonstrating this attack was far beyond the capabilities of Libyan intelligence.

"We said to Britain this is a very important matter. If Abdul Basset had died in Scotland there would have been very deep anger in Libya," he said. "How in those circumstances could we justify more deals with British companies in oil and other trade?"

British involvement with Libya has boomed since MI6 forged an arrangement to bring the terrorism tainted state in from the cold in 2003 by giving up its secret nuclear programme to the West. British exports have risen by 48 per cent this year alone and BP is investing $1 billion in oil exploration.

Royal Dutch Shell and British Gas have also signed accords with Libya.

Despite disappointing results – few of the companies that have drilled in the country since 2003 have struck significant deposits – there is fierce competition to be included in forthcoming deals.

A Libyan oil industry official said Britain was in pole position to secure contracts. Libya's National Oil Company has trumpeted a meeting late last year between Sir Vincent Fean, the British ambassador and Shokri Ghanem, its powerful chairman.

"This summit between Sir Vincent and the chairman was unique and unprecedented," the official said. "The meeting went very well and no other ambassador has had such detailed discussions. It is a good indication."

A senior American in Tripoli conceded last week that relations with Libya had been set back by an avalanche of angry comments from the White House and leading US diplomats. Susan Rice, the US ambassador to the United Nations, warned Col Gaddafi against speaking "recklessly" about Megrahi's release during his first visit to America later this month. "Things had been going quite well before this but have got messed up," he said.

Libya is chairing the UN General Assembly this year and Col Gaddafi is due to make his address after President Barack Obama. Ms Rice has led efforts to persuade the Libyan leader's closest aide, Nuri al-Mismari that Col Gaddafi's remarks should not further inflame US sensitivities.

Frank Lautenberg, an American senator, has threatened to use Congressional subpoena powers to investigate allegations that the release of Megrahi was directly tied to British commercial interests in Libya. Mr Brown and the foreign secretary, David Miliband, have categorically denied that a direct understanding on trade deals formed the basis of the decision.

The Libyan official said he would not dispute the assessment that Libya had warned Bill Rammell, a Foreign Office minister, that Megrahi's release was a diplomatic priority for Tripoli. He said: "We had a strong imperative to show that AbdulBasset had come home and celebrate it at our anniversary celebrations."

Oil industry experts believe Libya, which is struggling to boost its production above 1.7 million barrels per day, needs British and American oil firms to secure the investment boom unleashed in the dilapidated country since 2003.

"I tend to think that this will blow over," said Samuel Ciszuk, an energy analyst at IHS Global Insight. "Everyone knew it was one of the most politicised places to do business."

Libyan officials have recognised the power of large overseas investments in international relations. The Libyan Investment Authority, which claims to have $100 billion to dispense, has recently opened an office in London and is promising "big deals" in the UK economy.


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